Wednesday Writing — Animals, Horses

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

horses run stampede Pete Linforth Pixabay
Pete Linforth at Pixabay

Hello, everyone.  It’s hard to believe that autumn is already here.  Particularly since my area has been having hotter than normal temperatures for three weeks.  Horsefeathers!  Maybe that’s why the procrastinator part of my brain is in overdrive. (That’s my excuse and I’m stickin’ with it.)  While I should be getting the October issue of “Dead of Winter” ready, I’m doing this post.  However, I’ve at least found the title for the next installment, “Journey 10, Pergesca.”

Now, I’ll segue from Horsefeathers! to horses! If you’ve followed me for very long, then you know that animals are usually a part of my stories.  Animals aren’t prominent in Dead of Winter, but horsefeathers!  In any high fantasy, there must be horses.  Several readers have mentioned liking the horses, so I’m featuring them today.  Here are some equestrian personality profiles.  

Horse black mane tail Dorota Kudyba Pixabay
Dorota Kudyba at Pixabay

Blossom.  Emlyn gets a horse.  She’s not a stranger to them, but her father only let their horses be used for work in the orchard, not for riding. That said, she’s rather intimidated by the horses when she begins to travel with the Deae Matres. Gethin helps her by teaching her how to care for her own horse.  Blossom is a gentle honey-colored mare with black mane and tail.  When I was a little girl, I had a figurine of such a horse and daydreamed about it.

Friesian_Stallion tufted black Wikipedia
Friesian Horse, Wikipedia

Einarr.  This fierce horse belongs to Hallgeir.  The name means lone warrior.  Since Hallgeir cut himself off from his kin, one might expect that young man to name his steed accordingly.  Eniarr is tall warhorse trained for battle, so his disposition is not docile. He can bring the horses that pull the wagons into line when he wants.  He is tall and big-boned to accommodate his very tall rider. However, he is agile, long legged, and sleek.  His glossy dark brown coat has tufts of fur at the ankles. 

red Horse back facing dreamstime
You talkin’ about me?  Dreamstime

Firelance. The tall red gelding was a gift to Tajín from the monarch of Bandihar, and bore the brand of the “frog king.” The royal monks could trace the horse’s bloodline back two hundred years. Bandihar bred the finest horses in the world, and the warhorses of the Bandihari king’s stables were the greatest of those. Firelance had astonishing strength and endurance.  He also had a distinctive personality, for a horse. He seemed to enjoy teasing his rider and could be downright mischievous.

Pixabay image altered by Teagan
Pixabay image altered by Teagan

Kiska.  Zasha’s pure white mare is named Kiska, which means “pure.”  Kiska had also been Zasha’s mother’s pet name for her when she was an infant, so she chose the name for her beloved horse.  She’s well trained and not intimidated by warhorses like Firelance and Einarr.

red Horse back facing dreamstime

Mist.  It takes a special kind of courage for a horse to accommodate a supernatural rider like Boabhan.  Mist is a dapple gray mare. She’s trained to follow instructions from Hallgeir as well as Boabhan, since the young north-man has to take charge of the mare whenever Boabhan… well, I don’t want to give any spoilers.

Thanks for meeting the horses of Dead of Winter.  If you’re part of the Journeys, leave a comment telling me your favorite horse.  If you aren’t reading it, then don’t let that stop you from saying hello with a friendly comment.  Wishing everyone an easy coast down the other side of this midweek hump.  Hugs on the wing!


Dead of Winter — All of the Journeys

Dead of Winter, the first 8 Journeys Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene
Dead of Winter, the first 8 Journeys, by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

Universal Purchase Links

Journey 9, Doors of Attunement



Journey 8, The Lost Library



Journey 7, Revenant Pass



Journey 6, The Fluting Fell



Journey 5, Llyn Pistyll Falls



Journey 4, The Old Road



Journey 3, the Fever Field



Kobo:  Dead of Winter: Journey 3, the Fever Field eBook by Teagan Riordain Geneviene – 1230004609599 | Rakuten Kobo United States

Journey 2, Penllyn




Journey 1, Forlorn Peak



Kobo:  Dead of Winter: Journey 1, Forlorn Peak eBook by Teagan Geneviene – 1230004446033 | Rakuten Kobo United States



This is a work of fiction.  Characters, names, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2010 and 2021 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved. 

No part of this work may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or provided by free sources, unless stated otherwise.


68 thoughts on “Wednesday Writing — Animals, Horses

  1. I’ve loved horses for as long as I can remember and even had a tall gray mare of my own for a year in my early 20s. I am especially appreciative of Blossom being gentle and dependable for Emlyn.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for including a personal story in this comment, JoAnna! It was interesting research when I decided to show Emlyn learning how to groom and care for Blossom. I was fortunate to have a coworker back then who had horses. When I finished the main scene about that, I got him to read it, to make sure I got my research correct (used the tools the right way, etc.). Have a wonderful rest of the week. Hugs on the wing!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I know nothing about horses, but I see them pretty often. Going out of our subdivision, there are acres of land owned by the local university and they regularly have cows and horses in the fields. The horses are just beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for introducing these beautiful horses, each one is gorgeous in its own way. I am sure we will be hearing more about them and from them in the future. I was born and lived the first years of my life in Nebraska, USA and so enjoyed getting acquainted with a few extraordinary beauties. These four, an possibly others will give excitement to the story, for sure.

    Liked by 1 person

        1. What wonderful feedback about it being emotional, Robbie. Thank you. If you do a video, be sure to send me a link. I’d like to build a post around it, and maybe do a reading of my own. Of course mine would not be a video though! Not wanting to be seen is a huge part of my agoraphobia… Regardless I’m excited that you are enjoying the journey. Big hugs.

          Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m happy you liked them, Kamal. I imagine them as also very loyal. In Journey 9, several characters deal with the marks which betrayal has left on them as they are faced with decisions. Our animal friends don’t betray us. So I did this post during that Journey. Hugs on the wing.


    1. Thanks, Michael. I’m happy you enjoyed the descriptions of the horses.
      Yes, yesterday I had an appointment that I’ve been dreading for a month. So now maybe I can focus better and stop procrastinating. LOL, or maybe not! Big hugs back to you.


  4. I have a childhood fear of horses, so I won’t ride one, or get too close. But, I love looking at them, and think they are very intelligent animals. The people who live behind us have 2 beautiful horses, so I get to watch them and enjoy them without having to get too close!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Love, love, love this horses post Teagan!
    Interestingly, from the little I’ve read of the serials, It all made wonderful sense. You are very clever.
    Will share on Twitter! {{hugs}}

    Liked by 1 person

  6. What a great segue, Teagan! I’ve always loved these gorgeous animals, but even though I’ve been horseback riding, I’ve always felt intimidated. Your backstories are wonderful, and right now, I can’t choose a favorite. I love them all and what they represent. Thanks for your introductions! Hugs! 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t have much direct experience with horses either, Lauren. When I wrote the parts of Emlyn with Blossom (tending her) I researched heavily, and then consulted with a coworker whose daughters did competitive horse riding, to make sure I got it right. Thanks for reading and commenting. Hugs on the wing!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Where do you find time to do research and consulting, Teagan? You’re too busy writing. 🙂 You amaze me! Thanks for sharing part of your process; it’s always interesting to read how the final product comes to fruition. Hugs on their way to you!

        Liked by 1 person

  7. I love horses too, Teagan, though I rarely interact with them. They’re beautiful intelligent creatures with their own personalities. You capture that perfectly in your post. Nicely done and they add richness to your story. 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Horses are my grandmother’s favorite animal, so they were the first animal I learned to draw. I have a soft spot in my heart for them. Loved today’s post. It was a pleasure meeting the horses of Dead of Winter.

    Happy Autumn!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Procrastination marks the end of summer. Thanks for giving us the stories of the horses, Teagan. I’ve picked up bits (no pun intended) from the journeys, but there’s usually so much going on, it’s hard tp focus on the animals. I’m always amazed by how much you know about your characters. I hope you’re having a good week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha… bits. Good one, Dan. That’s good feedback. Since the horses aren’t exactly featured, I think adding little details about them is a way to add richness to the story. Something that readers might feel, without really noticing it’s there.
      Maybe “knowing my characters” comes from how intense I get about naming them. In choosing the name, I’ve already gotten to know them. Stay safe and well. Hugs on the wing!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Lovely to see all the horses from Dead of Winter, Teagan. I can’t choose. They are all wonderful, although I love Firelance’s personality, and Kiska’s name. They are all so well-matched to their riders! Thanks for sharing this and happy autumn, Teagan!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah! Yes, Olga, matching the horse to the rider was a big part of my thought process. In the environment of this story, the characters would spend considerable time with their horses. In a similar way to what people say about many dog owners looking like or being like their dogs, I let the horses be a reflection of the rider’s personality. Happy autumn to you too. Big hugs!


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