First Journey Doors at No Facilities & Delta Pearl Intervention

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Allison Scagliotti as Émeraude. Composite of Pixabay & public domain images by Teagan
Allison Scagliotti as Émeraude. Images by Teagan

Softly, scratch, scratch, scratch… … … Scratch, scratch, scratch.

Did I hear something at the door?  I’ll take a look. 

Oh?  A beautiful clockwork butterfly, set with yellow-green gems.  Peridot! The last time I saw you, the Dealer’s cat had just spat you onto the Delta Pearl’s carpet. You’re fluttering smoothly now though. Your gems sparkle when you move your wings.

Knock, knock, knock

Émeraude, I didn’t expect to see you.  Erm… So, you’re just going to barge in and stand there tapping your foot?  Eliza?  You’re here too?  What’s with the frowns?  I feel like the temperature in here just dropped ten degrees.  Why are you here?

Émeraude:  You abandoned us for some little waif in a completely foreign world, my chuckaboo.  And it’s not all beer and skittles where you left us.

Lily Elsie circa 1900, English actress-singer
Eliza played by Lily Elsie circa 1900, English actress-singer. Tomfoolery by Teagan

Eliza:  Darling, you left my husband half-dead and confined to his bed—.

Knock, knock, knock.

Blue John? I’m glad to see you.  Can you talk some sense into these two?  I’d never abandon The Delta Pearl.

Kirk Douglas as Blue John Boulton
Kirk Douglas as Blue John Boulton

Blue JohnNen mate, I under stand. Although the last thing I remember is hitching myself to a rocket contraption Victor made, and careening into a big crack in the sky.  Don’t ye think it’s wrong to just leave me hanging there all these weeks?

Come on crew — you wouldn’t be here without me.  I haven’t abandoned you for a new/old book.  I’m doing the best I can.  Show me some respect…

Grumbling murmurs of discontent get louder.

ZASH-paaahhhhh! Ah. Thank heaven you’re here.  Jaspe, can you please talk some sense into these people?  Or at least get the Captain to give them one of his looks.  You understand, don’t you?

Louis Jourdan in Madame Bovary 1949
Louis Jourdan as Jaspe, the Dealer

Jaspe:  Ah, cher.  Of course, I under stand.  In real life the actor who reminds you of me endured similar and worse situations. It feels like somebody has gone and put a gris-gris on you, no? 

Jaspe raises one eyebrow and turns to the characters. They look, shamefaced, at the floor.  He points silently at the door.

Jaspe:  All of you should be ashamed.  Show the lady some respect.  I could remind you that your fate is in her hands.  Allons, off you go now. 

Jaspe motions to the clockwork butterfly.

You too little papillon.  Alright then, you can sit on my shoulder.  I hope Reggie wasn’t rough with you. But I do think you two may have conspired together…

Jaspe turns back to me, makes an elegant motion with his hand.

Jaspe Cher, I know The Delta Pearl is never far from your mind.  Although, I’ve taken a peek at your manuscript for Dead of Winter.  You have much work to do, but don’t forget — there is more to life than work.  Enjoy.  Laissez les bons temps rouler!  And never forget, cher — respect yourself.

Thank you, Jaspe.  I will try.

Now that I’ve escaped that attempted “intervention,” I hope you’ll visit the amazing post that Dan Antion did for his vision of Emlyn’s homeland in Dead of Winter: Journey 1, Forlorn Peak. 
(The link is just below the following paragraph.)

The first Journey in Teagan’s new series of novelettes. Teagan Geneviene is myguest today for Thursday Doors. Welcome to Thursday Doors, a weekly feature allowing door lovers to come together to admire and share their favorite door photos from around the world. Feel free to join in on the fun by creating your own Thursday […]

First Journey Doors – Thursday Doors — No Facilities

59 thoughts on “First Journey Doors at No Facilities & Delta Pearl Intervention

    1. Thanks Carol. That’s the truth. Just when something positive (financially) happened, the laptop goes and eats all the benefit. Oh well. As they said where I grew up, when something negative happened, “It’s all good.”
      Thanks for visiting. Hugs on the wing!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Mine gave me a scare yesterday but it was to do with Windows 10 and they automatically rectified it and told me what I need to redownload…I was both relieved and impressed as I don’t like sudden black screens it normally means death to the laptop…Hugs xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Carol, I’m glad it worked out okay. Yes, for the past year mine has had trouble with Windows updates — trouble restarting after one. A whole assortment of other things too. I’ve been tempted to go ahead with a new one several times in the past six months, but can’t afford to make big purchases needlessly. Although after 2 scares within a few days of each other (and the last one the black screen warning…) It’s my lifeline so I was too worried about being dead in the water.
        LOL, the worst part will be having to learn the latest version of PhotoShop Elements. OMG… what It took me to years to halfway figure out the one I have. Oh well… 🙂
        Hugs winging back to you.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. This is my first trouble with updates but new laptop and up until this one used windows 7 with no problems…I hope its not a sign of things to come…I agree with lifeline….Photo shop I gave up on that years ago too complicated for me ..Go you! I am impressed Hugs x

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I agree. I wish they’d stop “improving” everything. Windows and everything else. 😉
            PhotoShop is a monster… I use a combination of 3 software to do what I want. I’d never get it all done with PhotoShop alone. As you say, way to complicated. Hugs back.

            Liked by 1 person

  1. That was a very funny intervention, Teagan!
    I was over at Dan’s on Thursday, but went over for another peek. I’m on my Art Gowns blog right now,soI got too like it, again! Lol! Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ha ha. That was great. Entertaining as well as reminding me where things were on the riverboat. My characters are staging a little mutiny later this week. Funny how that happens. Heading over to Dan’s to check out his post! Happy Writing, Teagan. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve been missing the crew and passengers from the Delta Pearl, but had no idea they missed you even more. No intervention needed, Teagan. We all know that you are hard at work and need to breathe on occasion. I shall wait patiently for the return of the riverboat suspense. Sending hugs and purrs from Gibbs and I.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wonderful, Teagan! You’ve got her hands full, but this tour is evidence you’re a miracle worker. BTW, I loved Dan’s post. I’m cheering from the sidelines. 💗

    Liked by 1 person

  5. So, it seems your readers are patient, but not your characters!! Good grief Teagan, have your characters ever come looking for you before? This is a clever twist….and you are the Queen of twists. Hmmmm, did you ever take lessons from Chubby Checker? Lol.

    Have a quiet, restful, pleasant weekend.

    Think positive. Test negative.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks for giving us a small Delta Pearl fix, even if it was just taste. I love the doors intro to Journeys and as much as I have loved all of your interviews, this one is in a class by itself. Allison looks a bit more knowing than I ever imagined Emeraude to be and that is the beauty of your words, we can each draw our own inner picture of what the characters look like. I love how Jaspe handles everything in your taste of the Delta amuse-bouche.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly, Pat. The Doors post Dan did for Atonement in Bloom — I didn’t think that could be topped. But he might have outdone himself with this one.
      LOL, I was relieved that Jaspe came along before any more of the characters could act up. Happy weekend hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m glad Jaspe took control, Teagan. It looked as if things were going to go south, as it were.

    You have been stretching yourself lately. A break is well deserved (not that we aren’t all curious as all get out about the Delta Pearl crew). But we are patient. We can wait.

    Um, is there a bar near this dock?

    Hugs 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yeah, it felt that way too, Dan. 😉
      You’re right about the stretching — and to make it worse, my laptop has been acting up in small fits for a year. It freaked me out so bad this morning, that I did a painstaking full back up of every file and image, and an extra back up for anything Dead of Winter…. But first I ordered a new computer… What a day.

      I think the No Facilities bar is the closest and I will be over there to be sure! 😀 Great big hug right back.

      Liked by 1 person

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