Meanwhile, Vote Here

What is progress anyway?

A special note:  I follow and comment many of your blogs regularly — getting them via email.  WordPress has stopped sending me those emails, even though everything is signed-up-for and checked. I know where to find you, but it’s hard to keep up and I apologize.

Crystal bench 03-2017
Crystal, March 2017

I guess the answers vary as much as they do for any other “what is” question.   At least my little BFF and I have made a few sluggish steps forward in the mire of Loop of Limbo of the Unknown.  (That’s Crystal’s picture a few months ago; before all this started.)  I still don’t know anything.  However, surgery is scheduled for June 22nd.  

They finally approved an appetite stimulant, which has helped her immediate “health” hugely after just one dose.  I was afraid she would be too week from self-starvation to survive the anesthesia for the surgery.  Hopefully the biopsy will let me know how to proceed.

So, that’s an update for those who have been following Crystal, here and on Facebook.  Of no importance to the world at large.  Nothing close to the burdens others bear.  However, if me, myself, and I were having a conversation, I would tell Myself what I’ve often told others —  The cross you bear may seen trivial compared to what others endure, but that does not mean your burden is any less heavy for you to carry.

Loop of Limbo of the Unknown

I’m tired of hearing myself say that work and life drains my creativity, preventing me from writing.  It’s my very own “Theory of the Moebius.”  Unfortunately that state has not improved. 

Since I just don’t have it — what I need to work on my stories, I keep having the thought to share a different story with you.  (To be honest, I’m not even sure I can do this one, but it keeps coming back to me, so…)

The problem is, that it is not like any of the stories I’ve brought here. It’s dark. Filled with the kind of truths most people just can’t seem to handle.

You will face the truth weird guy

So I’ve decided to put it to a vote.  Click on the button you choose below, because I don’t know if I’ll be able to leave the comments enabled.

Good golly Miss Molly! WordPress has monkeyed around with that poll feature! I thought I’d do a quick post and be done, but I’ve spent three hours instead… Time indeed became a loop.

Mega hugs.

70 thoughts on “Meanwhile, Vote Here

  1. I’m so late to reading this post, due to the Bloggers Bash, Teagan. Yes, I can blame the Bloggers Bash, but only because I sit on the committee. 😀
    I hope all goes well for both Crystal and you on Thursday.
    I’ve voted, but it’s probably too late to have changed anything anyway. A World without my ‘Teagan fix’ would send me into a loop.
    Have a lovely rest of the weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly Hugh, it’s nice to see you. Hopefully this limbo will be over soon, though I don’t know how long they’ll be with the results of testing the growth. They finally approved the appetite stimulant, so eating has helped her for the present… and will make her stronger for the anesthesia. Hugs right back. 🙂

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    1. Kirt, your kind words hearten me. Thank you. I see that I’ve been absent from the Wall Gallery… WordPress really has made it difficult to keep up with everyone. I’m still sighing over those beautiful purple blossoms and LA hillsides. Thanks for visiting. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Heartfelt thanks, Andrea. I hope I’m doing the right thing for her.
      And I hope I’m doing the right thing by trying to take on this story. It’s more than a little dark… I’m happy you took time to visit here. Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Of course I’d ready anything by you, Teagan! So glad to hear Crystal has an appetite again and hopefully surgery will resolve any issue – will be thinking about you both.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well, of course, I would read anything that you wrote Teagan but the unicorn farts and the sunshine got my vote…So pleased poor Crystal has found an appetite and healing thoughts for the operation are winging their way to you 🙂 Looking forward to your dark side…he he 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh Teagan, I hope all goes well with Crystal. Take good care of yourself , give the kindness and love you give to others to yourself. You deserve it. I love all your stories and I voted. Mega hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Gerlinde, thank you so much. You must have seen that in my heart I do not feel deserving.
      I’m so glad you voted. The poll feature used to be quick, simple, and easy to use. Now add that to the long list of things WordPress has made a bigger and bigger mess of this year. Thank you for visiting, my friend. Mega hugs right back.


  5. I look forward to anything you tackle, Teagan, I have come to understand that your skills can be applied to anything, We (including fellow B&W cats MiMi and MuMu) will keep you and Crystal in our thoughts and prayers.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m keeping Crystal and you in my thoughts, sending positive vibes (I hope so, but this Telepath thing is so tricky, if only they’d invent something where we could contact each other directly). Sending big furry cat breath hugs your way, dear friend. I’m so glad to hear her appetite has improved,
    As for the writing, I often find it a place to escape the horrors (by this I clearly refer to any Trump news as well as all the other bad stuff, war, famine, disease, crime, etc. – and Adam West passed away #alwaysmybatman) of everyday life. Some people even think suffering helps writing, seems like a crappy trade-off, but…
    You do what you think will help you, dear one, and Crystal, we’re here no matter what you decide. 🙂
    As for WordPress, yes, they did the email trick to me too, and stopping Likes from staying liked, pictures disappearing from post and my favourite, sigh, unfollowing, for example, this morning I had to refollow you, dear Teagan despite the fact that I obviously follow you. If it ain’t broke, WordPress will do their level best to break it, again and again and again. But we love them when they work. 😉
    I did the Poll and clearly said I’d read anything you write…always.
    Sending lots of love and kitty hope your way and mega purring hugs xoxoxox

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh no, I didn’t know about Crystal but I am SO out of the loop my friend. I do hope she recovers completely. I’ll read whatever you write sweetie, so just do it! Maybe it’s that dark stuff mulling around in your head that just needs to get out to throw you out of that loop and back to center. XOXOXO Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Kathryn… I had not thought about it in quite that way. You make a good point.
      You’re so kind — thanks again. I hope all is well with you and Austin Street Tacos. WordPress won’t email me posts any more, so I will try to catch up with you soon. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. A special note:  I follow and comment many of your blogs regularly — getting them via email.  WordPress has stopped sending me those emails, even though everything is signed-up-for and checked. I know where to find you, but it’s hard to keep up without the emails, and I apologize.


  9. I’m glad you kept the comments enabled so I could leave you a small note. I’d be open to reading anything you write, Teagan. Even if it is a tad bit darker. I’ll keep Crystal in my thoughts and hope the surgery helps move everything further along. Glad to hear about the appetite stimulant too. Hugs xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly Christy. This story would be a completely different “voice,” and more than a tad darker… but after these comments today, I might go forward with it.
      Thanks for all your support. Hugs right back.

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  10. I’m looking forward to Crystal making a full recovery. Crystal’s health is no trivial matter, and as your companion and best friend, I can imagine how much pain and agony you suffer for her. Our feline’s lives matter to us. They are priceless and hold all the keys to our happiness and our sadness.

    As tired as you my get of hearing yourself complain about work and life draining your creativity, work and life drain your creativity. Plain, simple nothing to argue about on that point. I even like my job, and by the end of the day I often feel like every ounce of creativity has been pulled out of me, crumpled up and thrown into the abyss. Then I spend way too much time lost, and groping around in the gloom and darkness trying to grab onto the smallest inkling of creativity which I know is out there somewhere hanging in limbo, lingering that eternal darkness — simply processing a photo or writing a line or two becomes daunting and overwhelming.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tim, you could have been right there in my mind and soul. I know you understand, my friend. And I know well that you’ve been through the wringer. You’re spot-on with “crumpled up and thrown into the abyss” — perfectly said.
      Thank you so much for your words and for taking time to visit. I need to catch up with your posts… Word Press has stopped sending me anything from anybody.
      Huge hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Also fingers and toes crossed. Good to have a date and I’m happy she’s responding well to the appetite stimulant. And of course, I am eager to read anything you write when you feel up to it. Have a good weekend. Love to Crystal and big hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I so am sending thoughts for Crystals healing dear Teagan.. I understand the dilemma .. Firstly home and family even four legged ones comes first.. Second.. I understand how the time loop spins ever faster here on WP.. which is often why I am not posting as often or travelling around WP as often as I should.. Time is precious, and my energies are spent some days after a good gardening session..
    As for your post, I voted.. and said why not.. Life is not always a bed of roses.. it is sometimes the thorns in life that enable us to see the Light..
    So if and when you feel like it Teagan.. write about those shadows.. for often revealing them into the world helps let them lose and releases their power over us..
    Sending LOVE my friend.. and so pleased I spotted in the reader in my own feeble attempt at catch up today..
    Love and Blessings
    Sue xxx ❤ 💙😍💕

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  13. Good news that the appetite stimulant is working. Praying that Crystal is strong and that the surgery is a success. As for dark or light or in between Teagan I love everything that comes from your active, vivid and totally awesome imagination. I voted hope it registered its hard to tell on this phone.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Suzanne. It gives me some hope, even if it is only from the medicine, and hiding the problem.
      I’m delighted that you voted, and hope everyone will. I had such trouble with the poll (WordPress took away everything that made the feature easy to use), I’m not sure if it works at all. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

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