ANNOUNCING — Dead of Winter: Journey 4, The Old Road

Wednesday, April 14, 2021 

The April Journey is finally here!

DoW 4 Wagon Wheel promo
Promotional Image by Teagan

Dead of Winter: Journey 4, The Old Road

I never intended to do much writing when I decided to convert this epic novel into an Amazon serial of monthly novelettes.  It was already plenty long.  However, this Journey gave me the chance to tell part of the backstory of two characters — Boabhan and Hallgeir.  To do so, I added an entire chapter, titled “Dig.”  There was already one segment told from Boabhan’s point of view.  

The Boabhan character also designed the wagons in which the Deae Matres travel, hence the wagon wheel in my image.  I suppose it would be fair to say that this novelette features her. 

Journey 4 is notably longer than 1, 2, 3, or 5 (coming in May).  However, it is still novelette-length.

As most of you know, I call the installments “journeys,” because the characters travel across the complex world I built, experiencing new cultures and meeting new people. These journeys will publish approximately monthly.

For those who weren’t around for the beginning of Dead of Winter, this post tells the story of Winter’s Nightmare — or Why It Took 10 Years for me to publish the epic.

DoW 1 Forest Promo
Image by Teagan

Here’s a little something about Journey 4, The Old Road

Dead of Winter: Journey 4, The Old Road
Dead of Winter: Journey 4, The Old Road

Journey 4, The Old Road picks up where “Dead of Winter: Journey 3, The Fever Field” stopped.  That episode left Emlyn on the run.  Will the Society of Deae Matres be willing to help?  After all, in Journey 1, they rejected her father’s plea to take her away.

As I was saying, Journey 4, The Old Road features Boabhan, the Society’s most enigmatic adherent. We’ll get personally acquainted with her.

Emlyn finds herself in another kind of danger when the archvillain from the prologue of Journey 1, Forlorn Peak returns to the story in this installment.  Plus, she still has not outrun the Brethren.  Meanwhile, Emlyn isn’t the only one at risk.  This Journey finds many of our friends in harm’s way.

Come, be a part of the Journeys of Dead of Winter.

  • Dead of Winter: Journey 1, Forlorn Peak
  • Dead of Winter: Journey 2, Penllyn. Cover by Teagan R. Geneviene
  • Dead of Winter: Journey 3, the Fever Field, by Teagan R. Geneviene
  • Dead of Winter: Journey 4, The Old Road

Update April 15, 2021, Paperback now available

Purchase Links Journey 4, the Old Road



All the other Journeys so far…

I hope you’ll visit the review links with each journey to marvelous blogs.

Universal Purchase Links for Journey 1, Forlorn Peak

Review from Olga Núñez Miret 



Kobo:  Dead of Winter: Journey 1, Forlorn Peak eBook by Teagan Geneviene – 1230004446033 | Rakuten Kobo United States

Universal Purchase Links for Journey 2, Penllyn

Review from Anita Dawes




Journey 3, the Fever Field

Review from Roberta Eaton Cheadle

Review from D.L. Finn


Paperback: Dead of Winter: Journey 3, the Fever Field eBook by Teagan Riordain Geneviene – 1230004609599 | Rakuten Kobo United States

Thanks for visiting my sanctuary.  I hope you’ll leave a friendly comment to say hello.  Hugs on the wing!

Copyright © 2021 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved. 

No part of this work may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or provided by free sources, unless stated otherwise.


83 thoughts on “ANNOUNCING — Dead of Winter: Journey 4, The Old Road

  1. I’m so behind, Teagan. Now, I’m running over to Amazon and getting both 3 and 4 and reading them both this week. Yay. Congrats on the latest journey! Now I have to catch up on the Delta Pearl. Lol.


    1. It’s lovely to see you, Mary. Haha, “onto something” would be nice. Regardless, it feels good after a decade, to finally get this story out there. I don’t think I ever would have if I had not decided to do it this monthly way. It’s still a ton of work, but it’s manageable. Stay safe and well. Hugs on the wing.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This is such an incredible undertaking, Teagan. It gives the readers bite-sized pieces of the story and in this day and age where everything is fast-moving, that is sheer genius. I am going to get caught up on this journey soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jan. As Olga says, it also works well for people who like to read more than one story at a time. For me, it was a manageable way to finalize the very large novel. I hope you’re having a grand weekend. Hugs on the wing.


  3. Congratulations, Teagan!
    You are on a real roll! How many books will there be.. do you think? OR it’s still all up in the air?

    I’m reading the first episode now!
    High Fantasy is a newish genre for me, although I did read the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings many years ago.
    Here I go!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Resa. I’m excited. I hope you love the journey. The first one is extra, extra short.
      I’m not totally sure how many there will be. The original manuscript is considerably more than 800 pages, and I seem to be adding bits here and there as I edit it to be a serial. I’m guessing about 12 novelettes total.

      I just finished drafting a new chapter of The Delta Pearl. I hope to see you “at the river” when you can. Hugs on the wing!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I am so glad you are following through on your story. I see that the paperbacks are on sale, I am off to get copies! I am NOT going to miss out on a hard copy. I love books, and yours are going to be outstanding. Thank you for your research, creativity, originality and work to put these stories together. You are a treasure! ! !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m always happy to see you Ms. Frances. 🙂 Amazon put me through an ordeal with the paperback this time, but it’s finally ready.

      I do my own formatting as well. I developed my own “readability format” as I call it, for my print books when I first started publishing. It’s not in the Large Print category, but I use slightly larger font size, and a little more spacing between lines. I find it easier to read than the typical paperback. (My eyesight is pretty awful. LOL) Amazon Kindle automatically changes the format when I upload the ebook, but I trick it as much as I can — which is not much, but I at least get some extra room between paragraphs on the Kindle copies.

      It’s such a pleasure to have you as part of these Journeys. ❤ Hugs on the wing!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, but I have the advantage, Michael — I wrote the overall novel ten years ago. I’m doing a little new writing, but for me it’s mostly an editing/formatting project. I’m honored for you to read any of my stories — whenever you have time. I don’t read fast (even though English is my first and only language, so I understand. Stay safe and well. Hugs on the wing!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Lauren. The story is in a serial form. You might be able to enjoy it without reading the previous installments, with the list of characters I’ve included at the end. However, each volume ends with a cliffhanger. I’m publishing one Journey a month, and I expect to have about 12 of them.

      If you join the Journeys, I hope you love it. Thanks for visiting. Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Okay, I just ordered Journey 1 and look forward to the adventure. I’ll start from the very beginning (sings Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music). 🙂 That’s awesome about working on the end goal of 12 books, and how you can write and publish once a month is amazing. Wishing you great success and sending hugs. ❤️❤️❤️

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Lauren — thank you! ❤ Journey 1 is very short. Most of the novelettes will be around 60-70 pages. ^^' I can't take that much praise — I actually finished the novel nearly ten years ago. I'm doing some new writing with it, but it's mostly an editing/formatting project. But you'll see that tale of the tale in the preface. I do hope you love the introduction to Emlyn's world. Stay safe and well. Hugs on the wing!

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly, Pete. I’ve been going through an Amazon ordeal with the paperback all day. Hopefully that’s worked out, although I gave up before I got them to take the big front/back cover. Anyhow, I appreciate you commenting. Hugs on the wing!

      Liked by 1 person

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