NaNoWrimo – On Fire

hunger gamesYay!  This week I took leave from work for an entire week of “stay-cation.”  And i’m excited to say that I’ve been on WriMo fire!

So I couldn’t resist a new theme song for today.  I’m with The Doors again.  Can you guess which song?


Light My Fire

14 thoughts on “NaNoWrimo – On Fire

  1. One of my favorites, I love to “brisk walk” to it…so if only you could get in my OTHER favorite aerobic song (other than Rebel Yell), one that is my NaNo inspiration, something about a stairway to heaven…


    1. I always liked Stairway to Heaven [if that’s even what you meant], though I don’t exactly get inspired by it. But since I like it, how could I resist. I ran into this video that leaves out the heavy metal part. I rather enjoyed the imagery. Thought you might too.

      Many thanks for stopping to comment, PL. 🙂


    1. I’m happy that I could share a good tune with you David.

      I’m still a few days behind schedule. [The daily average word count would have to be 1,667.] However, I’ve made good progress today toward getting caught up, with more than 3,000 words. I’m not a quick writer, so that is a lot for me to write in a single day! [Even the 1,667 is more than I usually write in a day.] Hence the “on fire” comment.

      Hopefully you will someday be able to delight little Reuben with my wacky description of the Volkswagen bus in this story — the Electric Zucchini. 🙂

      Thanks very much for stopping to comment.



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