Copper, the Alchemist, & the Woman in Trousers: Episode 9

You’re too old, too fat, and you dress funny…


What?  But wait — it gets even better.  Let me put this into context. While not an exact quote, it is close. It was meant to be a pep talk from a friend at work when I was upset about not being able to get interviews for promotions or jobs at other agencies.  (That’s right — interviews. This wasn’t even said about people who have actually seen me in all my glorious wrinkles, fat, and bizarre blazers.  Oh, and yes, I did say it was a pep talk.)

Me dressed for a big meeting…

“I know I’m old and fat and that I wear colors,” I replied to the words of encouragement, and by colors I meant the fact that every other woman wears what I call DC drab.  “But they have never even seen me.”

“It doesn’t matter whether I think you’re fat.  They want people to look good to represent their organization,” said my helpful friend.

But they have never even seen me!” I repeated, still unheard.

Fortunately for me, my fifth floor office window is made so that it cannot open…nautili_old-woman_pretty girl

Perception.  Everything is about perception. I can’t hold it against this friend, because they just don’t get it. This person has no grasp of how their words come across, or in this case how very harmful they were. This friend sincerely meant to encourage me. This is a kind and intelligent person, and in their eyes they were building me up.  At least they tried. That’s more than I can say for 99.5% of the people there.

Update… about four months later:  Sadly it seems the many of you who said this destructive criticism was intentional — you were right.  The same coworker was just in my office, bragging about all the important things she is doing… all related to the kind of jobs for which I have been applying (the kind of work I had done in the past).  …The kind of jobs she so kindly reminded me that they want people to look a certain way for, and where age is a factor.  Yes dear readers, you were right and I was being far too generous.

What do you see in the drawing above — a pretty young woman or an old hag?  Copper and the woman in trousers each perceive the handsome Ignatius Belle differently, even though neither of them really knows the innkeeper of our serial.

The wildly different perceptions of words and characters are the most marvelous things about novels and stories. I love that while I think David Eddings was wonderfully funny in the characters he created for The Belgariad  the guy next to me was so appalled by their lack of moral fiber that he could barely finish the first book.

It’s terrific that we can see so many different things in a single story. Although I do hope you think mine are entertaining and that you see this blog as a sanctuary where you can safely relax and enjoy a fanciful moment.

Vintage Pug paintingToday’s “things” are from one of my favorite people and bloggers.  I admire Suzanne Debrango’s work with her blog as much as I’m wowed by her skills as a chef.  The recipe for this episode is also from Suzanne’s blog, A Pug in the Kitchen, so be sure to read all the way to the end for another delightful dish!

No more time for my ramble — I think I hear that train to the Victorian Era coming.  All aboard!

9.  Pâté, Profiteroles, Olives

Cornelis Drebbel and I argued.  Again.

“This is a perfectly good place to make a stand and fight,” I said.  “We can’t just keep running away to who knows where.  Especially when we aren’t even sure who we’re running from.  That will lead to us walking right into their clutches!  We have to know who the enemy is.  One of us should circle ‘round and come up behind them and at least find out who they are.”

The alchemist rolled his eyes heavenward.  “They were coming from three different directions – which group do you want to get behind?” he asked in a testy voice.  “And how far back do you want to go to get behind one of the groups, if you can even find them.  You know we out distanced them by a long way,” Cornelis reminded me.

Cornelis Drebbel
Cornelis Drebbel

“And just how do you propose we make a stand?” the alchemist acerbically retorted.  “We don’t know how many of them there are, but the one thing we do know is that we are sorely outnumbered.  Knowing their identifies is of no use if we are overwhelmed by our foes in the process of learning who they are,” Cornelis said, and I realized he had a point, though I hated to admit it.

A frantic honking noise interrupted our disagreement.  “Where is Copper?” I asked, suddenly worried.

“I’m over here,” a small sad sounding voice said from the other side of a stack of wooden crates.

She same out from her hiding place, doe-eyed and most unhappy looking.  I felt horrible when I realized she had been listening to us fight.

Copper with Flowers“I’m sorry,” she mumbled.  “I didn’t mean to be such a bother,” Copper said but her perplexed expression told me that she didn’t know what else to do about being a burden.

With a deep sigh I shook my head.  “No, this is for us to worry about, Copper,” I told the girl.  “It’s just part of what we’re supposed to do.  You, on the other hand, are only supposed to be young.  You aren’t supposed to have to worry about such things,” I said and tousled hair the color of a new penny when she looked up at me.

The honking noise escalated.  “Is that a goose I hear?” I asked.

I hadn’t seen any sign of people living anywhere near the abandoned church and its buildings.  We were still in the large one with a missing wall, where the road locomotive was hidden.  How would a goose come to be in such a place?

When I voiced the thought, Cornelis was sure a goose could do perfectly well on its own.  Copper said that it was chasing some of the frogs.

“Did you ever see what the frogs did with that eggplant they carried off?” I asked her, still curious about that strange spectacle, but Copper shook her head negatively.Goosey Goosey

My inquisitive nature took over and I went outside to investigate the commotion.  Apparently the tables had turned from when Copper saw the goose chasing the frogs.  Row upon row of frogs lined up to confront the fowl.  The goose honked furiously at them.

I felt sorry for the poor bird.  Looking at the frogs versus goose tableau, I realized just how right Cornelis was about us being extremely outnumbered by our adversaries.  If we took a stand at that juncture, we would make no more progress than the goose against the hoard of frogs.

I had never been around geese.  The tale about a goose laying a golden egg was about as much as I knew about the species.  Stepping gingerly, because I didn’t want squished frog on my boots, I made my way to the goose.  I picked her up and tucked her under my arm.

“Don’t you fret,” I told the still honking bird.  “We’ll find a spot where the frogs haven’t eaten all the good bits.”

Then the infernal goose bit me!  I screeched and released her.  The goose settled to the ground and looked up at me with a very annoyed squawk.

Jaime Murray as the woman who wears trousers
Jaime Murray as the woman in trousers

“Why you ungrateful wretch!” I exclaimed as I rubbed the bitten spot on my arm.  “I should make pâté of you!”

At that threat, the goose flew off somewhere beyond the abandoned church.  A pop told me that the alchemist had appeared behind me.

“Do you see my point now?” Cornelis Drebbel asked with a nod to the assembled frogs.

“Why you!” I sputtered.  “You arranged that entire thing didn’t you?  How dare you have that dreadful goose bite me!”

“Now, now,” Cornelis chided.  “You had the poor judgement to pick her up in your arms.  I didn’t do anything to make the goose bite you,” he said.  “That was just icing on the cake,” he added with a smirk.

I clinched my fist and took a swing at the Dutchman.  I already knew what he would do, so don’t ask me why I swung at him.  Cornelis immediately became semi-solid and my fist passed through him, throwing me off balance.  I nearly landed on my face in a pile of goose droppings.  It was lucky for him that I didn’t fall into that mess.

He looked distractedly toward the river.  There was my moment!  I leapt, tackling the Dutchman while he was fully solid and preoccupied.  We both landed on the grass with a thud.  I grinned wickedly when I realized that he had landed in the goose poop.Couple boat pug

Cornelis glared at me and with a pop he disappeared.  A moment later I spotted him close to the banks of the river.  He discretely hid behind a tree as he looked at the waterway.  Then I heard the sound of a rhythmic splash coming steadily closer.  That slight noise must have been what distracted the alchemist.

I hurried to where he stood behind the tree.  I was enormously glad to finally be wearing trousers again, rather than full skirts and a bustle.  Looking at the river I couldn’t see what made the faint sound.  Was it a beaver, or perhaps an otter going sleekly in and out of the river?  In a quiet voice I asked I asked what it was.

The Dutchman didn’t seem concerned about being heard.  So whatever it made the sound must have been unlikely to hear us.  He said that someone was coming toward us on the watercourse.  He said the sound was from paddles going into the water.

“Surely that rhythm is too fast to be an oar,” I commented as the sound became more audible.

“Not an oar,” he said, once again looking pleased with himself to have deduced something I had not.  “It is a paddleboat.  A small one, granted, but still steam powered with a paddlewheel,” Cornelis said with certainty.Sm Steamboat

Soon the odd looking boat came into view — a paddle steamer.  It was moving much faster than any rowboat would have moved.  It was a narrow vessel, with a mast for a sail, but no canvas was attached.  On each side was a red paddle wheel that sat nearly as tall as the enclosed bridge.  Behind the bridge stood a tall yellow steam stack.

Who piloted the craft?  I had yet to see how was onboard.  Was it one of our adversaries catching up with us?  It seemed too much of a coincidence for some random person to suddenly appear, heading toward us, from the direction we had come.

Basil Gill (1877-1955) as Ignatius Belle
Basil Gill (1877-1955) as Ignatius Belle

I jumped when something grabbed my long coat.  Looking behind me I saw that it was Copper.  She peeked around me looking at the boat.  I felt her stiffen.  She looked intently at the craft and I could tell that she saw more.  The girl had keen eyesight, I thought.

“What’s wrong Copper?  Who pilots the boat?” I asked.

“I don’t like him,” Copper said flatly.

“Who?” I asked, but by then I could see a familiar figure standing on deck at the boat’s wheel.

It was Ignatius Belle.  I remembered that Copper had reacted strangely to the handsome innkeeper before, though it made no sense to me.  I didn’t perceive anything untoward about the tall dashing man.  Quite the contrary.  He had been kind and considerate to me from the moment I checked into the Belle Inn.  He had an easy relaxed smile that I thought of as a strong indicator of honesty.  His  soft brown eyes were surely the windows of his soul.  My intuition about such things was never wrong.

I stepped out into the open.  Cornelis hissed a caution at me.  I hissed back to the Dutchman that was being ridiculous.  The man looked to be alone on the boat, and he was clearly not under any duress, if my friends feared our adversaries had forced him to pilot the boat to our destination.

Cornelis sputtered and then narrowed his eyes as he stared at Ignatius Belle.  Copper’s expression matched the look on the alchemist’s face.  I shook my head, trying not to be annoyed.  It was easy to put on a bright smile as I walked toward the riverbank.

Really, I thought.  Those two… of all the silliness.Copper curious w-green

By the time I got to the riverbank Ignatius had come ashore.  A wicker basket hung from his arm.  I hoped it contained a peace offering that would win over the suspicious girl.

I led the innkeeper up the sloping green.  Belatedly I remembered that Copper was the only one from the town who had met Cornelis Drebble.  Perhaps I should have kept the alchemist hidden, but I was so piqued about the way he and Copper acted about Ignatius that I really didn’t think about it.

“You remember Copper, of course,” I said and smiled encouragingly at her.  I think I tried by force of will to get her to smile at Ignatius Belle.  Apparently my will was not up to that task.  “And this is my… Allow me to introduce my associate, Cornelis Drebbel,” I added with a motion toward the Dutchman.

The alchemist mumbled a noncommittal sound.  I tried to glare at him without letting Ignatius see the warning look on my face.

“I don’t believe we’ve met sir, but your name seems familiar to me,” Ignatius said politely to Cornelis.

The alchemist cleared his throat, taken off guard by the near-recognition.  I discretely poked my elbow into his ribs as a warning for the fierce frown he wore.

Perpetual Motion Clock Photo
Perpetual Motion Clock: Cornilis Drebbel

“One of my ancestors achieved a slight amount of acclaim,” the Dutchman said.  “Perhaps you heard the name mentioned in passing, or in a very boring lecture when you were a schoolboy,” Cornelis said with a wave to dismiss the issue.

I was relieved that encounter went as well as it had.  I gave a small sigh that I hoped Ignatius didn’t notice.  Before things could get tense again I changed the subject.

“What have you in that very interesting looking basket?” I asked Ignatius, but turned my gaze to Copper.  “Dare I hope for something from Cookie again?” I asked but that time I gave an ever so slight flutter of my eyelashes to the dashing innkeeper.

Good, I thought when I glanced at Copper, she was curious about the basket.  I was sure she remembered Ignatius bringing that basket filled with lovely food and Irish soda bread.  Perhaps whatever he carried now would win Copper over or at least make some headway.

With a flourish, Ignatius lifted the checkered napkin that covered the basket to reveal delicious profiteroles.  Chocolate glistened darkly, covering the cream puffs.  I could see a bit of the luscious creamy filling where it was piped into one of the pastries.

He held the basket out to Copper and she wasted no time taking one of the profiteroles.  Chocolate quickly adorned her mouth and nose, but she still looked suspiciously at Ignatius.  I gave a sigh of resignation.  Then I consoled myself with one of the pastries.Profiteroles

“What brings you here, if I may ask?” Cornelis asked the innkeeper with no preamble.

“I knew Mina and Copper were alone at the Hixon house,” Ignatius began.  “Then I heard there was some strange and noisy commotion there.  I accompanied the sheriff when he went out to investigate.”

Once again I had to think fast to remember that Mina was the alias I took to allow me to stay close to Copper — Mina Hixon, half-sister to Calvin Hixon and Copper’s long lost aunt.  Quickly I gave Ignatius a smile of appreciation for his concern.

However, if Ignatius went out to the estate with Sheriff Alvin Bullard afterward, then the familiar sounding voice I heard could not have belonged to the lawman.

“We found the estate deserted,” Ignatius continued.  “The grounds were so trampled it almost made one wonder if there’d been a riot.  Then I spotted broad tracks from what had to be very heavy wheels.  I followed them to the river, where I saw that they continued a good distance following along the river.  So I got my steamboat ready and well, here I am,” he explained.  “Is everything alright?  You gave me a scare.”Burrell Road Locomotive

Should I tell Ignatius about the confrontation, I wondered.  I didn’t distrust him in the same way as Copper.  And Cornelis was naturally suspicious of everyone and everything.  However, that didn’t mean it was a good idea for him to know everything.  How much information was too much?

To my surprise, Cornelis answered him.  “We avoided an altercation,” the alchemist said in a very grave voice.  “It was evident that there were many, shall we say, unpleasant people nearby.  So we followed the thinking of discretion being the better part of valor and left with all haste,” Cornelis said.

I was relieved with the Dutchman’s explanation to Ignatius.  It was just vague enough.  I don’t know why, but I was glad he didn’t mention the road locomotive.  Although, considering the steam powered paddle boat in which the innkeeper arrived, he might be acquainted with that sort of contraption.  I wondered if he would have been able to deduce our means of transportation by the tracks he saw.  However, I put the thought aside as unlikely.

Besides, our locomotive had the benefit of magically enhanced speed.  No one should be able to figure out how we traveled or how fast we went.  They would have to know exactly when we left the estate, and when we arrived at the old churchyard.  For all Ignatius knew, we had only been there a matter of moments.

Flying man w umbrellaI just didn’t like the idea of letting people know about the road locomotive.  So I manufactured a story about Cornelis arriving at the estate for the purpose of bringing my horses.  He saw a number of unsavory types nearby when he neared the estate.  Reacting in fear, we left the estate.  However, the horses were unfortunately stolen when we stopped for the night at the abandoned church compound.

Ignatius seemed to accept that.  It was really a very logical explanation, not to mention the only one of which I could think.  Ignatius was even charmingly angered about the theft of my supposed property.

“For a moment I had a wild image of you escaping on one of Mr. Hixon’s inventions.  You knew he was an inventor didn’t you?” Ignatius asked.

I nodded, but gave it a dismissive wave of my hand.  I hoped I had implied that I thought my half-brother’s tinkering was frivolous, to keep the conversation from that topic.  I suddenly felt cautious.  Not distrustful if Ignatius, mind you, just cautious.

Forlanini hydrofoil
Bell/Forlanini Hydrofoil

However, Ignatius wasn’t ready to be diverted.  “I hear he was always designing amazing machines.  Word was that Alexander Graham Bell once contacted him about his design for a hydrofoil,” Ignatius said.

Cornelis made an impressed face.  His mouth formed a silent Ooo.  Cornelis wasn’t a bad actor.  As soon as the alchemist had appeared at the estate, he had learned about the hydrofoil and the letter from the already famous Alexander Graham Bell.

Still trying to change the topic of discussion, I asked what else was inside the basket.

“Well, if you’d rather have salty than sweet,” Ignatius began and we exchanged a suggestive look that caused Cornelis to clear his throat in annoyance.  “Cookie packed a jar of olives and some Stilton cheese,” he finished.

Stilton CheeseI made a production of serving the food, in hope that the subject would finally change.  Ignatius might not have won Copper’s heart with the pastries, but he might have made inroads with the Dutchman.  Cornelis was particularly fond of Stilton cheese.

Really, I should have expected what came next.  It was such an obvious thing, but it took me by surprise.  Ignatius insisted on taking us back “home” on his boat.  He said it should be safe, that there was no trace of the people who had caused the ruckus at the estate.

However, I knew that we daren’t go back.  Cornelis and Copper were well aware of that fact too.  We turned a trio of blank expressions toward the innkeeper.

How could I refuse without either seeming utterly ridiculous or giving away more information than I wanted to disclose?


How will the mysterious “woman in trousers” avoid seeming rude to the handsome innkeeper?  It sounds like she is more than a little interested in Ignatius Belle. But should she be more like Copper, and distrust him? Come back to the Victorian Era again next time to see what happens to Copper, the Alchemist, and the Woman in Trousers.

 And now for your recipe treat from Suzanne.  Bon appétit!

Recipe:  Small Plates- Tapas

Olives recipe

Photo and Recipe Credit:  Suzanne Debrango at “A Pug in the Kitchen

Be at the train station on time next weekend when the “things” are from Christine Robinson at “Before Sundown – remember what made you smile.” 


Copyright © 2015 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or from Pinterest unless stated otherwise.

80 thoughts on “Copper, the Alchemist, & the Woman in Trousers: Episode 9

  1. Dear readers, I don’t suppose any of you will see this after the fact, but here’s an update (about 4 months after) on “You’re too old, too fat, and you dress funny.”
    > Sadly it seems the many of you who said this destructive criticism was intentional — well you were right. The same coworker was just in my office, bragging about all the important things she is doing… all related to the kind of jobs for which I have been applying (the kind of work I had done in the past, but she had never ever done). …The kind of jobs she so kindly reminded me that they want people to look a certain way for, and where age is a factor. Yes dear readers, you were right and I was being far too generous.
    All of you lifted me up when I needed it, and I sincerely appreciate it. Mega hugs!


    1. Thank you Shelley 🙂 . And thanks for catching up with the episodes. Dealing with tech support in the middle of an RV trip is more of an adventure than i want! So double thank you for stopping to read and comment. Looking forward to your next escapade. Huge hugs! 😀


  2. Hi Teagan,

    I absolutely loved the picture of you!!! I agree about the “Drab” colors people wear back east. One time, I don’t remember why, I was back east and I was upstairs looking over the railing and there were a bunch of men and women who must have just gotten out of a meeting all dressed in black and I thought – geeze. Did I die and end up at a morticians convention?

    Anyway, I’m still enjoying your stories………….I hope to see another episode soon.

    Take care. Lorna


  3. I like what you write about perceptions, Teagan. By the way people also have assumptions based on the way people look or the way they speak (I know something about it!) and it can be harmful. That’s why I favor novels without too specific physical descriptions. Because it allows me to imagine the characters the way I want. This is also why I favor books to movies made from them. Often I have envisioned a character that doesn’t look at all like the actor or actress. Of course I admire the length of your post. It’s incredible to be creative for so long on a blog. And the profiterolles plunge directly to my French stomach!


    1. Which brings us back to perceptions again, haha. I hope it wasn’t too long. Every time i think i’ve made an episode too long, someone surprises me by wishing it had been longer. When I make one short, some wonder where the rest is while others still call it long. LOL. So i just write until i work the “things” into the story. That’s the core idea anyway.
      >I agree about physical descriptions in books. Unless it is relevant to the story, or the “world i’m building” I don’t mention the race of the characters, because i want each reader to be able to imagine it the way they enjoy most.
      I hope the profiterolles didn’t make you too hungry! 😀
      Thanks so much for dropping by and for commenting. Huge hugs.


    1. That’s a good way to look at it Laurie. Yep, I’m well rounded too. I don’t talk about my “curves” as they like to say now…. because i have curve. Just one. Round. 😀
      Have a marvelous Monday. And if that day is nearly over for you, have a terrific Tuesday. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sharmishtha. I think that would be a good sign. 😀 Now and then i see one of those things, and i can’t spot either of the things i’m supposed to see. But then I’m blind as a bat! Wishing you a wonderful week. Hugs.


      1. I am usually very good in picture puzzles (was addicted to them) but failed in this one, it took me long, long time to discover the second face! that is why I will never forget this pic 🙂


  4. Teagan, another intriguing episode! And the tie in with perception was genius! Watch out for the handsome innkeeper. Flutter away your eyelashes at him, you’ll give him the impression you’re taken by him, and at the same time using your smart brain to be cautious! You’ll come up with something brilliant to the “take you back home” offer. Love the story’s hidden meanings (for me). And Copper? What can I say, she’s a delightful, growing up girl. Yay, I read I’m part of the next episode! Thank you!!! Now, here’s my “pep talk.” Guaranteed to make you feel happy! Please get yourself to Hugh Robert’s “Walking On Sunshine Blog Hop Party” as my GUEST! You were so busy writing the episode, I think you missed the invitation on Friday! There are still lots of blogger friends there that you know and would love to see you! Especially if you dress funny to match your witty, incrediably fascinating, colorful personality that we all love about you! Teagan, it’s hard to forget seemingly kind, unkind words. I always analyze (like you) the source, to decide if that “person” is credible enough. My guess, her comment had a hidden shallow meaning, a put-down about looking good to represent the company, to overshadow your success & popularity as a writer in that “organization.” The distraction for you was what came out of her mouth! I question her standing in the organization, her success?
    The party invite: Christine


    1. Oh Christine — I’m sorry. You’re right that i totally missed the invitation. I’ve seen that one going around and made comments at a few (not as an invitee). Not sure how that game is played… But i’ll be happy to leave a comment and Tweet, etc.
      I’m busily working on your episode for next weekend. Cornelis and Ignatius aren’t getting along… LOL.
      >I really do appreciate your kind encouragement.
      Huge hugs my friend. 🙂 ❤


      1. Teagan, happy that you knew about the blog party anyway! It was fun participating and right away I thought of you to invite. I also know that you concentrate on writing and stick to that. I wanted the community to connect with you and enjoy not only your novel writing but the series episode writing, It’s pure genius in my book! Good that Cornelis & Ignatius are going to be at odds with one another. Can’t wait to read the next episode and how that goes, along with how you weave in my three ingredients! ((Hugs back)). Christine


        1. You just wowed me again, Christine. Everyone was so generous. ^^’ (I went there and made up for lost time.) I hope others will visit your segment of the party via the link you left above. Happy new week.


  5. LOL, that’s so kind. You should send 3 things, so you can have “your” episode that way too. Yep, that goose will do Cornelis’ bidding. Although I’m sure he’d adore you.
    Ha! Well, fashion sense is in the eye of the beholder, but thank you. 😀 I do have a weakness for pretty things, as my bulging closets will attest… 😮
    Thanks so very much for dropping by. Huge hugs!


  6. Teagan, chocolate AND pate, you know I have to be all in there! BUT I am stepping slowly away from the goose in case it bites me too! As for the colors, love that you are all up in the colors!! I think you are so creatively minded that you must have great fashion sense. Thanks for another wonderful installment for my weekend (yes, being selfish in my comment, it’s mine, hehehehe!!) xo


    1. Why thank you Christoph. 🙂 I like the way you tied that together. I was thinking about “perception” and wanted to tie that to this episode as an example. (Copper and “the woman” perceive Ignatius differently. My friend perceives no one would want me in a job because my appearance would make me a liability — I disagree and know that I would be an asset.)
      >I’m so proud of you for all of your books. Solid literature, yet amazingly prolific. ⭐ Someday I’ll get the next book finished. 😉 Huge hugs

      Liked by 1 person

  7. The “woman in trousers” should take heed, even if the innkeeper is handsome. I believe Copper’s feelings toward the man to be correct. Please don’t let them leave that road locomotive behind. *Wink* They may need it for their next adventure.


    1. Tee-hee! Thank you Mary. Sooo… the road locomotive has another friend in you? I think John’s wife was worried he would bring one home. I will keep what you said in mind 🙂 But remember that the real Cornelis Drebbel invented a submarine and all sorts of other interesting contraptions. I’m sure the alchemist will find suitable conveyances.
      I hope the “spring thaw” reaches you soon. Keep us posted on your latest Romance books! Mega hugs dear friend.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Wonderful and exciting as always Teagan. I think the intro makes it especially good because to produce such good writing after someone has gleefully tap danced on one’s liver shows the command of some serious focus and inner strength. I’m old, skinny, and forgetful. The physical elites have a field day with me. But as long as little children smile and small furry animals aren’t traumatized by my appearance, or I don’t forget which house on the block is mine, I know I’ll be okay. 🙂 Big hugs and congrats on another great chapter!


    1. Tap dancing on one’s liver. LOL, that sums it up pretty well. 😀 (I haven’t heard that before. I love little phrases like that.) Thank you for your kind encouragement, Daniel. Thanks for taking time to read and comment — I know you’re working hard on your own. Which is terrific, by the way. Happy spring and a great big hug.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh yes! thank you 🙂 Spring has exploded here and it’s nearly impossible to do anything but go outside and soak it up. I hope you have time to do some tap dancing of your own over by the cherry blossoms 🙂


  9. Another fun and adventurous episode! I was without internet for over 12 hours, and I finally had a chance to read it. And huge hugs to you, never mind your insensitive work mate. As we would say in Texas about her: “Bless Her Heart, she means well…” (and that is NOT considered to be a compliment, if you know what I mean!) ❤


    1. Tee-hee! We said “Bless your heart” where I’m (originally) from too. I think most southerners will get that one.
      Your pasta shells today look totally delicious! Thanks for taking time to comment, despite your misbehaving Internet. Huge hugs. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Hahaha! Yes, I can let my friend know, because I know that you are perfect just as you are, David. 🙂
    I’m so very happy that you liked this episode. What you said about this serial pleases me more than you can imagine.
    And yes, i adore David Eddings. Also, thanks for my Three Dog Night song on your blog last weekend. Here’s one back at ya in thanks.

    Mega hugs!


  11. Great writing Teagan…keep it up! Excellent story line! Insofar as “human resources” that is outdated…there is no more human in that equation…it is all done by bots. Bots have no class! 🙂 You’re great 🙂


  12. I enjoyed this episode. Anyone who brings Stilton cheese and olives can’t be all bad. Job hunting has become a matter of numbers. There are so many out there looking that companies now do the internet posting and let it go at that. Some dweeb somewhere goes through 1000 responses an hour and the fact you are missed is their problem, not yours. You are beautiful and your personal stuff is beautiful as well. Don’t change.


    1. You are so kind, John. Thank you.
      I’m glad you liked the episode — I thought you might be pleased to see the Stilton cheese (one of your “things” from the first episode) make an encore appearance. 😀
      Great-big hug!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. A wonderful new episode – thank you so much….and take it from me… enjoy who you are in all your colour and beauty. Only listen to words of love and real encouragement. May the magical hummingbirds alway surround you:)xx


      1. I always find that fascinating when something applies to you, but it doesn’t actually because it something else to do with something completely…oh well, you know what I mean. It happens to me all the time. Anyway, I’m so glad it gave you took comfort in it…I enjoyed writing it. 🙂
        All the best, sweets, hope to see you tomorrow for #ArchiveDay 🙂


          1. Twitter on Saturday, use the hashtag #ArchiveDay and tweet older posts, as many as you want and people will get a chance to wander through your archives (that sounded kinda dirty, but again, you know what I mean…). People can discover older posts and your can discover theirs. 🙂 And Sunday is Suzie’s #SundayBlogShare – use that hashtag and @suzie81blog and share posts. It’s busy, but fun. 🙂
            Either way, Teagan, hope this weekend is all you want it to be. 🙂


  14. You produced another wonderful episode despite the “encouragement” from your friend. I get the feeling your friend’s definition of fat is anyone who is not anorexic. While I have never seen a full-length photo of you, the photo you put up on Linkedin recently with your new hairstyle does not show the face and shoulders of a “fat lady”! You look wonderful in the photo and the colors are great. D.C. is definitely too glum for your energetic, spirited and radiant personality.


    1. Tim… you made my day — thank you for your kind words.
      You’re the photographer, but I have learned my one good angle. 🙂 So it might be deceiving.
      Men of some cultures don’t think I’m fat. And that’s nice. But I can’t kid myself, it really is true. LOL, why do you think that photo stops at my neck? 😈 (But that doesn’t mean I can’t present myself [or a company] well.)
      Besides, long ago, I vowed to work on the inside — not the outside. And I’ve been happy with that commitment.
      Happy springtime hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. “Men of some cultures don’t think I’m fat.” Hmmm! That means you look like a woman! Twiggy became a curse for women in the 1960’s, and 50 years later she is still a curse as far as how many men and women in our culture believe a woman’s body should be. Even worse, not only is a woman supposed to be skinny with thin hips, but ideally she should also have big breasts! Well, it just happens for most women to be “shapely” they usually have carry some weight.


        1. Tim, your wife and daughter are lucky women to have your voice in their lives. Thank you for saying that.
          Part of me is sorry that my “Perception” intro took the focus away from the serial. On the other hand, it’s absolutely great that it started all these conversations. Because they actually are about perception.
          Keep taking those fabulous photos Hugs. 😀

          Liked by 1 person

  15. Teagan, another great episode. Raspberries to your “friend” I’m sorry but I am upset just reading what transpired. You are a beautiful person, inside, outside, immensely talented, bright and articulate and you contstantly lift people up. I love color and I know all too well the DC drab, I lived there. I got a job at as training director at a big 8 accounting firm. My first day of work I came in with a suit, that was fine but I wore textured stockings and very high heels, they didn’t like my outfit and sent me home to change. Needless to say that job didn’t last long. You are a free spirit Teagan, I don’t care if you carry a few extra pounds, girl, we all have some wrinkles (eat a lot of salmon they say) and your style is your own and I am sure you rock it. Don’t pay attention, you are perfect just the way you are.


    1. Suzanne… The dictionary has your picture next to the word “Kindness.” 🙂 Thank you.
      The sad thing is — my friend really didn’t grasp how harmful that was. I guess maybe the “turn about’s fair play” of it’s that I’ve had her under a microscope (so to speak) analyzing that kind of thoughtless thought process all weekend — I’m old and fat, but now my friend has become a laboratory specimen. :mrgreen:
      >It is that company’s great loss that they let you get away! Those idiots…
      > I hope my pondering didn’t distract anyone from the episode. And I hope spring has sprung in Brooklyn. (Or at least that it does soon. We had snow yesterday, but it didn’t stick.) Mega hugs dear friend.


      1. I am going to go back and re read the episode I must admit I became very upset at what happened to you. Thank you for the mention and for using my ingredients much appreciated. I simply don’t understand how people can be so insensitive and I can’t help but wonder if that is a way they bring attention to themselves in a narcissistic sort of way, you know in the guise of “helping” they are actually promoting them self as a self help guru. I am sure she is nice enough in general but it really does bother me that she made you feel badly, no one can be that clueless.


        1. Well… If I’m honest about it, i have to admit having the same thoughts. Thank you for empathizing with me. A big part of me still says I should not have used this as an intro. (Did I ‘create a monster’ when I broke my “no blogging about personal stuff” rule and broadcasted about my car?) But with the kindness and encouragement of you and everyone else here, I can say that I’m over it. So please don’t let it bother you, Suzanne.
          >Thanks for your wonderful ingredients! I enjoyed writing about them, and could taste the chocolate and creamy filling when I had Copper getting messy with the profiteroles! Great-big-hug my friend. 🙂 ❤


  16. What is it about friends and pep talks? You are not alone! I also got told off for being too fat the other day – and as an after thought she added ‘and you used to be such a snappy dresser’ looking me up and down. Boo Hoo lets go and get some tapas and a hunk of Cornelis’s favourite Stilton cheese 😀


    1. Ya know! After that “encouragement” I felt like I had nothing to live for — at least during that night anyway.
      Lottie — I’m there! (In spirit at least.) And I’ll get us a bottle (or 2) of wine. 😀
      Love & hugs. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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