Vintage Vignettes: Announcing The Delta Pearl duology

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Image collage by Teagan
Image collage by Teagan

All aboard!

My steampunk duology, “The Delta Pearl,” is now at the dock.  Mystery and adventure await you.

Also, the books are at a minimal introductory price through this holiday weekend only.

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This post is more than an announcement for my steampunk duology. It’s also my weekend Vintage Vignette.  Steampunk as a book genre has settings, ascetics, and a level of technology that is in keeping with the Victorian and Steam Eras.  Its stories typically include misfit characters, and it’s not unusual to find some clockwork this or that.

If you’re wondering about the “punk” part of the word, a couple of times I’ve run a post in which I wrote about the various forms.  Click here for The Punk of Punk

The vintage part of this post is a little beyond vintage — the Victorian Era.  The story is peppered with real technology of the past.  One item you’ll find is a tempest prognosticator, also called a leech barometer.  Yes…(cringe and shudder) it uses leeches.  In 2019 when The Delta Pearl was a serial, the item was a “random reader thing” suggested by Resa McConaghy at Graffiti Lux Art & More.

Tempest Prognosticator 1851, Photo by Dave Badobadop at Wikipedia
Tempest Prognosticator 1851, Wikipedia

I’ll let my character, the shy young inventor, Dr. Victor T. Elam explain how it works in the vignette below.  Before this scene we are reminded that the mysterious riverboat is strongly affected by the proximity of any sort of line of demarcation or border.  Also, an important part of the innerworkings of the vessel has been vandalized.  Captain Cecil Perlog and Émeraude are attending the inventor’s presentation about the contraption.  Now to Victor.

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Snippet — Tempest Prognosticator

Vernon Lee by John Singer Sargent 1881
Vernon Lee (as Victor) by John Singer Sargent 1881, Wikipedia

“A tempest prognosticator uses leeches in a barometer,” Victor began nervously.  “We have a dozen leeches in these little bottles,” he explained, indicating squirmy movement inside the apparatus.  “As you can see, our leeches are quite agitated.”

Although I tried to keep a pleasant face, I couldn’t help cringing at the leeches.  So, I tried to focus on the beauty of the elaborately decorated piece.

A dozen glass bottles were arranged in a circle beneath a large bell.  Each little bottle was filled with rain water ― and of course, a leech.  These bottles were topped with small metal tubes, which contained a piece of whalebone and a wire.  That way, they were connected to small hammers positioned to strike the bell.

“As each leech becomes agitated by the electromagnetic state of a stormy atmosphere, it ascends, trying to escape,” Victor explained.

I watched in fascination as the restless leeches squirmed upward.  As one reached the top of its bottle, it triggered the bell.  A moment later a second leech did the same.

“Since the leeches react independently, I like to call them a jury of weather councilors,” the inventor joked, although he received scarcely a chuckle in return.  “They seem to be in agreement with one another, despite the lack of a cloud in the sky.  Perhaps it’s a bit of worm chicanery,” he added a trifle awkwardly after the first failed joke.

“No clouds,” the Captain began in a whisper only I could hear.  “But despite the slow current, we’re drawing close to the border.  The Delta Pearl is a lot more upset than usual.”

“We’ve made this trip many times with no problems,” I said into his ear.  “But this time we were a good ways from any boundary when we started having,” I hesitated, searching for the right word.  “Disturbances?  You know, those odd shifts and ‘bumps’ in the river?  Is that the Delta Pearl having a strong reaction to the border?  But why?”

Robbie Coltrane as Cecil Perlog, aka The Captain
Robbie Coltrane (as Cecil Perlog, aka The Captain) Wikipedia

Captain Cecil Perlog met my gaze levelly.  Watching his changing expression was disconcerting.  His light blue eyes were bright with intensity.  Yet as he looked at me, they filled with kindness.

However, the kindness in his expression changed to something I had never seen there.  Worry.

My eyes widened.  If the Captain was worried, then I was frightened.  When I started to speak again, he made a quiet shushing sound.  He motioned toward Victor, who was still speaking.

“There are secret things about the Delta Pearl that we can’t comprehend.  This is not the time or place for such a conversation,” the Captain muttered.

The bell started to ring repeatedly.  The repulsive worms were indeed agitated.  Victor drew back in surprise at their commotion.  The inventor cleared his throat again, and then stuttered something unintelligible.

The Captain stepped in and discretely ended the young doctor’s presentation, before anyone could get too worried about all the bell-ringing leeches.

End of vignette

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Thanks for spending part of your weekend here.  Friendly comments are encouraged.  Questions about The Delta Pearl are welcome too.  Hugs!

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The Delta Pearl

The duology includes The Delta Pearl: A Steampunk Riverboat, and the conclusion of the story, The Geostrophic Pearl: The Delta Pearl Book 2.

Art by Dorine Gratiana. Cover design by Teagan

The books are available in Kindle or paperback form.  Also, Amazon offers free readers to allow you to read Kindle books on your device of choice.  Including android.

Universal Purchase Links

Series Link:

Kindle and Paperback:

The Delta Pearl: A Steampunk Riverboat, Book 1



The Geostrophic Pearl:  The Delta Pearl Book 2



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No part of this work may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author, or used with permission, or from free sources.

Copyright © 2016 and 2024 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved.

40 thoughts on “Vintage Vignettes: Announcing The Delta Pearl duology

    1. It was a big part of my life for a long time, Teri. Getting it ready for publication turned into an ordeal, but I’m happy she finally set sail. I’m grateful for all the time you spent here catching up. I hope tomorrow is a lovely Father’s Day for your family. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Sharukh. I can see where it would get confusing. You are correct that this vignette (in the weekend post) is a snippet from the book.

      However, in my Wednesday post this week, I wrote a new short story (with the main character) and that is NOT in the books.

      Haha, I loved Pirates of the Caribbean. Maybe the books would remind people of it somehow — and if they do, that’s fine and doesn’t bother me. However, I don’t see it as similar myself. The Delta Pearl is very… posh. It’s opulent. There are also clockwork animals. And the riverboat herself is basically a character too.

      I’ve been rather out of sorts, and have had unexpected household tasks to take care of for the past several days. So I’m trying to catch up on blogging now. Have a good week. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, David. Although this is an old one which is now in book(s) form. This spring, I resigned from writing serials because too often they attracted comments that were triggering for me. Have a good new week. Hugs.


  1. Teagan, I loved the fact you linked back to that earlier post on all things “Punk.” I have been more and more interested in theatrical movies set in the Steampunk era, and that post had some great information. I was a big fan of The Nevers during its short run on HBO as well, and I do keep an eye out for future Steampunk (and Atompunk!) projects.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Bruce. I’m glad to hear that you checked out my old post. I also added a link to an article about recent steampunk, in a reply to Tim Price. Just scroll down.
      I’m not familiar with The Nevers (but I think it was mentioned in that article), but then, it’s been a decade since I had cable TV. Maybe I can find it somewhere. Wishing you a great new week. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much for spending time here, Robbie. I believe the Van Gogh museum was one of the places you mentioned you particularly wanted to see, so I hope it’s a great outing. Thanks for your support of the Delta Pearl, then and now. Hugs.


  2. It’s a beautifully constructed contraption. Leeches seem to have fallen out of favor these days, thank goodness. They certainly add to the ominous tone of this episode though. (K)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello Teagn,

    I remember being thrilled with the idea of contributing to your serials. I also recall suggesting this insane contraption to you. I’m honoured that you made such good use if it.

    The Delta Pearl was a wonderful serial, and I look forward to reading the books!

    Hope you are having a relaxing long weekend!

    Prognostication: Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! That’s a great prognostication, Resa. Thanks for making me smile.
      We have a blue sky with clouds (unusual period) that look like cotton batting when it’s pulled apart. A pleasing sight. A lovely weekend to you too. Hugs winging back to you.


  4. Leeches as part of a contraption??? I’ve learned something new today. Really neat how you include these items in your stories. Not only to add to the historical setting, but in a “hey, check out this amazing thing!” kind of way, too 🌞

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Very descriptive vignette, and it brought up many memories of the serial for me. I had forgotten about the leeches and now I’m eager to read the book version. Thanks, Teagan, and congratulations! Enjoy the holiday weekend and love to Daphne and Velma! Big hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Olga. Daphne and Velma have reminded me of Amethyst and Cal chasing the tiny clockwork scarab, the way they were tearing through the house and jumping on things to chase each other. 🐱 Hugs winging back to you.


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