To Me — From Me, a Limited Release

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Atonement, Tennessee – Now Available

Tah-dah!  I finally self-published “Atonement, Tennessee,” which I wrote last year for National Novel Writing Month.

Publishing this novel is a gift to myself.  gift boxTwo other times this year I planned to release this book, and then I got so discouraged that I did not.  I know that working full time, and spending at least 20 hours a week on other essential personal endeavors, that I don’t have time to do “indie publishing” right.  It’s really a full time job with the promotional stuff.

However, I realize that I’m not self-publishing for the same reasons as other people.  So I’m just going to do what little I can, and for my own reasons.

After I did all the exhausting work…  I have to tell you that I was as thrilled as any kid on Christmas morning to see my book for sale at Barnes & Noble [online only of course]!  That’s when my mood changed from exhausted to kind of excited!  Shortly afterward Amazon/Kindle finished whatever it is they do for “approvals” behind their great Oz-like curtain.

Anyhow, I even have an “author page” at Amazon. No, that’s only a fraction of what other indie authors would be doing — I know that.  All those other things are part of what discouraged me out of doing this in March, and again in October.  This “limited release” is what I’m able to do, so I hope you’ll share my joy in the fact that I accomplished that much.

So here’s my Amazon author page.  I hope you’ll check it out:

Wishing you every blessing of any holiday you hold dear,


27 thoughts on “To Me — From Me, a Limited Release

  1. Hi Teagan,
    I have just discovered your blog in my preparation to self-publish my first novel. It is very inspiring to be able to witness, through the blog world, the process of authors like yourself. I can’t wait to read your work and spend some time reading through your amazing blog!


    1. Welcome Lia! I’m delighted to meet you. Thanks so much for reading and commenting. I wish you all the best with your adventure in indie! A while back, several WordPress authors took part in “My Workspace” posts. Many of them discuss their process in that post. You might Google “My Workspace WordPress” or similar. Thanks again. Huge hugs!


  2. all the best! I have been toying with the idea of self-publishing too, may be, i will publish a novel soon, I think its a good idea to self publish if you have confidence on your work, because the number of readers on internet is increasing in a great speed!


    1. Oh goodness… Don’t expect great literature. It’s meant to be fun fluff. 🙂

      Thank you Deb. I even networked with a LinkedIn connection [in Arizona] for a “book trailer.” Hopefully that part leads to more contacts in the southwest.

      Wishing you all the best in 2014.


  3. How very cool to be published and sold online. It takes talent and commitment to write, rewrite and get it right and produce a story. Congratulations-you have it all.


    1. Hi RC — thank you. And here I thought it was just stubbornness on my part. Seriously though, thanks. It means a lot to me for you to say that.

      I hope Santa was good to you. 🙂
      And that you and yours are all happy, healthy, and prosperous throughout 2014 and always.



  4. Hi David ~~ so nice of you to comment. Is it “Boxing Day” there now?
    Yes, I’m not very proficient with Twitter, but I try a little. I see they have sent me something from you, which I’ll take care of in a moment. 🙂 Thanks for the Twitter follow!


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