Spotlight: Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene — Valentina Expressions

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Update:  Hello all.  I just wanted to let you know — heartfelt thanks to everyone who left comments at Valentina’s blog.  I’ve been leaving replies, but they disappeared.  So I’m updating here, to say that I appreciate you, even though you may not see the comments.

Valentina Cirasola has honored me with a delightful zodiac/color reading at her blog. Click on over to her place and meet this inspirational woman.  She just launched a book, ©RED – A Voyage Into Colors – Second Edition .

Thanks for featuring me Valentina, and here’s a toast to you.

The Delta Pearl book cover created by Teagan R. Geneviene

I met author Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene by chance while visiting writers and creative people in my blogosphere. Her unusual name attracted me, I thought she might have been French (I never did ask), and that wasn’t the only thing that jumped to my eyes. She posted on Google a beautiful cover of her coming book […]

via Spotlight: Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene — Valentina Expressions

Be sure to click the link above and visit us.  After Valentina’s reading, I’m feeling like a could be a “devil with a blue dress,” so…

33 thoughts on “Spotlight: Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene — Valentina Expressions

        1. I’ve had a slue of problems with them, quite a variety package. Different issues with different browsers. Sometimes at different blogs with the same browser. I can’t do everything I need to do with any single browser or work around method. And they told me nothing was wrong… that response infuriates me. Anyhow, sending you a big Monday hug.

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    1. Thank you Michael. I’m working away on my National Novel Writing Month project. Halloween was mostly what I wanted — quiet. 🙂
      Oh, Crystal is strictly an indoor cat. All the Halloween ghosts and ghouls have to do without her help. 🐱 I hope you had a lovely Halloween too.
      Thanks so much about the cover. It’s one of my favorites. I finally updated my LinkedIn profile to “novelist and cover designer” (now that I’ve left my government job).
      A new chapter of The Delta Pearl tonight! Hugs on the wing.

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  1. I just want to thank everyone here for all the visits and comments on my Valentina Expression Spotlight of Teagan.
    It was a pleasure to write about her colors and answering all of you. What a great community of writers and creative people this is! Teagan, I see all the comments are still there, not to worry. I hope WP stays good. Thanks again to everyone and Happy Halloween. 😀🤗

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    1. I do love silver, Jan. I tend to wear gray when other people would wear black. I simply saw way too much black clothing in DC. Ugh… nothing but a sea of black. Tan qualified as a pop of color. So gray pants for me in stead of black. But I admit, I don’t want it on my walls or durniture… maybe just one piece. I don’t do nutrals well — I need to be in a constant erruption of color. LOL. Thanks for visiting. Happy Halloween hugs!

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