Thursday Doors to Enchantment — In the Pink

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Dark Pink Coach Horses old west Unsplash

Thursday Doors to Enchantment

Thursday Doors is a blog event hosted by Dan Antion.  Since the motto of my adopted state is Land of Enchantment, and because I usually write about magical things, I call my “Doors” posts Doors to Enchantment

Characters I’ve created for books written in years past are like old friends who hang around in the windmills of my mind.  Since it’s close to Valentine’s Day, I’m featuring one from 2020.  

My favorite color is green… or turquoise.  That changes without notice.  I love colors.  I need colors.  Without them I don’t even feel good. Although my steampunk heroine, Fiona Finch, has a penchant for pink that I never shared.  In honor of Fiona Finch & the Pink Valentine, I’ve rounded up some pink doors for this post.  Climb into this dark pink coach (maybe it’s faded red, but I’m sticking with pink), and we’ll have a tour of some doors in Fiona Finch’s home.  All aboard!

Neither Fiona nor her adopted brother Steele stand on formality.  So, we’ll go in at the garden gate.

Pink gate door garden Pixabay

Several scenes in the novella happen in the kitchen.  The back door might look like this, continuing the roses from the garden.

Pink Door pink Roses iStock

Steele made all sorts of steampunkery gadgets for their Victorian home, particularly for use in the kitchen.  Fiona’s cabinets have doors like these, which cover the pneumatic tubing system Steele made.

Pink bifold doors Pixabay

Fiona’s bedroom has lovely French doors leading to a balcony.  Unfortunately, they are out of view in this image.  They are covered by those sheer curtains behind the chaise lounge.

Pink Victorian bedroom WallpaperBetter

Here’s a door-related snippet

There was a bit of drizzle that might well become a harder rain.  However, that wasn’t my reason for picking up the special umbrella Steele had created.

I opened my French doors and stepped out onto the balcony and looked down at the street forty feet below.  The trolley was very near.  I climbed over the railing.  When I pressed the little catch, the umbrella opened.  I shifted a lever near the top.  Propellers lifted up from the fabric and started to spin.  I jumped away from the balcony and the device took me gently to the ground.

I alighted behind a eucalyptus tree, then hiked up my skirts and ran to catch the trolley.

♥ ♥ 

Because we came in through the back, we’ll leave through the front door.  Situated among the “Painted Lady” Victorian homes in San Francisco, there is no room for an expansive entrance.  However, the unassuming entry gets character from Fiona’s favorite color.

Pink door and surround black gate Pixabay

Thanks for letting me take you on this little tour. Here’s more on Fiona’s novella. Hugs on the wing!

♥ ♥ 

Reviews for Fiona Finch & the Pink Valentine

Robbie Cheadle, “This delightfully whimsical Valentine novella is filled with the author’s trademark creativity, humour and sharp insight into human characters and relationships. Fiona is a fun-loving girl with a passion for pink.”

 Chris Graham, “You’ll be quackers if you don’t read this light-hearted steampunk romance tale.  Warning: contains numerous references to pink, and a duck!”

D. L. Finn, “A great uplifting steampunk love story that I highly recommend.

Fiona Finch n the Pink Valentine
Fiona Finch & the Pink Valentine, Cover also by Teagan R. Geneviene

♥ ♥ 


2022 Thursday Doors badge by Teagan R. Geneviene

Dead of Winter

In other “news”…  Okay, that’s not new, but I’m still working on the new ending for Dead of Winter.  I hope to release Journey 13, The Harbor very soon.  Of course, if you aren’t part of the “Journeys” of my Dead of Winter series, it’s never too late to begin. 

Dead of Winter, Journey 12 Goddesses book and cover by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene 

Journey 12, Goddesses



Universal link to series (so far) on Kindle.

All the Journeys and all my books, Kindle and paperback are available at my Amazon Author Page.  The most recent novelette is Journey 12, Goddesses.  I’m still working on Journey 13.

This is a work of fiction.  Characters, names, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2022 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved. 

No part of this work may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or provided by free sources, unless stated otherwise.


57 thoughts on “Thursday Doors to Enchantment — In the Pink

  1. What a beautiful post, Teagan. I love all your doors and I love Fiona’s bedroom. Thank you for including my review here, this is such a lovely story. There is something about your writing that sets it apart from other books and makes it particularly enjoyable.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Another great review. Thank your for the short review of the “Pink Valentine, no doubt, it would be a great read. The photos of the pink doors in the introduction, and elsewhere are really lovely. Pink is among my favorite colors, as is blue and shades of purple. The room awaiting my first child, a daughter, was decorated in shades of pink, a color I connected with a new feminine baby! She is now grown and has children of her own, but I still connect her to that beautiful pink room.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely pink doors for Thursday Doors, Teagan. You got me in the mood a Valentine because I’m not quite ready yet. Wonderful reviews for Fiona Finch and the Pink Valentine! Hope you’ll feel better everyday! Happy Valentine to you! 💞😍

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks, Teagan. There are some scrumptious pink doors in your selection there. My favourite is also the one with the roses.
    I also love a bit of colour, and was really excited to come across the village of Carrigaholt in West Clare Ireland. It’s so colourful and creative and I love the Irish music and a good singalong. Hope you have a great week.
    Best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL! Fiona and I both thank you, Teri. Sometimes it’s fun to let a character be what I’m not. I need to catch up at your place. I’ve had to basically “mentally isolate” lately. Hoping to get back to what qualifies as normal for me soon. Hugs on the wing!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Fiona thanks you, Priscilla. I think that room might keep me awake at night, but Fiona loves it. 😉 Although I wouldn’t mind that chaise lounge, and I’d love those bay windows. Congrats on all the positive reviews for your novelette. Hugs on the wing!


  5. Reblogged this on Just Olga and commented:
    For all of us who love pink, and as Valentine’s Day is around the corner, Teagan Geneviene​ brings us her contribution to Dan Antion​’s Thursday Doors Challenge, a pretty in Pink post. Don’t miss her recommendation of the novella Fiona Finch & the Pink Valentine!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for all your support, of all kinds, Olga. I’m trying hard to get back to my version of normal. I just can’t seem to get myself over the things of the past few weeks. All your kindness is greatly appreciated. Hugs on the wing!


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