Jazz Age Wednesdays — The Renaissance Era to Fantasy

Wednesday, October , 2019

I’m still celebrating the launch of A Ghost in the Kitchen. 

Sheiks and Shebas, welcome back to Jazz Age Wednesdays. Thanks again to everyone who supported and visited my book launch for A Ghost in the Kitchen

Vintage ghosts several

It’s hard to choose a category for this latest novel, or any of the stories about Pip and her friends. Above all esle, there’s whimsy.  Yet there’s also the 1920s setting, mystery, food, and there’s speculative fiction or magic realism — whichever you choose to call the ghosts.

From the Renaissance to Fantasy

Two of the ghosts were inspired by real-world people in history.  However, their time was long before the Roaring Twenties. One of those is pos-i-lutely potent poltergiest of the title, Maestro Martino.  His real life counterpart was Martino de Rossi (or Martino of Como, or Martino de Rubeis, called Maestro Martino).  That Maestro was an Italian culinary expert of the 15th-century.  He was also the Western world’s first celebrity chef. 

During the real Maestro’s career he was the chef at the Roman palazzo of the papal chamberlain, the Patriarch of Aquileia.  That fact led me to the fantasy of my ghost’s curse.  It also brought another ghost to the story, inspired by the pope of Martino de Rossi’s time. I won’t say more about that, because it might give spoilers.

All the Pip stories by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene
All the Pip stories by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene The Three Things Serial Story, Murder at the Bijou, and A Ghost in the Kitchen

Launching “A Ghost in the Kitchen” and having a book fair has been orchid!  One book that I was not able to get links for in time for my launch was by Jacqui Murray She was busy with her own launch for The Crossroads Trilogy – The Quest for Home.  Click over and check out her novels set in prehistoric times. 

Coming Soon in the Real World

October, 18th, I’ll be part of Teri Polen’s yearly October event, Bad Moon Rising!  We’ll be chatting about all sorts of Halloween-ish things, as well as my novella, Brother Love — a Crossroad I hope everyone will join us for the fun.

Crystal n Brother Love on kindle

Thanks for visiting.  Ya’ll are pos-i-lutely the cat’s pajamas!


This is a work of fiction.  Characters, names, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

Copyright ©  2019 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved.

No part of this work may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or provided by free sources, unless stated otherwise.


55 thoughts on “Jazz Age Wednesdays — The Renaissance Era to Fantasy

  1. Hi, Teagan. I’m sorry I haven’t been reading your blog lately. If you go to my Facebook page, you’ll find my latest submission to the flash fiction blog. It’s titled “To All Who Read My Blog by P.S. Joshi (Suzanne),” I know your internet problems, etc. probably didn’t leave time for you to read it yet. I was in the hospital for a leg infection they finally put a stop to. I’m not going to be able to do much work on the computer for a time as I have to spend a lot of time in bed with my feet above my heart to keep down the swelling in my right foot and ankle. When I’m better, I have to schedule a knee replacement operation. Take care and all the best. 🙂 Suzanne

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Deboarh! It was fun to be able to include so many authors in my own launch.
      Teri is a marvel to host Bad Moon Rising every October.
      I might rerun some Halloween-ish stories I did for Pip a few years ago, now that her latest serial is “bookized.” Every day is speeding past for me. You are amazing to be settled into your new home so quickly. Light speed compared to me. I’m still chipping away at that chore, ever so slowly. John Howell also relocated at the same time we did, and did a terrific job setting up the new home. Anyway, so much to do here… so reruns on Wednesdays it will be. New stuff on my Saturday serial though.
      Thanks for visiting. You’re the oyster’s earrings!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We all get things done at our own pace. Don’t stress about it. You’ll settle in in your own good time.

        Looking forward to Wednesday reruns and Saturday’s new installments. Personally, I don’t know how you keep up this pace!
        You are a writing marvel.
        Always so creative and entertaining.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. It is hard to put work into categories sometimes, which I think is a good thing. I love you work from actual ghost stories and weave them into your own. It was a great ride and I’m looking forward to the read.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I like your way of looking at the categories, Denise.
      Well, not actual ghost stories, just actual people. A couple of them anyhow.
      I’m so grateful for your support of the book launch. You’re the kitten’s ankles! ❤


    1. GP, my friend, you are amazingly kind to go to so many trolley stops. Heartfelt thanks for all your support. It really means a lot to me. Yes, I’m very grateful for all the visits from so many at the blogs of each host. Hopefully it leads to some sales eventually. Since I was unable to keep working, that would be great. But it’s the great comments that keep me going. I love all the interaction at my serial posts. More shenanigans coming up at The Delta Pearl. 😉
      Then Dan just gave me half an idea for something different by mentioning a photo of the dashboard of a 1943 airplane. Maybe I’ll pick both of your brains for that. Sigh… so many ideas, so little time. 🙂 You’re the cat’s pajamas!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Priscilla, my research takes me on such marvelous tangents, often leading to unexpected stories or elements for them. I’m glad you could follow my links to something interesting. Thanks for visiting. You’re the bee’s knees!


    1. Thanks Olga. Bad Moon Rising is a cool event, particularly for those who enjoy horror or supernatural stories. Teri bends her rules to let me participate.
      You’ve just reminded me that I have some Halloween-ish stories about Pip that I could re-share this month too. You’re the cat’s pajamas!


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