Book Launch: The Three Things Serial Story

Book Launch?  Sort of…

The Three Things Serial Story

A Little 1920s Story

Should I call this a book launch?  That just doesn’t feel right, because I already did this story (and others) here at Teagan’s Books.     

When I started this blog at the end of 2012 I did a few posts.  By 2013 I wanted a theme — something more than just talking about my novel (Atonement, Tennessee) each week. That’s how the first of my serials began — The Three Things.

While any of the serials were being created here at this blog, people would ask for a book version.  So I’ve finally made time to do the first book version!  Of course I’ve started with the first serial.  It’s only a novella in length.  Here’s the Kindle version and the paperback.

So allow me to present to you, The Three Things Serial Story, a Little 1920s Story.  (Amazon UK link.)


What’s in It for You?

Three Things — Three Free Books!

One free paperback book:

Wherever you are, leave a comment and you will be entered in a random drawing (like the random things!) for an autographed paperback of The Three Things Serial Story.  The names will go into a box and my objective judge will draw the winner’s name.  That’s her in the box now, waiting for comments.

Everyone is eligible for the paperback


Two more free Kindle books

I’m using an “Amazon giveaway” to  provide two copies of the Kindle version of the book. (I’m sorry, but this is only available to folks in the USA.)  Enter to win at this link: 

All of these giveaways expire Monday, December 6, 2016 at 11:59 PM (PST). 

The Story Behind the Story 

It was 1995 when I developed my “Three Things” writing exercise.  Admittedly I’m easily entertained, but it seems to amuse others as well.  I get three random things and write until I’ve mentioned all of them.  So in 2013 I had the thought that it might be fun to do that here, and let everyone participate.  That day I put the pen in your hands… and so it began.  The serial took shape and this blog grew with it.

About the Story

young Lucy blue
Young Lucille Ball as Pip

Everything about this story was determined by the random “things” readers sent.  Absolutely nothing was pre-planned.  First came the narrator, Pip, aka Paisley Idelle Peabody.  I imagined the voice of Lucille Ball as Pip, telling a story of her youth.  Then came the 1920s setting, inspired by oscillating fan. Next the “things” brought characters, particularly Andy who came back for another serial. Eventually a thing gave me the Florida setting.  I think you get the idea of how this worked.

Pip, a modern woman — a flapper, begins the first of several adventures.  In this story a mysterious white-haired woman is kidnapped.  Pip finds a bent key, a scrap from a special quilt, strange tattoos and other “things.”  Later, Pip and her friends find themselves on a luxurious yacht where they encounter figures from history and celebrities of the era. The mystery comes to the forefront when they reach the destination, the gilded mansion, Cà d’Zan

I hope you’ll enjoy this little 1920s story.  Mega hugs!



Copyright © 2016 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or from Pinterest unless stated otherwise.



118 thoughts on “Book Launch: The Three Things Serial Story

    1. As I like to say, there’s no such thing as late here, Gerlinde. I’m always happy to see you when you have time to visit. 😀 I’m delighted you liked the trailer. I have such fun making them. Mega hugs.


  1. Good morning Teagan….you are amazing!:) I love the opening video and believe that this is going to be a corker:) I remember when I was a little girl and my parents would refer to the 20s….and it seemed to me to be the dark ages…and so why now does it seem much closer….the amazing illusion of time.
    I know you have to return to normal routine this week, but you can do so with the full knowledge that you have something wonderful brewing here. Wishing you a beautiful weekend. Janet. xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Janet, thank you for this marvelous comment. It makes me want to go back and write more adventures for Pip and her friends.
      I actually still have a little bit of “use or lose” leave to use up — so I’ll be off one day this week. That helps. But come January I’ll be on a “whine” and cheese binge! LOL. Hummingbird hugs! 🙂


    1. Thank you so much, Noelle. Converting the serial to book format was a relaxing project. Now that I’ve launched the novella, I have at least that much of an accomplishment for this year — so that helps too. Have a superb Sunday. Hugs.


  2. Wow, somebody else who has a new book launch. 😀
    Many congratulations, Teagan. Loved the video and the music got me dancing round the room (even if it is only 09:13 on a Saturday morning. 😀
    I think your judge is not only going to pick a winner but is a winner.
    Have a super weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s great to see you Hugh. Thanks very much. There’s no better way to start the day than dancing! 😀
      Yes, there are a lot of new books popping up all over the place. But you know how twisted my mental wiring is — this was a relaxing project for me, while I struggle to cope with my hyper stress. So I just went ahead.
      Wishing you huge success with Glimpses. Mega hugs.


  3. Oh my gosh, you surprised me with a Friday post! I didn’t start following you until after that series started, but then contributed to your later ones. How exciting, pick me, pick me you objective thing in the box, lol! I wish you huge success with this. I’ll buy the book if I don’t get picked sweetie. xoxoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re too kind, Kathryn. 😀 This serial is what really got my blog going. So I’m excited to re-share it in this format that I posted a little earlier than usual. Thanks so much for taking time to visit. Happy Saturday and mega hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I ordered my book and am so excited to read it. The concept is brilliant. You involve your readers making us part of the process and that is not just exciting for us but we are contributors which is so cool and such fun for us. I love Pip and the 1920’s. Very exciting❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Suzanne. I hope it does not disappoint. To me a big part of the serials is that I get to promote other bloggers — and I had to take out that. You’ve probably already read it, since (I think) I re-ran it after you started following. However, I remember all your encouragement and how much you liked Pip and Andy and missed them when I moved to other characters. I’m honored that you wanted the novella version. Happy Saturday to you and Percy. Mega hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. What a fascinating way to write a book ~ developing the plot along with your readers and contributors, then fleshing out the story as you go. I love organic writing; it’s so fresh and alive with exciting opportunity. Congratulations, Teagan. Love and hugs ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Tina — I hope so! 😀 I never knew from one minute to the next where these stories were going. Of course there eventually came a time when I had to reign it in, and bring the conclusion. The real challenge was going back to find all the loose ends, red herrings, and clues (that didn’t evolve into something big) — tie them all up for the conclusion. Thanks for taking time to read and comment. Mega hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s how my current novel evolved, Teagan. When I sat down to write, I never knew where it would take me. The characters had their own ideas and the book seemed to write itself. But as you say, the challenge is finding all the loose ends and red herrings, including any and all contradictions! XXXX

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  6. Teagan, just ordered The Three Things paperback book & it arrives on December 9th! Can’t wait to read it. Remember the serial well. Congratulations off the book launch. Have a restful Friday & weekend! Huge hugs! 💛 Christine

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Where to begin?!! I LOVE the video and it totally sold me on the book BEFORE I even read your post. I just bought my Kindle copy here in Canada 🙂 I love that you’re a proud pantser!! As for taking a break, you’re not capable of taking one but I still love you!! xxoo MEGA hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL. Christy, I’ve long said that I’m just not wired right. Doing the formatting for the book version was probably the most relaxing thing I’ve done all year. You’re so very kind to have bought the novella. I really do hope you enjoy it.
      I have such fun making the videos (and covers too) — so I’m doubly pleased you liked it. Mega hugs right back! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Wow, congratulations Teagan!!! I’m so pleased for you and for the future readers of your works because they just don’t know how lucky they are yet! 🙂
    It’s official, you’re terrible, at taking a break, but amazing at writing, so readers will benefit from your hard work, dedication, and brilliant writing.
    I’m so pleased for you, dear friend, it’s an amazing series, love the video and well, everything. 🙂
    Hope this weekend treats you kindly.
    Mega how many things is that altogether/you’re the cat’s pajamas hugs xoxox

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you my friend. LOL and I love being the cat’s pajamas! Creating the book formats was a fun walk down memory lane. I appreciate you taking time to visit today, Donna. How is your arm/shoulder? I hope you are sling-free now. Happy December. Have a wonder-filled, hug-filled weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am sling-free, not pain-free, but that is an imagined state, but happy to be moving around better and enjoying the still kind of warm weather (for this time of year in Canada) for walking, I love walking, it gives me lots of time to think, I’m often stopping to jot down an idea or two.
        How is everything going, dear friend, I hope you’ve had a lovely, relaxing weekend, giving you time to brace for the week ahead.
        You’ll always be the cat’s pajamas to me, Teagan although we’ll have to see what Crystal has to say about that, I have no doubt she’ll have some very definite feline opinions – you’re also the cat’s meow, once again, we should consult Crystal. lol 😉
        I’ve been trying to get something done this weekend, managed some Christmas baking, all to give away (who am I kidding, I made, among other things, Walnut Crescents and Chocolate Christmas Crinkles, not all will make it into the tins for giveaway), some writing, cleaning, email, but then I started binge-watching “Jamaica Inn” with Jessica Brown Findlay and Matthew McNulty and the time just seemed to fly, if only they could smuggle me some time. 😉
        Anyway, hope all is going well, I surprised myself and wrote a blog post which I might post with a surprise this week…or just post, that would sort of surprise me.
        Best of luck with the book launch (yes, it is), dear friend and sending you positive vibes for the week ahead. 🙂
        Mega I always loved the 1920s as an era, all those cool threads and bathtub gin and dancing, love the dancing hugs xoxo

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I so get the pain-free-imaginary thing, Donna. I had one of those nights last night. But today is good. Except for yes, bracing for the workweek. I’m totally impressed by the baking! Mouthwatering!!!
          Ah Jamaica Inn… I’ve seen 1 & 2. I’ve made a fairly firm rule with that I watch — must have a feel good factor. JI doesn’t qualify, but it’s so well done in every way… It’s my exception to the rule. I don’t remember the book being nearly as good (but that was long ago reading).
          Looking forward to seeing your blog post. 😀
          Jazzy flapper hugs.

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Mary. You know how it is… It’s hard to overcome parts of one’s upbringing, even though they need to have been flushed down the drain long decades ago. So thanks for saying that.
      I have such fun making trailers and covers that I’m extra pleased when someone likes them. Thanks very much! Wishing you huge success with your two new releases! Amazing. Mega hugs my friend.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    As promised Teagan Geneviene has brought out a book of the wonderful Three Things Serial that we all enjoyed weekly.. Timing is of the essence as Teagan is offering on FREE signed copy of the book in a draw.. make a comment on Teagan’s original post and also two copies of the Kindle version.. head over and get your name in the game..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the way you said that, Dan. That’s why I went ahead with the book formats. It can be a pain on a blog, or reading on a computer at all. This particular one was a small enough project that it was stress free, and a fun walk down memory lane. Thanks for taking time to comment. Mega hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Inese. Thanks so much for taking time to visit.
      Yes, I know it sounds deranged. LOL. But I’m a technical editor & writer by trade these past *many* years. So strange as it seems, I found putting the blog serial into paperback and ebook formats quite relaxing. Plus I very much enjoy being creative with making the book covers and videos. Mega hugs right back. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Congrats on the Three Things book launch, Teagan! Wow! I recall that we had started blogging at around the same time a few years ago, and it’s so exciting to see that the serial is now a book. Splendid! Hugs and high fives to you from Chicago. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re too kind, John. I need to experiment further with the Amazon give away. I thought it was supposed to be open a fixed amount of time and then it would randomly choose… As I say — it’s all part of my grand experiment in indie. I’m learning as we go.
        Loved you “Johnku” today. Mega hugs.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s fun to sort of launch a book — even if it’s always been out there.
      I enjoy holding a real book in my hands, so I always make a paperback available, despite the fact that they only get royalties in the pennies.
      Hugs again.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. well i suppose the fact i’m commenting form the UK makes me sort of out of line but, hey, the book has to be acquired one way or anther so I’ll go the old buy it route!! Well done on the launch. Must be very satisfying..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re not out of line at all, Geoff. I’m collecting the comments so UK can be included. The Amazon would only let me do the Kindle book giveaway for USA.
      Even though I’ve already run the serial here at the blog in 2013 (and then reran it at some point), yes — I do find it satisfying. Thanks for visiting. Mega hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You do a terrific job Teagan. I’m glad to be part of the humble penumbra to your dazzling star ( I’m trying a flattery diet in the hope it absorbs unnecessary pounds – what do you think?

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  12. This was a gem of a story built from a pearl of an idea. It was great fun and worked so seamlessly from week to week, episode to episode.. You really put your stamp on these Teagan and made them such fun.
    xxx Massive Hugs xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly David. It was a lovely walk down memory lane to put the blog serial into book formats. You’ve been such a fantastic supporter of the serials, and I appreciate it more than you could know. Wishing you a beautiful weekend, filled to overflowing with hugs! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Diana. I think I have a warped idea of relaxation. But I’m a technical editor & writer by trade these past *many* years. So strange as it seems, I found putting the blog serial into paperback and ebook formats quite relaxing. Of course the book cover and video are creative outlets for me as well. While this one was much easier than the culinary serials will be, it was still huge fun.
      Many thanks for visiting and commenting. Mega hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

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