Get Caught Reading — The Sign of the Ape 4 (2016 Rerun Conclusion)

Atonement bookshelf

Image courtesy of Chris Graham

     Welcome, one and all — to this re-run of last year’s Get Caught Reading mini-series.  Without further ado, here’s the conclusion!


It’s been fun participating in Get Caught Reading Month.  I hope my zany and bizarre story encouraged people of all ages to read.  Last week my real-world schedule caused me to put blogging on the shelf.  But look what grand company I had, thanks to Chris Graham!  

When we left our heroes…

As many of you know, a few elite bloggers (and their pets) banded together with one quest — catch the Story Reading Ape reading.  During the first chapter, I found a shimmering airship outside my window.  The pilot looked suspiciously like Cornelis Drebbel.  Before I knew it, I was in Time Square beginning a chase to “catch” the Story Reading Ape in the act of reading.

In Chapter 2  Suzanne from A Pug in the Kitchen and I met a number of author-bloggers (and their pets) who joined the quest to catch the illusive Ape. Mary J. McCoy-Dressel , Christoph Fischer, John W. Howell, and blogger Dan Antion.

Then last time a new duo was added to the intrepid band of bloggers –  Hugh Roberts and adorable Toby.  But to the astonishment of our intrepid band, everyone became anime characters when Cornelis Drebbel’s alchemy went wrong.  Now for the conclusion of The Sign of the Ape.

Sign of the Ape 4

Ape London Atonement

Image courtesy of Chris Graham

Toby barked frantically at the pavement and scratched at it with his little paws.  Doubtless, the dog could hear  John W. Howell, Dan Antion, and their pets in the tunnel beneath the street.  Finally, Hugh couldn’t take seeing the Corgi so upset. He jumped back onto the big construction loader and started digging a hole in the road — much to the dismay of the drivers in the area.

Annette Abens Cats

My phone buzzed at me.  When I answered, I was greeted with a loud chorus of meowing from  Annette Rochelle Aben’s cats.  I couldn’t make heads or tails of it.  And yes, that did remind me of the fuzzy ears and long tail that came with the anime version of me.  I shot Cornelis Drebbel a nasty look and muttered that I’d get him for it.  Then a second call got patched onto the meow-wow.  The four naughty chimps  translated for Annette’s kitties via text message.

“You’ve got to figure out how to get to London. The Story Reading Ape is there.  He left Tokyo before your airship even touched down!” came the message from the chimps.

London?  Well the chimps should know.  They were tight with the Ape.  But London?  I hadn’t figured out how to stop being an anime yet!  How could I possibly get to London?  I sure couldn’t go as an anime — and especially not in that horrid schoolgirl uniform!

Although I was rather shocked that  Mary J. McCoy-Dressel  and Suzanne DeBrango  seemed to take their cartoon situation in stride.  Their dogs, Kasha and Percy, didn’t seem to think it was worth barking about.  Maybe I would feel differently if I were a beautiful goddess or a cute giant-robot-driving future girl, I thought.  I steamed and stewed… I’d never forgive Cornelis for putting me in such an outfit.

Toby reading Hugh
Toby caught reading

Toby gave an excited yip and Hugh turned off the loader.  Once again I heard that crazy, funky guitar music of the original James Bond theme.  Then a sports car roared up through the big hole dug by the construction loader.

Atonement Hot Rod
Thanks again Chris!

John W. Howell  and Dan Antion, along with dogs Lucy and Maddie, and MiMi the tuxedo cat were in the sports car.  Oddly I could have sworn I saw the Boxer, Lucy driving the car.  But who am I to say that was strange. After all, I was an anime schoolgirl with cat ears and a tail…

Lucy close up_John
Lucy, who owns John W. Howell

I could see Dan wave from the back seat that everyone in the car was okay.  John leaned out of the passenger window.  He had a weird looking guitar.  I asked where he got it.

Maddie who owns Dan Antion


MiMi reading_Dan
MiMi caught reading







“A strange taxi driver with bushy eyebrows gave this guitar to me,” John told me.  “But no matter what notes I strum, it will only play that James Bond theme,” he added and played the chorus to demonstrate.

However, the music abruptly changed to the Goldfinger theme.  Glittering clouds of golden dust formed in the sky.  John put down the guitar, but it continued to play.  The golden dust settled on everyone (and every pet) who had become anime.

I felt my stomach expand and contract like the beginning of a very unfortunate gastritis attack.  The most embarrassingly loud belch escaped my lips.  However, everyone else produced similar burps, so I was a little less mortified.  We were anime no longer, but the dratted costumes remained.  I muttered a new curse to Cornelis Drebbel about my uniform.

“Thank heavens you’re a redhead again,” John Howell commented.  “The raven locks were nice, but it just wasn’t right.”Animated Teagan book

Then with sharp popping sounds, one by one, my friends began to disappear. Frightened beyond reason, I screamed at the alchemist for an explanation.

“My dear, do calm down,” he said in that droll voice.  “Everyone is perfectly safe.  I sent each of them directly to their homes,” the alchemist explained as I stammered and tried to ask why.  “Darling, remember it is Get Caught Reading Month.  May is almost over!  How can they read anything if they are trotting around the globe with you?  And you still haven’t finished “The Sign of the Four” for that matter,” he told me, adding a tsk-tsk sound for good measure.

Cornelis took my hand and suddenly we were inside the giant robot.  “I’ve always wanted to pilot one of these,” he confessed with a giggle.  “Next stop, London!”

As Cornelis flew the alchemically powered robot, I wandered, exploring the many nooks and crannies.  It was more spacious than I expected.  The sound of deeply pitched chuckling caused me to stop in my tracks.  I strained to hear.  It seemed to be only one voice, like someone talking on the phone.  Ever so carefully I moved closer.Naughty Chimps

“You four truly are naughty,” the voice rumbled.  “Sending all those bloggers on such a wild goose chase.  Although I must admit, a free ride back to London in a magical giant robot is a memorable adventure.  I will see you naughty rascals when I get home, but for now I have reading to catch up on.  I think Gwydion may have just gone too far for Ralda to forgive him.  I really must see what happens next in Atonement, Tennessee

With a silent gasp I realized the Story Reading Ape was hiding right under my nose!  I removed my cell phone from my skirt pocket and switched on the camera.  I crept around the corner… Gotcha!

Ape Caught with phone

As I checked the image, the spoils of my victory, my long tail swished in a self-satisfied rhythm.  

…Tail?  I looked behind myself.  The tail was still there…

“Cornelis Drebbel!”  I yelled.

Here ends The Sign of the Ape.


Thanks to all of you for tuning-in for this zany chase.  I’m glad you were “caught reading” here at Teagan’s Books.  As you know, this is a workday, so I might be delayed in answering comments.

Special thanks to all the bloggers who participated in this madcap adventure — and to their pets as well!


GCR pets

The Sign of the Ape, furry family cast

Row 1:  Percy, Crystal, Lucy, Kasha

Row 2:  Claudius, Oh Kitty, and Sweeney, and Toby

Row 3:  Wilma, Greta, Maddie, MiMi


Copyright © 2016 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved.

No part of this work may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or from Pinterest unless stated otherwise.

Special mention to Christopher Graham for the marvelous “Atonement, Tennessee” images.

96 thoughts on “Get Caught Reading — The Sign of the Ape 4 (2016 Rerun Conclusion)

  1. The very next time I read a blog, Hopefully it won’t fail me as much as this particular one. After all, Yes, it was my choice to read through, but I actually thought you would have something interesting to talk about. All I hear is a bunch of complaining about something that you can fix if you weren’t too busy searching for attention.


  2. I LOVED this and the dancing chimps are absolutely priceless….When you come to London we will go for a ride on an open top double decker….some of them serve tea with scones, jam and Devonshire clotted cream 🙂 On that day the hummers will be surely with us Sending huge hugs…and hoping you are enjoying a lovely and creative Memorial Day weekend…Janet xxx


    1. LOL. I’m tickled that you enjoyed the tale of the tail, Christy. 😀 I wouldn’t want one permanently — revolving doors become devilish tricky, and I kept knocking everything off the coffee table… Mega hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Tee-hee! The ears and tail might actually have been useful. But I totally cringe at the idea of the school uniform! It was actually a little hard for me to write that. 😀
      Thank you Kirt. It’s always great to hear from you. Mega hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. MiMi re-read this today and reminded me that she should be allowed to go for a car ride that doesn’t end at the Vet’s office and doesn’t require her to be in a carrier. She says she’s read about apes that have kitties for pets and she thinks it might be fun to travel with an ape. I, on the other hand, having read the John Cannon series, am a little concerned about getting in a car with John Howell…just sayin.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. LOL! Dan, I really did laugh out loud. I hope it has not been a bad influence on Maddie or MiMi. (I learned when young, that kitties loose in a car is a bad idea. 🙂 )
      I really appreciate you re-visiting this series. Enjoy the rest of Get Caught Reading Month. Mega hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

        1. I once had a cat who loved to get in suitcases. He was actually the one I meant about not letting kitties loose in a car. I was very young, and lived a commute from the city (I say in my defense), anyhow I was bringing him home (as a small kitten) for the first time. He was so little, I foolishly thought i could control him (and no one had a box). The little rascal was all over the car, exploring. Then he got under the brake pedal. The car in front of me stopped suddenly. I couldn’t hit my brakes without squashing him… Fortunately there was a grassy shoulder, because I ran off the road.
          Cats + car = kennel cab! 🐱

          Liked by 1 person

          1. That would be a scary situation! I brought our first cat home from where I found him, without a box. He was so scared, he sat on my shoulder the whole way. These days, the cats are in boxes and Maddie is tethered on the back seat, although she seems to be able to slip out of that harness whenever she wants to.

            Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Inese. It’s so kind of you to visit this story too. I’m glad you enjoyed the silly fun. I’m glad to know that long tail is good for more than being a hazard in a room full of rocking chairs. 😉 Mega hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Christoph. It was great to have you and the doggies aboard. I’ll relay your compliment to Chris Graham on his dancing chimps. Congrats again on so many things, the new pup, the great reviews, and the audio book! Woot!
      TGIF indeed!!! Happy weekend hugs! ⭐

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh, by golly, that was so much fun! Kasha and I are relaxing after the chase. We wouldn’t mind another trip in the future. I sure hope you got rid of that tail because it’s really hard to start a new job with a tail. Have a fabulous weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This was so thoroughly entertaining Teag. You are such a wonderful creative.
    And sometimes the things we’re looking for are often under our noses. And what a stellar cast! ❤ xoxo
    Hope you're catching a breather here and there. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Glorious ending, or beginning, or always, Teagan. While I was sorry to see it end, I was happy that it happened. Thank you! Enjoyed all the lovely bloggers, the story, and of course, the fur babies!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Donna, you are so kind. I hope I could introduce you to some new places to “get caught reading.” Thanks for your unfailing encouragement. Wishing you weekend free of stress and filled with wonder instead. Mega hugs!


          1. Catherine, I had to chuckle. My own phone has started doing that to me with “Reagan”! It never used to have a problem with my name. Oh the betrayal of smart phones being stupid!!!! 😀
            Thanks so much for visiting. Mega hugs!


  7. A wonderful mini-series, Teagan. So glad you managed to capture The Ape. But that tail? On my, I hope you don’t start chasing it like Toby does with his.
    Thank you very much for including us both. We are very honoured. Now we’re off to buy another big construction loader.
    Wednesday hugs to you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL, I thought you might enjoy that loader, Hugh. 😀 I keep hoping the tail is just a temporary side effect of alchemy… But Cornelis Drebbel hasn’t dared show his face since. 😉
      Thanks for being part of the madcap fun. Mega mid-week hugs right back.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. You have me in stitches Teagan, a tail. OMG, wow loved this it was such a fun romp and both Percy and I are ever so thankful to have been a part. Thank you!! That eliusive ape was there right under our noses and as my Mom would say if it was a snake it would have bit me. This was so much fun!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL! Hi Annette. Thank you, my friend, for letting me know about Get Caught Reading Month! I’m glad you were a part of this adventure. The Ape is a true and valued friend to so many of us, I rather think he let me catch him, because he’s such a kind soul. 🙂 What to do, now that this tale has left me with a tail…? Mega hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hugs and the cats send you kitty kisses. Søren say’s you need “More cow bell!” and Beaker says “Hello!” (“Good morning Beaker Beaker” and “Hello” are pretty much the extent of Beaker’s vocabulary). Everyday should be Funday 🙂


  9. Bravo, Teagan. What a delightful adventure. You are so creative and it was an honor to be part of this adventure. You are right, Lucy owns me and I do whatever she says. Thanks again for the fun. HUGS

    Liked by 1 person

  10. What an entertaining ending. I should read this to MiMi, she would love to be on such an adventure. The only downside is that the Goldfinger theme is stuck in my head at th emoment. I’m hoping that passes magically into John’s head. Sorry about the tail, Teagan, but at least you got your red head back 🙂

    Great job! Thanks for taking us along.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL. Dan, what you said about the Goldfinger theme is hysterical. 😀 Sorry about the brain-worm (song).
      I really meant to do more episodes — London and the Statue of Liberty… But I just couldn’t keep the pace. So I’m relieved for you to say the ending was entertaining. I feared I chopped it off to obviously.
      Here’s to no more phone problems for the rest of the week and weekend (even if you did make a great post from them). Thanks for being part of this wacky tale. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Why thank you Olga — that is such a lovely thing to say. 🙂 I’m beginning to feel that if I ever get back to Atonement in Bloom it will be a miracle…. Time, time, time.. I hope everything is going well for you, and that you get to relax and enjoy Spain some. Huge hugs.


  11. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    It has been a great Get Caught Reading Month and this is down to the incredible exposure given to the concept by bloggers such as Teagan Geneviene.. Here is the finale of her terrific mid-week series.. with a cast of thousands including fur-babies – on the hunt for the elusive….Story Reading Ape.. here is the finale.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL, Kathryn, I’m afraid that tail might “follow me around” for a while. 🐱
      I know I chopped off the story — I planned to do an episode in London, and then one back at the Statue of Liberty (another lovely image Chris did). So I’m glad you were pleased with the ending. Mega hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

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