Positivity Weekly Color Challenge

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

1962_Ford_Thunderbird_Convertible_aqua Wikimedia
1962 Ford Thunderbird, Wikimedia

Hello all.  Earlier this week, Valentina Cirasola let me take part in some fun with a group of vibrant ladies. It was a “color challenge.”  Many of you will remember that I need color. If I’m surrounded by or wear all neutrals, I just don’t even feel good.

Green is my favorite color.  However, one of the colors Valentina named constantly runs a very close second with me (turquoise).  Now and then turquoise even gets ahead of green! 

Anyhow, turquoise is related to my novel in progress.  The vintage Thunderbird above is a very small hint about that book.  My heroine, Venus, would fit in with Valentina’s group of beautiful friends.  Click on over and get to know some new, colorful people.

Being on shelter-in time and away from humans has pushed a lot of people of different backgrounds to create kind of a silent movement simply for entertaining and contributing to the serenity of others. They offer a little something beneficial to the soul, they are helping others while helping themselves being uplifted. I don’t feel […]

via Positivity Weekly Color Challenge | Valentina Cirasola | Designer — Valentina Expressions

82 thoughts on “Positivity Weekly Color Challenge

    1. Rob, I’m delighted you could visit here today. I agree that even thinking of turquoise is soothing.
      Ha! I’m spinning my wheels more than I’m working. I’ve never been so utterly unable to focus… It actually frightens me to be this way.
      I was happy to see your post today. When I saw a “like” from you I clicked right over. (I don’t get WordPress notifications.) It’s a terrific post. Hugs on the wing.


    1. Hi Diana. It’s great to see you.
      I soooo want to share more about this novel. But I learned at the start of it, that I need to keep this one “close to the vest.” I shared the concept and next thing I knew somebody was trying to do the same thing. I took down the Facebook post and limited what I shared on NaNoWriMo… After a while the person was complaining that they weren’t able to move forward with “their” story… I was uncertain whether to even show the car. (eye roll)
      Oops… so much for my serenity. I’m sorry.
      I really am having fun with all the vehicles in this odd story. Hugs on the wing.

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  1. I always get rid of the standard Navaho white on a house walls and add some color. I enjoy my green, purple, and blue hall. Then the colors spread out to the rest of the house. It soothes me. Can’t wait to hear more about what you are working in. Hugs.

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    1. Hi Denise. I agree! I’ve used a soft very pale buttery yellow as my main color. Not much darker than cream, but still yellow. Yellow makes me happy. However in the living room, master bedroom and bath, I have a beautiful aqua (turquoise) accent wall in each room, plus one caramel-honey-gold wall in those rooms. I like the play of light and shadow on the pastel yellow/gold combination. It’s my own sunshine & turquoise combination.
      Thanks for visiting. Great big hug right back.

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      1. Sounds pretty Teagan. I do like those two colors together as well as purple and yellow. The only colors I haven’t really added in are red and orange, but I’m sure at some point I will.

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    1. I’ve been having fun with the vehicles I put in that story, John. Everything from a WWII Japanese fighter plane ( N1K1-J Shiden), to a 1940 International D-300 (egg-shaped) delivery van, to a 1964 Studebaker Gran Turismo Hawk. Thanks for hopping into the T-bird. Hugs on the wing!

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    1. OMG, wouldn’t it be something to have a sweet classic ride like that one? I found one that even had two-tone turquoise & white seats. Wednesday is my day to wear yellow, despite this post. I’d better get out my turquoise beads! 😀 Love that you’re wearing turquoise, Brad. Keep shining that blue-green vibe! Hugs.

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    1. Hi Teri. Thanks for chiming in. How fun. I do love turquoise, and in winter dark teal. I like and sometimes wear pink (never decorate with it), but I always worked in an industry that is still very much male dominated, so I never felt comfortable in pink. I often wore red at the office. LOL, it probably matched the color of my eyes when I got backed into a corner and had to bear my fangs and fight my way out! Hugs on the wing!

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    1. Thanks Pat. The carving is not the prettiest Kuan Yin I’ve seen, but I loved the idea of her. And the price was right. I used to enjoy making jewelry — mostly beading or wire wrapped crystals. Unfortunately I had to donate all my jewelry making supplies (along with nearly everything else) when I moved. But I did keep several of the necklaces I made. You are absolutely right about turquoise! Hugs on the wing.

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        1. No. I haven’t wanted to invest in the tools. I let myself buy all sorts of paints and some canvases when I first moved, wanting to get back into that (after a decade long break), and I haven’t even done that. I’m “working on” allowing myself time for creativity and relaxation… working on it. LOL.

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          1. I know that impulse. I love to write and never gave myself permission to write unless I was taking a class. Fortunately one of my last classes was a blog writing class and I’ve been giving myself permission to write in the blog on a regular basis. Aren’t we odd ducks?

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              1. Thanks, Teagan. You gave me an inspiration with credit for a blog which I think will post on Saturday. I’m not home at the moment to check. You are a very good writer too. I’m waiting anxiously each Saturday for the next Delta Pearl installment.

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  2. Blue used to be my favorite, but over the years I find myself gravitating toward greens, oranges and red. So I guess that means I don’t have a favorite anymore, eh? 😏

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    1. I think loving a lot of colors is much better than having a favorite, GP. 😀 I love color. Period. But given a broad selection — without considering what I “like” best, or what seems “prettiest” to me, I usually gravitate to green. Or turquoise. LOL. I’m not feeling decisive today! Hugs on the wing!

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    2. @GP Cox, It doesn’t mean you don’t have a favorite color anymore, Gravitating towards, red and orange it means you are probably unconsciously trying to resolve some ancient childhood problem, green is helping you find balance and compassion.

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            1. True, fire colors agitate the wearer, but not quite so, they have a lot to do with the root chakra survival and the sacral chakra pleasure. Colors have a message, red and orange are used to show power and trust.
              I wish it was easy to explain in a short sentence.😀

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    1. Indeed! I think that’s what appeals to me about green, Dan. I associate it with the new growth of spring. New beginnings. A healthy world.
      Once, at the office, when I said it was my favorite color, a coworker said, “Ah yes! The color of money!”
      That surprised me. I had never thought of that. He was disbelieving that I hadn’t thought of our green money. I reminded him that many countries currency is multi colored. Anyhow, thanks for taking time to visit here. Hugs on the wing!

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      1. I once had to edit a presentation where a Senior VP had used a lime green background behind dark red numbers on three slides. I asked him why and he said “Green! Money! Don’t you get it?”

        Ah the things I don’t miss about working.

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      1. LOL! I can’t believe you remember that, Teagan. It was yellow, and I still wear it even though the lady in the grocery store viciously attacked me, saying it wasn’t my color at all! I’ve never experienced something like that. If that happened now, I’d tell her to zip it and put on her mask! I hope you’re enjoying spring. ❤

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  3. I can see you in turquoise & green, very complimentary, Teagan. Do we all ever need positivity. Love Valentina’s vibrant blog posts. And what a beautiful baby blue Ford Thunderbird. An intriguing story hint. 📚 Stay well & positive. 🤗🎶 Christine

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    1. Hi Christine. I’m so glad you could visit today. I had loads of fun doing the car research for this story. When I found that photo, I looked up the “specs” for that year to make sure Thunderbirds came in that light turquoise color — incase it had been repainted. The car gets a feature part in the story. Hugs on the wing!

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      1. Yikes, of course, it was light turquoise & not baby blue. Wasn’t it fun researching vintage cars & other things? I get lost for hours on the internet looking up things when I write. Colors are so important in life. Valentina has that all figured out. Hugs back, Teagan! 🤗🎶📚

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        1. The two are very close, Christine. Plus, one never knows how differently a color will show from one monitor to the next. It can look very different. You know I love my research. 😀 Have a fabulous Friday — it’s almost here.

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