Wednesday Writing — What Used to Be

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Wolf, Emlyn, Osabide, Gethin, Baki, & Zasha, by Teagan
Dead of Winter Characters: Wolf, Emlyn, Osabide, Gethin, Baki, & Zasha, by Teagan

Welcome everyone.  I know how busy you are at this time of year.  So, I’m not doing much of a post.  Last week I issued a challenge, hoping to get everyone’s creativity flowing.  There’s more on that below.  It is still open.

Pat at eQuips responded to the challenge with a poem that is stunning.

Even though Dead of Winter is up to Journey 11, the Sumelazon Escarpment my challenge pertains to Journey 1, Forlorn Peak.

My Challenge to You

Create something using Emlyn’s world as portrayed in Dead of Winter: Journey 1, Forlorn Peak, as your inspiration.  Not a story with my characters, but anything else you please.  If you want to play and have not read the Journeys give me your email in a comment and I’ll send you a Kindle copy of the book.  (Sadly, Amazon will only let me send them to the USA.  Readers outside the USA are more than welcome, you’re encouraged to participate. I just can’t send you the book.)

Ideas for Challenge

Here are some ideas for your response to the challenge.  Your creation may be a song, poem, photo, painting, image, something you’ll cook or bake, a menu, or a dance for that matter.  Maybe a lesson plan for your children’s education, or tips for gardening, or a list of books you’d hide if the Brethren took over your town — just create.  

Challenge Rules

  • Use Dead of Winter: Journey 1, Forlorn Peak, as your inspiration.
  • Link to my blog if you publish your creation
  • Mention Dead of Winter, by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene.
  • Send me a link to your creation (if published) so I can share it.
  • For those of you who are not reading the journeys your responses should represent a non-technology world in an oppressed society.
  • Post/send your responses December 1 through December 24, 2021.

I will collect your responses throughout this month.

To be fair, I’m sharing contributions of my own.  Sometimes in a story what used to be is as important as what is.  When the oppressive Brethren of Un’Naf took over Emlyn’s homeland, the people gave up fun of any sort. This folk dance offers a glimpse of what their life may have been like when Emlyn was a very small child. She barely remembers life before the Brethren. 

Of course, the elders took away dancing, and those colorful red vests wouldn’t be allowed even for the men.  However, the village green in Llyn Coombe still bears the mark of generations of dancing feet. 


Wishing you an easy coast down the other side of this midweek hump.  Hugs on the wing!


Dead of Winter: Journey 11, The Sumelazon, cover by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene
Dead of Winter: Journey 11, The Sumelazon, cover by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

Thanks for spending part of your day here.  I hope you’ll take me up on this challenge.  I’m grateful to everyone who is reading this story. If you aren’t already, I hope you’ll be part of the extraordinary, layered world of these Journeys. 

I love to hear from you, so friendly comments are encouraged. Hugs on the wing!


Dead of Winter — All the Journeys

Universal Purchase Links

Journey 11, the Sumelazon Escarpment



Journey 10, Pergesca



Journey 9, Doors of Attunement



Journey 8, The Lost Library



Journey 7, Revenant Pass



Journey 6, The Fluting Fell



Journey 5, Llyn Pistyll Falls



Journey 4, The Old Road



Journey 3, the Fever Field



Kobo:  Dead of Winter: Journey 3, the Fever Field eBook by Teagan Riordain Geneviene – 1230004609599 | Rakuten Kobo United States

Journey 2, Penllyn




Journey 1, Forlorn Peak



Kobo:  Dead of Winter: Journey 1, Forlorn Peak eBook by Teagan Geneviene – 1230004446033 | Rakuten Kobo United States



This is a work of fiction.  Characters, names, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2010 and 2021 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved. 

No part of this work may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or provided by free sources, unless stated otherwise.


55 thoughts on “Wednesday Writing — What Used to Be

  1. HI Teagan, I had good intentions and then ended up working over the weekend. I’ve done very little writing for the past two months as work is a madhouse. I am going to have to work into the firm shutdown for the fourth year in a row and I am mighty peeved about it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Enjoying your ideas, I do not have a lot to contribute, but just would like to say that I sew costumes for a dance studio. I am glad that I can made this small contribution. It is fun and challenging! ! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year\

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ms. Frances, your comment is as good as answering the challenge. I can imagine the costumes you might sew if Dead of Winter was a TV series and you were in charge of costumes! ❤ After all, the challenge is all about imagination.
      I used to design and sew all my own clothes (although it's been a very long time since I did), so I particularly enjoyed this. Hugs on the wing!


    1. Ha! Believe me, Dan, I get it about nonspecific publication dates. 😀 If I had committed to specific dates for Dead of Winter’s monthly Journeys… there’s no telling what I might have done. I’m trying to put the rest of the week into gear. I hope your week is wonderful. Hugs on the wing!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Reblogged this on Just Olga and commented:
    Teagan Geneviene​ reminds her of her challenge in her blog. If you are looking for some inspiration and would like to read the first Journey in her serial, don’t miss this opportunity!

    Liked by 1 person

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