#BadMoonRising is almost here! And My Cover Reveal

September 29, 2023
Sorry about the image. I gave up getting blasted WordPress to stop cropping it. Can you tell that I’m beyond frustrated after dealing with their utter crap on three images this morning? It’s no wonder I can’t finish writing anything.
It’s almost here!  Teri Polen’s October book festival, Bad Moon Rising.  
I’ll be there on October 19 with an all-new novella, “A Peril in the Bayou.”  I guess this is the cover reveal.

Click this link for Teri’s announcement post:
“A Peril in the Bayou” is the second volume in A Medium’s Peril Series, which began last October with “A Peril in Ectoplasm.”  However, understanding and enjoying one book does not depend on reading the other.

Universal Purchase links for

A Peril in Ectoplasm

Kindle:  relinks.me/B0BJ9N1GBX

Paperback:  relinks.me/B0BJBXGJ7L

That’s all for this week.  I really do plan to finish the Atonement blog series. But as you can probably tell by my rant with the first image, I’m not ready yet.


64 thoughts on “#BadMoonRising is almost here! And My Cover Reveal

    1. That image issue has been going on for months, Deborah. If I divide my post into multiple “blocks” and a gallery or slide show thing for each image, then it seems to do okay, but that doesn’t work for me. Not the way I format posts. I don’t expect them to resolve this — unless they do so by mistake. Which is easily possible with them! Thanks for your comment. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Congratulations, Teagan! You are a prolific writer, wonderful.
    Love the cover! of “A Peril in the Bayou”.
    So, is the book cover of Teri’s book in what is the “Post Header”?
    I see your book cover is perfect.
    Headers are ratio particular, which is why they crop off.
    I do a lot of finagling with mine to make them fit properly, if I have not captured a pic within the ratio confines of the Theme am using.
    There are blog headers, and post headers.
    “The Teagan Zone” is the blog header.
    Anyway, just a thought.
    Sending hugs!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m looking forward to this, Teagan. The cover is definitely doing its job, it’s beautiful I also love the Creedence song. I totally enjoyed Peril in Ectoplasm, so I can’t wait for this one to land.

    Sorry about the ongoing issues with WordPress they aren’t making life easy these days.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m really burned out with WP, Dan… so thanks even more for your encouragement.
      The different setting for A Peril in the Bayou makes it seem to me like such a different story. I’ve tried to be true to the characters and how they would react. I hope I achieved that. Albert and Phineas get a little more to do this time. Thanks for reading and commenting. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Great news! (Despite the WordPress pain!) I love a Peril in Ectoplasm and I’m looking forward to this one. Great story and I loved the characters as well. Looking forward to it. Oh, and what a gorgeous cover! Congratulations, Teagan!

    Liked by 1 person

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