Jazz Age Wednesdays 16 ― Champagne Tidbit from Murder at the Bijou

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Update:  I have no idea how WordPress managed to post a duplicate of this… I regret any confusion this caused — particularly if you receive my posts via e-mail. The battle of the WP gremlins continues.  Now on with the good stuff.

Flapper Happy New Year champagne red

Welcome to Jazz Age Wednesdays here at Teagan’s Books.  Many of you celebrated Christmas this week.  Now, here we are at the end of 2017.  Making it through another year is a real sockdollager — no kidding, it’s a big deal.  So, I want to toast all of you sheiks and shebas for visiting me throughout this year.

Writing Process

This blog is my sanctuary, and I mean it to be a safe place for everyone else too.  That’s why I don’t blog about politics, religion, or emotionally charged current events — that includes the recent headlines about sexual harassment.   (I am definitely a blog-tater.)  …Although once in a while I come close.  However, I in no way invite discussion of these things. 

So I’m just sayin’…  You see, someone criticized me because, in one of these 1920s stories, I wrote that Pip’s father told her the board room was no place for a girl.  While some of Pips tales are laced with fantasy, they are in a real world setting.  A fundamental thread is Pip coping with being a young woman in a changing era.  So I make no apologies for writing about the world my heroine had to claw her way through.  Denying that the wrongs of the past existed is an insult to the forerunners who had even more obstacles than the still huge ones women have today.  Okay. I’m stepping down off my Julia Sugarbaker soap box now.  As I said, I do not want comments about these things.  Thanks for letting me vent that.  Now, back to the point.

1920s Cosmo_writing_Find the Woman_Arthur Roche

At New Year’s I always think of champagne.  So this time I’m sharing a chapter from Murder at the Bijou — Three Ingredients I.  Okay… so it’s not exactly about champagne, but it does mention it. 

As most of you know, I used “things” or ingredients sent by the readers of this blog to guide every chapter of the novels about Pip and company.  The ingredients for this bit were Salmon, Beef Drippings, and Dandelion & Burdock. 

Even though this episode comes from late in the story, I don’t think there is anything that qualifies as a spoiler here. (If you haven’t read the novel, and you are sensitive to spoilers, maybe you should skip it anyway…)

Now, I’ll just get a wiggle on and ankle back to the 1920s!

Wish you all you wish-moon-New Year

Champagne Tidbit — Murder at the Bijou

Rather than the bun she often wore, Granny Phanny had rolled and tucked her long hair into a style that at first glance looked a lot like a bob.  The wide legged black crepe trousers and white tuxedo jacket fit her perfectly.  She looked every inch the modern woman; and… younger too.  Eunice’s Uniformshad done a great job.  I straightened my own waiters’ uniform and Granny smiled.

The telephone rang and Granny hurried to answer it.  I knew she was still more than a little bit worried about Moses Myrick.  There was a tightness around her eyes that had not been there before the marshal was shot.

“Yes, Doc. Is that you?” I could hear the concern in her voice as she spoke into the receiver.  The ear piece was pressed tightly against her head.  Then she exhaled and her shoulders relaxed.  “You don’t really think so?  Considering the way she’s been acting I’m surprised,” she said but paused to listen.  “Yes Doc.  We’ll keep an eye out,” Granny said and hung up the telephone.

“Doctor Veronica says that parrot flew the coop.  Darnedest thing I’ve ever heard.  That nasty bird nearly took my finger off when I tried to pry her away from Moses.  But Veronica said she let herself out the window a few minutes ago.  The last time she saw Cracker, the parrot was headed in this direction,” Granny said shaking her head in wonder at the bird’s unpredictable behavior.  “I find it hard to believe that she’d suddenly give up her equally sudden devotion to Moses.  Be a dear and keep an eye out for Cracker just the same.”

Baby New Year clock-hands

I murmured my promise.  I found the parrot’s antics unexpected, but when I thought about it, we should probably expect the unexpected from Cracker.  However I didn’t give it that much thought because the aroma of the huge beef roast Granny had been cooking all day wafted to my nostrils.  My stomach gave a loud growl.  Granny chuckled and told me to go get a snack – but to take off the white jacket first.  Just then Hank Hertz walked in eating a yeast roll that was sopping with beef drippings.  It was a good thing he had removed his jacket, else Granny might have skinned him when a big drop of au jus went down his chest. 

I barely recognized Hank, and it wasn’t because of the partial amnesia I’d experienced since my unknown attacker had left me in a root cellar at the Queen of Clubs Herb Farm out at Wetson’s Mill.  No, Granny had told Hank that if he was going to participate in the night’s “catering event” he’d have to let her treat his hair with henna.  Now his hair was bright red, and he had a little red mustache too.

Granny said she was concerned about Hank’s safety, since too many people knew he was quickly on the scene after the villains had ambushed Marshal Moses Myrick and his men.  I’m sure that was true; Granny wouldn’t put anybody in harm’s way.  But I suspected that she planned to carryout Myrick’s original “sting” plan, with or without the injured marshal’s help.  So that was another reason for disguising Savannah’s youngest police officer.

Hank scratched at the mustache.  I quipped that I’d always wondered if those things itched.  He nodded and spoke quietly.  “I feel ridiculous with this red hair,” he confided.  “But Miss Phanny says it will fade away with washing.”

I thought Granny might have exaggerated about the “fading away” part of the henna, but I didn’t want to make Hank feel any more uncomfortable than he already was.  I gently poked his ribs with my elbow.  “I think it looks rather dashing,” I reassured him and he stood a little straighter.

New Year Man in moon baby

My grandmother took Hank’s elbow and led us both to the kitchen.  She fixed snack plates for the three of us with roast beef, rolls, and candied carrots.  I gave a wistful glance at the za’atar she’d so carefully prepared, but I knew she was worried about having enough, so I didn’t say anything.

She glanced at the clock and took out a fourth plate and sat it on the green and white gingham tablecloth.  Then she turned to one of several tubs of ice that contained cobalt blue bottles with attached cork flip tops, and pulled out a few bottles.

“What is this anyway?” I asked and sniffed the liquid that reminded me of sarsaparilla. 

I had been wondering what was inside the bottles, because I had heard Granny tell her client that he’d have to supply any alcohol, being as it was illegal.  I had not met the rich man who was hosting the reception Granny had agreed to cater.  But I overheard part of their telephone conversation — whether I wanted to or not.  He was one of those people who felt they had to shout into the telephone since he was talking to someone across town.  He sounded nice enough, but there was just something about him that rubbed me the wrong way, despite the fact I had never even seen him.

Hank Hertz took a swig from the blue bottle.  “Umm.  It’s dandelion and burdock,” he said to my unspoken question.  “Dr. Veronica gave me some before.  She said it was kind of medicinal.”

“It’s also mildly alcoholic,” Granny interjected.  “Not enough to cause trouble for me, but that seemed to mollify tonight’s host.  He was… well… irritated that I wouldn’t bring any champagne because of the prohibition.  He was being pretty hard headed about that,” she said with a slightly annoyed twist to her mouth.  Granny didn’t like anybody trying to boss her around.

1920s Illustration of Party

The putter of an engine sent me to the kitchen window.  I pushed back the eyelet curtain and saw Alastair Wong pull his delivery truck up beside the cottage.  Alastair had offered to help. He said he expected a slow night at his restaurant, and besides there was plenty of family to help there.  I saw that he had even temporarily covered his pride and joy slogan, “You’re always right with Wong’s” with a sign proclaiming Granny’s Goodies.  My grandmother quickly fixed the fourth plate with a snack for Alastair.

Moments later Hank and Alastair loaded the heavy galvanized steel tubs, filled with ice and cobalt blue bottles of dandelion and burdockonto the delivery truck.  Then they covered them with a tarp to help keep the ice from melting as fast.

I was surprised to see Cinnamon Bun, the Flemish Giant rabbit, thump up the back porch stairs.  He had been hiding from all the activity.  As usual, Granny went gaga over the oversized bunny and praised him for coming out to be sociable.  Cinnamon liked getting his ears stroked, but he sat up on his haunches as if looking for something in the distance.

A blur of brilliant color streaked down from the sky and Cracker the parrot alighted next to the rabbit.  She nibbled at his fur and cooed, “Good bird… good bird.”

My amazement at the bond between bird and bunny had no end.  My grandmother and I watched the two in fascination.  Then she got back to business.

“Sweet-pea,” she spoke to me.  “Would you get that poached salmon?  Just wrap it up tight.  I won’t plate it until after we get there.”

“Exactly where is this shindig anyway,” I asked.  I knew it was at one of the fanciest homes in Savannah, but I didn’t know much more than that.  I wondered if I had known more before I was attacked and drugged.

1920s Illustration New Years Eve party

“Umm… what was that address?” Granny Phanny said half to herself.  “Oh.  It’s at 420 Kingston Lane.”

Immediately Cracker flew into the air, making circles around Granny and me.  The parrot squawked excitedly, “Fourandtwenty, Fourandtwenty! Dainty dish to set before the king!  Dainty dish!” she repeated as she alighted on my shoulder and pulled my hair with her beak.  “Dainty dish. Fourandtwenty!

Cinnamon Bun sat up on his haunches inquiringly at the bird’s outburst.  He made a snorting sound that drew my eyes to him.  Then I noticed a small rectangle on the porch next to the rabbit.  I stooped to retrieve it.

Another playing card, I thought.  I knew I needed to turn it over, but I was afraid to look.  Cracker must have brought it with her, and dropped it when she started grooming the bunny.  But where had the parrot gotten the card?  Did she pick it up at the Vale residence?  Or did she find it somewhere along the way?  What if she didn’t bring the card at all?  What if an anonymous person had left it there on the porch as another warning?

I was shivering, though it was not cold.  I felt Granny step closer.  She was looking over my shoulder at the card.  Cautionary words were written across the back of the card in a familiar hand.

“Be ready!”

My hands were shaking so badly that I almost dropped the card.  Reluctantly I turned over the rectangle to reveal the sinister looking Joker on the face of the playing card.  Cracker fluttered off my shoulder and landed on the porch banister. 

Jokerswild!” the parrot shrieked and shook her foot.

I had a hazy memory of Cracker making that motion before.  I remembered thinking it seemed disdainful.  Whoever the Joker was, Cracker did not like him… or maybe her.  I reminded myself to think like a modern woman.  The villain might just as well be a woman as a man.

Turning the card face down once again I repeated the words “Be ready!” and felt the pit of my stomach freeze.

The End


 You are pos-i-lutely the cat’s pajamas for dropping by!  Here’s wishing everything is Jake in your 2018.

1920s New Year Card

Now, for that shameless self-promotion… Here are the links to the books about Pip and her friends.

Bijou front only 2

Murder at the Bijou — Three Ingredients I

Novel-book-The Three Things Serial Story-Teagan Riordain Geneviene-The Writer Next Door-Vashti Q-spotlight-author

The Three Things Serial Story: A Little 1920s Story Kindle 



This is a work of fiction.  Characters, names, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2014 and 2017 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved.

No part of this work may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or provided by free sources, unless stated otherwise.


64 thoughts on “Jazz Age Wednesdays 16 ― Champagne Tidbit from Murder at the Bijou

  1. A new episode, woohoo! And I appreciate how you stand up for your writing in the introduction, Teagan. Women have been excluded in the past and you’re quite right that only by being true to that can we show how far we’ve come (and who has risen to make changes for the better for females!). Besides, it’s fantasy and you can write what you like – the reader doesn’t have to keep reading 😉 I’m loving these characters!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Christy. I know it is an issue that is dear to you.
      I could not possibly count the number of times I have been harassed — it was a constant, part of life. (Particularly in male dominated and ego fueled fields like Information Technology.) That does NOT mean it was/is okay at all. But pretending it didn’t happen takes away what I’ve overcome. Things seem better the past few years, but it’s still there. And for worse things that are beyond simply harassment… I’ve been there too. That should never be part of anybody’s day-to-day life. People need to be “safe” to bring that kind of assault to light, without being disdained or treated like they’re something dirty.
      Applesauce… there I go, on my Julia Sugarbaker soapbox again…
      I’m tickled that you enjoy these characters. You’re the cat’s pajamas!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on sherriemiranda1 and commented:
    1920’s images, as well as writing from Teagan that takes place during that time period. Yes, other time periods always look good if you only see the “fun” part! ❤ ❤ ❤
    Peace, blessings & a wonderful 2018!
    Sherrie Miranda’s historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” will be out en Español very soon! It is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador:
    Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too.
    You can watch it on YouTube or go to my home page:


  3. I found a bunch of old letters and cards from the 40s and 50s in the garage attic. It is interesting to see how people lived and what they thought back in earlier times. I like these stories about Pip and Granny’s adventures. A Happy New Year to you Teagan and Crystal!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I have missed many of your posts, but I haven’t missed any of your books so far. Hope you will write more in 2018, and thank you for that 🙂 Don’t waste your precious time on replying to unwanted comments. Just say ‘thank you for your input’ 😉 Have a wonderful and fulfilling New Year! Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are so very kind, Inese. You made my weekend! Heartfelt thanks. I am in the process (and making good progress) of editing the sequel to “Atonement Tennessee”. I hope to publish As in spring 2018. Fingers crossed!
      As for that comment, I am a blog-tater, LOL. If I find something hostile, bullying, or even passive aggressive, it does not stay.
      I hope all the dog lovers, and everyone for that matter, will visit your post. It is lovely. You’re the berries!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Delighted to hear about the sequel 🙂 Love Atonement.
        Isn’t it simply bad manners to go to someone’s blog and leave a nasty comment. This I will never understand. Just spam them.
        Oh I was so very scared of the dogs, but I wouldn’t show that. Then they came up and I knew right away there is no bad intentions. They just wanted to be loved.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I am in total agreement with you regarding what we ‘talk’ about on our blogs, Teagan. I don’t want political/religious/emotionally charged issues/comments on my blog either. And I don’t write posts about those concrete issues. I have the same restrictions in my writing classes. It’s about the writing process, and if everyone starts talking about their politics or their faith (or lack of), we get bogged down and away from the writing. That said, if one of our STORIES includes a character’s politics or religious thoughts or personal issues/problems, that’s what we write about – for our character. I’m .surprised a reader gave you a bad time about your character’s experience in the 1920s of being disregarded because she’s female. As they say, THAT’S THE WAY IT WAS! And to be good writers, we need to include historical facts in our fiction.
    Stick with it – your fiction is grand.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are so kind, Pam. Heartfelt thanks for your support and encouragement. I particularly like what you said “if one of our STORIES includes a character’s politics or religious thoughts or personal issues/problems, that’s what we write about – for our character.” Yes, and that is what makes interesting stories. There is plenty to say about the writing process. I’m sure your classes are wonderful. Have a beautiful weekend. You’re the cat’s meow!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I have missed way too many posts, hope you can see my comment. I love reading your books and Murder at The Bijou is blissfully entertaining and well, anything you write is like a Calgon moment for me. Happy New Year Teagan, may 2018 be the best year every for you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so very much for taking a moment here, Suzanne. I was very concerned about Adele’s comment problem. What you said is music to my ears. Thanks for the New Year’s wish. The very same magical 2018 to you as well — peace, happiness, all good things. You’re the cat’s pajamas!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I enjoy reading your stories and especially like to see the postcards. I have a bunch of them from the early 1900’s from my great-great grandmother and I enjoy reading the notes on the backs of each – tells me a little bit of my German heritage 🙂 Happy Holidays Teagan!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks John. Both names were inspired by the “ingredients”. I really thought there was going to be a ginger tabby cat in that story, and I tried to let “cinnamon” be that cat… but it was a Flemish Giant rabbit instead. LOL. I’m happy you enjoyed your visit. See you at lunch at your place for Story Day. 😀 Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Fan-tabulous, as always, dearest Teagan. 🙂 🍾🍾🍾
    There are some people who just feel like they need to add something, and more likely than not, it’s something negative or supposed to make them sound “smart” (way too often ‘smrt’); as though they know something you don’t, sigh. When writing in a certain time period you would be doing the story a disservice to throw in an anachronism or a parachronism, unless for comedy or quirk. Those “just sayin” people are really just sayin’ they have nothing useful to say…Keep doing what you’re doing, dear friend, because what you’re doing is the cat’s meow. 😺😺😺
    Is it wrong that now when I hear the word, “champagne” 🍾 I think of the Christopher Walken skit from vintage SNL? lol 😉
    Thanks for sharing this with us, perfect timing (nudge nudge wink wink say no more 🕛 ). 🎷🎷🎷
    Mega that parrot is probably pining for the fjords hugs xoxoxo 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good morning, Donna! It’s great to see you. Thank you for your always valuable words. And for making me think of Christopher Walken. 😉 I can’t remember the skit, so I’ll have to look it up — since I like him so much. (Love the little saxophones you made.) Have a darb rest of the year, my friend. You’re the cat’s pajamas!


    1. Ha! I can certainly agree about preferring anything quiet, Olga. Maybe one day my pantsering will bring me a friendly owl. (Since the one in Atonement is on the dark side.) I really appreciate you visiting. You have always been so supportive. You’re the cat’s meow!


    1. Sometimes I forget about your parrots, Tim. LOL, I can just imagine the cats when you tell them that. 😀
      I’ve never had dandelion wine, but always read about it growing up in the deep south. I believe dandelion and burdock is more of a thing in the UK.
      Thanks for taking time to visit. I sincerely appreciate it. You’re the cat’s meow!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. My friend’s mom grew up in the south. Dandelion and burdock is a very old English drink going back to the middle ages. I believe they have a modern, bubbly version that’s like sassafras. Burdock is believed to be a curative for all kinds of ailments. A burdock tea might be good right now. It’s 8:30 am, the sun is up and the thermometer on the fence reads 19º F.

        Liked by 1 person

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