The Armadillo Files, Episode 3 — Featuring Ms. Frances

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Hello. You’ve reached The Armadillo Files.  Are you ready to let your imagination loose?

Even though story is not intended to be realistic at all, I like adding historic tidbits.  I haven’t had time to explain them previously. So I’m doing that right now, with the ones I’ve used so far.  While I’d like to think that I inspire people to Google away with learning adventures, I realize they don’t usually take the time. So I’ll give you a few links.

Let’s start with the random reader thing that started this story, pink fairy armadillo.  They are real, and they’re from Argentina.

The narrator, Delila (Dilly) Faraday said “Even with a name like Faraday…” in episode 1. In the 1800s Michael Faraday was an English scientist who contributed to the study of electromagnetism and electrochemistry.

There really was a rocket launched on May 28, 1959.  Yes, the Jupiter AM-18 rocket as well as Miss Baker and Miss Able (mentioned in Episode 2), into space from Cape Canaveral in the United States along with living microorganisms and plant seeds. Successful recovery makes them the first living beings to return safely to Earth after space flight.

About This Episode

The Armadillo Files image by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene
The Armadillo Files image by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

Once again, I’m writing this chapter at the last minute.  It sure would be nice to get caught up with all my projects and maybe even get ahead.  Anyhow, as you know this story is written according to my very own, Three Things style of story writing.  The random reader things include a bit of foreshadowing today, so there will actually be four things for this episode.  I’m using one from Chris Graham, the Story Reading Ape, but not the other two of that set of things.  Farther into the story, I’ll use the full set of three.  Oh, that thing is bagpipes

This year I’ve been honored to have a wonderful new follower, Ms. Frances.  She’s an absolute delight. The three things for this chapter are from her:  cat, car, and cantaloupeThe cat inspired a couple of new characters.  They may or may not be back in future episodes.  Only the “things” can say for sure.

In case you missed it last week, here’s Episode 2, Why’d You Do That?.  Now, are you ready?

All aboard!

3 — Who Are You Talking To?


Collision claxons blared.  TROLLEY processed information at incredible speed.  Yottabytes were nothing compared to the amount of data TROLLEY could analyze in a second.  However, would it be fast enough?

“Objective to monitor new constant is interrupted.  Collision imminent.  Summoning physical support auxiliary pilots.”

“TROLLEY, your request is processed.  Confirm transport of physical support auxiliary pilots,” came the voice from Prime.

“Time Rate Oscillation Lithium Link Enabler Yttrion, TROLLEY confirming transport of auxiliary pilot Peggy Sue and intern Frances into docking car.”

♦ ♦ ♦

2 Cats drive TROLLEY Armadillo Files
Promo image by Teagan


Rocket shaking clangs filled my brain.  Bells blared.  Strangely, beneath all the warning noises, it seemed like I heard the screech of bagpipes.  I rubbed my eyes, trying to see through the purple lights.

“Oh, sweet manatees, we’re going to crash!  Hang on Dilly!” screamed the bizarre man next to me.

“What’s going on?” I demanded.

“You wouldn’t understand,” he replied, pacing in a circle.

The more nervous he got, the more his accent reminded me of my Uncle Artie from Argentina.  I couldn’t let go of the befuddling question of how an Argentine, dressed in an undershirt, black leather short-shorts, and pink fishnet tights could manage to get onto the base at Cape Canaveral, let alone onto the Jupiter AM-18 rocket.

“Watch it, you almost turned over the cantaloupe seeds!” I cautioned as he flailed his arms dramatically.  “I’m not a dumb bunny — try me.  Go ahead, razz my berries.  Impress me.”

“Prime sent a vessel to monitor the birth of the new constant.  You know, the day the music died.  The Prime ship should have passed by the Jupiter AM-18 unnoticed, but your unplanned presence changed things.  Now we’re about to collide!  How am I going to dig my way out of this?” he babbled, and his hat fell off, exposing more of that pink hair.

“A vessel?  Like a space ship?  A space ship from another planet?” I asked, my voice raising an octave with each question.

The clang-clang-clang got even louder.  The rocket vibrated so hard that I feared it would come apart at the seams.

Abruptly the noise stopped.  The shaking stilled.  Brilliant purple light glowed around the outline of the hatch door.  It didn’t exactly open, an interstice appeared and quickly widened.  I could see into another ship that had connected to the rocket.

“Peggy Sue, thank goodness you didn’t hit us!  I mean, thank goodness you’re here,” the pink-haired man sputtered, amending his words.  “Yes, that was some amazing maneuvering to unexpectedly dock with the rocket.”

“Who are you talking to?” I asked nervously.

Beyond the place where the ships were connected, I saw all sorts of dials and levers and shiny metal.  It didn’t look like anything I would have expected to see inside a space ship.  At any rate, I didn’t see a pilot.  I didn’t see anyone at all.  Except…

Reared up, and apparently standing comfortably at the controls was a tabby cat.  A kitten with similar markings perched on the control panel.  Turning to face me, each cat gave a slow blink.

The larger at shifted her gaze to the man.  Her tail swished menacingly.  I heard a low growl.  A sardonic twist came to the man’s mouth and he shifted his feet.

“Um, pardon my manners.  Peggy Sue and Frances, this is Delila Faraday, but she’d rather be called Dilly,” he began with a guarded glance at me.  “Dilly, meet the pilot, Peggy Sue, and that is her intern, Frances.”

“The cats?” I asked, my eyebrows drawing together and then climbing toward my hairline.

The kitten jumped down from her perch and scampered toward where I stood on the other side of the opening.  A growl from the adult cat stopped her.

“Dilly, give me a moment to speak to them privately,” he told me as he walked through to the other ship.

Soft sounds ensued from the two cats and the pink-haired man.  They glanced at me from time to time.  The man acted progressively more anxious.

“But they can’t!  Why, that’s positively barbaric.  There isn’t even any rock and roll there!” he exclaimed, causing the cat to hiss.  “Well, what are you going to do with Dilly?  Oh, no, no, no.  That’s not my responsibility.  Alright!  Put your claws back in and stop hissing.  But how do you propose I do that?” he ended on a gasp after a very matter-of-fact sounding meow from the cat.

Nervously he stepped away from the cats.  The kitten circled his feet as he tried to walk back to the Jupiter AM-18.

“Careful, Frances.  What?  Catnip seeds in the botany parcels?  I’ll check.  Yes, what now?” he hazarded another look at me.  “I’ll certainly try, but it isn’t something humans take to well at all.”

The kitten turned and strolled to her perch on the control panel.  The guy in pink fishnets came back to the place where the ships connected.  He took that strange looking gun out of his belt and pointed it at me.

“Honey, I’m really sorry.  You aren’t going to like this.”

I took a step backward, raising my hands and yelling.  Then the zap hit me, much harder than before.

♦ ♦ ♦

So, that was Episode 3.  I hope you liked it. Things just keep getting crazier.  I love to hear from you, so be sure to leave a friendly comment.  Whether your comment is to me or another commenter, keep it friendly.  Hugs on the wing!


Dead of Winter — All the Journeys

Dead of Winter, the first 8 Journeys Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene
Dead of Winter, the first 8 Journeys, by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

I’ve updated the blog page for Dead of Winter.  It has all the images I’ve made for that monthly series of novelettes as well as purchase links. Click here.  The current issue is Journey 8, The Lost Library.  Coming in September is Journey 9, Doors of Attunement.

Universal Purchase Links

Journey 8, The Lost Library



This is a work of fiction.  Characters, names, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2021 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved. 

No part of this work may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or provided by free sources, unless stated otherwise.


88 thoughts on “The Armadillo Files, Episode 3 — Featuring Ms. Frances

    1. Many thanks for making the rounds, Teri. I appreciate all your support.
      Ha! The cats are at least in charge of “transport”. There’s no telling what else. Although the guy’s exclamations about “Holy Time Manatees” has me wondering about some things. Although that’s something that neither of us might ever know. Maybe the cats know… 😉
      Hugs on the wing!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I thought you would like the kitties, Denise. 🐱 Poor Dilly is taking quite a lot of rough treatment. I’m starting to feel guilty. I’ll have to make sure she gets rewarded with something nice. Maybe that zap turns out to be a near miss. I’m not sure yet. Thanks for reading and commenting. Hugs on the wing!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha. Thanks Kirt. I almost have the story to the point where the real mystery begins. I should make the episodes longer (to move the story along), but I think they’re a lot of zaniness to absorb. So for now they’re short. Thanks for your encouragement. Hugs on the wing!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. The first picture of the cats made me laugh and reminded me of a commercial where a family of golden retrievers are driving and junior is in the back. They are just passing a semi with a bulldog driving and junior pulls his arm up and down (signally for the bulldog to toot his horn). It’s very cute – I agree how talented you are at including so many things in your stories – visual as well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s lovely to see you, Judi! I don’t remember that commercial, but it sounds like a hoot. When I was a kid I would build entire stories (just in my mind, not on paper) around commercials that captured my imagination. Thanks for visiting. Hugs on the wing!


  2. A nice third episode. I also loved to be remembered on the pink fishnet tights- 😉 But Scotland will love you, for the screeching bagpipes. Lol I am always amazed, how you can incorporate the things mentioned at short notice, into the story in such a terrific way. Thanks, for another great episode. Enjoy a nice weekend. Big hugs, Michaeel

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for being aboard, Diana. LOL, poor Dilly — zapped and then re-zapped. I was trying to avoid a cumbersome spot of storytelling, but maybe this zap should turn out to be a near miss. Either way, we’ll soon see where — or when they go from here. I hope you’re taking it easy. Hugs on the wing.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. I’ve been pushing my problem body-parts too hard, so I’m giving them a break today.
          I’m thrilled that you are part of the journeys. Whenever anyone says they’re about to start reading one of my stories I feel a combination of delight and anxiety. LOL. A stronger fantasy element in #8 and even more in #9 — which I really need to get busy on. Hugs. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Well that was lots of fun!
    Cats at the helm work for me!

    jive bomber

    These are 1940’s words/expressions.
    I don’t know how credible, but I got them from
    Thought you might like the resource.

    ALSO, I’m reading DoW 2.
    I got the Kobo thing going!
    Interesting.. when you go to pay, there is no PayPal, only the 3 majors.
    Scroll down….way down, and find Pay Pal!


  4. I can’t adequately express how delighted and complimented I feel to have my name included in your priceless stories and adventures. Also, your inclusion of the cats, both mom cat and her “child”. You are so creative with your stories and how gracefully you created the adventure. Awesome, really! ! Keep up the great adventures. Thank you for giving me a part in your exciting adventure. Waiting excitedly for the next chapter

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m delighted you enjoyed it, Ms. Frances. As I was looking at my list of reader things, my eyes landed on “cat” (from you), and suddenly the feline pilot named Peggy Sue came to me. Then I started making an image for the episode, and when I saw the kitten, there simply had to be an “intern”. I couldn’t think of a more purr-fect name for her than yours. Thank you for being such a delightfully good sport about it. Hugs on the wing!


  5. OH MY…Cat-ed and Zap-ed (again). I just laughed at the end! Poor Dilly. And her next adventure is??? The Peggy Sue & Frances feline pilots were a surprise. Then, I thought of Crystal and kinda heard her meow, meow to be included. Not with laws & hisses though. She may be the good cat waiting in some future adventure. I do enjoying the wild, whacky ride. It helps to balance reality in the world today. Hugs, my friend. 📚🎶 Christine

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Heartfelt thanks, Christine. Yes, I have to do something to balance all the awful stuff of reality. The feline pilots came to me as soon as I saw the “thing” cat. Heaven knows why. Then I thought of Peggy Sue, and knew I had to do it. I just roll with it. LOL. Stay happy and sassy, my friend. Hugs on the wing.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh Teagan – you are the best!! I met up with Ms Frances yesterday and she was so excited to hear the news! Thank you so much for giving joy to my mother, Frances. She follows you on Facebook and on WordPress. During the past months of lockdown, your imagination and writing has added so much to our lives! Sending many many hugs on the wing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are so kind, Rebecca — thank you for this lovely comment. I’m happy to hear that you and Ms. Frances got to spend some quality time. When my eyes scanned down my list of reader things, I suddenly knew what I had to do with “cat.” The thing created two characters. Although they are minor, they might be back. Hugs on the wing!

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Teagan, the inclusion of felines has me thinking of Star Trek – Spot, Grudge, and the black one that turned into a woman on TOS. I’m wondering if these cats are just cats or something more alien. I guess we shall see about that with upcoming episodes and why exactly Dilly was zapped. Purrfect chapter for today!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ah that would be Isis. I love that episode. It was originally meant to start a spin-off series, but not sure why that didn’t happen. I don’t remember “Grudge” but I’m not a very good Trekie.
      I meant the kitties to be “walk on parts.” But if the story hops around in time, they might be back. I’m so glad you could visit. Happy Caturday to Gibbs. Hugs on the wing!


          1. It’s only on Paramount streaming services, along with the first season of Picard and coming first season on Strange New Worlds (Capt Spike and young Spock).

            Why yes, I’m a Trek nerd. Live long and watch too much TV, Teagan.

            Liked by 1 person

  8. Teagan, your wild and crazy imagination is definitely working overtime! Peggy Sue and Ms. Frances are absolutely the cats 🐈 meow, They’re a hoot!

    I can’t help but wonder if your mind ever rests. I think not. You are a delightful whackadoodle and we get the benefit of it in your stories. Don’t ever change. You are a perfect story teller. And in this screwed up world, your stories are a breath of fresh air!

    Is Crystal consulting on this tale? She deserves a few extra treats. Enjoy your weekend and keep on trying to stay safe.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. And you, Ginger, are the cat’s pajamas. This wonderful comment means a lot to me. The worse the horrors of daily life, the zanier my imagination gets. I need an escape, not recreational reading or viewing with more and worse of the same things from reality. I think many other people need that too. So this story will continue to have a strong element of crazy.
      I meant the cat pilots to be a one time thing, but they might show up again, if TROLLEY needs a little help. TROLLEY is more of an observational, information collecting and distributing character. He or she can maneuver some, but well, let’s say TROLLEY’s capabilities would be like driving to the corner story, as compared to driving in the Tour de France.
      Crystal sends a purr. Hugs on the wing.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. You are amazing, Teagan. If ever there were a Queen of Imagination, surely you would wear the crown! I love your story, your characters, and the delight. Of course, adding Peggy Sue got me dancing. What better way to start the weekend! Hope you find time to celebrate and enjoy every moment of it. 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Teagan, your imagination is off the charts. If I have to have an earworm this early Saturday, there are worse ones to have than Peggy Sue. Frenzied hugs circling your way. What an episode. Definitely the cat’s meow.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, can you believe it? When I was researching I ran across a video of some goofball trying to chase one down to catch it. Quick little things.
      I hated to zap Dilly again. No wonder her hair is such a mess. Truthfully, it was the most expedient way to transition to the next part. Narrating the experience would bog down the story. Then again, maybe I will. It depends on what comes to me. Hugs on the wing!

      Liked by 2 people

  11. I just love it, Teagan. Your imagination linking random ideas from your followers is incredible. We’re left with another cliff-hanger moment in your grand style – thanks!!!

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Zap? Dilly’s been zapped? Cats at the controls (that thought scares me more than anything). Oh Teagan, you are off to a fantastic start, in every sense of the word. My thoughts are orbiting with this crazy crew and I can’t wait for reentry…I hope.

    Thanks for the historical references. I know you draw on (or at least near to) reality. I hope you gave a great weekend.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks, Dan. I’m glad you’re aboard. Yeah… I hated to zap Dilly a second time. Although the first one was a sting, rather than a knockout. The storytelling of getting from that point to the next seemed too cumbersome. But if something entertaining enough comes to me, she might not lose consciousness after all. Wishing you sunshine. Hugs on the wing!

      Liked by 2 people

  13. Yes, it’s getting more and more out there. Love Peggy Sue and Frances! I hope we see them again. And, the ending is quite a shock! Thanks for the historical notes as well, Teagan. Can’t wait to see where the story will go next!

    Liked by 3 people

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