Delta Pearl Delay

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Paddlewheel Riverboat by Dan Antion
Paddlewheel Riverboat by Dan Antion

Happy weekend, my chuckaboos!  You must be tired of hearing me complain — I’ve had “the everything flu” for two weeks.  I’m finally doing better, although sinus and tummy issues are still trying to hang on.  Anyhow, after two weeks of it, I’m purely exhausted and couldn’t get a chapter of  The Delta Pearl ready.

To keep you entertained and in a riverboat mindset, Dan Antion has a wonderful, image filled post about his visit to the Connecticut River Museum, in Essex, CT.  If you love the setting of The Delta Pearl I’m sure you will enjoy Dan’s post.

Walking beam steam engine model CT Maritime Museum Dan Antion
Model of a walking beam steam engine. This was the power plant of most steamships. Photo by Dan Antion

Meanwhile, John W. Howell got me interested in the Rave Reviews Book Club (RRBC).  I’m starting out small (and spending the scant amount of energy I have as I shake off this horrible bug) getting a limited profile together for the #RRBC.

Oh, and look what I just found on my Amazon page! I realize that #1 status is updated hourly, and will probably vanish momentarily… but still.  Woot!  “Speak Flapper” got a #1, however short-lived it may be.

Amazon #1 New release Speak Flapper
“Speak Flapper” was #1 in Amazon’s Words & Language Reference category!

If you’d like to catch up on, or refresh your memory, here are recent links to The Delta Pearl. The Delta Pearl 19 — Flirt.   The Delta Pearl 18 — Bump.   The Delta pearl 17 –Jump

 I’ll be back next weekend with a new chapter.  Hugs!

100 thoughts on “Delta Pearl Delay

  1. Haven’t been here for a while, and happened to be on my reader. Congrats with number 1! Great -to give you a sense of accomplishment – and a great intro to 2020:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Welcome back aboard, Junie. I still haven’t figured out how they make that ranking, but to have it even for a short time was exciting, You’re right, it was a great intro to the new year — much better than the flu. Happy New Year. Hugs!


  2. There is some really nasty flu going around….my wife ended up taking our daughter to the emergency room last Friday. Her doctor said that there was a metro area alert sent out to the medical field here in LA that all emergency rooms were at capacity or beyond….that’s a lot of sick folks considering the size of LA. Hope you are better soon!

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    1. Horsefeathers! I wrote you a letter in reply and lost it when my Internet dropped… I won’t try to recreate that. I hope your daughter makes a quick recovery. Do all you can to protect yourself, because this is very contagious. I’m finally getting better, after 2+ weeks, but still weak. I’ll get there. Hugs.

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    1. You are so kind, Joanne. That made my day.
      I’m trying hard to get well, and frustrated as all get out with my slow progress. Thanks for cheering me on. Oh and this morning I drafted most of a new chapter for the Delta Pearl, so there really will be a post next weekend. Hugs on the wing!


      1. I know what you mean about frustrating. I’ve been suffering from a leg injury since early December and it simply isn’t getting better. The aging body certainly takes its jolly sweet time repairing 😕

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        1. Oh no. It’s no wonder you haven’t been posting your travels lately. Yes, it certainly does take it’s own time… Please be patient with your injury. Several years ago I fell head-first down my (brick) stairs in DC. Between my ankle and the bruised ribs… It took a very long time before I could walk normally. Do whatever you can to help support the leg when you’re moving around. Boots, those tendon support-Velcro things. I used them for a long time. But I’m sure you are already doing all you possibly can. I’m just commiserating. Great big hug. ❤


          1. A fall down a flight of stairs really scares me!! Glad you eventually came out ok after that ordeal!

            After chiro treatments failed to make a lasting improvement, I’ve now escalated to a physio. At least now I can maneuver stairs easier. I’ll take the progress even if it isn’t nearly fast enough for me.

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  3. Wow. Congrats on that Amazon feature/ranking. I’m not surprised, to be honest, but still, fantastic news. Keep resting up and getting well. I’m looking forward to the resumption of the Delta Pearl when you are 100% healthy. ❤

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    1. You are so kind, Diana. Thank you. Yes, this stuff a rollercoaster. I was better the past two days than I am today. But I’ll get there. I drafted most of a chapter for the Pearl this morning. I’m sure I will finish and format it by Friday. And hopefully work on a book too. Fingers crossed. Hugs on the wing.


    1. Thank you, Lavinia. I seem particularly low on energy this morning. But I’m trying to get back to my normal.
      Oh, by the way. Yesterday I had ideas for the ending of The Guitar Mancer and made notes. One thing that has been in my way for the finishing touches on that book is that I was unhappy with how I ended it. My excitement for the story is now renewed. And you, my friend will have a part in the dedication, for all your encouragement. Hugs on the wing.

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      1. Glad to hear you will continue work on Guitar Mancer, Teagan!

        We are in the really heavy rain period of the winter season now, with possible snow coming tomorrow. I am hoping the snow holds off for a while. The cats are all snoozing various places about the house. They have the right idea for this weather. 🙂

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  4. Hi, Teagan! So glad you are feeling a tiny bit better. The flu this year is nothing to sneeze at (no pun intended)! I’m so excited that you’ve decided to join the Rave Reviews Book Club! As soon as your books are in the catalog, I’ll start promoting and sharing my reviews to interest others! Feel better soon, because I miss our riverboat. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, thank you, Jan. There was so much info to read through at the site. (And I don’t have any energy yet.) Then I had to sleep on which 3 books to choose… (I don’t have the resources for one of the bigger memberships.) Anyhow I think there was some deadline that I probably missed. So I imagine it will be awhile before my books show up there. But I appreciate the welcome! 🙂 LOL, I miss the riverboat too. I really bit off more than I could chew last week. But I’m determined to get that paddle wheel turning again for next weekend. Thanks for your support, my chuckaboo!

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    1. I’m glad you enjoyed Dan’s post, Michael. I certainly did. You are right. I’m trying not to feel guilty about doing so little. I’m always very hard on myself. But I know I have to rest more than I’d like or this bug will just keep hanging on. Thanks for your hugs and wishes, my chuckaboo! Hugs back. 🙂

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  5. Wow, you really had a case of the crud, Teagan. It’s been going around – people sick with colds and flu. I hope the trend ends soon, but more importantly that you get needed rest and return to normal, healthy living.

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  6. So sorry “the bug from hell” is still hanging on. You just need to focus on getting your strength back, and that’s easier said than done! Once you’re feeling fit as a fiddle, everything else will fall into place.
    🐾Ginger 🐾

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  7. Hope you are up to your normal self soon!

    I heard this Victorian saying on Derrick’s blog about how the clouds stretched out from a sole dark mass and I immediately thought of that unusual cloud above the Pearl. ‘stretched enough to patch a Dutchman’s trousers.’

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    1. Haha! I haven’t heard that one, GP. It makes me happy whenever anyone remembers a detail from one of my stories between episodes.
      I’m trying to get back to normal. Two+ weeks, and I haven’t completely kicked all my flu symptoms. But I’m getting better. Frustrated as the devil, but getting there. Happy weekend hugs, my chuckaboo!

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  8. I hope you’re feeling better soon so you can get a wiggle on with respect to The Delta Pearl – yes, I got my copy of “Speak Flapper” – and your other projects. I bought the hardcover, but I also downloaded the Kindle version and I saw that #1 ranking.

    Thanks for the shout out about the museum post.

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    1. Dan you are such a gem to get the books. That means a lot to me. (Amazon still hasn’t sent my author hardcopies. They pushed out the date an additional week now. But I don’t think that applies to regular purchases. “Author copies” are handled differently.)

      It’s very much my pleasure to share your post! Thanks for your encouraging words. Yes, I feel like my poor riverboat is languishing along with me. I want to get that paddlewheel rolling on the river again. I was pushing myself too hard this week. I’m trying to be patient with myself and take my time and get better. Although I’m past ready to feel normal. Happy weekend hugs!

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      1. It was weird, Teagan. I bought the Kindle copy first. Then I bought the hard copy, because I always like having that. When I bought the hard copy, they cancelled the Kindle sale because they say if you buy the hard copy you can read the Kindle version (I did not know that).

        The hard copy should arrive today. I wanted the Kindle copy so I could use a word in my comment 🙂

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        1. It depends on how the author sets things up — about the free Kindle copy if a paperback is purchased. I’m glad they went ahead and cancelled that for you. It gets complicated, all the details — because they vary depending on price/royalty % categories. The free Kindle with paperback is not available in every royalty category. To be honest, I didn’t feel very well, and wasn’t sure what I had done in regard to that part.

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            1. Basically. Except I don’t have a recliner or long sofa. So she tries to get me to sit/lean back on the bed. Not exactly comfortable for me. So she gives up with the compromise of me computing & sitting in the middle of the bed while she naps next to me. Back in DC, when I still had her big brother ( 😦 ), I’d put my feet up on the sofa and both of them would lay on my legs.

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    1. Going back to work after being sick is so difficult. Try to pace yourself, Jill. I was pushing too hard this week — that’s why I had to skip the Delta Pearl chapter. I’ll eventually get there. 🙂
      Thanks so much about the book. It made my day. Great big hug!

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  9. Oh my dear chuckaboo, I’m sorry to know you are not well 😯I wish your rapid recovery. I am shocked at the time with the Ukraine aeroplane crash, I will write a tribute; it hit my heart! 😢
    wishing you well dearest 💖💖

    Liked by 3 people

    1. How awful! (I just Googled the crash. I don’t have cable or even regular network television, so I’m not well informed…) Please come back and leave a link to your tribute post once you’ve published it, Magician.
      Thanks for your good wishes, my chuckaboo. I’m getting better, but slower than I’d like. As always, you’re the cat’s pajamas.

      Liked by 1 person

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