Pitchapalooza! Dead of Winter

While I was practicing my “pitching” I decided to quickly write a “Pitchapalooza!” entry for The Dead of Winter (along with the one I did for Atonement, Tennessee).  The contest begins with a random drawing, but I figured – what the heck.  I wasn’t any good at softball, but I hope I’m better at this kind of pitching.  Here goes…

Pitch:  The Dead of Winter

Emlyn is only twelve, but the fanatic Brethren think she’s a threat; an abomination.  Why?  Emlyn has a talent — she can see ghosts.

The Brethren took over her homeland, took away women’s rights, and forbade most learning.  All beliefs but theirs are heresy.  Emlyn’s family betrays her to the Brethren when she hears the supernatural warning, “Winter is coming!”

 Now Emlyn and her teacher are on the run.  They meet and join with travelers belonging to the Deae Matres – a society of intelligent women who seek out knowledge.

Emlyn visits new lands with customs that amaze her.  But it isn’t fun and games.  She has a dire task.  The entire world is at risk.  The Veil between the worlds of the living and dead has been torn apart by evil nightwalker, Arawn.  He seeks revenge on the Deae Matres for imprisoning him beyond the Veil, in the Realm of the Dead.

As the Veil deteriorates, chaos ensues when the dead cross into the living world.  Emlyn outruns the Brethren, but not Arawn.  She has to confront the nightwalker and restore the Veil.

This richly detailed “high” fantasy will appeal to fans of Ursula Le Guin and Terry Brooks.

21 thoughts on “Pitchapalooza! Dead of Winter

    1. That would be amazing, Teagan! 🙂
      I’ll have to keep checking but my ‘Like’ didn’t stay again, arrrgh, WordPress! (shakes fist at WordPress gods). 😉


      1. You’re so kind, Donna. I didn’t think to look at the like images, but I see them in my inbox. It truly is the thought that counts, and your good thoughts are giving me the strength to make it over this mid-week hump-day hump. Be well, be happy. 🙂


          1. LOL, well I do see your smiling face in the “likes.” You’re a treasure, Donna.
            I’m listening to Bob Proctor saying “You matter.” So i’ll say it to you. You matter. You matter to yourself and to others. Hugs.


            1. Ha, that’s awesome Teagan, I feel like with the busy week I’ve had I’d like to matter just a tiny bit less, but you made me smile and giggle. Thanks and who knows, maybe I’ll find time to do a post (no promises). 😉


  1. I don’t know much about pitching as I’m new to all of this but it sounds like this has great potential and it has some original elements that should appeal to readers of YA and general Fantasy. Good luck.


    1. That’s so kind of you Jack. I don’t know much about it either. Since I’m “indie” (self published) i haven’t tried to go any further with the pitch thing, and i didn’t get anywhere in that contest. But it was a good exercise, since i had not tried to write a pitch before.
      Your blog is impressive. I wouldn’t know you were “new to this.” Great big hug. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I started late last year around October, but I still feel like a newbie. I’m still not sure about the look and layout of my blog, but lately I’m just focussing on my writing. Thank you for visiting. I appreciate you taking the time to check it out.


  2. You have my vote and full attention. The excerpt grabbed me early. Bravo for you. I understand your vision for this and I believe it fits that style of presentation you have in mind. I can even hear the voices. ❤ ❤ ❤


    1. Why thank you Tess! I never got anywhere with that pitch contest, but linking to this post was a quick way to explain the book. Thank you for this feedback — It’s a complex, multi layered book, and i’m relieved to know that i was able to get the concept across in that amount of text.
      > And since i not only talk to myself — but answer myself too, I won’t joke about you “hearing the voices.” 😉 Love & hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Who wants to be stuck on a silly wall anyway? I wish i could have shared a scene from chapter 8. I feel it brings out several of the characters in one fell swoop. Unfortunately that also made it undesirable for a snippet — you’d be bombarded with all those character names at once. Yeah…(Sigh) it would really be cool to see this story in anime… Have a terrific Tuesday, Tess. ❤ 😀

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I hope you get there, Teagan. Can’t see any reason why you shouldn’t.
            Sometimes all you need to do is see things in small bytes first. Maybe that might help you see where you want the division? ❤ ❤ ❤


            1. That’s a good idea, Tess. It’s been a long time since i looked at DoW — and that distance will help too. But I have so many other books i want to finish first… Thanks for the encouragement. You know i always need it! 😀 ❤


    1. Glad you like the concept. It’s a world away from the original idea. For quite a while I tried to [mentally] pull together a story about a woman who saw spirits, and she was in our world. So The Dead of Winter is completely different.

      I’ve had fun letting the little heroine experience all sorts of new and amazing things in her journey. The story is not heavy handed with magic, but I have one character who can shape shift into a raven. It was fun to write a sequence from her point of view while in raven form.

      This is the one I’ve been working on for three years… Even elephants don’t gestate that long! I didn’t get much done on it this weekend. However, I have some hope of finishing by spring [as in vernal equinox, not meteorological].


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