Kevin Cooper #Reviews “Atonement in Bloom”

June 26, 2019

#BookReview! My heart is bloomin’ full!  Musician and author, Kevin Cooper shared his review of the second book in my Atonement, Tennessee series, “Atonement in Bloom.” 

Here’s a link to Kev’s review of Atonement in Bloom.  He was away from blogging for awhile, so please click over to visit Kev for the review — and many other lovely posts about books and music.  Please click over to visit Kev’s blog to see what he had to say about…

Atonement in Bloom

Atonement in Bloom by Teagan Riordain Geneviene
Atonement in Bloom

Here’s a snippet of what Kev had to say, but please visit his blog. Click here for Kev’s review.

“… I feel strangely drawn to the little town of Atonement Tennessee, it’s people, and the strange goings on there. It all seems so real to me unlike the places of so many other books I’ve read. I cannot help but ponder, is it the characters and the small town gossip that captivates me or is it something more?….

Anyway I think about it, I find myself wanting more and sincerely hope there will be at least one more book to come in this truly unique and compelling series. I simply don’t want it to end…”

I hope you’ll visit Kev’s blog for the review.  Here are some trailer videos about my Atonement, TN books. 

Book 2 — Atonement in Bloom

Book 1 — Atonement, Tennessee

And the otherworldly glowing pigs even have a small collection of whimsical snort stories.

Universal link to my Amazon Author Page

USA:  Atonement in Bloom

Amazon UK

Pigs collection cover bannerUSA:  The Glowing Pigs, Snort Stories of Atonement, Tennessee

Amazon UK

Atonement Video Cover copy

USA:  Atonement, Tennessee

(E-book still on sale at 99¢ )

Amazon UK

Bijou front only 2

USA:  Murder at the Bijou — Three Ingredients I

Amazon UK

Novel-book-The Three Things Serial Story-Teagan Riordain Geneviene-The Writer Next Door-Vashti Q-spotlight-author

USA:  The Three Things Serial Story: A Little 1920s Story Kindle 

Amazon UK

This is a work of fiction.  Characters, names, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

Copyright ©  2019 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved.

No part of this work may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or provided by free sources, unless stated otherwise.

66 thoughts on “Kevin Cooper #Reviews “Atonement in Bloom”

    1. You are so kind, Michael.
      You have a great command of the English language, but I’m not sure how well the stories (especially the mythology) translate to German. So I will be particularly interested in your feedback. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.
      “Atonement in Bloom” can stand alone as a story. However, I do recommend reading the first novel first, “Atonement, Tennessee.”
      Happy weekend. Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you very much Teagan!Oh my English language skills are really not so fantastic. 😉 But you have very excellent story telling skills, which made it possible to understand in a wonderful manner. Happy weekend to you too. Michael

        Liked by 1 person

    1. The novel was a challenge in many ways, Tim — because it took me so long to write (with work and everything), and for the same reason, the most careful editing I’ve ever done in 20 years as an editor. I feel it’s my biggest achievement as writer and as editor. So it means the world to me when someone likes it as much as Kev did.
      Thanks for visiting. Chin rubs to the kitties and hugs to you and Laurie.

      Liked by 2 people

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