Invitation — Virtual Art Gallery Showing — Under the Sea — the work of Robert M. Goldstein

Save the Date! It’s a virtual #ArtShow of images by Robert M. Goldstein, the illustrator of Hullaba Lulu. 

The venue is the  submarine of Cornelis Drebbel!

You are invited to join Rob and me at my blog for the showing — Under the Sea, all next weekend, beginning September 21st.

Invite draft 1

Stay tuned for Straightlaced Saturday this weekend and Copper, the Alchemist, and the Woman in Trousers chapter 6.  Cheers!

No Cornelis, not yet! The art show is the next weekend.  And remember — the show is for Rob’s other artwork.  So do try to behave, Cornelis…

Cornelus - 9th and Harrison-2
Art by Rob Goldstein

74 thoughts on “Invitation — Virtual Art Gallery Showing — Under the Sea — the work of Robert M. Goldstein

  1. Reblogged this on Life of an El Paso Woman and commented:
    I haven’t reblogged anything in quite some time but this is TOTALLY worth it! My blogging friends Rob and Teagan are hosting a virtual art show of Rob’s work starting next Friday-Sunday (Sept. 21). Please feel free to leave any comments on Teagan’s blog. Feel free to also share on social media and/or with the blogging community. I hope my readers can attend! I’m so excited for Rob! Me and my boyfriend had the pleasure of meeting Rob when we visited San Francisco two years ago.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I can’t wait…no, really, I can’t wait!!! Rob is so talented. This will be quite a party, dear Teagan, thank you for the invitation!
    Mega I’m too pedestrian to know ‘art’ but I know what I like hugs xoxoxo

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Fantastic!!! Count me in too, Teagan! Sorry for the late re-visit, but yesterday with a very bad internet-connection i felt like in the stone age. Only 20 kb/s possible. Seems there were hungry mice on the line. ***lol*** Best wishes for the weekend. Michael

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s great to see you, Nicole. Thanks for the RSVP! Feel free to bring a drink recipe to the art show!
      Actually, I meant this to be a showcase for Rob’s abstract art. But he’s doing some steampunk pieces of my Cornelis Drebbel character for the show. It will be huge steampunkery fun! TGIF hugs.

      Liked by 2 people

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