Copper, the Alchemist, & the Woman in Trousers: Episode 17

Orpheus Smoky Mary float Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras Locomotive. Happy we’re back on track & ready to dance (Click here)

Back on Track

Last time I hit a bump in the road (or rather the railroad tracks).  However, the Victorian locomotive is back on schedule and running at full steam.

John W. Howell gave us the very first set of “things” to guide the plot of this pantser serial.  Happily later he sent a second set of three, which I’ve held in reserve.

You’ve heard about John’s great book, My GRL, and the first chapter is available for preview at his blog. But what you might not know about is a really cool radio interview he did.

Except for two second sets of “things,” the serial’s cupboards were bare. There was nothing to drive the train… (A second set of three things was also sent by real estate professional and cooking blogger Suzanne DeBrango.  Those will inspire the plot and setting for Episode-18.)

Alastair Wong the elder was a very minor character in both Three Ingredients serials. The set of “P” words John provided drove this plot to a connection with a different character from Three Ingredients 2, a Ghost in the Kitchen.  Those of you who were around for that story will be pleased to see this connection.

When I started “decorating” it seemed to me that the Victorians had a particular liking for mushrooms. If you think you see a theme in this episode, you are not mistaken.

The steam engine has reached the station.  All aboard!

From last time…

Cornelis held out his harmonic tuner.  A faint current of green streamed from the tuner all the way down the hill to the washing machine.  The machine wobbled, gurgled, and creaked.  The wringer started to turn again, the magic pulling the tablecloth on through as we watched.

Alchemically inscribed phosphorescent lettering appeared on the tablecloth.  The Dutchman shined the light on the cloth as it finished rolling from the mangle. 

It was in large glowing green script.  I read the word aloud, 


17.  Pistachio, Penne Pasta, Porcini

Mushrooms Hat VictorianMy first thought wasn’t exactly a thought.  All cogitation was clogged in a bottleneck of befuddled ideas.  The first thought that got through the blockage was relief that Copper was up at the pavilion.  It would be awful if the supernaturally printed word, Daddy, got her hopes up for no good reason.

I wasn’t feeling too optimistic myself, and to be honest, I was losing my sense of trust. And that single, magically written word brought out all my suppressed concerns.  As if it wasn’t bad enough that I experienced occasional twinges of distrust for Ignatius Belle (who turned out to be Copper’s half-brother), it also bothered me that I had begun having doubts about Copper’s father, Calvin Hixon.

Granted, if Hixon was abducted, he probably had no chance to leave a warning or reason.  But what if he left of his own accord?  The notion was so awful — had he willingly left his daughter with no explanation, and worse left the child on her own?

Other than his unfortunate money situation, Calvin Hixon appeared to be utterly brilliant.  Could the circumstances be more complicated than an abduction?  Did Hixon stand to somehow see a financial gain from the situation?  Could he be involved in his own disappearance?  Oh surely not, I told myself.  I’m over-analyzing things.Alice Mushroom Victorian

Most often the simplest answers are the correct ones.  But was running away as simple as being abducted…?  Had Calvin Hixon suddenly run away from his adversaries, perhaps thinking he would lead them away from his daughter, thereby keeping her safe?  I’m still over-analyzing, I admonished myself.

“Felicity,” I heard my name and realized that Cornelis had called it more than once while I pondered the unpleasant thoughts about Calvin Hixon.

“Do step back,” the alchemist told me.  “Something unexpected might happen,” he said as he reached into that supernatural void through which he sometimes fetched things.

“Unexpected?” I said sardonically, knowing how often Cornelis’ tricks tended to go awry.

To my surprise he produced the long map we had been looking at on the terrace.  The area on which he had used the harmonic tuner still gave off a greenish glow.  However, the phosphorescent script “Daddy” on the table cloth had begun to dim.  Cornelis noticed that with a frown.  Hurriedly he placed the map atop the cloth.

He held up the harmonic tuner and gave it one sharp clear ring.  The tiny ping of a sound reverberated and grew.  I felt the vibration at the base of my spine.  I could feel the sound spreading outward all around us.  In the distance the big gong in front of the pavilion gave a mighty boom, the volume of which was magically transported into our midst.  I put my hands over my ears, involuntarily squeezing my eyes shut.

Cautiously, I opened one eye.  The map was copied onto the tablecloth.  At first the drawings of topography overlaid the word “Daddy,” but then the script blazed through the map.  The word shone with eye-searing chartreuse light, before stabilizing and diming to a flat pistachio green.


Kinkaku-ji Temple Sunset
Kinkaku-ji Temple Sunset

I don’t know if it was a meteorological effect or if it was residual magic from the previous night, but when I got up the next morning, the sky above Alastair Wong’s home blazed with yellow clouds at sunrise.  No wonder they called it the Golden Pavillion, I thought.

Cornelis said he wanted to get an early start, but judging by the activity of the household staff, I suspected they were always up at that hour.  As I admired the sunrise, the alchemist drove up in the little steam engine.

Mushroom swing Victorian girlsIt didn’t seem like there could be enough room, but Cornelis, Copper, Alastair, and I all managed to get on the road locomotive.  To my surprise, Victoria, who was so taken with Copper, insisted on coming along.  I wouldn’t have thought one more person, not even a tiny woman like Victoria, could fit on the locomotive… and she carried a large picnic basket too.  Yet somehow the tiny woman and the big basket managed to fit.  When I saw the hint of a green aura surrounding the alchemist I understood how the group of us managed to get onboard.  One of his tricks had made room for everyone.

We would part company with Alastair and Victoria when we reached the Pacific.  Wong would take the road locomotive back to his pavilion estate for safekeeping, while Copper, the alchemist, and I continued our journey.

I looked a question at the basket Victoria carried.  The night before, all the noise and vibrations from the harmonic tuners had given me a headache — and I still had it.  So I was probably frowning fiercely.  Victoria looked a bit uneasy.

“It will be past time for a meal before we reach the ocean.  Copper is a growing girl and must eat,” the tiny woman said with a sharp nod that would have settled any row.  I tried to reign in my smile, because I truly did take her seriously.Mushroom ad Victorian

“Besides,” she turned and spoke to Cornelis in a flirtatious tone that took me completely by surprise.  “You will love what I’ve done with the porcini mushrooms you mentioned earlier,” she added, and the Dutchman’s eyebrows shot up toward his hairline.

“Ah yes,” the Dutchman sighed.  “Porcini are God’s great gift to humanity, a mushroom delicate enough to flavor a sauce, yet vigorous enough to stand up to a grilled steak.”

Really…, I thought.  Should he encourage the tiny woman by flirting?  And Could Victoria actually be attracted to Cornelis?  The idea seemed not merely imaginative and impractical, but just plain impossible.  I scratched my earlobe as the idea took root.  Then I had the wicked thought that I’d like to see an argument between Victoria and Cornelis.  The Dutchman would surely get his comeuppance.

“What are you smirking about?” Cornelis asked quietly.

“Oh?  Did it seem so?  It was just a bit of indigestion,” I said with no attempt to hide my expression.

Victoria held tightly to Copper’s hand as the steam engine barreled toward the ocean.  The tiny woman’s eyes were huge with astonishment for the speed at which we traveled.  However, it was clear that she possessed a fierce determination.  She would not have gone back if the chance was offered.


Burrell Road Locomotive

The sun was directly overhead when Cornelis slowed the road locomotive.  We were on high ground overlooking a blue river.  Below I could see a collection of log cabins of some sort.

“Look, it’s a fort!” Copper exclaimed.

“Have we really journeyed so far so fast?” Alastair Wong said in a tone of amazement.

“What do you mean?” I queried.

“That is Fort Clatsop,” Alastair explained though I looked at him blankly.  “It was built by the explorers, Lewis and Clark and their expedition.  They spent a difficult winter there before getting back on their way.”

“And they were hungry, you may be sure,” Victoria interjected, causing Alastair to chuckle as she pulled out the large picnic basket.  “That is a fate we shall not share with the explorers,” she said to our oohs and aahs as she opened the basket.

The woman surely could not have a single drop of Italian blood in her veins, but she laid out a feast worthy of any great Italian chef.

Mushrooms Victorian ad 2“Dear Victoria!” Cornelis exclaimed and bowed.  “This is a feast worthy of the 15th-century legend, Maestro Martino de Rubeis!”

“Who?” I couldn’t help asking, even though I knew my question would meet with derision from the alchemist.

Cornelis put on a mournful face and shook his head, muttering about my lacking education.  So naturally I had to tweak his nose, so to speak.  “Oh, did you know him then?” I made my question a playful taunt.

The Dutchman narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips.  “The 15th-century, the fourteen hundreds I remind you — that was quite before my time, as you well know.  I wasn’t even born until the year 1572,” he said and continued without missing a beat.  “Maestro Martino was a culinary expert unequalled in his field at the time.  He was quite the celebrity.  He was the chef at the Roman palazzo of the papal chamberlain, the Patriarch of Aquileia.  The Maestro Martino was called the prince of cooks,” Cornelis lectured.

Then he wriggled his bushy blonde eyebrows.  “So of course I did not know the Maestro in the fourteen hundreds,” he said and paused briefly.  “I did, however, meet him during his cursed afterlife.”Vintage kitchen bouquet ad

Though I knew I should not encourage Cornelis, I took his bait yet again.  “Cursed? How so?” I asked.

“The poor soul pissed off the Pope.  Enough said.  Please pass the porcinis,” the alchemist said.

That naturally prompted animated questions from everyone.  Cornelis loved to have an audience and he told the tale of the cursed chef and his acquaintance with him most vividly while we enjoyed Victoria’s Italian feast.




Warm Mediterranean Olives with rosemary and lemon zest

Insalata de Compo: Mesclun salad with cherry tomatoes


Penne Alla Vodka:  Penne pasta with tomato, cream, and vodka sauce

Risotto Ai Porcini:  Risotto with pecorino cheese, porcini mushroom and fresh basil


Salmone in Padella:  Pan-seared salmon filet

Menu credit:


Needless to say, we were all quite pleasantly stuffed.  Alastair lit a beautifully carved pipe.  I faintly heard Victoria humming what I suspected was a nursery song from her home, as Copper rested her head in Victoria’s lap.  I was feeling rather sleepy in the sunshine myself.  Cornelis looked infinitely far away in thought as he toyed with a last spoonful of penne pasta in his plate.

“What’s on your mind, Dutchman?” I intruded on his thoughts.

“The next leg of our journey,” he replied, still examining the pasta.  “I need to summon our transportation.”Mushroom faries Carrousel

He picked up a piece of penne and held it up to his eye, looking at Copper through the pasta cylinder.  Copper giggled.  I told the Dutchman that he was a bad influence.

“Copper, could I see your mystic monkeys bell?” he asked the girl.

“Why not use the harmonic tuner that is more familiar to you?” Alastair asked quietly in a voice edged with concern.

I was in agreement with Alastair Wong in his newfound concern about Cornelis and his tricks.

“You are right,” Cornelis told him.  “Ordinarily, in the working of magic it is best use implements to which one has become attuned.  However, in this case the harmonic tuner that Copper has always thought of as her mystic monkeys bell was a gift from Daddy.  And that is whom we hope to find.  So the more elements relating to him, the better.”

Copper reverently handed Cornelis the second harmonic tuner.  A detailed carving of the fabled three mystic apes — see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil surrounded the bell.  He looked down at the scraps of pasta in his plate and arranged three pieces of penne end-to-end.  Then the alchemist held the harmonic tuner over them and flicked the bell with his fingernail.  It gave off a sharp ping sound.

Chicks Mushroom VictorianThe pasta glowed greenly.  The aura intensified until I had to shield my eyes.  When the supernatural light abated, a jade flute lay where the penne had once been.

The alchemist picked up the flute and played a trilling series of notes.  Then he abruptly stood.  “Shall we?” he asked, and we gingerly made our way down the steep hill to the water’s edge.

Once there he piped the same notes again.  Cornelis looked at the water unconcernedly.  I looked at him impatiently.

“I don’t see anything.  What’s supposed to be happening?” I wanted to know, but the infuriating man ignored me.  “Should you do it again?” I asked motioning to the jade flute.

The Dutchman’s mouth twitched to one side in a dissatisfied way.  “Perhaps I should…” he speculated.

As Cornelis raised the flute to his lips the water started to bubble and gently swirl.  He lowered the flute without playing another note.  He wriggled his bushy eyebrows and grinned.

“You’re going to love this,” he told Alastair.Mushrooms Victorian christmas

Wong looked somewhat apprehensive.  After all, he certainly had reason to be concerned, after the wayward alchemy caused his washing machine to break down the storage building door, and do assorted other damage at his hot spring.  But he quickly caught the contagious gleam of excitement in the Dutchman’s eyes.

The movement of the water became intense.  Something was rising to the surface.  Involuntarily I took a step backward.  Victoria took Copper’s hand and pulled her several feet away from the shore.

For a moment I thought a whale was breaching.  Then I realized it was no living thing.  Wong beheld the sight with gaping mouth, but I had the impression that he at least thought he knew what was coming to the surface.  Expressions of worry and wonder were at war on his face.

When the entire large shape was in full view, I still didn’t know what it could be.  “Cornelis…” I began, but found I was at a loss for words.  “Wha—”

Cornelis Drebbel clasped his hands and a gleeful expression lit his face, as if he beheld something he had long missed.

“It’s my submarine!” he crowed.

Drebbel submarine


Don’t get off the steam engine yet — here’s the recipe for this episode.  It’s something for all the carnivores out there!  Bon appétit!

Recipe:  Porcini-Crusted Beef Tenderloin with Truffle Butter Sauce

Porcini-Crusted Beef

Photo and Recipe Credit:


Copyright © 2015 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or from Pinterest unless stated otherwise.

99 thoughts on “Copper, the Alchemist, & the Woman in Trousers: Episode 17

  1. A submarine! I don’t have any idea what is going to happen next…
    I love everything about mushrooms 🙂 Enjoyed your pictures. I am concerned about the chickens dancing around the poisonous mushroom though … 😉
    Look forward to the development of the story!


    1. I had the same worrisome thought about the little chicks, Inese. 🙂 Those Victorians had some strange ways of looking at things. Well, I don’t know what’s going to happen next either. LOL. I ended up taking this weekend off — at least from the serial. (I did post something though.) Thanks for your encouraging words. Huge hugs! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for the story and the memories. The red polka dot mushroom reminds me of a scene I came across when my family was camping in Gila Wilderness a long time ago. It was so vivid the red and white mushroom among willows and grass. I have never seen one like that again and it made such an impression. I used to doodle that setting over the years.


    1. What a lovely, picturesque memory, RC. I’m glad i could bring it up, and thank you for sharing it with us. No wonder they call New Mexico the Land of Enchantment! I hope you kept some of the “doodles.” Huge hugs my friend. 🙂


  3. Teagan, another incredible episode. The food brought me right back to great feasts in 1970s Italy. Do not eat or cook like that anymore. Well, Maestro pissed off the pope? Oh, Oh, something went bad in the cook’s kitchen? Wonder what he, in his cursed afterlife, and Cornelis were up to? I know, it’s probably mystery magic. I love the visual. Cornelis playing a jade flute calls up his “submarine.” Now, who’s in the submarine? And where are we off to next with our tablecloth map? Can’t wait for next week. Have a lovely Tuesday, Teagan. Christine


    1. Hi Christine. I hope your big project is going well.
      Who is in the submarine? No idea — i hadn’t even thought about it! LOL. Alas I am no longer ahead of schedule with writing the episodes.
      However, one question you might ask is “What powers the submarine?”
      Wheew… It’s taken me all this time to finally be able to use the submarine that the real Cornelis invented… I was beginning to wonder if i could.
      Thanks so much for taking a moment to comment, Christine. Mega-hugs. 😀


    1. Hi Indah. Sorry to be slow to reply. I’m happy you enjoyed the episode, but sorry to make everybody hungry. Next time my “menu” will be more interesting than tempting, i think. I found an authentic Victorian dinner menu. Have a fabulous Friday. Hugs!


  4. As I have told you before…love your writing style and you weave an excellent tale…I probably shouldn’t have read this installment this close to dinner…now I am really hungry 🙂


  5. You certainly fill your stories and post with great treats teagan. Does your muse live down the rabbit hole perhaps? 🙂


    1. Hi Laurie — it’s so nice to see you. A rabbit hole? Like Alice in Wonderland? I’ll tell you a funny-story-secret. (It’s part of the reason why i complain when people tell me “Oh you’re so sweet.” … Aside from the fact that i’m more sour than sweet…) When i was young, in my 20’s i had long, long blond hair (alas the red is not natural). I had a yellow skirt and white sweater, and not even thinking, i used a headband to push back my hair. It didn’t occur to me until a very funny coworker commented… “She looks just like Alice in Wonderland…” then she paused, gave me a sardonic look…”Or she does until she opens her mouth!”
      > Ha! It was true… I could make a sailor blush. But i grew up and cleaned up my language… well, at least publicly.
      I grew up and unfortunately out. So now i look more like the hookah smoking caterpillar than Alice…
      Cheers my friend — and huge hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh teagan, that is so funny. Yes, I mean the Alice rabbit hole. I’ll never be able to see that caterpillar again without thinking of you teagan. There is an art to giving a good cussing. SO funny.


        1. Laurie, I’m happy that i could make you smile — and you’ve started my Tuesday with a chuckle. Yes it can be an art, LOL. But before i frighten anyone i’ll say “All things (and words) in their proper place.” *So calm down out there folks.*
          > I once heard a comedian say “Nobody can cuss like a southerner (meaning USA). We’ll make you hear it, see it, and SMELL it!”
          Hugs right back. 😀

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I look forward to lovely ladies making me smile teagan. 🙂 I’ve known some people who are masters of the art of cussing. Not just profanities but down home, drag em’ out, descriptive Anglo Saxon nouns and verbs. 😉
            I do love the comedian’s comment.
            Humorous Hugs back at ya. 🙂


    1. Ha! You were ahead of me then, Vashti. I had to look up “porcini”… But John gave me the word without saying mushroom… (Pathetic of me? Well, that’s my excuse and i’m sticking with it. 😀 )
      Thank you for your kind words… beautiful rhythm? You have made my day, Vashti. Huge hugs!


  6. Captivating as ever…. loooove that train. Oh and as you know, already visited John. That interview on My GRL was brilliant. 🙂


    1. Yes, Kev — your comment about John’s radio interview was what inspired me to share the link here. Thanks so much for that. Mardi Gras is long past, but I think that locomotive can be shared any time. 😀 Glad you liked it. Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Christy, you’re really playing catch-up today. Thank you so much — it means a lot to me that you’d do that. If it makes you feel any better, I was hungry the whole time too, LOL. 😀 You are too kind. Thank you again. Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Geez, Teagan, I’m late to the party! I’ve had computer troubles since last night (Saturday) and just this afternoon got my Internet back! Anyway, “wunerful, wunerful,” as Lawrence Welk used to say (you’re probably too young to remember him!). 🙂 And I may just have to fix that recipe sometime soon — well, I’ll let my husband fix it (he’s the chef). 😉


    1. Ugh… i’m sorry about the computer/internet trouble. That’s such a pain. But glad you’re back, Deb. And sadly… i am old enough to remember Lawrence Welk… and all those bubbles… No wonder i love champagne! Thanks so much for taking a moment to comment. I hope your week is better than your computer-problem weekend. Huge hugs. 🙂


  8. What a wonderful tale to jump start my Sunday morning. I’ve enjoyed the ride so far and now a submarine adventure. Woo hoo. Can’t imagine what can possibly happen next. Hate waiting, cut I must. The picnic repast has me drooling for the Penne Alla Vodka and Porcini mushrooms. Yum. ❤ ❤ ❤ Have a happy Sunday, Teagan.


    1. Dear Tess — thank you so much! Glad to know you’re going to be on the locomotive next time — that will be “absinthe, feather/plume, and yorkshire pudding.” I’ve found cool vintage recipes for the pudding (had no idea that it wasn’t a sweet) and i have a half formed idea for the absinthe that you might like! Looking forward to your next short stories! Mega hugs and a very happy Sunday to you too. 🙂 <#

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 😀 I wouldn’t want to drag you into my clumsiness, but appreciate the gallantry. I should keep trying for a place in the southwest… hopefully without stairs. Hugs to you and yours.


      2. 😀 😀 Sounds outstanding. I know nothing about absinthe although I recall one particular awesome painter (can’t think of his name at the moment) and the only time I’ve heard of it. Look forward to learning more about it.
        Super mega hugs to you, Teagan. Blaze on. You’re awesome. ❤ ❤ ❤


  9. Penna Alla Vodka? Wow, you’re a woman from my own heart, Teagan. Now I can have two of my favourites in the very same meal.

    I can feel the magic of this story all around me. It’s a delight to read and gives me so wanting more…lots more.


    1. I gave that dish a long and longing look myself, Hugh (being as i spotted the menu during my lunch hour). Sadly hard liquor really hurts my stomach these days (ulcers) but i used to make a lovely screwdriver; added triple sec…
      >Thank you so very much for your words. You’ve made me happy. Mega-hugs!


        1. Ha! I wouldn’t dream of trying. I’m extremely clumsy. So far (thankfully spread across 6 years) i’ve fallen all the way down each set of the endless stairs inside and outside the townhouse i rent. [I figure i’m safe now that i’ve fallen down all the 4 staircases.] Headfirst down the brick ones out front; nasty sprain and head to toe bruises… Not to mention the slip on black ice a few years ago that put me into surgery… Juggle glass bottles… nooooo. 😀


          1. Ouch! OK Teagan, maybe I’ll do the juggling and you make the cocktails? And I’d demand you hold onto my arm as we descend all those stairs 🙂 Mind you, if I’ve had a few cocktails then maybe that is not such a good idea.


    1. Ya know! I found a ton of vintage mushrooms (pins). I only used half the ones i liked. There were some great botanical drawings, but i opted for the more whimsical ones. Thanks for commenting, Jo. Great big hug.


  10. The words that come to mind after reading this episode are delightful and enchanting. I can’t really express just how rich and delicious this episode was. You are such a skillful writer Teagan. I love your work so much.


    1. Suzanne you always make me want to “pick up a pen” (open a Word file) and write a novel. I don’t know how you manage to be so encouraging with just a few words, but you always are. ⭐
      > I know it’s a rough time. (I’m still having grief dreams about Aspen, and it makes me think of your difficulties too.) Always know you have many friends here who send Light and hugs.
      > A while back you sent a second set of “things” that included Absinthe. I’ll be using those next time. And i have an idea for absinthe that i hope you’ll get a kick out of.
      Sunshine super hugs my friend. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Actually, this morning as i scooped Crystal’s litter box my idea about absinthe went a little farther — and just now took a huge leap. You’ll love it. On a more serious note, found an interesting video that i’ll include. You inspired once again, Suzanne. 😀 :mrgreen:

          Liked by 1 person

  11. I was sad today when I wasn’t able to read this post until tonight and then as I read I realized, this was exactly what I needed after a long, long week. I feel like I just took a relaxation potion and floated off to another world.
    Thank you, Teagan, you have a gift of weaving the story around us.
    I have two complaints though.
    1) Now I want more.
    2) Now I really, really want pasta.
    I will just have to wait, for both. 😉
    All the best to you, always.


    1. Donna you are so kind. I’m starting to feel guilty for making everyone hungry though. 😀
      I’m always so flattered when anyone wants more of my stories.
      Over the past couple of years (already 2 years/only 2 years? It feels like i’ve been sharing my weekends with all the truly lovely people here, for many years…) i’ve posted a few short stories if you find yourself looking for another tid-bit.
      One is a “prequil” to Atonement… Somehow or other I will include it with Book-2, as it ties directly to that plot.
      Thank you Donna for making me smile. And for your insightful and delightful blog. Mega hugs right back! 😀


  12. All this adventure made me hungry..for more adventure and certainly a peek inside that pickernick basket. 🙂


    1. Hi Daniel — i’m delighted that you’ve invested all this time in my serial today. Thank you so much. I had no idea the Italian menu would be such a hit with everyone. Wishing you a sublime Sunday. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad the food has been such a hit. Maybe it will bring back some of the foodie bloggers and readers who used to be around for the Three Ingredients serials.
      Thank you so much Janet. And thanks for taking time to comment. Hummingbird hugs. 🙂


      1. Try to control yourself! 🙂 Do you remember Therese Raquin? The recurring, haunting images of her drowned husband made me think of La Llorona! Edvard Munch’s “The Scream” also makes me think of La Llorona. Probably just something weird about me growing up in New Mexico with ditches and the Rio Grande as major parts of my playground.


        1. No, i don’t remember that case… but i was only there for 5 years.
          However… I have taken “3 Things” from comments before, particularly if i was out. So i actually am going to take your “La Llorona, Chupacabra, and coyotes” for Episode-19. 😀 (Though i may regret having to work 2 mythical entities into one post. LOL.) Great big hug!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Sorry I didn’t make myself clear. I was talking about Thérèse Raquin the novel by Émile Zola. “La Llorona, Chupacabra, and coyotes” all together should make for a very exciting episode.


  13. What a fabulous episode. This time the food items were right up my street. Although I’m vegetarian and will ‘shun’ the beef, I’m extremely fond of pistacios, penne pasta and porcini mushrooms.
    My favourite phrase today: eye-searing chartreuse light – you have a great vocabulary.
    Thanks for the great entertainment. Have a fantastic weekend ❤


    1. Why thank you Christoph. I see/read so many people and think how much better their vocabulary is… Yet i do catch myself “dumbing down” my language when I speak in person, because i’ve been criticized for using big words when i talk… Oh well. I don’t lose sleep over that. Either way, that is a great compliment and i thank you from my heart. ❤
      Enjoy your lovely new home. Mega-hugs! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sally, and thanks very much for reblogging! I seem to have made everyone hungry, but i’m glad to know the Italian menu was such a success. 🙂 Hopefully my “ears [won’t be] burning” come Monday when people step onto their scales.
      I hope you enjoy your lovely swim. Mega-hugs.


  14. Wow! Now THAT’s a small world for sure. Today seems to be filled with that kind of serendipity — at least where the blog is concerned. Maybe it will give me a new and improved job too. Okay, that’s too far fetched for fantasy, but i’ll dream.
    I’m very happy you enjoyed the episode, David. Mega-hugs! 🙂 ❤


  15. I am hoping that the local soft-serve ice cream place has pistachio as their flavor of the week. I am so caught up in your characters that I even shook my head at the notion of “Unexpected?” Seriously? what isn’t unexpected with that man? Great story and I can’t wait to see where the train/submarine is taking us next.


    1. LOL, I’m still chuckling at the image of you shaking your head, Dan. Eerrr… i wonder where the submarine will take us too… Such is the life of a pantser.
      Please try to avoid any more “whipped blood” — i wouldn’t recommend it as topping for pistachio ice cream. Love your Stream of Consciousness Saturdays, and the Thursday Doors too. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Priceless. I love how you used Pistachio. Now, I can’t get that ‘green’ out of my head. 😉 ❤ I hope you can set another place setting because I'm ready for an Italian feast. (This is the time of year to go hunting for *morel* mushrooms in my state, and they aren't easy to find. Mmm.)


  17. Yeah! A submarine! Maestro Martino! Oh… delightful! And I’m with Sarah. What a beautiful picnic! I’m sure you’ll be inundated with things and ingredients but just in case, I’ll get thinking…:)


    1. Hi Olga. I haven’t been inundated yet… So i’m glad you are thinking. 😀
      I’m so happy you enjoyed yourself here today. Wishing you a very satisfying Saturday, full of hugs!


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