Weekend Serial — Atonement in Zugzwang: Episode 22, Featuring Teri Polen

Saturday, August 12, 2023

CGI, Teagan

Welcome back, everyone.  I’m happy that you’re following this urban fantasy serial.

To drive this episode, I used John W. Howell‘s “finger point prompt.” Here’s how John uses this prompt, “The idea is to open a book randomly and, without looking, point to the page. The word or words closest to the pointing finger is the prompt.”   

(By the way– here’s John’s review of “Atonement, Tennessee” on Amazon.)

The random reader things, which drive this episode are from Teri Polen’s The Colony Series duology.  The first book was Subject A36.  Teri published the sequel, The Insurgent, and that’s the one I used for the finger-point prompt. From page 5, I’m working with:

Silas grinned in a teasing manner.  “Elsa, now that I’ve finally acquired A36, I can’t have you injuring him.” He lifted a glass of brandy and took a sip.  “Not that you could even if you tried. Nothing life-threatening, anyway. Your father stole him when he was barely 2 years old. Because of Garrett, I’ve waited almost 16 years to utilize my perfect soldier. And I’ve got big plans for him.”


Episode 21 covered a lot of action.  Last weekend I left you with more than one cliffhanger.  The harpies tried to do a ritual sacrifice in midair.  A dragon showed up, but that might have consequences.  A “show of force” from the bad guys was escalating rapidly. Tiny Spike ran outside into the danger. That disgusting trike rider shot Pepper in the chest with an arrow.  Click here if you need to review Episode 21. 

Also, this segment moves to the point of view of Deme.  Remember that the otherworldly pigs tend to use their own names and titles for people.

Atonement in Zugzwang

Episode 22

Honeybell, Deme, & Moccus, CGI: Teagan

As a rank of harpies swooped and cavorted in the air on the other side of Lake Uktena, Moccus crouched motionless, from his twisty tail to the split at the top of one ear.

Shivering, Deme wondered if he was frozen with fear, because she was utterly terrified.  She and Moccus were in a life-threatening position.  Small otherworldly pigs were an irresistible delicacy to harpies.

“It’s only me!” Honeybell whispered a warning.

Deme knew she was trying to make sure that she didn’t startle either her or Moccus into movement that might attract the keen sight of the harpies.

“With their awful odor, it’s difficult to imagine that harpies have an acute sense of smell,” Honeybell remarked and abruptly squeezed the atomizer of a perfume bottle.  “This red cedar oil should mask our scent.”

Deme covered her snout, disliking the cedar.  Moccus, however, carefully edged closer.

“Honeybell, you’d better hit me again with that stuff,” he said.  “I’ve worked up a sweat fit for Kapros.”

“What have I missed?” Honeybell asked, giving the mischievous pig a good spray of cedar oil.

CGI: Teagan

A blast of cold air flowed through the bushes that hid the pigs from view.  Honeybell peeped through a sparce place and gasped.

“Usdi the Ice Dragon!” she cried in a whisper.  “Y Ddraig Goch and Usdi are among the great protectors of Atonement.  None of them, especially the dragons, interfere in the affairs of the residents.”

“Leonidas Gathright thought he could intimidate everyone into surrender without a fight if he showed up with all his forces,” Deme whispered, but Moccus gave a snort of disagreement.

“Old Green Eyes likes to play with his food before he eats it.  Gathright wouldn’t be satisfied without some kind of battle,” Moccus muttered.

“That’s true,” Deme agreed.  “He was letting the harpies perform some kind of ritual.  They were going to sacrifice the boy — the one there on the ground wearing a white robe.  Usdi intervened.  I think Leonidas Gathright let the harpies do that because he wanted to provoke a fight.”

“Although he didn’t mean for it to be today,” Moccus interjected.  “Stupid Kapros doesn’t have any self-restraint.  The Erymanthian Boar would be the perfect soldier if he could control his rebellious streak.”

“Moccus, you’re a fine one to talk,” Honeybell grunted.

“Honeybell, Kapros has shot Pepper Riley with an arrow,” Deme whimpered as blood seeped across the woman’s white bodice.  “None of the knights were able to protect her.  In this game, the white queen is already forfeit.  Atonement is in zugzwang.”

“Deme, maybe not.  See the kitten sitting on her chest?  Remember Spike’s ancestry on her father’s side,” Honeybell whispered as a sunbeam touched the single gold horn which protruded from the kitten’s forehead.  “Or to be exact, from her father’s grandmother.”

CGI image by Teagan
CGI image by Teagan

The kitten put the gold horn into the very edge of the hemorrhaging wound in Pepper Riley’s chest.  Only the tip of the horn entered the bleeding puncture, however the agony must have been great.

“Great-grandma was a unicorn,” Moccus muttered, and all three pigs shifted for a better view of Pepper.

The woman’s rose-gold colored hair stirred as she convulsed from the pain of the wound being touched.  Then she went still again.  Maudie Rocket and Fletcher Hodge leaned closer over Pepper.  Deme twisted and stretched, trying to see, but her view of the injured woman was blocked.

A jolt of worry went through her when she heard Maudie Rocket sob.  The deputy put an arm around the woman with blonde-colored hair.

However, the pigs’ attention was quickly pulled to Old Green Eyes who ranted from the other side of the lake.

“Dragon, your interference will not be tolerated!” Gathright yelled, and his voice carried easily across the lake.

Usdi spread large blue and gray mottled wings, shoulders hunched in a threatening posture.  Then, a loud belch of frigid air came from its mouth.  The blast of air frosted the air in a stream that reached to the opposite shore of the lake.

By approximation and measure, the judges and officers of the Gates decree that a kinsman may act as proxy for one who is under age,” the dragon replied in a flat voice.

“He’s demanding, according to rules set by the powers that be, to take Spike’s place because she has not reached maturity!” Honeybell gasped.

Usdi’s words seemed to be an even greater surprise to Gathright than the dragon’s arrival.  His complexion was normally a pallid, yellowish tone, but his face went red and his green eyes glowed.

Image collage by Teagan
Image collage by Teagan. Head cropping by blasted WordPress gremlins.

“Well then, Usdi… I guess that will do.  Besides, you’re sort of small, as dragons go.  Why, you’re just a little-biddy thing, aren’t you?” Old Green Eyes taunted.

Usdi made no reply.  However, ice began to form along the shore where the dragon sat on his haunches.

“Alright.  No need to give us the cold shoulder.” Gathright said.  “I guess that’s all the fun we’re going to have here today.  Although the humans might be in for a little more… entertainment,” he added.

Leonidas Gathright, with his odd, disjointed seeming way of moving, strolled away from the banks of the lake.  Kapros and the remaining harpies, and several other creatures followed him.

With the threat of the harpies removed, the pigs crept closer to the shore.  They were still cautious, because humans were present, and the pigs weren’t supposed to interact with them.

Throughout that exchange, Adelle Metatron sat on the shore, leaning over the slim unmoving form.  She looked up at Lord Ganapati, conductor of the celestial armies and shook her head.

“Is he dead?” Deme murmured.  “The boy hasn’t moved a muscle since Usdi lay him there.”

“Bheema, I think I know what might help,” from their hiding place, the pigs could barely hear what Adelle said.

Deme tried to hear as the pixie, Mary Sue, said something to Lord Ganapati.  Adelle said something about Waterloo.  Then Mary Sue bounded over to them.

“Moccus, please tell me you have the Brass Bugle of Waterloo with you,” the pixie said, at which Moccus gave a startled snort.

CGI, Teagan

Oh no, Deme thought.  The boy is dead and they plan to use the bugle to reanimate his corpse.  But why?

Mary Sue seemed to guess Deme’s thoughts.  She smiled at the pigs.

“Pixies love pranks.  Moccus, it was mean of you not to include me when you and Deme tried to use Salty Riley’s body to renew the protections around Atonement.  Failed though the attempt was, it would have been great fun,” the pixie began.  “However, the brass bugle has other powers.  It can irradicate any residual influence of a siren’s call.”

Honeybell gave the wise, knowing snort that always irritated Deme.  She rolled her eyes at whatever her friend was about to say.

“Sirens lured Donny Metatron and Chip Bai here,” Honeybell stated with a nod.

Moccus produced the bugle and gave it to Mary Sue.  The pixie hurried back to those who were clustered around the boy.

Adelle ran her hands over the antique brass instrument which had sounded the cavalry charge at the battle of Waterloo.  She paused for a moment, as if trying to remember something from long ago.  Then she put the bugle to her lips.  Softly, Adelle sounded the call to Belay.

“Deme, they aren’t trying to reanimate the body.  That would be ‘As Skirmishers, March.’  He’s still alive, just… lost.  His mind is cut off,” Moccus explained.  “Belay is a signal to countermand or revoke a previous call or order.  Adelle is trying to use the bugle to revoke the magic of the siren’s call.”

A moment later the white robed figure sat up, and the hood fell back, revealing short black hair.

“That’s Chip Bai,” Deme murmured, puzzled.

However, Deme’s bright blue eyes went to the sky where the green aurora borealis lights spiraled above the far end of the lake.  Streams of auroras combined to create a narrow rotating spiral.

“Deme, you knew that both boys fell into the siren’s trap,” Honeybell remarked, but Deme’s eyes were fixed on the sky.

Moccus exchanged a look with her.  Deme felt a wave of unease.  Then he gave a loud grunting snort.

“Where are the sirens anyway?” he demanded.

“And where is Donny Metatron?” Deme asked.

♣ ♣ ♣

It seems that Moccus and Deme have asked the questions for me… except for one.  What about Pepper?  Yeah… I know you hate me for that one, but that’s all the energy I have for this episode.

Be sure to follow the links and visit Teri Polen and check out her great books. I love to hear from you, so friendly comments are encouraged.  Hugs!

♣ ♣ ♣

The Insurgent

Teri Polen The Insurgent

Kindle: relinks.me/B09TTSZKG6

Paperback  relinks.me/1684339537

♣ ♣ ♣

The Atonement Series

Atonement kindle covers Cat eyes shelf 2023

Atonement, Tennessee

Full series of e-books with one click:  relinks.me/B087JV25JT

Kindle:  rxe.me/HGSVA8A

Paperback: relinks.me/1481826948

Also in Spanish, translated by Olga Núñez Miret! The title for the Spanish-speaking market is Expiación y Magia

Atonement in Bloom

Kindle:  rxe.me/5RRBLH

Paperback:  relinks.me/1726882128

The Glowing Pigs, Snort Stories of Atonement, Tennessee

Kindle   rxe.me/LTBDNH

Paperback   relinks.me/1725891972

♣ ♣ ♣

This is a work of fiction.  Characters, names, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2023 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved. 

No part of this work may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or used with permission, or from free sources.

54 thoughts on “Weekend Serial — Atonement in Zugzwang: Episode 22, Featuring Teri Polen

  1. I’ve been thinking about you Teagan and trying to picture you working. My questuion is: do you drink a lot of coffee? Do you take breaks or work straight through? When under contract I used to write trwenty hours a day, but now a few hours a day, but as always plenty of coffee and many hours reading if not writing, I hope you are well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, David. It’s good to see you. I hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
      LOL, I do drink a good bit of coffee — reduced acid though. Caffeine doesn’t bother me, but the acid is a problem. Breaks: once I get started, I don’t take significant breaks. I do try to remember to stand up at least once an hour (should be twice that). The bad part is that there are too many days when my PTSD/anxiety problems prevent me writing at all. On days like that I try to work on an editing or research project. However, many days I can’t be productive at all, in any way.
      I really don’t write nearly as many words a day, or hours per day as other people. I very much wish that I could.
      We’re finally (although likely only temporarily) out of the days that are over 100 degrees, and getting a little moisture (although far, far below the normal for our monsoon season). So that should make me feel better. Take care, and hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Teagan, thank you for your reply. I feel badly for you having problems that interfere with the free flow of productivity, but yet you still create impressively. Sorry about your pain.

      I want to thank you for your generous suppport of me. Very nice of you.

      I have more non-productive days now than ever but feel less guilty about that than I used to feel. It is always a pleasure to come across your writing. Best wishes to you, David

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve been driving all day, Teagan. When I got to the end, I stopped after the two questions. Certain that I somehow skipped over what had happened to Pepper, I read it again. Then I scrolled down to see your explanation. This was a wonderful episode, even with the unanswered questions. I hope you have a great week ahead.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m happy to hear that, Resa. 😇
      Oh yes, there is more than Pepper and Spike. Remember Adelle’s odd behavior A couple of episodes ago, when she suddenly rushed back inside before heading out (with Pepper and Spike) to look for Donny? The auroras first appeared in the sky right after that.
      Thanks for reading and commenting. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. A super episode, Teagan. With all the excitement going on with the pigs, I didn’t think about poor Pepper. Now that you reminded me, I can’t wait for next week. Thank you for the mention, link, and a revisit of my review. I hope you have a cooler week since we are only getting hotter.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, John. And the mentions are my pleasure.
      I hear you. This is the driest and hottest “monsoon season” on record. It’s a “balmy” 97 today, but creeping back to the 100 mark next week. Still that’s better than the 107 last week. Hopefully the less-hot moves your way soon. Stay safe and well. Hugs.


    1. Thanks very much, Robbie. It wasn’t as much as far as I hoped to take it. I think these (more than two months) of super-hot rainless days have drained me, and I’m not alone in that. Even indoor cats are lethargic lately. Thanks for spending time here. Hugs.


    1. Thanks so much. I started out using GenZArt (free), but for awhile they didn’t offer anything free, and I bought “Imagine”. (Then GenZ opened up some free things.) Imagine gives me a lot more “filter” options, letting me make it my own, so to speak. Plus it’s not as likely to do the weird morphing stuff, like extra limbs. Although, it still takes a lot of “rejects” to get what I want. A close look at one of the dragons shows extra legs. The pigs… almost every pig I’ve gotten from any of the CGI apps has pigs with multiple toes… I wonder if they do that with deer and other hooved animals… Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Another intriguing post, Teagan. And you leave us with a lot of unanswered questions, eagerly awaiting the next episode. Although, we’ve learned quite a few new things as well. The story keeps getting better and better. Thanks, Teagan!

    Liked by 2 people

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