At the Wall Gallery and on The Radio — Meet Kirt and Hank

Today I’m pleased to introduce you to two pos-i-lutely fantastic guys — Kirt Tisdale and Hank Hertz!  It was my great pleasure to be a guest at the Wall Gallery, Kirt’s blog, The Wall Gallery There you will find his inspiring collection of art and photography.  

Thanks to Kirt for working with me on this joint post!  It’s already live at his blog, so forgive me for another rerun if you’ve already been there.  Many of you have already visited there.  Thank you so much!  If you haven’t already seen this post, thank you as well — for being here.

I never managed to move to Arizona in real life, but I had a great virtual visit with Kirt. Let me hand things over to him now.  Kirt, the stage is yours.

Writer Inspires Artist – Artist Inspires Writer or On The Radio – Meet Hank

I could call this week’s post – “The Art of Visualization: The Key Element to Writing, Art and Photography”, but the result of that ability is “On The Radio – Meet Hank”.  I’m doing a joint collaboration with one of my favorite authors, Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene. One of my most consistent comments to her after reading her writing is: “I love it…I am instantly pulled in because I can visualize everything you are writing about.”  

When she asked me to do this joint post, her request was simple: “Go through your art and photography portfolio and send me a picture that you would like to have me weave into one of my novels.”  

I narrowed it down to Cedar Rapids Barn because this capture of an old dilapidated barn created a visualization of a rural setting and the mystery surrounding the structure (side note: I was driving on the outskirts of Cedar Rapids, Iowa in the heavily wooded hills along the river when I spotted this structure nestled in the trees. Of course I had to stop…hike into the woods and take some shots with my camera). So with that, I would like to turn it over to the star of this visualization, Teagan. 

What a fantastic introduction!  I’m not sure I can live up to it… So I’ll call on Donna Summer to build some excitement first! 


From his wonderful collection, Kirt chose the image above, Cedar Rapids Barn.  I let it spontaneously lead me to the story below.

As you probably expected, this tale is set in the Roaring Twenties world of my flapper character, Paisley Idelle Peabody, aka Pip.  (For more about Pip, see The Three Things Serial Story click here.)

Today meet Hank Hertz.  This vignette is part of Hank’s backstory.  He’s a young man Pip will meet when she is sent to live in Savannah, Georgia with her grandmother.  However, this vignette takes place at some point not too long before Pip arrives there, so she is not in this story.

On the Radio — Meet Hank

No harm in trying one more time, Hank Hertz thought as he stacked all manner of electronic components on the counter.

“Hi, Mr. Hardscrabble,” Hank mumbled, trying to avoid eye contact with the hardware store’s proprietor.

“Hank, I already told you.  Your ma told me not to sell you any of this gadgetry tomfoolery.  You might as well put all that stuff back on the shelves, son.”

Hardscrabble put a hand to his balding head in a frustrated gesture.  He found his spectacles there and smiled because he’d forgotten where he put them.  However, he brightened when the door opened.  One of “Savannah’s finest,” Detective Dabney Daniels strolled into Hardscrabble Hardware.  His finely chiseled features remained neutral, but he raised an eyebrow at the tableau at the counter.

“Now get on with you, boy.  Put everything back.  I can’t take your money,” the store owner repeated before turning to a real customer.  “That boy gets more like his granddaddy every day.  Detective, what can I do for you?”

1928 Detroit police radio Blue

“No need to rest on formality, Homer.  I can’t find my flashlight, so I’m here for another one,” the detective replied then looked sheepish.  “Go ahead and laugh about things going missing at a police station.  I can tell you’re holding it back.”

Hank watched the exchange between the tall detective and the portly shopkeeper as he reluctantly made trips from the sales counter back to the shelves.  He could have carried more things at one time, but he delayed the inevitable, hoping Mr. Hardscrabble would change his mind.  As he picked up a few more items to return to the shelf, the detective stopped him.

“What is all that stuff, son?  If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were building a ham radio.  Or at least intended to before Homer shut you down.”

For a moment Hank’s face lit up at the mention of his passion — all things electronic, especially radios.  He looked dejectedly at his feet.

“Momma wants me to study law.  She says electronics and inventions are a distraction.  She even said they were toys!”

“So all the old fogies are conspiring against you, huh?  Well, you’d better ankle all that stuff back where it came from, like Homer told you.”


1920 Radio News

After supper Hank got an armload of books and headed out the kitchen door.  His mother looked at the heavy tomes and gave a satisfied nod.  Hank knew she was watching from the window above the sink as he walked to the little red barn.  Vines of Cherokee roses ran riot over the building.  The Hertz family used the barn for storage, but Hank made it his personal spot to study or just hang out.  He also had a workbench tucked in one corner where he discretely kept his radio equipment.

The horizon blazed red with sunset when Hank slipped out of the barn.  He pedaled the motorized bicycle he had made until he was far enough away that his parents wouldn’t hear the noise of the motor.  Dusk descended as he rode into town.

Hank didn’t pay any attention to the dark Ford parked on the corner, or to the fact that someone sat inside it.  He rode down the alley and came up behind Hardscrabble Hardware.  The back door was locked, but he found a window he could open.  He took his flashlight and climbed into the store.

He knew exactly where to find everything he wanted.  So it didn’t take Hank long to gather all the electronics he tried to buy that afternoon.  He stood at the sales counter and added up all the prices.  He figured the tax.  Then he left the full amount of the purchase, plus two cents, because he didn’t have enough pennies to leave the exact change.

Putting everything into his bag, Hank turned toward the back of the shop.  It felt like an electric charge shot from his neck down his arm when he heard a cough behind him.  Hank jerked around to face the sound.

1920 Victoria motorcycle ad

The boy thought he’d lose everything he ate for supper when he saw the police detective standing there, arms folded.

“So you actually broke into the store and paid for the things Homer wouldn’t sell you?  Son, I don’t know what to make of that.”

Hank stumbled back a step.  He wanted to run, but the copper knew who he was and where he lived.  Besides, Hank had a pretty good idea that those long legs could catch up with him before he got to his bicycle.  His breath caught in his throat.  Hank couldn’t have spoken even if he’d known what to say.

The detective closed the distance to the counter in a single step.  He pointed his new flashlight to the paper where Hank had added up his purchase.  Then he pursed his lips as he thought.  He stared at Hank as if he could see every fib the boy had ever told.  Hank gulped.

“Where’d you get the money for this stuff, son?  Allowance?  Money for odd jobs?”

Hank only nodded, still unable to talk.  Finally he found his voice and croaked out a reply.  “It’s my money sir.  Fair and square.  I wouldn’t steal anything.”

“I guess I’m going to have to have a talk with your parents,” Dabney Daniels said, slowly shaking his head.

Poor Hank felt like he might sink through the floor, right then and there.  His knees felt weak.

“But this,” the copper motioned at Hank’s bag full of stuff.  “I don’t see as any law has really been broken.  After all, I walked in through the front door, which was unlocked.  I know Homer leaves through the back door and forgets to lock the front.  But being as you’re here, I assume he left it open for you.”

Hank gazed at Daniels in wide eyed confusion.

“Besides, I hate doing paperwork.  If you had actually broken into this store, I’d have to haul you to the station and spend the rest of the night writing up the report.  I do have to talk to your parents though,” he added causing Hank to sink further.

The young man managed a groan.

“You know, I really need an intern down at the station.  I think your mother will see that working for me would be a good learning experience for a future lawyer.  In a way, that’s where law starts isn’t it?  With the police?  Meanwhile you can put your talent with radio gadgetry to use.  How does that sound?”

The end


And so Savannah’s youngest policeman began his career.  If you want to know more about the other characters in Murder at the Bijou, Three Ingredients-I, click here.  Thanks for reading.  Mega hugs!


Copyright © 2017 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved.

No part of this work may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or from Pinterest unless stated otherwise.



67 thoughts on “At the Wall Gallery and on The Radio — Meet Kirt and Hank

  1. Teagan, that old red barn really fell right into your story. Every kid needs to find his sanctuary and Hank found his here. I’m so happy that Hank paid for his items and did not take the leap to delinquency.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Michelle. Isn’t it a charming place? Kirt has so many wonderful images!
      LOL, Hank is a good kid. He also has a bit of a stubborn streak, so that might have had as much to do with him paying for the radio components as just being good. 😀 Mega hugs my friend.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Teagan! I read this post over on Kurt’s blog and enjoyed giving it another read here today 🙂 Sorry it took me a while to get here but I’m so glad to visit with you. Let’s put on a pot of tea, shall we? I have to say that the barn is the perfect backdrop for the time spent reading about Hank xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Christy, you are so kind to take time to visit both blogs! And thank you for sharing at LinkedIn too. You are a treasure, my friend!
      Yes, I’ll finish my ginger tea while you have a brew of choice. The ginger has really been helping with my endless cough. Mega hugs


  3. I love how Hank left more money than he owed because he didn’t have enough pennies, Teagan. You told the story so very well, and I do hope that Pip finds Hank as a lovable character as I did. Is this an example of how crime can sometimes pay? OK, Hank only broke in through a window, but just look at what career awaits him. He was certainly in the right place at the right time.
    Hugs to you

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This proves once again – better together!!!
    Already a long-time follower of Kirt and Hank is quite a character and I mean that in more ways than one! Dear Teagan, you have such a delightful way with characters I really do feel like I know Hank.
    Thank you, Teagan and Kirt, you’ve added fun to my weekend.
    Mega no tomfoolery except good tomfoolery hugs xoxox

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Donna. I admit that I always wonder if my characters are developed enough. LOL, isn’t “tomfoolery” a great word. 😀 I think everyone should either do or say some tomfoolery. I hope your Sunday is sublime, and the new week is perfect. Mega hugs right back.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. This was a beautiful collaboration, Teagan. I am a weekend “catch up” blogger! Just got over here although, I did write a message on Kirt’s post. . . I can see the future lawyer in Hank as well as the closet radio station host. . . Who knows? He is a fun character to have imagined a d shared with us. Best wishes with your book and it may have to wait until June purchases. . .
    I used to make piles of library requisition forms, recommending purchases. Now, slowly but surely, am buying books to read from fellow bloggers. . . hugs Robin

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Great collaboration, Teagan. You wove Kirk’s beautiful barn into the story seamlessly. I love the way Hank sneaks out (reminds me of me – ha ha). Such a good kid and I’m glad Detective Daniels recognized that. A fun read, as always. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Teagan, another great installation of Pip’s story! Your creativity never ceases to astound me. Well done, my friend. Using photos is a great way to excite your creativity! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey Mary. Congrats again on the latest book!!!
      Yes, I’m having a ton of fun with these joint efforts. Hopefully broadening the audience for both parties. Have a wonder-filled, hug-filled weekend. 🙂


    1. Thanks for this feedback, John. It gave me a way to bring out the personalities of both characters. With the three ingredients (things) stories being completely spontaneous and driven by the “things” it’s even harder to develop characters. Dabney realized how determined Hank was to work with the radio equipment, and maybe foresaw that getting him deeper into trouble. Thanks for taking time to visit here. Mega hugs.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much, Dan! It brings me a lot of happiness to be able to share great blogging friends (including you) with everyone here. Plus, I’ve had much more fun this way, than I would with ordinary “marketing” for the next book release. (Unfortunately I’ve fallen behind with that effort. I’m still dealing with that bad allergy-asthma-sinus thing. My real job has been the limit of what I can handle. But I’m finally starting to get better. So I might still make my intended “Spring 2017.”)
      I appreciate you taking time to visit both blogs. Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Awesome Ape — I’m delighted that you enjoyed this collaboration. You’re the bee’s knees for reblogging! Thanks for taking time away from the tree-house to visit here. Your unfailing support lifts me up more than you could know. Mega hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Absolutely positutely love this story and Kirt the photo if the barn is gorgeous, I have a thing for barns, so nice to meet Kirt ! Well it was great learning more about Hank I like him a lot and Teagan you have such an amazing gift, when you put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard you create magick and your characters come to life. I never want the stories to end❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Suzanne, once again your words of encouragement have helped me during a difficult moment in time. (Don’t worry — it’s just more of the same.) Thank you for your uplifting words, my friend. They particularly meant a lot this weekend, because I’ve had a big case of “what’s the point.” Just… thank you. ❤
      More importantly, I'm delighted that I could introduce you to Kirt and his fabulous work. He has such a wide variety of images. Something for everyone. Wishing you and Percy a great weekend. Mega hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Olga. Heartfelt thanks for taking time out from all your work and the festival to visit here! I’m extra pleased that you like Hank, because I know what an eye you have for character development. Thank you.
      More importantly, I’m delighted that I could introduce you to Kirt and the Wall Gallery. Have a wonderful weekend. Huge hugs.


    1. Kathryn, I’m so happy to see you. I hope the food truck venture is coming along well. That’s so exciting! (Work is more despicable than ever. So even though I fully realize the risks and costs, I’m envious. [Taking credit for my ideas was bad enough. Now, Having me write motivational messages and then taking full credit for them.]) I’m greedy enough to hope you’ll still have time for blogging. 😀 ❤
      I can't thank you enough for this comment. It means more to me than anyone could imagine. Mega hugs.

      Liked by 2 people

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