Sunday’s Sound of Coffee Grinding — Off Center & Not Even

Monday, November 16, 2020

Spunk with Tim 11-2020 by Laurie Price
Spunk with Tim 11-2020 by Tim’s marvelous wife, Laurie Price

Several weeks ago, the multi-talented Tim Price invited me to be part of some truly whimsical fun.  Cats were involved, so I was all in. Warning/Disclaimer — there’s a musical ahead, and I’m in it. Brace yourself. You’ll hear me caterwauling. 

Time went by, and yesterday Tim turned our zaniness into a celebration of the homecoming of a lost kitty.

One of the parodies I never published is called The Sound of Coffee Grinding based on The Sound of Silence by Simon & Garfunkle. I don’t remember what inspired the parody. I was obviously grinding coffee, which I do every day. Twisted minds never rest and the strangest ideas for parodies are always presenting themselves. […]

Sunday’s Sound of Coffee Grinding — Off Center & Not Even

Click the link above to visit Tim’s post. 

The parody-craziness infected me, and later I sent part of the lyrics for another song, to the tune of Iggy Pop’s “Candy.”  I was in a particularly difficult PTSD rough patch when we started trying to finish the recording — and I bailed.  Tim liked it enough that he got a real singer to finish my part.  She did much better than I ever could.  Anyhow, “Kitty” fit purr-fectly as part of Spunk’s homecoming.  Click this second link and you’ll find it at Tim’s previous post.

Click over and visit Tim Price.  His photos and tales are bound to make your day.

25 thoughts on “Sunday’s Sound of Coffee Grinding — Off Center & Not Even

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