Name the Kitten

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Composite of altered free images by Teagan Geneviene
Composite of altered free images by Teagan Geneviene

I wasn’t going to do a midweek post.  However, yesterday, I started playing with something on Facebook.  When several people came out to play along, I decided to continue the game here. 

A strange little kitten (unexpected by me) poked his nose into my novel in progress.  On a whim, I put out a query for everyone to “Name the Kitten.”  He’ll belong to my heroine, a young woman with the scars of an abused past. Her name is Venus, and she ends up in a weird place with a bunch of strange people. 

The setting is the early 1960s in a tiny Nevada town.  It’s an urban fantasy story with a big emphasis on the quirky-factor.  There are already a couple of cats (with small parts) in the story. He won’t have a big part either, but he’s an odd little guy, with a white body and a ginger tail, and a ginger spot on his head. (Those colors and markings are associated with some, but not all, Turkish Van cats.)

Turkish Van kitten by Argelia Aguilar at Pixabay
Turkish Van kitten by Argelia Aguilar at Pixabay

Several of your friends came out to play.  You can join the fun by leaving a kitten name in a comment.  Most of them offered more than one name, so I picked my favorite from their individual offerings. Here’s what we have so far:  

Dan Antion suggested Snap.

Darlene Foster thought Spring suited him.

Mary J. offered Spice Boy.

Eolise De Susa thought about the era and said Apollo.

Carol Taylor suggested Echo.

Adele Marie Park came up with Neptune. (The kitten I shared on Facebook had his paw in a pool.)

Barb Taub considered literature of the era (Heinlein) and thought of Grok.

Donna Parker had no way of knowing it would tie to one of the other cat names when she offered Bloodnut.

What would you name a funny looking kitten, in a “far out” 1960s fantasy story, where nothing is as it seems?  Leave a kitten-name in a comment. Or just say hello.  Either way, you’re groovy!


This is a work of fiction.  Characters, names, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2019 and 2020 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved. 

No part of this work may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or provided by free sources, unless stated otherwise.

74 thoughts on “Name the Kitten

    1. Tee-hee! That’s a great name, Kev. Venus’s favorite snack is Bugles. (It’s in the 60s.) I can imagine the kitten stealing some when she’s not looking. And he would certainly comfort her. You’re the cat’s pajamas!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Lol… I’ve think I remember having Bugles… A corn shaped crispy snack? I had a cat who loved cheese and onion crisps. He jumped up on the sofa every time he heard me open a packet and I had to share the whole pack with him and show him when the packet was empty. I did love sharing them with him though. Lol. 😺

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    1. Hi Sharmishtha, it’s lovely to see you! Cuddlebug is an adorable name. It certainly suits this kitten. I actually had a cat that I named “Doodlebug” when I was young. Where I grew up, Volkswagen Beetle cars were often nicknamed Doodlebugs. I enjoyed the whimsy of the name. Hugs on the wing!


  1. I like Miriam’s Apser name suggestion because Silver is the ore mined in NV. It’s the Silver State!

    I came up with Pisces Aquamarine sort of in a backward way. I loved the color of the cat’s eyes in the image so thought of Topaz, but it’s not really from NV although so I went to Aquamarine to find it’s a calming stone, and related to the sea by way of its color. Sailors wear it to protect themselves while crossing the seas and would decorate their ships to protect them from sinking. It’s also connected to the Moon which also has an influence on the seas, and it’s the traditional birthstone of Pisces. Pisces Aquamarine.

    Perhaps looking into the cats eyes she feels calm and peaceful for just a little while?

    That’s all I got. 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Deborah. Thanks so much for these mindful ideas. Looking into a cat’s eyes is certainly calming to me. I love gemstone lore! I wasn’t familiar with that about sailors and aquamarine. Very cool. What I couldn’t share publicly includes something about the cat’s eye color (this kitten and one of the 2 other cats)… but Pisces has potential. Oh-oh… maybe there are two kittens. 😉 Hugs on the wing!

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  2. I’ve been thinking about this since you tagged me on FB, I’ve come up with a few I’m not too excited about, but maybe you’ll see more promise in them. Mars (my thinking was ginger/red – the red planet), Pebbles (Flintstone, a redhead from the 60s), or Daphne (another redhead from Scooby-Doo). Looking at other suggestions, I also love the name Snap!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Teri. Thanks so much for all the thoughts. Mars would be a cool name, and a great fit for the storyline. I do like Pebbles a lot, that would suit his personality. LOL, yes, Snap seems to be a big hit for the name. I haven’t gotten back to writing that part of the story yet. My inability to focus continues… It will probably just be a matter of which of these names pops into my head when I’m writing it. Hugs on the wing.

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    1. Hi Lavinia! Either of those might work. I use a lot of “cultural references” of the era in this story, including The Day the Earth Stood Still, Gort, and “Klaatu barada nikto”. Since Venus has already mentioned them, it might follow that she would name the kitten one of those. Hugs on the wing!

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    1. Hi Resa, it’s great to see you. I’ve been saying “he,” but I haven’t committed to whether it is a he or a she kitten. I love Barbarella! I’ve made one reference to Ringo Star in the story, but I do like the name for this kitten. Hmmm. Thanks for coming out to play. Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! You slay me, John. And you’re right. Maybe the spot on his head is shaped like a mushroom too. I could also get some humor mileage from the character who has trouble with English, trying to say Mushroom. Hugs on the wing.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Tee-hee! I remember seeing the names of your kitties on Facebook, Robbie. I think they’re adorable. I would love to have a daiquiri too, LOL. There’s a nightclub in the story. So a drink name has potential. Cheers — and hugs.


  3. Since it’s in Nevada in the early 60’s, you could consider “Teapot” for a name. My dad worked on Operation Teapot in Nevada in 1955. It probably had some quirky effects on your little town.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. The spot on the beautiful cat’s forehead looks like an arrowhead. Without knowing much about the story or character, my contribution is Arrow, Arrowhead, or Spear. They don’t sound like fun or quirky names though. I love Gingersnap with Snap for short. Enjoy your day, Teagan! Good luck with a name. You have a lot of ideas here. 🤗

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh, great, Tegan. I searched for the popular names for cats in 1960. I liked Aspen so I searched for the meaning for that. I went back to look at your footnote for the kitty and thought there was a tie!

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    1. I love that story Chris. There’s more than one reason why this kitten might have a strange sounding meow. Coincidentally he’s also in the desert, but this one is in Nevada… (Okay, I deleted the rest, because I have to keep the details to myself at this stage.) I do like Squeaker! Hugs on the wing.

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