14 thoughts on “The Sunday Show – Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene – Fantasy Author

  1. You’re so kind, Trisha. I appreciate you taking the time to check out the interview. Re-blogging all the other author interviews made me feel better about the self-promotion. However that is something i have to overcome (dislike of promoting myself) to do indie publishing. Hugs!


  2. Oh Inese, you are so kind. But i truly don’t know when i can get to it. I’m very honored just the same. I have things that i don’t blog about that take up about 20 hours a week, then work full time (that’s 40 hours a week in the US), and then the blog. I don’t even claim to work on my novel any more…
    I really do enjoy your gorgeous blog. Sunshine-super-hugs to you! Thank you so very much.


  3. I nominate you for a One Lovely blog award. If you have no time for this, it is OK, no worries. I just want the other bloggers to know about your wonderful blog. Thank you for your great work! 🙂


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