Wednesday Writing — Atonement TN: Artifact Notes, the Barber Pole

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

CGI from Teagan via GenZArt
CGI by Teagan via GenZArt

Welcome, all and happy hump day.  As I persisted in futile attempts to get my head back into the universe of Atonement, TN, I decided to do another “Artifacts” post. Update: this actually did help. Last evening I sketched out the opening scenes for part-2 of the new serial.  I hope to be back on track with weekend episodes soon.

Over the course of part-1 of the serial, I mentioned the properties of a special barber pole.  One of those was only a potential, about which Honeybell speculated.

If the barber pole rotates clockwise, then it adds to the magical protections surrounding the town.  However, what happens if someone makes it rotate counterclockwise?  That’s what our porcine heroes questioned.  Read on to learn (or remember) what I mean.

Artifact Notes: The Barber Pole

Thanks to GP Cox for the group of 3 Reader Things that included “barber pole” early in the serial. Click here for that episode.

Barber Pole artifact in space CGI Teagan Imagine
CGI by Teagan via Imagine

From Atonement in Zugzwang, Book 1, Chapter 10

“You’re doing more than that, little pig.  You know you can’t hide things from me,” Bheema went on undeterred as he admonished Moccus, the otherworldly pig.  “Salty’s antiques — the barber pole is missing.  You know how dangerous that artifact is!  If the wrong entities get possession of it…”

Two other pigs secreted themselves to spy on their friend, and their concern that Moccus was in trouble was validated.  A soft gasp escaped Honeybell’s snout.  She motioned for Deme to back away.  Deme tried to speak after a moment, but Honeybell shushed her until they were well away from Bheema and Moccus.

“Honeybell, what’s the matter?  What’s the big deal about a barber’s pole?” Deme demanded when they stopped for breath.

“You know old Salty Riley was a little… looney, don’t you?” Honeybell began, and Deme nodded.  “I heard that he didn’t get that way until he came into possession of that particular barber’s pole.  It’s not an ordinary antique.  In fact, it’s at least as dangerous as the most powerful of the artifacts the Metatron family has gathered.”

“Honeybell, I know that Atonement, Tennessee is not only a place where supernaturals and humans are drawn so they can atone.  It’s also a safe repository for objects of power,” Deme asserted.  “But what’s that got to do with a barber pole?”

“You know that it revolves, don’t you, Deme?” her companion asked, and Deme gave a soft snort because Honeybell was breaking down the explanation too far.

“I know barber poles rotate, making those stripes look like they’re spiraling,” Deme snorted and stated impatiently.

Her friend gave Deme a narrow glare and a grunting snort before continuing.

“When this barber’s pole rotates clockwise, it renews the protective magic that surrounds Atonement.  That magic is also what prevents the especially harmful races of supernatural beings from entering this town,” Honeybell paused to make sure Deme was listening.  “However, if the pole is made to rotate counterclockwise, it creates an opening in the protective circle.”

Deme gave a hoarse gasp.  Honeybell nodded sagely.

“Evil creatures could get inside Atonement!  What if they got the artifacts stored here?” Deme exclaimed.

“Combine the powers of certain supernaturals with the magic of the barber pole and it could do much more harm that simply allowing evil creatures to get to the powerful artifacts.  Although it’s very unlikely, there is a possibility that time itself could be corrupted,” she paused at Deme’s skeptical snort.  “Regardless, it is certain — not just a potential, that Atonement would become something evil.  Worse that dark magic could pull into its sphere of evil all the inhabitants of Atonement,” Honeybell declared.

From Atonement in Zugzwang, Book 1, Chapter 15

Honeybell, Deme, & Moccus

Moccus was within sight of the erstwhile scrap metal refinery.  In modern days it had been remodeled as a country-western bar called the Rowdy Rooster.  He paused, looking at the building.  Even at that distance, he could feel the tension that emanated from the place.  Moccus snorted when a pang of fear poked him.

Inside the bar’s basement, Moccus narrowly escaped Old Green Eyes.  He figured out that the barber pole was inside a grandfather clock, which he deftly opened. 

The barber pole — yes! he thought.  But I’ll never be able to carry it alone.  I wish Deme was here.  No, no I don’t wish that at all.  This is much too dangerous to involve her.  If anything happened to Deme—.

His twisty tail wriggled anxiously as he considered how to proceed.

The orb.  I can manage a ball that size.  If I take the orb, they won’t be able to use the power of the barber pole.  But no… I might ruin the whole artifact if I remove the orb…  Still that would be better than Green Eyes and his master getting the power of the artifact.

Glowing in the darkness of the basement, Moccus made short work of disconnecting the orb.  Its radiance was considerably brighter than that of the otherworldly pigs.  He wrapped it in a handkerchief, which dampened the luminosity and helped him carry the orb.

Moccus skuttled away, running faster than his hooves had ever carried him.

♦ ♦ ♦

Will the barber pole’s potential power to shift time become a fact?  That honestly might cause more complications than I can deal with… but it’s fun to ponder.

You can read my urban fantasy serial, “Atonement in Zugzwang” in book form.  The e-book is searchable, which makes it a great way to look for specific reminders.  Thanks for visiting.  Friendly comments are encouraged.  Hugs!

Atonement in Zugzwang, Book 1

Universal Purchase Link


♦ ♦ ♦

The rest of the Atonement Series

Atonement, Tennessee

Full series of e-books with one click:



Also in Spanish, translated by Olga Núñez Miret! The title for the Spanish-speaking market is Expiación y Magia

Atonement in Bloom



The Glowing Pigs, Snort Stories of Atonement, Tennessee



♦ ♦ ♦


This is a work of fiction.  Characters, names, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2023 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved. 

No part of this work may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or provided by free sources, unless stated otherwise.



52 thoughts on “Wednesday Writing — Atonement TN: Artifact Notes, the Barber Pole

  1. That was fab. Reading the excerpt brought everything back.
    Teagan, I’m so looking forward to the second half!
    Thank you for all you do! Don’t forget to let me know when you might need another drawing. I just need a bit of lead time!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Resa, I’m happy you enjoyed this. Oh, another drawing would be fabulous! That’s so generous of you. I need to get enough of my story to have an event and a character in my head for your drawing, and I will certainly take you up on that. Big hugs.


    1. Hi, Robbie. How are you holding up? I hope Michael is improving.
      It won’t really be a recap — just part of the post that (combined with the two excerpts here) have the most relevant details to the start of Part-2.
      I keep bouncing around about just how to begin. Every time I think I have it all sorted, I realize that I don’t! LOL. Yesterday I realized that the things that are in my way have not yet been written, so I can “easily” change them. But they’re pretty well rooted in my head. Sometimes talking out loud about it helps, even if the other person is not an author. A friend is supposed to call today to let me do that. Maybe it will help… maybe not. Have a good rest of the week. Hugs.


    1. Thanks so much, Tandy. Haha, the computer generated images take a ton of trial and error, changing the text I enter, selecting different filters… and they usually still send back something bizarre. After about 30 tries, I got that one, which was fairly close to what I had in mind. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your encouragement, Denise. The barber pole started early in the serial. I just now had to go through all my stuff so I could revise this post to include the person who gave it as a reader thing — GP Cox. Now if I can stay inspired. I resolved one “question” that’s been a stalling point for me — what chess piece is Enoch. BUT that makes the issue of “Castling” which requires moving the king and the rook together. Enoch can’t be the king. Maybe the simplest thing is to ditch “Atonement Castled” as the title. Hugs winging back to you. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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