Jazz Age Wednesdays 18 ― Pip & Artie Meet Again – Part 2

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Clara Bow 1
Clara Bow as Mona the Movie Star

I’m still celebrating New Year’s here at Jazz Age Wednesdays.  You see, the pos-i-lutely darb, Chris Graham, the Story Reading Ape! collaborated on a story with me.  Chris started the tale in which my character Pip, and his character Artie get together. 

Sharing ideas with “the Ape” was such fun that I couldn’t finish the story in just one episode.  In fact, it’s turned into a mini series.  Last week, Chris gave this story a great kickoff.  (Read it here.) As for my part of the story, I won’t reach the finale until next week.  Anyhow, let’s get a wriggle on and go back to Artie and Pip.  Or at least to Artie…

Pip and Artie Meet Again

Part 2

Train woman porters packages

They say the devil is in the detail and that was pos-i-lutely the case during a moment that transcended time and space.  During that bedeviled instant, Artie put the finishing touches on his portable time machine.  Tinkering with gears and gizmos, he finally located the labradorite crystal.  He had left it in the corn maze, hoping that Pip would find it.  The labradorite would act as a transponder so that he could get back to Pip and finish their visit.

When Artie first met Paisley Idelle Peabody, he had been so tired that he fell asleep before they could finish their delightful conversation.  So, this time he made sure to take a nap.  When Artie woke up the other chimps were milling around, inspecting the amazing time machine.  Some congratulated Artie and told him he was a genius.  A few though joked about his previous attempts at time travel, the tries that had not turned out so well.  Others made fun of him for having any interest at all in the flapper from days long gone.  Artie steadfastly ignored them.

Amid oohs and ahs from the other chimps, Artie checked the time machine settings and locked down the leavers.

In that same vexed moment, Paisley Idelle Peabody took off the labradorite pendant that she had found.  She placed it inside a small jewelry box made of etched lead crystal within a lead frame with a turtle carving of the same metal on the lid.

1925 Theatre Magazine jade necklace jewelry

Artie’s instruments were befuddled by the lead surrounding the transponder crystal.  Once again, his destination was slightly altered.  Fortunately, his portable time machine was also a motorcycle. 

He switched the machine to vehicular mode.  Just down the road, he could see Savannah’s Union Station.  Artie could get his bearings from there, and maybe even directions to Pip’s house.

A street car barreled toward him.  He was so captivated by the ancient mode of transportation that he barely got out of the way in time.  The conductor shouted and said he must be zozzled.  Artie wasn’t familiar with the term meaning intoxicated, so he smiled and waved.

Then, coming out of the arched doorway of the station, he beheld the most dazzling human woman he had ever seen.  Not that she could interfere with his crush on Pip, but anyone had to admit the strange woman’s charisma. 

She tried to hail a cab, but it already had an occupant.  She pushed back her dark brown bob in an annoyed gesture.  The beaded fringe of her flapper gown swayed as she stepped back up onto the curb.  The driver stuck his head out the window and whistled at her saying, “Hey, hotsy-totsy!  I’ll be back!”

The woman looked frustrated.  She muttered something that sounded like, “Bushwa!

Artie Portable Time Machine cycle
Image courtesy of Chris Graham

Artie stopped his machine and stared at her, amazed.  His eyes widened and his jaw dropped when she hurried over to him.  He was so bewitched that he forgot that the people of the Roaring Twenties did not know about genius, talking chimps.

The brunette flapper barely reacted to his appearance, hesitating only briefly before smiling.  Artie finally remembered himself and pulled the visor of his cap down to cover his face as much as possible.

“Oh!  You must be heading to a New Year’s Eve costume party.  You look swell.  Why, your costume is even better than the ones they make in Hollywood!” she told him in a rush.  “I wonder, could you give me a lift?  The cabs are pretty busy on New Year’s Eve.  It’s not far ― the Peabody place.”

Artie gave her a toothy grin. 

“Of course, you must be Mona, ‘the movie star’ ― Pip’s best friend!” Artie exclaimed.

(There’s a little more about Mona in this chapter from The Three Things Serial Story, click here for the chapter.)

He remembered Pip’s words that men would do anything for Mona.  It was easy to see why that would be the case.  However, Pip had also said that Mona never “lead anyone on.”  Artie believed that too.  He could see the kindness in the dark-haired flapper’s eyes.

“Oh, you know Pip!  Then everything is Jake.  Come on, let’s blouse!” Mona cried and climbed onto the back of what she thought was a motorcycle.

Unfamiliar with traffic laws in the USA, or the 1920s for that matter, Artie drove on the wrong side of the road.  Luckily there weren’t many automobiles on the road.  There was, unfortunately, a police vehicle.  It turned and gave chase. 

Sirens blared.

1920s Police car


End Part 2

Applesauce!  Will the coppers catch Artie and Mona?  What would they do with a motorcycle riding talking chimp?  Will Mona replace Pip in Artie’s affections?  You’ll have to ankle back to the Jazz Age again next week to learn more. 

Thanks for visiting.  You’re the bee’s knees!

Now, for that shameless self-promotion… Here are the links to the books about Pip and her friends.

Bijou front only 2

Murder at the Bijou — Three Ingredients I

Novel-book-The Three Things Serial Story-Teagan Riordain Geneviene-The Writer Next Door-Vashti Q-spotlight-author

The Three Things Serial Story: A Little 1920s Story Kindle 


This is a work of fiction.  Characters, names, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, locales, or events is entirely coincidental. 

Copyright © 2017 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene.

All rights reserved.

No part of this work may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or provided by free sources, unless stated otherwise.


73 thoughts on “Jazz Age Wednesdays 18 ― Pip & Artie Meet Again – Part 2

    1. You are so kind, Jennie. That gave me a huge satisfied Saturday smile. 😀 I could have kept it going indefinitely, but with work, two serials running simultaneously is more than I can handle. 🙂 I’m delighted you are enjoying it. You are the cat’s pajamas!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Sorry for being tardy, dear Teagan, I did share in real time, but then the Devil grabbed my head again and pounded it repeatedly against a wall in Hades (you know this story, dear friend, migraine!!!), so I’ve been caught in a cycle of “I’m going to do it and then don’t”, but it’s eased ever so slightly and I’m going to jump in while I can! This is a delight, the elephant’s eyebrows, the eel’s hips, the gnat’s whistle, the bee’s knees – you get my drift, it’s terrif! 😉 It’s days like these I wish I could take a jorum of skee or at least a cup of Joe. 😉 I’ll try to get less grummy (easy when I’m here because this is the cat’s whiskers!). Off to share some more and hope this day and every day treats you kindly.
    Mega You’re the Real MCoy! hugs xoxoxoxoxox

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Applesauce, Donna… I’m so very sorry about the migraine. That’s so miserable. Even though I am ever so happy to see you, please just be good to you. Be gentle with yourself and your head; don’t push yourself.
      Big cooling waves of fluffy soft purple energy going out to your poor head. Warm peachy thoughts to your hands and feet. Be well my friend. You’re the cat’s pajamas. 🙂


    1. LOL… that leads to a good party question. “If you got the chance to climb into a time machine– would you?” I think it would depend on where I was when it showed up. Work for instance… LOL. 😈
      I’m happy you enjoyed this trip, Jacquie. Thanks for visiting. You’re the cat’s meow!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wonderful reading Teagan.. and I smiled as you said the Devil is in the detail.. You certainly my friend add ‘Detail’ And the scene on the busy street from the street Car to the hailed cab.. And the roaring 20’s with hair bobs lol.. Loved it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL thanks so much for picking up on that Sue. My intro had (before edit) included the comment that they say the devil is in the detail, but for me the devil is in the middle of stories. Because that’s where I tend to get snagged. But every time I proofed the post it confused me to see that phrase in two places, so I removed it from the intro.
      Anyhow, I had such a clear image of that scene when I wrote it — I’m particularly glad you mentioned it. Heartfelt thanks for visiting. You’re the cat’s meow!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL, I think you’re onto something there John. But exploring that would lead to another entire serial. Not sure I have the energy. 😀 I’m tickled that you are having a good time with this little romp. Conclusion coming next week. You’re the bee’s knees!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Joanne, it’s great to see you. I’m happy you enjoyed your visit.
      * This particular story began with part 1 https://teagansbooks.com/2018/01/03/jazz-age-wednesdays-17-%E2%80%95-pip-artie-meet-again-part-1/
      * Artie was introduced in “Time Travel Esc-Ape” https://teagansbooks.com/2017/05/07/time-travel-esc-ape/
      * Then he came back in “Pip in the Corn Maze” https://teagansbooks.com/2017/10/11/jazz-age-wednesdays-5-pip-in-the-corn-maze/

      Next week the conclusion to this collaboration with Chris The Story Reading Ape.
      You’re the berries!


    1. LOL… I could see Artie doing that — although I’m not sure if Chris might give him better driving skills. Naturally Artie wouldn’t know 1920s traffic laws.
      Credit to Chris for the transforming time machine and the image. I thought it was brilliant. Thanks so much for visiting. You’re the cat’s meow!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    Teagan Geneviene and The Story Reading Ape have been up to mischief again this week.. well their characters have, and mainly Artie the time travelling chimp… he is determined to travel back in time to see the lovely Pip but on the way he bumps into her best friend.. the two of them head to the party but something is behind them……#recommended

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great episode! I would also quite likely end up driving on the wrong side of the road if I was transported to the 1920s… Great to see the characters we love from somebody else’s point of view as well. Thanks, Teagan and Chris!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Olga. It’s great to see you. I’m in such a mood that I wish I could get on Artie’s time machine and travel with him and Pip! What an escape that would be.
      I’m delighted you enjoyed this chapter. You’re the cat’s pajamas!


  5. As always a darn good read and because of your posts, I am thinking more and more about the wild and wonderful ’20s. I am sure after WW1 – people really did think it was the war to end all wars – and so a time to let go and be wild and enjoy the jazz:). You capture so beautifully in your story the essence of that time. Clearly your creative juices are flowing in this new year, and long may it be so. Hummingbird hugs for you and Crystal. Janet xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Janet, thank you for this wonderful feedback! It means so much to me. Since I’ve never had time to make myself into a 1920s historian, I sometimes wonder. Maybe that’s why I keep a light approach to these stories. It was also a time when the science fiction genre was growing from the roots of the forerunners of the Victorian Era (like HG Wells). I think that adds to the magical whimsy of the 20s.
      I hope everyone will visit your latest wonderful post: https://jcrhumming.wordpress.com/2018/01/10/the-wheel-of-the-year-with-not-beginning-and-no-end/
      Big hug right back. You’re the cat’s pajamas!

      Liked by 1 person

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