Atonement Serial, before part 2 begins

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Veterans Day jets outer space CGI by Teagan via Imagine

Welcome to my sanctuary, everyone.   In honor of Veterans Day in the USA, let me begin with a simple… 

Thank you for your service.

I’ve barely made a start on Part-2 of Atonement in Zugzwang, but I am working on it.  I admit that I have a terrible time keeping myself encouraged.  Anyhow, I had said that I wasn’t going to do anything for a refresher, before Part-2 begins, because the book is such a perfect way to do that… Although, it doesn’t seem like anyone wants to use the book.  So I’m doing one last refresher.

“Atonement in Zugzwang, Book 1” ebook is on sale, this weekend only for $1.95

Dan Antion sent me this cool video from his Youtube channel. Note that the barber pole rotates counterclockwise!

Bits I shared in my Wednesday post about the barber pole will remind you of some things to come.  The following from Chapter 26 of the book, are scenes that I would use for a pre-episode recap if I were directing a film.

For those who aren’t interested in the story, there will be pictures. That’s okay — I put a lot of work into the illustrations.

From Chapter 26, On the Shores of Lake Uktena

CGI, Teagan
CGI by Teagan via Imagine

The deputy’s exit was such a dramatic scream of white speed that I didn’t notice where Bheema went.  Seconds later Maudie, Spike, and I were in Adelle’s limousine-like Range Rover as she drove.  She was going so fast that I was surprised we didn’t overtake the deputy.

Echoing my thoughts, Maudie said as much.  I speculated that the sheriff’s department would need to cover more area.  Fletcher may have had a different route.  Regardless, Adelle knew exactly where she was going.

Soon, a lovely blue lake came into view as we rounded a curve.  The Range Rover stopped at the tree-lined shore.  At another time, it would have been a calm, picturesque setting.  However, the moment of peace I felt evaporated.  A green glow tinged the sky.  Then the aurora borealis lights fanned out across the sky in the distance to my left.

I noticed a tiny mouse skitter across the ground and into a boathouse.  With all the flexibility of a kitten, Spike managed to get out of her harness.  She bounded into the structure after the mouse.

“Spike!” I shouted.

“She’s going in there!” Maudie cried, not realizing that Spike was chasing something in play, rather than being a feline-GPS and tracking Donny Metatron.

Adelle, Maudie, and I ran to follow Spike into the boathouse.  I was actually relieved, feeling like the kitten was safer inside the structure.  I was tempted to close the door and lock all three of them inside, securely out of the way.

A black-haired man stepped out from the side of the building.  To my surprise, Bheema Parvati was already there.  He looked at me with a grin that was slightly distorted by the large scar that ran alongside his nose.  Then in quick movements he closed the boathouse door and slid an oar through the handles, locking Adelle, Maudie, and Spike inside.

A moment later the two women began to yell.


“Adelle, descendant of Metatron, keeper of the watch and artifacts, you were commanded not to enter into this confrontation,” Bheema intoned in a formal, ringing voice, which brooked no argument.  “Maudie Rocket, I charge you with keeping the knight and this Metatron safe during this meeting.”

My eyes widened in shock as Bheema spoke.  Something in his voice caused goosebumps to rise on my arms.  There was some kind of vague power in his voice.

A kind of magic? I wondered.

I was no less astonished to hear Maudie immediately consent.  Adelle was clearly angry, but I got the sense from her brief rant that she felt obliged to obey some hierarchy that I didn’t understand.

A short distance away Deputy Hodge, still in white body armor, drove his motorcycle onto the scene.  Someone rode behind him.  I blinked when I saw it was Dr. Mary Sue Leggett.  She stayed close to Fletcher as he approached Bheema.  The three faced me.  Coincidentally, they were in a line of descending height that made Bheema look quite tall.  Mary Sue was shorter than Fletcher.

Rather than her tailored business suit, the psychologist wore tall brown boots of soft leather.  Olive green denim jeans were tucked into the boots.  The rest of her clothes were also green and brown.  A breeze stirred her ash-brown hair, revealing pointed ears.

I blinked.  Overwhelmed, I voiced my insane thoughts.

“You don’t look like any elf Hollywood ever produced,” I started.  “No wings, so not a fairy.  That would make you a pixie, right?” I stated, abruptly feeling awkward, but she only smiled and chuckled.

“I see you know your English folklore.  Contrary to the depiction Disney popularized, pixies do not have wings.  There actually is a species of winged pixie with green or blue skin, but they haven’t interacted with humans in a thousand years,” she began, a mischievous light in her sage-green eyes.  “But yes, Pepper, you are correct.”

I wondered what, if anything besides making trouble, pixies could do, especially in a situation where physical and magical strength might be required.  However, that time I kept my mouth shut.  I didn’t want to offend her.

Mary Sue in Pixie form, CGI, Teagan

Across the lake, Leonidas Gathright lounged indolently in a hammock, one lanky leg dangling.  I was sure he had seen us, but when he got up, he took his time.  Though his walk appeared unhurried, long strides brought him to the opposite shore swiftly.  When he spoke, his voice carried across the water with other than natural ease.

“So, you’re finally here.  Not much of a war party, I see,” Gathright drawled, but then his stance shifted.  “I demand to see the king’s bishop.  Show yourself!” he shouted.

He paced once, and turned, his long coat flaring.  He raised one finger theatrically.

“Oh, wait!  You can’t, can you?  Because I have it!” he jeered and held up a barber pole, although the sphere that normally decorated the top was missing.  “No matter.  It’s just as useless to you, as it is to me after the orb was taken.  Undoubtedly by one of your spies,” he added with a sneer.

Pacing once more, Gathright casually tossed the barber pole into the air, catching it.  Then he wheeled, eyes locked on Fletcher.

“Knight, you’re all that’s left to protect your king.  And only a cute, fluffy baby animal to protect your queen,” he added, chortling so hard that he bent over and slapped his knees.

To Gathright’s left, I saw the dance troupe from the Rowdy Rooster, the Bitches of Zeus.  Their cavorting had slowed while Old Green Eyes spoke, but when he stopped their movements became fervent. The harpies twirled and summersaulted, but their movements were more organized than they had been at the saloon.  It became clear that they were performing some kind of ritual.

CGI, Teagan

Then someone I hoped I would never see again strode up beside Leonidas Gathright.  It was the drooling trike rider from the saloon’s parking lot.  I immediately thought of one of the latest pieces to appear on the chessboard.

What had Adelle called it?  The Erymanthian Boar.  Kapros.

The drooling creature got onto a modified jet ski.  He rode it threateningly close to the lake’s shore where I stood.  Fletcher’s motor cycle reared onto the back wheel as he zipped between me and the edge of the water.

An instant later, Mary Sue, in a tumbling run, put herself between the deputy and Kapros.  Her boots barely made a splash, she landed so lightly in the shallow water.  The petite woman turned toward the huge beast as if to challenge him.

The Erymanthian Boar screamed frustration.

Leonidas Gathright, summoned Kapros back to his side.  The huge boar-man snorted a spray of mucus, but he returned to Old Green Eyes.

Mary Sue sprang over to Bheema.  She spoke to him in a soft voice, but I was close enough to hear.

“The sirens aren’t here.  I would have sensed them when I stood in the edge of the lake.  They aren’t across the lake, and they aren’t under the water,” she whispered.

Bheema gave a barely perceptible nod in reply.  His facial expression did not change.  His dark eyes were fixed on Gathright.

The “Bitches of Zeus” leapt higher into the air.  Their harpy aspect became visible, pale faces of women and long clawed hands on the bodies of birds.  Their acrobatics took them higher into the sky where they swooped and darted.

Across the lake, a dazed figure was in the middle of their ceremony.  I couldn’t make out much more than the fact that the person was male.  They had dressed him in a white hooded robe.

“Donny?” I wondered aloud.

Then four of the harpies clustered around him, lifting his prone form high into the sky.

A fifth harpy zoomed upward and above the hovering group.  She held a long knife.  The blade gleamed as a stray sunbeam came through a crack in the clouds.

Circling them, the fifth harpy cackled taunts to us on the shore.  The creatures on the opposite bank of the lake hooted encouragement to the harpy.

Though the rain had stopped, leaden blue-gray clouds threatened.  A denser cloud detached from the rest.  As it glided downward, it was obviously no cloud at all.  Great wings flapped, spreading a wave of cold air.

CGI, Teagan

“A dragon!” I gasped.

It was huge compared to any bird I had ever seen, even an eagle.  However, it didn’t match the enormity of dragons in stories.  Even so, it was big enough to dwarf the harpies.

The beast’s hide was mottled gray and blue.  Its talons grabbed the knife-wielding harpy on her head and shoulders.  I heard a sickening crack of bones.  Her claws released the knife, which plunged harmlessly into the lake below.  The blade was followed by something round and about the size of a football.

Or a head… I realized and looked away as a body with bird-legs and wings glided at a slower rate before splashing into the water.

A trio of harpies who had remained on the ground soared up to join the other four.  They made as if to attack the dragon.  With a mighty swipe of a wing, the dragon sent two harpies tumbling.  They landed in the lake, and slowly made their way to shore.

Things had already been happening fast.  However, that was the moment when several different actions came into play within seconds of one another.  Things were no longer happening fast — they were moving at warp speed.

Hardly noticed with so much action right there in front of us, the green aurora borealis lights stretched across the sky at the far end of the lake.  They started to spin again, forming a single column.  Although the column wasn’t solid.  Rather, streams of auroras created a narrow rotating spiral.

“The rotation,” I murmured, mystified.  “It reminds me of the way a barber pole turns.”

CGI, Teagan
CGI, Teagan

Retreating, the remaining harpies abandoned their sacrifice, allowing the young man’s body to drop.  The white robes fluttered around the slight body.  The hood fell back.  Short dark hair fanned on the air.

“It’s too high,” I muttered.  “Hitting the water from that height might kill him.”

Leonidas Gathright stood on the opposite shore, below the action.  He screamed in fury at both the dragon and the harpies.  His plans blew up with his inability to control his unruly minions.  In a louder than human voice he yelled at the remaining harpies.

Filled with excitement from the action — and with rebellion, Kapros, the Erymanthian Boar bounded back onto the modified jet ski.  The powerful motor roared and the ski leapt several feet into the air as it rushed across the lake.

In the same moment, the dragon folded its wings in a dive.  Wings snapping out at the last minute, it delicately clutched the falling body in sharp talons, inches before the young man would have hit the water.  The dragon flew to the shore, alighting near Bheema, smoothly depositing the unconscious form.

Looking past Bheema, movement caught my eye at the boathouse.  A mouse emerged from a hole at the base of the structure.  To my dismay, Spike followed the mouse outside.  I heard Maudie and Adelle yelling.  Then the sound of a window breaking reached my overstimulated ears.

Without realizing my feet were moving, I hurried away from Bheema, Fletcher, and Mary Sue.  I tried to intercept the kitten.

Meanwhile, just before Kapros reached the shore, he glanced over his shoulder at the ranting Gathright and gave an insubordinate snort.  With the jet ski at full throttle, he looked right into my eyes as it sped toward me.

Kapros lifted a large recurve bow, but against his huge form it looked dainty.  Quickly taking aim, he fired.  As the arrow left the bow, it made an audible thwack noise.

Behind me, I heard Maudie shriek.  Off to my side, Fletcher yelled.

Pain blossomed in my chest.  I fell.

Spike’s cool nose pressed against my face.

Above me the aurora continued to rotate.  Reality spiraled with the lights, and all was gone.

CGI by Teagan via Imagine
CGI by Teagan via Imagine

♣ ♣ ♣

As you recall, there was more to Part-1 and Pepper Riley after this scene. As I said, it has reminders of things that will be important when Part-2 begins.  The new serial will begin by revealing the fate of young Donny Metatron, and a desperate attempt by Moccus to fix things.  Who was Donny? Who was Moccus? Come on… you remember.

I love to hear from you, so friendly comments are encouraged.  Hugs!

♣ ♣ ♣

Universal Purchase Link


The Original Atonement Series


Atonement, Tennessee

Full series of e-books with one click:



Also in Spanish, translated by Olga Núñez Miret! The title for the Spanish-speaking market is Expiación y Magia

Atonement in Bloom



The Glowing Pigs, Snort Stories of Atonement, Tennessee



♣ ♣ ♣

This is a work of fiction.  Characters, names, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2023 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved. 

No part of this work may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or used with permission, or from free sources.

48 thoughts on “Atonement Serial, before part 2 begins

      1. Hi Robbie, I got both comments. It’s not just Jetpack. Everything in WP commenting is ruined by their latest “improvement”. How badly it’s off is amplified if you enlarge/zoom your screen (like I do). Often it looks like my comment isn’t being transmitted at all, but if I click the refresh button, it was there all along. It’s all horribly frustrating. Thank you for persevering.


    1. Robbie, you’re so wonderfully supportive, of the serial and everything else. I actually feel guilty that you bought the book. In writing the past few Atonement-related posts, I’ve just been overly aware of the kind of comments I’m likely to get from people who don’t remember details and/or get confused… That doesn’t apply to you. Big hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Your writing continues to blow me away. You are so good at creating the visual you are depicting with your words! Love it!!! If you could have seen my face while I was reading this….it would be an obvious I was visualizing every aspect of what your wrote. Love it… best to you for the next episode!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Late to this party, but, I have read the book, and it was helpful. I love your serials, Teagan and I enjoy reading them completely through in book form. I can breeze right over the cliff hangers, and I can pay closer attention to the episodes I might have sped through when first released. There is a difference between reading a weekly blog post and reading a book. Your artwork is always amazing, and it draws more of my brain (no comments, please) into the story. I am looking forward to the resumption of storytelling. I hope you’re having a nice weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I really appreciate this comment, Dan. Things like this help me keep going. Thank you so much.
      This story really has to many levels to be absorbed in weekly segments. That’s one more reason why I “bookized” it. I’m happy to know you enjoy the book forms of the serials. Big hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Tandy. The computer generated images usually take a ton of trial and error. The pixie was one of the few where I got something close to what I had in mind with only a half a dozen or so tries. If that sounds like a lot, it isn’t compared to what it usually takes. LOL. Thanks for visiting. Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Resa. The post on Wednesday helped me… But then I realized that the ideas I was following did not match with the mythology/backstory I have for Enoch. Though I would probably be the only one who knew that, I had to drop the episode I had drafted. So I’m starting over again. I hope you enjoy the weekend. Big hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha. Noelle, if you knew exactly where Donny was in my story-head when Part-1 stopped, it would have been an even bigger cliffhanger. I had a bit of a character glitch (combined with a working title that wouldn’t… well, work, for the start of Part-2… but I’m trying to work my way around it. Thanks for reading and commenting. Hugs.


    1. I really appreciate that, John.
      I had a working title (also a chess move) that was creating the opening of Part II… Then I realized that it wouldn’t work with my existing character mythology for Enoch. I’m trying to get past the mental snag that caused. Thanks for reading and commenting. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Well I got the book as I’ve got all the other Atonement books, so I’ll be up to speed when you get going here again, you know I love Atonement! If you need encouragement just think of me cheering you on!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, I do — and that really does help, Fraggle. Heartfelt thanks! The chess theme has added an additional layer of difficulty in the writing, particularly since I’m far from an expert in the game. The move and title (castling/Atonement Castled) needed someone for the king piece, and that just wasn’t working, for a few reasons. (One of those being that of existing characters, Enoch would need to represent the king piece — and he has other designations because of his mythology/backstory.)
      The trouble is, my mind was already building a story around what would happen to the characters for the king and rook to move at the same time (castling). I had just figured it out when I realized that Enoch absolutely cannot be the king. So I shouldn’t use the (now) unnecessary complication of the scenario I had in mind. Starting over again… Thanks for visiting. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

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