Copper, the Alchemist, & the Woman in Trousers: Conclusion

99 Things

A few days ago I posted a heads-up that Copper, the Alchemist, & the Woman in Trousers would have its concluding episode today. Then I had the “brilliant idea” to use a poll, asking you to vote on which of certain features you’d like to see on the posts I’ll be doing while I work on book-2 of the Atonement series.  Well… as I told KR Big Fish, I seem to have a bad case of “foot in mouth disease,” because now I can see huge problems, like spoilers, with most of the feature ideas I suggested.

What kind of feature will it be?  Drumroll please

Annie's Antiques
Annie’s Antiques & Consignment Shop

I will rotate between (or possibly do both)…

Recipes from Bethany’s Kitchen


Annie’s Inventory Notes

More about these features when the time comes.  Once Atonement in Bloom is finished, I’ll do another “three things” serial, with your things driving the “pantser” plot.

Now back to our serial story.  As you know, all four of the serials I’ve so far published on this blog are pantser stories. They are completely unplanned. I let the “three things” readers send drive the plot of each episode.  This conclusion is the exception. It was not driven by three things — rather it was formed by the 3 things from the 33 previous episodes — so that’s 99 Things!


girl-waiting-for-train-freeYou can see how that might make for a longer than usual episode. Some of you will be pleased.  For those who don’t like longer posts, be ready to mark your place, maybe by remembering the closest picture. I hope you’ll be interested enough to finish this final episode. This conclusion is about twice as long as most of the other chapters in this serial; so not really all that long.

The steam locomotive to the Victorian Era has reached the platform one more time.  I’m happier than you can know that you’ve been on the train with me, and that you are here for the finale today.  Are you ready?

All aboard!

34.  Conclusion of Copper, the Alchemist & the Woman in Trousers

The alchemically enhanced, large version of Leonardo da Vinci’s aerial screw powered-on, and with a screech the threads began to turn.

Reading Ape purple“I’m sorry my friend, there’s no time for proper goodbyes!” Corenlis Drebbel called to Cal Hicks, the amethyst ape.  “It will save an enormous amount of energy if we take the aerial screw through the opening the villains created.”

“I understand, Lord of Alchemy,” Hicks told him.

Just then Itsy ran back into view.  The chimpanzee rushed straight for Cal Hicks and I thought she meant him harm.  I yelled for Cornelis to do something, but he only gave me that pucker-faced contemplative look of his.  Itsy slipped as she ran at Hicks.  She slid to a stop, sobbing at his feet.

To my astonishment she turned her tear-streaked face up to Hicks and handed him the mystic people harmonic tuner.  Itsy seemed to be apologizing, but it was difficult to distinguish her words with all the weeping and wailing.

“What the devil?” I began.

Terrence Mann as Cornelis
Terrence Mann as Cornelis

Cornelis cast an impatient gaze on me and I didn’t finish my sentence.  “You really mean to tell me that you didn’t know?” he asked with a sardonic twist of his mouth.

“Know what?” I sputtered.

The alchemist gave a negligent waive of his hand at the contrivance above our heads.  The threads of the device glowed yellow-green and the noise was magically silenced.  I could hear Itsy clearly as she spoke to Cal Hicks, repeating her remorse.

“They said they’d kill you!” she cried.  “Ced told me so.  Those people are the ones who enslaved Ced.  Thinking he was only a stupid animal, the fiends discussed it in front of him.  They plan to kill your doppelgänger, once they get what they want.  And we think you will die when your double is killed!” Itsy bawled.  “I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you Cal— I mean Mr. Hicks.”

“No, no dear child,” Hicks told Itsy as he patted her hand.  “It doesn’t work like that with the doppelgängers.  If they wanted to kill me, then they’d have to kill me.”

1900 Maid with tray
Bitsy as we “thought” she was

The villains, including Bitsy the erstwhile maid at the Belle Inn moved closer.  Abruptly Itsy gave a horrified look at Cal Hicks, and put both hands to her mouth, desperately trying to avoid sicking-up.  Still halfway across the burned out yard, I saw Bitsy being less successful at controlling her reaction to the nearness of her double.

“Do you mean to tell me Itsy was in love with Cal Hicks and you deduced it that quickly?” I demanded crossly of Cornelis Drebbel.

The Dutchman of course, only gave a self-satisfied smirk.  “I know what they were after too,” he added with a wriggle of his bushy blonde eyebrows at the foes who chased us all the way into the amethyst world.

I tapped my foot, silently waiting for him to answer.  I wouldn’t give the man the satisfaction of asking.

“What did they want?” Copper asked, spoiling the point I was trying to get across.

“Why you are standing in it, Copper!” Cornelis said and tousled her new penny colored curls.  “We all knew it was a potential, we just didn’t really think they knew about the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci.”Aerial Screw drawing

“So they wanted to make one of these things?  Will it really fly enough to carry us?” Copper asked.

“Oh yes, Copper.  This one will fly and carry us wherever we want to go,” Cornelis Drebbel told the girl and grinned before turning to me.

Copper looked preoccupied with her surroundings.  The alchemist moved closer to me and spoke in a faint whisper.  “They knew about the valuable drawings all along,” he told me.  “But they needed a talented inventor if they were to have any hope of making it work.  Calvin Hixon slipped through their fingers.  So they set out to kidnap his daughter, planning to use Copper to force her father to do their bidding,” Cornelis finished.

Basil Gill (1877-1955) as Ignatius Belle
Basil Gill (1877-1955) as Ignatius Belle

“Ignatius,” I hissed accusingly.  “Bitsy got the information from him, one way or another, didn’t she,” I said and Cornelis nodded.  “Hixon surely told him about the drawings when he tried to bring Ignatius into the family fold, if he in fact didn’t tell him before.”

“Wave goodbye, Copper.  We must hurry and be off,” Cornelis told her and she waved and blew kisses to Cal Hicks, who looked very sad to see us leave.

A horrified expression came to Copper’s blue eyes.  “Absinthe hurry — come here!  Aubrieta!” Copper yelled to the little fairies.

The last time I noticed the Green Fairy and his mate the two skunk-looking fae fluttered around the upper parts of the aerial screw, making adjustments.  However, I followed Copper’s gaze and saw them through the tall window of the laboratory.  They were inside the building and investigated the array of gadgets on the long worktable.

Aubrieta, the Purple Fairy who had been trapped in a transformation as the one-eyed-one-horned-flying-purple-people-eater when she first came to this realm, chirped as she darted from one instrument to another.  Absinthe, the Green Fairy behaved similarly.  The two moved a few strange looking implements aside for reasons only they knew.

Absinthe, the Green Fairy
Absinthe, the Green Fairy

The acute hearing of the fae caused them to stop what they were doing and turn toward Copper’s voice.  The fairies dotted on the girl.  A purple and green aura surrounded the small collection of implements.  Absinthe shook his fluffy striped tail at the aura and it disappeared — along with all the devices it covered.  Aubrieta nodded to her mate in a satisfied seeming way and the two fairies popped out of sight.

An instant later Absinthe appeared on Copper’s shoulder.  Aubrieta fluttered in the air beside her, delicately playing with a strand of her coppery hair.  The display was charmingly affectionate, but it seemed sad to me.

A tear rolled down each of Copper’s cheeks.  Absinthe kissed one and Aubrieta kissed the other.  Without realizing I spoke aloud, I had murmured the word no.  Absinthe flew to me and playfully pulled the bright purple streak in my hair.  I knew the metering device would turn completely purple if we stayed too long in the amethyst world.  But the alchemist never warned me that my hair might begin to turn ultra-violet!

Absinthe turned his bantam backside toward me and fluffed out his tail, pretending he was about to spray his potent potable of super-powered absinthe poot.  Aubrieta chirped a warning at him, but both still seemed playful to skunk palm

“They’re not coming with us?” I asked Cornelis, but I already knew the answer.

“Felicity, I do believe you’ve become attached to our farting fae,” Cornelis said.  “No they aren’t coming,” he continued.  “Well, not right away.  They’re far too fond of Copper to stay away.  No, they’ll make sure the portal closes properly behind us.  We don’t want all manner of riffraff from our world coming into this idyllic purple place.”

“So they’ll join us again in moments,” I said hopefully.

Copper shook her head sadly, but then brightened.  “They have a surprise for Cornelis,” she confided in an over-loud whisper that immediately got the alchemist’s attention.  “They’re going to stay and fix his submarine.  Then they’ll bring it with them,” she told me as a grinning Cornelis turned his back, pretending he didn’t hear.Drebbel submarine

As the threads of the contraption whirred the gondola lifted up into the air.  Cornelis didn’t take it up very high though.  The portal through which the hydrofoil entered was not far above the ground.  The aerial screw entered the edge of the bright pink aura that outlined the opening to our world.  Copper looked intently all around at the crowd of simians.

“Viola’s not here.  I didn’t get to say goodbye, and I really liked her.  Can’t we go back so I can tell her?  Maybe she’d like to go with us,” Copper pleaded.

“No child,” Cornelis told her looking genuinely regretful as the flying machine began to enter the gateway.  “This portal can only be used once.  If we tried to go back now, we’d be lost between.”

“Between what?” I had to ask.

Jamie Murray as Felicity
Jamie Murray as Felicity

“Between here and there,” Cornelis said and my mouth twisted, because I should have known he’d say something to annoy me.  “I hear it’s not a terribly pleasant place,” he added.

When I looked back toward the laboratory, I saw the lavender sky.  Turning my head the other direction I saw a sky of blue.  I sighed a relieved, happy breath.  Sometimes I wondered if I would ever see that blue sky again.

Just as the gondola finished traversing the gateway, I looked back and saw the hydrofoil charging toward us.

“Oh no…” Cornelis muttered.

I could see Bitsy’s angry face.  The men with her held up guns aimed at us, ready to fire the minute they got close enough.

“Cornelis, shouldn’t you put some kind of shield around us.  Those guns fire real bullets, you realize,” I reminded the alchemist.

“He wasn’t oh-no-ing about the guns,” Copper said with a light of comprehension in her blue eyes as she watched the scene in wonder.

The hydrofoil entered the portal and immediately the view was dimmed by a foggy veil.  The craft lurched violently.  Then it rocked as if in slow motion.  The fog became so thick we could no longer see inside the portal.  The fog bulged out from the gateway and then drew back.  I heard the hydrofoil’s engine cough and muffled yelling from the people manning the craft.  After a moment there was silence.Forlanini hydrofoil

Copper, the alchemist, and I stared dumbfounded.  Finally the shrill cry of a hawk broke the silence.  I gave an involuntary shudder, pondering the kind of place that must sit between the two worlds.  I wondered if Bitsy and those men deserved whatever their fate actually was.  However, I reminded myself that they were willing to do harm to Calvin Hixon and to Copper to get what they wanted.  Suddenly the idea of their fate didn’t bother me so much.

When I looked down I expected to see the tops of giant redwood trees, or the beaches of the Pacific coastal area where we were before we accidentally entered the amethyst world.  Yet I didn’t see anything of the kind.

“Cornelis, that doesn’t look like California or Oregon or any part of the Pacific coast,” I pointed down and declared.

English countryside aeiral“No?” he said and nonchalantly looked down from our vantage point, which was much higher after we went through the portal.  “Well, it is not exactly to be expected that the flying machine would return us to the place where we left in the submarine.  That portal was opened haphazardly, without professional design or calculations,” he said, finally looking a little bit concerned.

“Actually there’s no telling where it opened or where we are,” the alchemist said with that sardonic twist that curled his upper lip while his lower lip twisted to the side.

“There’s something down there that looks pretty large,” I commented, trying to see through a feathery white cloud.

Cornelis pulled a lever and twisted a crystal knob and the aerial screw moved gently lower.  I saw a massive complex of stone buildings.

Windsor Castle
Windsor Castle

“Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle!” Cornelis exclaimed to gales of laughter from Copper.  “It’s Windsor Castle.  We’re in England.  I haven’t been to England in at least a hundred years!  Shall we pay them a visit, Copper?”

“I don’t know Cornelis,” I began.  “That seems like a bad idea.  One doesn’t simply drop in on the Queen.”

Naturally the Dutchman paid no attention whatsoever to my protest.  The aerial screw hovered above a green area within the castle walls.  They seemed to be holding a small faire on the lawn.  I thought it must be to showcase inventions, as several large and unusual things were on display on each side of the lawn.Sm SteamboatI saw a boat dry docked that looked a lot like the paddle steamer that belonged to Ignatius Belle, as well as a dirigible tethered by a rope so that it floated twenty feet above the ground.  There was something made of gleaming metal that I supposed was a steam powered motor car.  Then I saw what I could have sworn was our road locomotive!

Our flying machine slowly drew closer to the ground and I could see the people clearly.  A tallish Asian man stood before an elaborately decorated seating area.  He wore a brocade of a white lion and a very tiny woman stood next to him.  “Alastair!” I cried in astonishment when I recognized Alastair Wong and Victoria.Burrell Road Locomotive

With my shout, everyone on the ground turned to look up at us.  I was even more surprised, if less pleasantly so, to see Sheriff Bullard and Ignatius Belle inspecting the strange looking motor car.

However, it was no surprise when the alchemy went awry and Cornelis began having difficulty controlling the aerial screw.  Our craft loomed dangerously close to a tall model of the Eiffel Tower.  The gondola became ensnared on the tower.

Alastair Wong, nimble as ever, rapidly climbed the scale model of the French wonder.  In a moment he freed the gondola and hopped onboard.  I stared in stunned appreciation of his feat.

Sessu Hayakawa as Alastair Wong
Sessu Hayakawa as Alastair Wong

“I hope you didn’t expect me to climb back down,” Wong commented jokingly.  “It’s only fair that I get to experience this magnificent machine from up here.”

Of course we assailed him with questions about the event below and the people we knew.  We already knew about the money problems of Copper’s father.  Alastair informed us that Calvin Hixon had reached out to nobility all across Europe, looking for a benefactor for his inventions.  He had kept that mostly to himself, in fear of rejection.Copper with Flowers

It turned out that Copper’s father had not abandoned her at all.  Hixon got a response to one of his requests for a sponsor.  He arranged for a woman to take care of his daughter while he, on last minute notice in the form of a royal command, sailed across the Atlantic to meet his new benefactor.

Unfortunately, the woman he hired to take care of his daughter was Bitsy.  The conniving maid had already been at work on Ignatius, having overheard conversations between the two men that revealed Ignatius was Hixon’s illegitimate son.  She also heard them discuss re-creating Leonardo da Vinci’s inventions.  She suspected that Hixon possessed the priceless drawings.

Bitsy intercepted Hixon’s communications so no one knew where he had gone.  She made it look like Copper had been abandoned.  Bitsy went to Ether Farthing of Merciful Haven Orphanage and put a bug in her ear that Copper had been left on her own.  Bitsy had thought that if the orphanage took Copper, the girl would be neatly out of Bitsy’s way.  Then Bitsy could search for the drawings and anything else that might be of use in her scheme.

Ethel FarthingOne thing in Alastair’s narration surprised me. I would have thought the mean spirited people from Merciful Haven were involved in the mess.  However, it seemed that they were simply bad people, and not otherwise involved.

Cornelis regained control of the aerial screw and the threads twisted smoothly again.  We floated slowly closer to the grandstand where Alastair and tiny Victoria were standing when we arrived.

I gasped.  “Oh! That’s the Queen isn’t it?  Queen Victoria?” I said excitedly and Alastair chuckled and confirmed my brilliant bit of deduction.

Cornelis really didn’t need to snigger at me the way he did.  Looking down I saw an elegant man of middle years.  He bowed down on one knee before the Queen of England.  He seem completely focused on the monarch, hardly even noticing our flying machine.


Abruptly Copper gave a shrill cry, “Daddy!”

Calvin Hixon looked upward toward his child’s cry and a broad smile split his face.  Finally he noticed the aerial screw and wonder lit his eyes.  The Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and Empress of India was utterly forgotten the moment Calvin Hixon saw his daughter.

It wouldn’t have been Cornelis Drebbel if we had landed smoothly.  The contrivance that carried us gave a loud screech.  The Dutchman said he’d have it fixed in a jiffy.

“Cornelis, no!  Please, let’s just land as best we can.  We’re not that far above the ground,” I pleaded.

“Actually Felicity, we’re at enough of a height to risk serious injury,” Alastair said in a reasonable voice.  “I know you wouldn’t put Copper at risk,” he added and I slumped in resignation.

A yellowish green aura surrounded the alchemist.  Cornelis climbed to balance on the edge of the gondola.  He was doing something to the threads of the screw, but I couldn’t see what he did.  The machine stopped making that shrill sound and it appeared to run smoothly.

“See!” Cornelis exclaimed proudly, still balanced on the rim of the gondola.  “Simple as that,” he said with a satisfied nod.

Jamie Murray as Felicity
Jamie Murray as Felicity

The threads of the screw began to rotate rapidly.  “Alastair! The brass lever behind you,” Cornelis cried.

Alastair Wong whirled to move the lever.  When he touched it the aerial screw lurched violently, but immediately slowed to normal and continued to descend.

However, Cornelis Drebble fell from the gondola when the craft lurched.  I saw his body falling rapidly toward the ground.  At the last instant he popped out of sight.  Sometimes when he popped away like that it was a while before the alchemist could return.  I never understood how the pop works.

Alastair Wong, ever a gentleman helped me alight from the gondola — not that I needed assistance thank you.  I was just being polite.  I was not conforming to the constraints of society.

Anna May Wong
Anna May Wong

The diminutive Victoria Wong rushed to join us, delighted to see Copper again.  Not to mention the fact that she was quietly pleased with Alastair’s theatrical rescue of the air machine from being snared on the tower.

Copper and her father had a joyous reunion.  Hixon had sent an excited telegram to Ignatius Belle when Queen Victoria asked him to take part in the faire that was in progress.  Ignatius hurried to join him and let him know the fullness of what was happening at home.  However, none of them knew about the amethyst world.

“So where is this amazing alchemist?” Calvin Hixon wanted to know.

I looked around, beginning to feel worried that Cornelis hadn’t yet reappeared.  Then I heard a sharp pop.  A woman screamed and Palace Guards hurried to her side.  When I got a look between the broad shoulders of the guards, I cringed and shook my head.

Cornelis Drebbel had rematerialized.  The Dutchman sat in the lap of Queen Victoria.

Queen Victoria olderThe Queen’s eyes narrowed as she looked at the strange man who appeared out of nowhere and landed in her royal lap.  I feared she’d demand his head right then and there.  Then I remembered his skull was safely in my hatbox.  He wasn’t exactly alive, so he couldn’t precisely be killed.

I was absolutely aghast when Cornelis Drebbel wriggled his bushy blonde eyebrows at Queen Victoria.

Her eyes widened as she looked at the alchemist.  “We are not amused,” she said evenly.

It was even more surprising when a wicked glint came to her eyes and abruptly the Queen pinched his bottom and Cornelis shot up from her lap.  For the very first time, I saw shock paint the face of Cornelis Drebbel.

The end




Copyright © 2015 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or from Pinterest unless stated otherwise.


94 thoughts on “Copper, the Alchemist, & the Woman in Trousers: Conclusion

  1. I’m going away for the next few weeks and I couldn’t risk missing the conclusion to this story. A brilliant wrap-up, Teagan. Unlike Queen Victoria, we ARE amused 🙂 It ended as all good stories should – happily!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Teagan, I’ve had the finale waiting in my inbox to savour when I had the chance. What a great – and unexpected conclusion – Queen Victoria indeed 🙂 I loved the way you pulled everything together and gave the villains their comeuppance. Suspenseful, moving and fun all at the same time. Great job! I hope you’re having a well-earned break from pantsing and I’ll catch up with you again when I’m back to blogging properly again. Lots of hugs ❤


    1. Hi Andrea, it’s so nice to see you! 🙂 I’m delighted that you enjoyed the conclusion.
      I miss your blog, but believe me I understand… My “break” isn’t much of a break at all, but it’s a little less time consuming that the serials. I’d feel better about it if I were able to let go of the work-world enough to write enough on my novel… :/ But that’s how it always is for me. Somehow I will find a system that helps me with that.
      I hope you are well and happy, and relaxing. Thank you so very much for reading and commenting. Mega hugs! ❤


  3. Teagan, what a glorious landing and brilliant finale! You are so talented!!! Your expertise on portal transportation is astonishing – and I know a thing or two about portals 😉 Thank you again for this wonderful journey and all your hard work. I look forward to your new book, my dear blogger friend, and wish you best of Irish luck! Hugs and more hugs!!!


    1. Thank you so very much, Inese. (By the way, your post today is fantastic!!!) I’ll be glad to have some of that best Irish luck. Friends used to say that “If it weren’t for bad luck Teagan, you wouldn’t have any luck at all!” — so I’m due some good luck. 😀
      I’m delighted that you enjoyed this conclusion. Thanks for being on the steam locomotive to the Victorian Era. Mega hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Kirt, it’s good to see you. I’m happy you enjoyed this conclusion. And I’m tickled that you (and others) liked the final bit with Queen Victoria. Funny, the bit I doubted the most (I thought I’d wandered too far down the corn-pone trail) turned out to be the part everyone liked. 😀 Thanks so much for having been a regular passenger on the steam locomotive to the Victorian Era. Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. What a conclusion. Nice red bow on everything. Copper’s father had made arrangements about her care, but of course, greedy people always exist. The best part was Cornelis on the Queen’s lap. Who would have thought of t.h.a.t. but you, Teagan? Who are not amused? Ha. We sure are as was the queen. Fantastic story. 😀 ❤ ❤


  5. A conclusive conclusion if I am allowed to use this redundant redundancy …
    I found so many layers to explore in this installment… Maybe it is because there are supposedly 99 Things coming from previous episodes… I guess so..
    I enjoyed seeing how many characters appear here… Worth noting that I am always delighted when the two Fairies show up… it must be the kid in me, who knows…
    I think that it was neat that the characters came across a version of their road locomotive, shaped as a car…
    Plus some details related to spatial convergence, such as the ones involving the fact that the flying machine brought them back to the place where we they had been left in the submarine….
    I think that was an interesting déjà vu effect, so to speak..
    And, then England and her Ladyship the Queen… the ending was a sort of unexpected paroxysm knocking at the doors of the majestic royal palaces… great.. I truly enjoyed that part…
    Thanks for the wonderful trip, dear Tegan… Sending hugs and wishing you the best. Aquileana 🌟 ☀ ~


    1. Hi Aquileana — it’s so nice of you to drop by! Thank you for being on the steam locomotive to the Victorian Era. I’m glad you enjoyed the final bit about the Queen. I was afraid it just wasn’t original. So I’m happy that everyone seems to take it in good fun and enjoyment. Mega hugs! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Phew, that was epic teagan. We are not amused. I love that saying. Well, where’s the next one then????


    1. Thank you Laurie. I seem to be addicted to writing the serials (and the interaction with everyone here!), so there will be another one. But for the next month (maybe 2) I’ll be doing posts that are less labor intensive than the serials, so that [i hope!] I can work on my novels. Book-2 of “Atonement, Tennessee” has been in progress, but hardly touched all year… I hope you’ll stick around for these other weekly posts. Mega hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome teagan. One has to write something, whether it’s serials, novels, or bean can labels. It’s what makes you happy that counts. I know what it’s like to not keep up with a wip. I’ll stick around, don’t worry. 🙂


  7. They say, all good things must come to an end. Well… you have to finish Atonement in Bloom; It’s been ages coming, so I believe you’re making the right decision. If you’re going to insist on posting something, I honestly think you should focus on just one thing… not two, despite what the poll says, you can’t please everyone. Do the one you’ll feel most comfortable doing, and try to keep it simple. You’ve got enough on your plate with atonement… That’s my humble take on it, anyway. Whatever you decide, Teagan, I wish you the best of success. 🙂


    1. Thank you for your very kind thoughts, Kev. You are right — I will keep the “between serials” posts quick and easy. I hoped to be writing away today (Sunday) but neighbor noise and other stress has defeated me. *However* I’ve drafted two posts ahead– one recipe from “Bethany” and one of “Annie’s Inventory Notes.” I’m pleased with how the “between” is shaping up. Have a good new week! Hugs.


  8. David, not only have you been aboard the steam locomotive from the beginning, you’ve been a tireless supporter for each of the 4 serials. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Ultra-mega hugs my friend. ❤ 🙂 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐


  9. Wow Teagan, of course you need a break! I don’t know how you do it. You write this wonderfully entertaining series (which I only met you halfway through, read blogs, socialize and writing a book. I know how overwhelming it can all be and I don’t go to another job like you. You’re amazing! And no doubt, the one I voted for seems to be most popular thus far – out takes! Enjoy your Sunday my friend. xo
    PS Loved Queen Victoria!!


    1. Hi Debby. Thanks for saying that, because sometimes I think I’m just feeling sorry for myself for not managing to do more. You may not have been aboard the steam locomotive from the beginning, but I’m delighted that you joined-in. So glad you liked Queen Victoria; I wasn’t sure how well that would go over. But then I went back and gave her the wicked glint in her eye before she pinched Cornelis, and I was better satisfied with the scene. Wishing you a sublime Sunday too. Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sometimes Teag, we somehow need validation that it’s okay to take a breather. As writers I think it’s a hard thing to do. We put so much pressure on ourselves to get so much done: writing our books, the next blog, responding to comments. I know I feel guilty if I’m absent for a day or two for not keeping up, but somehow we have to learn to stop stressing. ❤


  10. A fascinating end to the story, Teagan. I really liked that Queen Victoria knew just how to get Cornelis in the end. 😀


      1. It was a wonderful ending. Your ability to see and capture such detail and action in your writing is always a rollercoaster thrill. I look forward to your posts because you consistently bring a smile to my mind as well as my face. 😀


        1. That, my friend, is high praise indeed. I’ve always called this blog my “sanctuary.” Knowing that I’ve provided a place where a “smile can be brought to the mind” — where people feel safe, removed from troubles of the real world is important to me. Hugs.

          Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s so kind of you Sally — thank you. And thanks for reblogging the conclusion to Copper, the Alchemist, and the Woman in Trousers! I’ve already got a couple of ‘between serials’ posts drafted, because I didn’t want anything to slow me down once I get start on Atonement in Bloom again. But Noisy neighbors have sapped the momentum I had built up for novel writing. So wish me luck with getting it back. Mega hugs!


  11. Oh and Kathryn your Chicken & Bokchoy Soup today looks so delicious. I wish I had the ingredients on hand, I’d be in the kitchen right now!
    I’m delighted that you enjoyed the serial and the conclusion. It gives me such a warm feeling that people are sad to see it end. But you never know– the characters might be back some time. Mega-mega hugs right back my friend! ❤ 🙂


  12. Oh Teagan, I am honored you mentioned me in the intro! And the ending was absolutely BRILLIANT! I’m kind of sad to see it end, but glad you will now have time to focus on your book. Now, you need to go make some SOUP! Mega-mega Hugs! ❤


    1. Thank you so very much Mary. Not only have you been with this blog from the very beginning, you are also a superb storyteller — so I don’t know if you can imagine how much that means, coming from you. Mega hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. The story had a very satisfying finish. I had to laugh out loud at the Queen’s comment, “We are not amused.” I almost hated it to end but the story so good and ending so perfect it is the way it should be. Hugs


  14. I didn’t want to read it beause I didn’t want the serial to end but I am so glad I did , everything came togther beautifully it was exciting and happy and surprising just the absolutely perfect ending to this glorious serial. I am also so so happy that you are mixing it up while working on Atonement in Bloom. Well done my friend, you are a wonder!!


    1. Suzanne — thank you for your unfailing encouragement. I’m so glad you were satisfied with the ending. It means a lot, coming from someone who has been here since this serial began, and before too. Mega hugs! 🙂

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    1. LOL, yeah — I didn’t think she really meant it when she said she was not amused. 😀 Thanks for all your encouragement, Olga. And for the wonderful review you did for Atonement, Tennessee a while back. It’s been a pleasure to have you aboard the steam locomotive. Hugs!


  15. With a pinch and a shocked look, it’s ended. Great series. Now I’m looking forward to reading the blue rose of atonement in the near future 😉 😉 😉


  16. Teagan, this was perfect. I can’t begin to imagine how you managed to tie up all the loose ends, but you did and you kept us riveted until the end. There are too many great descriptive phrases to call attention to today, but I want to mention something that I don’t think I’ve mentioned before. I admire your handling of the science behind the story. “Between here and there,” – The portal was a great device to allow our friends to escape and to trap the villains forever – nicely done! I love the ending and I really enjoyed getting to know your characters as they endured this journey!


    1. Dan, I’m humbled. I don’t know what to say, except a sincere thank you. You always know the right words to let me know I’ve achieved what I meant to do. Great big hug from Copper, Felicity, Cornelis, and me! 😀


  17. Teagan, first of all, here is the review (well, my version of a book review) of your astonishing ‘Atonement, Tennessee’ I know I could never do it justice, it’s impossible to instill how brilliant and obsessive it was to read into a review, but thank you so much, it’s been awhile since I’ve enjoyed a book so much. 🙂
    I was almost reluctant to read this post, you know, it’s difficult to imagine this ending (We are not amused!), but despite being hard to say goodbye, it was terribly clever, wrapping up all sorts of loose ends and terribly entertaining, as always. I love how you started with, there’s no time for proper goodbyes. While I shall miss waiting at the station, I’m pleased you’re working on ‘Atonement in Bloom’ and can’t wait for more lovely bits on here as well. 🙂
    So this is not goodbye, but adieu, because I know you’ll gift us with more posts soon.
    Hope this weekend treats you well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Donna, I’m still reeling from your review. “could never do it justice”??? I am awed, humbled, inspired, and every other positive word I could say. Thank you so very much. I can’t describe how encouraging that is to me. I’ll be posting it here mid-week. Thank you. Did i say thank you? Thank you.
      I appreciate your kind words about this serial too. Who knows what the next one will be. I never feel like any of my characters have “finished with me” when i write “the end.”
      We’ve been inundated with rain here for several days and it promises to continue all weekend. But right now that makes a good weekend! It’s great weather for writing, and for soup! I enjoy making soup when the weather is cool enough. So right now rain is fine. Mega hugs right back! 😀


      1. Teagan, I should be the one thanking you for the happiness your wonderful book, ‘Atonement, Tennessee’ brought me and I know will bring me again because I know it won’t be long until I read it again, to slowly savour every nuance and in case I missed anything (my eyes were dropping a few times when I knew I should put it down and got to bed, but then thought, just one more page – famous last words). 😉
        I’m so pleased, forget that, tickled pink you we pleased with the review…you’re more than welcome, dear one. 🙂
        I know, I feel that way about writing too, like it’s not quite about to let me go just yet.
        We got the rain today…and wind, it looks like we should be having Halloween tonight – boo!
        It’s great weather for writing, and soup…and baking. 🙂
        Take care and hope this weekend is being kind to you and your soup. 😉
        Megahugs! 🙂


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