Jazz Age Wednesdays 21 ― February Pondering

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Hi there, Sheiks and Shebas.  It’s darb to see you back at Jazz Age Wednesdays.  It feels like it’s been a long cold winter to me… and it’s only February.  

Teagan’s Pondering


The research geek in me wanted to know how different I might have felt if I lived in the Roaring Twenties.  How did they keep their frozen spirits up and generally cope with winter?  Putting it into perspective, some preferences weren’t profoundly different from the present.  I thought I’d provide you my pondering.

Snuggling with a pet is still a great idea.  I can’t make out all the text on the cover, but much as we might, the folks in the 20s thought about spiffing up their “nests” with new decor.  A new lampshade or an art map (maybe a map of warmer climes).

1926_Feb Modern Pricilla Girl Cat
Modern Priscilla, February 1926

Even if you are a romantic only in secret, you might secretly hope for a Valentine’s package in February.

1918_Feb Modern Priscilla girl package snow
Modern Priscilla, February 1918

Unfortunately, for some of us, snow is an inescapable part of February.  Some like it, others don’t.  However, those who like to play in the white stuff have gear for the snow.  Materials, styles, and means of navigating it have changed, but we still play in the powder — whether with waterproof coats and snowmobiles, or warm wool mittens and snowshoes.  Also when we go inside to get warm, we might read a serial story.  Theirs were in magazines, while ours might be in a blog. (Hint, hint… have you been to Thistledown – Midsummer Bedlam lately?)

1922_Feb Good Housekeeping Child showshoes
Good Housekeeping, February 1922

One way we deal with the chill February weather is escaping to the movies.  In the Roaring Twenties, they might go see the latest film. If the weather was bad they couldn’t binge on Netflix — but there were several periodicals all about Hollywood, cinema, and the stars.  The latest gossip was eagerly devoured.

1922_Feb Photoplay girl scarf coins flower
Photoplay, February 1922

Or if Tenseltown just isn’t your thing, you might have chosen a magazine that kept you abreast of the latest technology.  Then and now you could have read about “new ideas.”  In the 1920s those topics were aviation, your home workshop, engineering, or automobiles.  (Have you ever noticed that I don’t use the word “car” in my stories?  Back then the term was automobile.  A car was something else.)

1929_Feb Popular Science Man construction building
Popular Science, February 1929

Like they say… the more things change, the more they stay the same.  I hope you enjoyed this bit of pondering.  Thanks for visiting the Jazz Age with me, if only in imagination.  You really are the cat’s pajamas!



PS:  Of course, I have to show you the links to the books about Pip and her friends.

Bijou front only 2

Murder at the Bijou — Three Ingredients I

Novel-book-The Three Things Serial Story-Teagan Riordain Geneviene-The Writer Next Door-Vashti Q-spotlight-author

The Three Things Serial Story: A Little 1920s Story Kindle 



This is a work of fiction.  Characters, names, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2018 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved.

No part of this work may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or provided by free sources, unless stated otherwise.


103 thoughts on “Jazz Age Wednesdays 21 ― February Pondering

  1. I used to hear many stories of that period in history from my mother and aunts. It would be interesting to time travel back and take a look.

    Not a drop of snow here yet. We’ve had some days in the high 60s, almost 70. And some really cold mornings, too. It was 21 degrees at sunrise today.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, you really are catching up — both “pages”! You are so very kind.
      A little time machine to the 20s would be wonderful. 🙂
      I know your weather has been crazy. We’re supposed to warm up like that for a couple of days (of course rain with it though). It’s been a really cold winter here. At this point, I’m relieved whenever it gets above freezing. That has not been happening a lot. Thanks for visiting. You’re the cat’s pajamas!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Jennie! I’m delighted you enjoyed this, and glad the post seems to be well received by everyone. It was a good way for me to still share a Roaring Twenties tidbit even though I was too drained to write a story. But there’s a new story ready to roll this Wednesday. Part one of a collaboration with John W. Howell. Thanks for your encouragement. You’re the cat’s pajamas!

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        1. Working with John is great, Jennie. We also did this about a year ago. On Mondays, John does a list of “10 Things Not To Do.” I told him a vague idea of what I had in mind for my story, and John made one of his lists. So we’re not co-writing, but having a great blogging collaboration just the same. His list was so much fun that it made me think of a decent sized story. (I try to keep my blog stories extra short…) So it will be at least 2 parts, maybe 3. Hugs!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I love his 10 list! Just read the one on Valentine’s Day this morning. “Tiny” is always a favorite character. 2 or 3 parts is extra good. Doesn’t everyone love a serial or a cliffhanger?

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    1. You are so right, Jan, indeed they were and more realistic than photographs today. Ha. I sure would like to come southwest… if I could just make all the puzzle pieces fit. It’s an ugly day here, but at least it’s above freezing. Thanks for visiting. You’re the bee’s knees!


  2. Good read Teagan. The similitude with the ’20s is interesting, almost a century later, we are still doing the same things, but we call them differently. Cuddle up to keep warm during the winter months is one thing we don’t do anymore, at least I don’t hear people saying: “I had a great cuddle up last night with my partner”. The super technological beds of today have eliminated that need.

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    1. It’s great to see you, Valentina. Like they say “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” Although I think the self-absorbed way people get when they are plugged into their cell phones (or text) and walk out into the street, expecting the universe — and traffic to stop for them is likely unparalleled in human history. o_O
      Thanks for visiting. You’re the cat’s pajamas!


  3. I’ve been on the road this week, Teagan. I saved this so I had time to ponder along with you. I’ve been thinking that growing up in the 50s and 60s, was closer to the 20s than the current era. We still had magazines, movies and we clearly played in the snow. I think there were more things happening with other people than there are today. That’s all I got – it’s been a very long week, and I have one more day to get through. Have a great Friday and I hope you kick off a wonderful weekend tomorrow afternoon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for making time to visit despite your hectic week, Dan. All that and you still managed to do a terrific Thursday Doors post. I’m trying to muster up the energy to finish the workday too.
      I think one of the biggest differences is more things happening then with strangers, or at least people we didn’t know well. Like trick-or-treating.
      I hope Friday is good to you. Happy weekend hugs.

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      1. My posts are easy, Teagan. I tend to write them ahead of time. I had Monday’s and Wednesday’s posts written and scheduled before I left. I did lose the “Doors” post mid-flight, so I had to scramble.

        Catching up on reading is a whole ‘nother thing. I’d get back to my hotel room and find over 100 emails. Unfortunately, a lot simply had to be deleted – there’s only so much time. But, I never delete your posts 🙂

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  4. Great post, Teagan. I love the images you chose. They’re so reminiscent of the time. I noticed how the construction worker isn’t using any safety gear! That wouldn’t fly these days! Happy Writing and Huge Hugs. 🙂

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    1. Welcome to my Roaring Twenties series, Cecily! It’s lovely to see you. Wow, to see actual, firsthand photos of the era — how wonderful!
      I’m a clothes hound, so I love the fashion too.
      Here on Wednesdays I try to post short stories about my flapper character Pip or her friends. But sometimes, like this one, I just do a simple 1920s related post.
      I’m delighted you enjoyed this one. You’re the cat’s pajamas!


      1. Thanks Teagan – we’re decluttering and I came across a dress I loved which is in the shirt-waister style red and white stripes with a thin white belt. When I bought it, along with platform sandals – my Mum was with me and she said “My fashions are all coming back – I had a dress like that and sandals … but they were prettier!” 🙂

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  5. Teagan, I love looking at magazine from days gone by and these are a real treat. The colours are so vibrant and fulll of goodness and hope! A joy to see these covers and the vast array of interests. Yep, winter is going on just toooo long but your post brightened it up for me today!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are such a delight, Annika. Heartfelt thanks for this comment. You are right — the covers do have a sense of goodness and hope! I had not thought of it that way. No wonder I’m so attracted to them. I appreciate you taking a moment to visit. You’re the berries!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, John. It’s always wonderful to see you. I got so swamped with work yesterday that I missed lunch and Story Day. But it will be my lunchtime treat today! (Big long meeting cancelled for this afternoon. Yippie!)
      Thanks for taking time to read and comment. You’re the bee’s knees!

      Liked by 1 person

        1. People should never discount the importance of how words look on the page. No matter how marvelous the message, how riveting the suspense, or how romantic the romp — If it does not attract the eye as well as the mind, it will not be read as thoroughly or by as many. So I appreciate the compliments to my illustrations almost as much as good feedback on the words. Cheers!


    1. Hi Deborah. Oh! I would love to even have a look/touch at clothes from the 20s. I drool over a well costumed film or TV show from the era. The Miss Fisher Mysteries has some gorgeous clothes. It’s an Australian TV show. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miss_Fisher%27s_Murder_Mysteries
      And of course Boardwalk Empire had amazing detail to the beautiful costumes (although I didn’t care for the unnecessarily gratuitous scenes).
      Thanks for taking time to visit. You’re the berries!


    1. Hi Sally. You’re pos-i-lutely fabulous for reblogging — especially taking out time during your birthday month. 😀
      I like the mechanical and science magazine covers too. They’re harder to come by though. Thanks for visiting. You’re the cat’s meow!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Love all these old photographs, Teagan. What stands out to me is the focus on the eyes and lovely rosy cheeks. Ads today tend to rely on breasts and broad male chests to sell their products!
    We were children of the sixties in cold, cold Alberta. We had a long wooden toboggan with a big curl at the front for tucking your feet and hanging on as we sailed down the slopes! It was great fun. I miss being a kid, lol

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    1. LOL… Jacquie, I think it’s marvelous when anyone misses being a kid. The sledding sounds exciting!
      You are so right about what I’m going to call “the anatomy of modern advertising.” o_O Even the fact that those rosy cheeked models look healthy is in contrast to today. I appreciate you taking time to visit. You’re the cat’s pajamas!

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  7. I would have loved the “roaring twenties” – their clothes, their hats, their dancing… I remember Good Housekeeping and Popular Science – I wonder if they are still publishing? I never heard of Priscilla or Photoplay – I’m assuming they are in the past 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Judi, I’m with you about the hair and the clothes — and the fringe. Don’t forget the fringe! 😀 I wish I had added an investigation of the current status of the magazines to this post, but I didn’t think of it. (I didn’t have a lot of “juice” when I did this one.) I’m liking the idea of doing that as a follow-up. Thanks for the idea!
      I appreciate you taking time to visit. You’re the bee’s knees!


    1. Hi Robbie. Yes, it’s hard to try and compare how much good change, to how much bad… Some of the things they were lacking — I’m sure if we were used to doing without them it wouldn’t bother us in the least. Other things, not so much. And then there are the things we’ve regressed to…
      Heartfelt thanks for visiting. You’re the bee’s knees!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so happy you enjoyed this post. I just didn’t have what it takes to make a new story, and it didn’t feel right to do another book excerpt.
      Wow! House painting is no fun, but I do envy the warmer weather. My area has dodged the worst of the winter bullets so far (knock wood-like substance), but it’s been horribly cold compared to normal. There was so much ice at morning rush, that the Fed declared an option for unscheduled telework (or a 2 hour delay). Finally — we’ve had many days as bad this year, with no assistance at all. I was relieved to get an extra day to work at home this week.
      Thanks for taking a break to visit me, Kathryn. You’re the cat’s pajamas!

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  8. Thank you for this great post Teagan. I think most people in the roaring twenties had to work much harder than today and there was little time left for anything else. Women, that could not afford help had to do it all, wash the clothes by hand, the dishes, repair and make garments for the children and so on. In the winter they would quilt and sew.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree completely, Gerlinde. While we don’t tend to think of modern conveniences as technology any more, the advances in washer/dryer machines, stoves, even irons made life a lot easier.
      Maybe that limited “down time” contributed to the wider sense of community that Janet Weight Reed and I were discussing early this morning (bottom of the comment thread). With nearly all their time spent working, maybe they made the most of their time with people.
      Heartfelt thanks for taking a moment to visit me here. You’re the cat’s meow!


  9. Loved the comparisons Teagan. Yet there is a lot to be said for some of these magazines.. Compared to Netflix 😀
    I really enjoyed my time here today Teagan.. Sending love and Hugs and warm wishes to keep you snug during February’s Winter ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sue. I’m pos-i-lutely honored that you’ve spent so much time at Teagan’s Books, catching up today. It means a lot to me. You’re so kind.
      I loved your old post related to Einstein! (A link was in the footer of the email.) https://suedreamwalker.wordpress.com/2015/04/15/a-letter-from-albert-einstein-to-his-daughter-about-the-universal-force-which-is-love/
      Sunshine super hugs right back to you. You’re the cat’s meow!

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      1. Thank you Teagan I so enjoyed my time at your blog today.. And that post of Einsteins has travelled and from my innocently trying to communicate the Love it contained.. I had to close comments and FB and Twitter fans got their teeth into it and some comments were far too horrid to allow me to publish them.. So I closed my comment section on that post.. Sending HUGS and Much love back xx

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes, I noticed all that. You are right to delete the negative comments. I’m totally a blog-tater! If something feels like bullying or even passive aggressive, then I delete it. Leaving negative comments up only encourages bullies to jump into the game (even if the first comment wasn’t all that bad). Sadly I’ve been there, Sue.
          And Facebook vitriol… I had a huge comment, but I’m just going to email you. No point in encouraging the negative people who would want to jump in. Huge hugs.

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  10. Dear Teagan, once again, didn’t receive a notification from WordPress about your post, but luckily found it on Twitter when I was tweeting about my own post (you’re not the only one good at shameless self-promotion lol). Had to visit, had to share, love it. It’s so cold here, this struck a nerve (the last one with any feeling, brrrr!!!).
    Thanks for the delight-filled Wednesday treat, you really are the cat’s pajamas, my dear!
    And of course when I see the word, “pondering” my brain jumps to “Pinky and The Brain” and the “Are you pondering what I’m pondering?” bits… lol – who needs giggle water??? 😉
    Mega you’re the eel’s ankles hugs xoxoxoxoxo

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    1. LOL, re Pinky. I had forgotten about that show. It was a riot. Now I’m pondering procrastination after your fabulous post: https://yadadarcyyada.com/2018/02/07/after-all-tomorrow-is-another-day/
      Thanks for adding to my 1920s vocabulary. I didn’t know the eel’s ankle. (and similar phrases that didn’t endure: “the eel’s ankle”, “the elephant’s instep”, “the snake’s hip” and “the capybara’s spats”.) The “capybara’s spats” might be a keeper. 😀
      I know you’ve had a double dose of winter already. Stay warm and be careful! You’re the cat’s (flannel) pajamas!


  11. Thanks, Teagan. The art in their magazines was amazing, especially considering no Photoshop or digital means then. I’m with Geoff on the gloves front.My hands and feet (in particular) cannot stand the cold. Thanks for brightening up my Wednesday!

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    1. Hi Olga. I remember your problem with the pain caused by cold hands or feet. You would not be happy here this winter. Maybe you’d like the desert southwest, as do I!
      Yes, there is such beautiful art on the old magazines — real talent. It’s always interesting to me when I can see the article titles too. Sending thoughts of nice warm mulled wine. 🙂 You’re the cat’s pajamas!


  12. It says a lot about the enduring quality of these magazines that Popular Science and Good Housekeeping are still in publication. I don’t know about the other two – *Modern Priscilla* seems like such an unusual name.

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    1. Hi Joanne. I’ve seen Modern Priscilla mentioned a lot in my research, but I’ve never investigated the history of the magazine. You’ve just dangled a carrot to my inner research geek that I’m having a hard time not chasing! 😉
      There were several more specific iterations of “Popular” (like Aviation), I expect they were all connected. While not shown here, the Ladies Home Journal was around, but again there are different names (that I *think* are all actually the same) like People’s Home Journal, or just Home Journal. At least they all have the same look…
      Thanks for taking time to visit. You’re the cat’s pajamas!

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  13. Good morning Teagan and Crystal….hope you are keeping warm. I am alway fascinated to learn about how people coped at different times. The one huge difference of course is there was not technology in the sense that we know it today – internet/ smart phones, etc. which I think made for a much more community oriented world. I believe going to the cinema was a big thing at that time as was theatre. Theatre in all forms was everywhere…I can remember that when I was child. So many more activities with lots of other people. And yes, there was very little in the way of central heating and for that matter air conditioning in the summer times, especially applicable to you guys in the States. In the UK, we haven’t needed air conditioning in our homes !:) – although this might change to…who knows. Love the images and this thought provoking post. Have a warm and love day – sending hummingbird hugs. Janet xxx

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    1. Thanks so much for this lovely conversation, Janet.
      I think you’re right about the “community” aspect. I also think the rapidly diminishing (or already absent) sense of community is embedded in the culture of our era. For generations we’ve been taught “Don’t talk to strangers” and (bushwa! I don’t know where it comes from but) “Don’t get involved” (even when someone is being assaulted or is in serious need, such as needing a “responsible adult” present so they can have surgery)… Now constant texting and being plugged into cell phones gives an excuse to *not* interact with the people around us. I almost feel rude when I speak to someone at work (not knowing they’re plugged into whatever) and they have to take the little buds out of their ears. I often have to slam on breaks when driving because someone too busy looking at their phone, and too self-entitled to bother looking when they step into the street… because they are the center of their own universe…
      I guess what I’m trying to say is that we’ve lost that sense of community because “we” (as a culture) don’t give a hoot about one another.
      Okay… I’ll step down from my Julia Sugarbaker soapbox, and get to work. 😉
      Crystal is napping on this dreary day, but she’ll open one eye to say hello and wish you hummingbird hugs right back. You’re the cat’s meow!

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      1. What you say here is right on the money. I see all the same thing in the UK…it’s so sad. I think so many in the world are grieving (without knowing that’s what’s happening) for these basic human needs.
        I send to you and dear little Crystal hummingbird hugs for this day, and do keep warm janet xxx

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    1. Ya know! As a child, when we got snow, I had knitted gloves (whatever cheap material (certainly not real wool) the ones from K-Mart were made from) and they were almost pointless, wet and frozen immediately. I imagine folks in really cold climates had a better alternative to woolen mittens, but that’s a research project for another day. Although the snowshoes might be fun. 😉 Thanks for visiting, Geoff. You’re the bee’s knees!

      Liked by 1 person

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