Halloween Creativity Challenge Responses: Kerfe, Resa, and Teagan

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Photo by Kerfe

Hello, everyone.  Today I’m sharing some responses to the Halloween creativity challenge I posted this past weekend.   The cobwebs in Kerfe’s photo remind me of a wizard’s cape, so her post sort of gave me a double response.  Kerfe wrote a wonderful poem including three Halloween things for the letter K.  Click here for her post.

Resa McConaghy, 2020

The first response was immediate and wonderfully off the cuff from multi-talented Resa McConaghy at Graffiti Lux Art & More Blog.  Resa happens to have recently celebrated her 1500th blog post. Click here and help her celebrate.  She left her response in a comment, but it was so funny I had to share.  Here it is:

Her name was Venus Flytrap. She was a florist. It was Hallowe’en, and the moon was full. Dressed as a cheerleader, she wandered in to a forest. As the town’s church’s chimes rang midnight, a massive, hairy ivory fanged werewolf confronted her. She ate him.
Eight hours later, she belched bloody hell. Burp of a lifetime!

For my own… I decided to do my response in two steps.  Since images inspire me, I started with making one according to the three Halloween things that went with my first name.

From the table I made, my “T” things are Bad Moon, Archaeologist, and Pirate.  Using those words as a prompt, I chose my filters and entered them into the Imagine app to make a computer-generated image (CGI).  After about 30 tries I got something similar to what you see above.  Then I Photoshopped it, changing a costume color, fixing noses and eyes, and other problems. I’ll probably do more work on the image before all is said and done.

My step-2?  Now, I’m trying to write a short story, with the image as my prompt, along with Bad Moon, Archaeologist, and Pirate.  I’m not sure how long that will take.  I hope I’m up to my own challenge…

By the way, don’t miss Teri Polen‘s Bad Moon Rising horror book festival.  She features a different author interview and book each day of October. I’ll be there on the 19th.

♦ ♦ ♦

It’s not too late to play. I’ve included everything below from my weekend post, in case you missed it, or if you wanted to take another look at how to participate.  Start by using the easy chart I made for you. 

Creativity Challenge: If you want to draw or take a photo, or decorate something, just take any three things from the table below.

Writing challengeWrite as short or long as you want.  It could be a story, song, poem, satiric product review, advertisement – anything you like.

Using the chart below, take the first letter of your name (first name or last name), and use the hero and costume (the hero does not have to wear the costume) in the same row.  Or be a rebel and pick any of the three you choose.  However, you must use a Halloween thing, a hero from the table, and one of the costumes – in any order you choose.

If character names are a holdup, here are some Halloween-ish possibilities: Ichabod, Hepzibah, Zelda, Samantha, Tabatha, Endora, Freddy, Hannibal, Moriarty, Jack, Grendel, Carrie, Barnibas, Mephistopheles, Nick, Jack.

Don’t miss my Halloween novella,
A Peril in the Bayou.

Universal Purchase Links

Kindle:  relinks.me/B0CKGRJS8F

Paperback: relinks.me/B0CKHFYMLJ 

A Medium’s Peril full series link: relinks.me/B0CG2SXX24

♦ ♦ ♦

I hope you’ll post whatever you create, and please link back to www.teagansbooks.com. (Since WordPress has been behaving badly, please put a link in a comment or email too. I don’t want to miss what you’ve done.)  Wishing you an easy coast down the other side of this mid-week hump.  Hugs.

♦ ♦ ♦

This is a work of fiction.  Characters, names, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons,

This is a work of fiction.  Characters, names, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2023 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved.

45 thoughts on “Halloween Creativity Challenge Responses: Kerfe, Resa, and Teagan

  1. Hi Teagan, what absolute fun. I read Denise Finn’s response yesterday. I am busy with mine. It is a little complex and I haven’t finished the artwork. I assumed I could post any time this month and was planning for the end of next week. I hope that’s okay. I love Resa’s response and your picture.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m so happy you are having a good time with this, Robbie! There is no real deadline. I was hoping for some time this month, but it really doesn’t matter. My story is taking a while too. It also drifted from my image — but everything actually is just a prompt — something to get our creativity going. We don’t have to stay exactly with the prompts. Anyway, I’m considering just posting a summary of my story and making a 1-hour-read e-book of it.
      Thanks for taking time to visit. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Teagan!
    Thank you for the shout out and posting my little tale!
    WP wouldn’t let me comment earlier, but it seems to be okay now.
    Love your CGI image!
    I look forward to reading a few of the tales.


        1. Oh, thanks. Every now and then Imagine turns out a real gem, but most of the time there’s a huge amount of trial and error, and usually additional Photoshopping. It’s fun though.
          Diana, I just saw your review of A Peril in the Bayou. It took my breath away. I’m so glad you enjoyed the story. Big hugs.

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Great contributions, Teagan! I saw the image you are using for inspiration and I’m looking forward to your story. Oh, and I have another one on my Kindle already, A Peril in the Bayou…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re too kind, GP. I started out with confidence, but PTSD life happens and I lost focus and energy. Like they say, “It’s all good.”
      Feel free to take 1 thing from each column for a prompt too. No hard rules and no deadlines. The only rule is to have fun. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

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