What Have We Here? — No Facilities Meets Thistledown

Happy weekend and happy holidays, my chuckaboos!  Between the launch work of the past two weeks (prep and actual launch) for Thistledown – Midsummer Bedlam, I was working hard.  Now, I’m blessed to have a friend offer to do some handyman-type work around my house — things I’m not able to do.  Now that’s a great Christmas present.  However, with all those things, I haven’t had a minute to work on The Delta Pearl.  I promise the steampund riverboat will be back next weekend.

Meanwhile Dan Antion at No Facilities, had done a delightful post about Thistledown.  Dan has channeled the faery character named in his honor for my book. I hope you’ll click over and visit his post.

Keep reading, there’s more!

A Guest Post – by Carver Eastdoor I don’t often have guest posts on No Facilities, and I don’t often talk about fairy, excuse me ‘faerie’ stories. I stopped reading these stories many years ago. Of course, that was before I met Teagan Geneviene. Teagan has such a creative spirit and is such an amazing […]

via What Have We Here? — No Facilities

Click the link above to visit Dan, along with Carver Eastdoor.  And…


Also, Sally Cronin has added Thistledown to the shelves of her virtual Café and Bookstore!  Here’s a profile I gave Sally for the character that was named in her honor, Poppy Songbird.

The characters are not based on the real people.  They are just a way for me to recognize the people who followed Thistledown.  Many people used a “fairy name key” based on their initial and month of birth. Others already had a name in mind, while some (including Dan) let me make up names in their honor.  Sally had a faery first name ready when I asked.  So, I want to introduce “Poppy Songbird.”

Poppy Songbird is easy to spot because of her rich poppy-red hair.  She wears flower shaped spectacles.  Poppy has a strong weather sense, and she is perhaps the most dexterous flyer in Thistledown.  She uses those skills to mind the colorful powderpuff sheep, which can’t fly, but can accidentally become airborne. If powderpuff sheep wrangling is a sport, then Poppy is a champion!

Thanks for taking time to meet Carver Eastdoor and Poppy Songbird.  They are just two of the whimsical characters who live in Thistledown.  It is a world of color and light.  It has faeries, hummingbirds, along with dark faeries, and ancient books of magic.  Now the evil of a parallel world devoid of color and brightness is seeping into Thistledown.  Will Bedlam Thunder and her friends be able to save their home?

Thistledown ― Midsummer Bedlam, with its radiant creatures and faeries will lift your imagination to new heights.

Universal Purchase Links

These links should work to redirect you, no matter what country.

Paperback: relinks.me/1675233632

Kindle: relinks.me/B082RFN9GF

I promise The Delta Pearl will be back next weekend. Hugs on the wing!




55 thoughts on “What Have We Here? — No Facilities Meets Thistledown

  1. Congratulations on your latest release, Teagan! 😀😀 Also, what a great present to have help in the house … I think giving of one’s time and effort can be the biggest gift of all! Wishing you a magical holiday and a creative New Year! Hugs xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Teagan, this looks like another winner for you. I love the fairy/faerie names!

    What a wonderful friend to take care of some of those pesky chores for you.

    Here’s hoping you enjoy a wonderful Christmas holiday. Give yourself a gift….sit back and relax for a while.

    Hope Santa brings Crystal some new bags and boxes. Maybe wrapping paper too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! Crystal appreciates that, Ginger. 🐱 Being agoraphobic, I get nearly everything delivered — so now and then my charming UPS man brings something packed with brown paper. Which Crystal prefers to any of her toys. The only thing she likes better is tightly wadded gift-tissue paper wadded into balls, which she “kills” in the middle of the night, and loudly brags about her successful hunt.
      Thanks so much for visiting, my chuckaboo! Wishing you and yours the Merriest of Christmases.


    1. Hi Mary. Thanks for visiting at Dan’s. Yes, I consider the help a great Christmas gift — and a relief to see a few things I can’t do myself taken care of. Crystal would beg to differ — she’s still a little stressed from it, but overall a very good thing. Merry Christmas hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. So true, Brad. I’m always re-injuring my back, doing things that are too heavy — but some things I can’t even kid myself that I can do. I consider that help the best Christmas present I could get. Holiday blessings to you too, my friend. And hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! Crystal’s favorite toys are boxes and brown packing paper. I make “tunnels” from boxes, and tents or “forts” from the paper. At 13 years old, her play is no longer so energetic, but she still loves to get a new long sheet of the paper and make lots of noise with it. Wising you and yours a wonderful holiday season too, my friend. Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for sending folks over to see Carver’s post, Teagan. I know it’s just a faerie name but I identify with him to a degree. I’m glad you were able to get some heavy lifting taken care of. I’ll see you on board the Delta Pearl as soon as she sails. Have a great (easy) weekend.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Dan, you took on quite a challenge with your post about Carver — and you did a terrific job. I’m honored that you did that.
      (Yes, my reverse osmosis machine is stocked with salt pellets again at last. Water here is so heavily treated that it really helps in several ways. I just wish companies would sell the salt in more manageable sizes. I can’t manage a 40 lb. bag of anything — and somehow the salt feels like it weighs even more than it does.)
      Wishing you and your family (including Maddie, MiMi, and MuMu) a beautiful season. Merry Christmas hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season as well. It’s funny about the salt. I went through three 5-gallon buckets of salt/sand mix (the town gives it to us for free) and a 40lb bag of ice-melt. I replaced the ice-melt (for use on Trex) and it felt way heavier than 40 pounds.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Happy and fabulous holidays my dear chuckaboo. I’m very happy that you have been settled comfortably in your new home. I must work next week 😒 but the other week I have some holidays to rest. Love you 💖🙏💖

    Liked by 1 person

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