Meowy Catmas & Happy Holidays

Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas and happy anything else you might celebrate.  If you don’t celebrate anything at all, then we’ll simply celebrate the day.  Frankly, I don’t really do much for holidays.  At least, not nearly to the extent that most people do.  That’s just the way my life is.

However, this is the first holiday season since Velma and Daphne came to me.  (They were estimated six months old when they arrived back on the week of Valentines Day.)  So the “Scoobies” wanted to send you some holiday cheer, by bringing you into their play time.


Jeepers, Velma, I’m bored.  Have you got the new toys from Santa Claws?

Daphne, you left them by the hammocks.  Get them yourself. I’m busy kneading up kitten biscuits.


Don’t you have any Catmas spirit, Velma?  Jeepers! Get out of that bed and play.  Now, where’s Yummy Human?

Daphne, why are you calling Mom the Yummy Human?

Because, Velma, I like to nibble her arms and toes. You know that. I’ve seen you try it a few times too.  She’s Yummy Human.

Jinkies!  Daphne, Mom hates that.  She’s afraid you’ll bite some other human who won’t understand.

Boredom on Christmas, girls?  We can’t have that.  Do you two Scoobies want to make a new toy?

Much smaller Velma getting the upper paw with Daphne

We could just wrestle, Yummy— I mean Mom…

That could get you on the Naughty List.  Ah, here we go. I know you like playing with wine corks.  Despite the fact that they keep disappearing when I give you one, I had collected a bunch over the years before you came.  If I put them in an empty tissue box, they roll around and make noise.

Hey, Velma.  Check this out.  It smells interesting.  Besides, if we don’t play with it, Mom might go looking for my stash of wine corks and milk-jug rings.


Jinkies, Daphne!  This is a good toy.  C’mon, listen to it.  I think that’s the sound of those “sand worm” things from Dune!  Yeah, it smells like spice too.  There must be a whole nest of them in that box.

Ha!  I think you’ve been sneaking catnip, Velma — but keep it up.  Yummy Human was too close to finding my toy stash.


Ugh! I can’t quite fit in the box to get all the wine corks… Uh, I mean sand worms.  I need to use my Bene Gesserit powers.


Ummm, spice!  Are my eyes turning bright blue yet?  I detect a note of… This one tastes like that South African sweet rosé, and I think that darker one was a Malbec.

Velma, I’m starting to worry about your choice of reading material…  Try not to empty all the sand from the litter box if you dive for those Dune worms.


Jeepers, Velma.  Did you inhale too much while you had your head in there? Mom! Velma’s hogging the toy.  And she’s licking it.  She’s not over 21.

Velma left, Daphne trying to bite ribbons

Now I’m bored again.  Velma, where’s the boa-rattler that Santa Claws brought.

Mom! Daphne’s eating the neck streamers on the boa-rattler.

Velma, hush. It’s a basilisk, and I’m biting its jugular.  It’s almost as good as Yummy Human’s big toe.

Meowy Catmas, everybody!

♣ ♣ ♣

Holiday blessings to you from the Scoobies and me.  Hugs.

♣ ♣ ♣

I almost forgot the obligatory shameless self-promotion…

Do you need one more gift?  Or to relax after all the gifting? Cozy up with my epic “quest-type” fantasy, Dead of Winter.  Read one Journey at a time or get the entire series of novellas with one click.

Universal Purchase Link for the entire series.

♣ ♣ ♣

This is a work of fiction.  Characters, names, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2023 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved. 

No part of this work may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or used with permission, or from free sources.



80 thoughts on “Meowy Catmas & Happy Holidays

  1. Very cute photos and a fun story! I liked seeing and reading about the antics of the Scoobies 🙂 And neat references to “Dune” — such an amazing book and movie that came out a couple years ago. Merry Catmas!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the much needed hugs, Rebecca.
      I thought about you and Don when I did the first version of the weekend serial post — I recorded a song verse for the post. But when it seemed like everyone made a point of NOT noticing it (LOL), and then someone said only “I hope no one leaves an unfriendly comment” I took the hint and removed all that from the post. Fun in 2024 is a great wish. Hugs winging back to you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I just started “A Peril in Ectoplasm – Just Once More” You have the most incredible beginnings: “In that between time, just before down, spirits could move freely.” Goosebumps!! We will have LOTS of fun in 2024. I read a few pages to Don!! We hope you will return to TTT in the coming year.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Teagan, we don’t celebrate Christmas either… but I loved your kitty girls playing with the corks in a tissue box! My girls would love that. Right now they’re into “crunchy paper.” You know how the spare Christmas lights come in a little square bag? Cellophane, I think. It’s stiff. Anyway, I had to empty out those bags and give them to the girls. They love how they flutter. Sophie chases and pounces on them. She’s a monkey cat and hangs off the chair rungs to bat at the crunchy paper. LOL! Merry Christmas from Ron and I, and the unicorn cats. 🐈‍⬛🐈❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha. They do like rattles and flutters. All of mine (past and present) love “paper balls” of any kind of wadded up paper too. I think they like the sound the “balls” make when they skitter across the floor. Happy Christmas-week. Hugs.


  3. Thanks for the Christmas entertainment, Teagan. I love the true cat spirit in “Now I’m bored again.”

    Give those girls a hug, and maybe start a new collection of wine corks 😉

    Merry Christmas!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely! Cats & dogs are life savers! Our Border Aussies, Maddie & Max keep us smiling everyday!! They are registered Emotional Support Dogs (ESA), Max for anxiety, Maddie for Robert’s PTSD (Vietnam War vet related). They are very good at their jobs. Keep good thoughts over the holidays. Hugs, my moon child friend! ❤️🎶🎄

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes, they perceive so much more than we credit. In the past I had a brother/sister pair. It took me awhile to figure it out, but they started incessantly pestering me whenever (I was working full time and going to college full time during my late 30s — they were about 8 when I noticed it) when I wouldn’t stop working on reports, and let my blood sugar drop. They knew every time. I’ve seen a bit of that in Velma. They continue to learn as they age, so I expect she’ll become quite persistent about it too. Love to you, Robert, and the pups. Hugs on moonbeams.


        1. Teagan, as moon sisters, we have very similar history. You worked full time and went to college as an adult, and had bouts of low blood sugar. Same with me. Only, I had no pets to alert me that it’s time to eat something. Dogs & cats are so tuned to our actions and emotions. It’s their job! Daphne & Velma will be by your side, watching out for you, for many years to come. Hugs on moonbeams right back to you.
          💘🎶 Christine

          Liked by 1 person

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