Thriving Thursdays: What Scares You?

Thriving Thursdays: What Scares You?

Thanks to Chris the Story Reading Ape once again for inviting me to be a guest at the tree-house.  This post is already live there, but I want to re-share it here too. (Click here.)  

Of course every day I wish for you to thrive. However, Thursday is the day I make a big deal over it.  So here I go again! 

If something truly frighten us it’s huge (at least to us).  Oddly enough, those big fears can be overcome by small things.  One little step at a time, one day at a time, gradually.

When you see yourself overcoming part of a fear each day it will lift you up — you will thrive.  To quote one of my favorite people in history…

Do one thing that scares you every day… Eleanor Roosevelt 


Wishing you a thriving Thursday.

Mega hugs,


57 thoughts on “Thriving Thursdays: What Scares You?

    1. That is very true too, Mihran. As they say, “discretion is the better part of valor.” 😀
      However, little mundane fears can really get in the way for some of us. Taking on those small, yet debilitating fears a little at a time can help us overcome them.
      Have a beautiful weekend. Hugs.

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  1. I loved the cow video. I have overcome a lot of fears in my lifetime, but I’m not sure at my age there are enough fears to overcome one a day. Great uplifting post. Love and hugs, dear Teagan.

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        1. Dear Michelle… no one could fault you for that fear. Yet you live and love well — it shows in your photos and your words. That is true bravery — having the fear that you have, and yet loving more and more. Huge hugs, my friend. ❤

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  2. I used to be terrified of sharks, and I wouldn’t get in the water, not even knee high. And heights…I couldn’t climb a ladder. Ridiculous!

    But I jumped out of an airplane, for reasons I can’t remember now, and the terror I felt that split second after stepping off the airplane literally scared every fear out of me. I’m not afraid of anything anymore.

    I slayed my greatest fear, so what is everything else in comparison?

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    1. You’ve got that right, Lavinia! It’s like some dystopian horror show. I recommend facing the news in small doses. 😀 Seriously though, I can’t handle much of it at a time. Thanks for visiting. Have a marvelous Monday.

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    1. Welcome Sophie! I’m glad you enjoyed Thriving Thursday. I’ll be re-sharing them the third Thursday of each month when I’m a guest at the tree-house of the Story Reading Ape.
      It’s wonderful of you to stop by. Have a satisfying Saturday!

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    1. Hi Sue, it’s lovely to see you. Now that I’ve finally caught up (getting these posts into my own “library”) I’ll only be re-sharing them on the third Thursday of each month — when I visit the Story Reading Ape.
      It’s finally a gloriously sunny day, even if very cold. Have a fabulous Friday. Love & hugs right back. Oh, and Happy St. Patrick’s Day! :mrgreen:

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  3. I don’t like the idea of being scared, but it does always feel good to overcome a fear. Thanks for some scary advice, Teagan. It’s late, so, I’ll send a hug back but wich you a fantastic Friday.

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  4. Overcoming some fears is easier said than done. Sometimes, depending on what the fear is, I will visualize myself doing what I’m afraid of. The fear can only scare me for a little while when it’s only a visual in my mind. I had a fear I had overcomes years ago but it returned. There are some fears that we have no control over, for example, what another person can do to us, but we can control how we handle it. Happy Thursday.

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  5. I overcome fears by thinking and envisioned places I have been and liked very much. I relive events that happened in those places and magically the burden of fear disappears or at least becomes bearable.

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  6. Interesting post….facing our fears is the only way to beat them. I spent the first forty years of my life in a state of anxiety….and I had a serious needle phobia…but I am glad to say that I beat both the anxiety and the phobia…and yes it did make me feel very good….:) Thank you dear Teagan…I love your thought provoking posts….Enjoy a lovely evening and keep warm. Janet. xxx

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    1. Dear Janet, I have no doubt that you faced down those fears. You really are an inspiration. My situation here (so many years of it) has become a true anxiety problem. So I keep sharing these mini-posts — encouraging myself as I try to encourage others. Heartfelt thanks for your comment. Have a thriving Thursday. Mega hummingbird hugs!


    1. You are so right, Suzanne. I realize that it’s much easier said than done. As I told Gerlinde over at the “tree-house” I had to face a fear at work this morning — a meeting filled with toxic stuff and people, feeling like the world would be against me. I have hardly slept all week because of it. I felt like the “comical” photo of a lone cat walking past a line of German Shepherd dogs! LOL. But like the photographed cat, I sauntered past them, (pretending to be) fearless. Mega hugs my friend.

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  7. The cow image cracked me up, Teagan. I have found over the years that most fears can be faced and overcome once I set my mind to it. I don’t fear much at all these days. I wish that was true for those in the world who face really terrifying events. Thanks for spreading the love. Huge hugs and keep thriving.

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