Boy Did He Get a Wrong Number


Boy Did He Get a Wrong Number aka Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam

I pay regular visits to this blog’s spam folder, because sometimes I find old friends marooned there.  Don Massenzio was a good sport about being trapped there. 

Spam image 2

Of course most of the things I usually find are downright insulting people who want to tear me down in order to sell their services. Not working!  

Some are offensive in other ways.  Then there are the ones that are just plain strange.  For instance this one.  Boy did he get a wrong number!

Spam Girls 1

If they only knew the truth…

Dino Visits Phyllis

Another spam was from a guy calling for a boycott against all American women.  I kept that one for awhile (wondering what I could do with it) because of how deeply offensive I found it… too bad I got rid of it before I had the idea for this post.

With spam, misrepresentation is even more perverse than in dating.  The one thing of which you can be certain is that you are not getting what’s advertised.  I mean seriously… It would be about like me billing myself as “Motorcycle riding hot mama. Pink is my signature color.  Love getting frisky with mustard. Come join me in a bubble bath.”  Boy, would that be a wrong number! (You have to see the video below for that to even begin to make any sense.)

Was there a point to this post?  Erm… I guess not, except to tickle your funny-bone.  Until next time, hugs and kisses.

Bob Hope, the man with the wrong number

I think this is the full movie.

See you next time.  Mega hugs!


Copyright © 2017 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved.

No part of this work may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or from Pinterest unless stated otherwise.

91 thoughts on “Boy Did He Get a Wrong Number

  1. Oh, I miss the humor of Phyllis Diller. She is surely one of the funniest women of all time. Spam – such a hateful word. Unfortunately, my spam box ends up with more non-spam items than it does spam. And SPAM – my mother tried stuffing that down us when we were kids. Hated it then, won’t even consider it now! My dad loved it though. It reminded him of his days in the Navy..

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Teagan loved the cool witty mix with the serious subject message… that advert was shameful! These people should be strung up and I’m not going to say by what! Love Phillys Diller – she was brilliantly funny. Most enjoyable post. Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Don’t get me started on spam, especially the WordPress spam folder, Teagan. I’ve been captured three times by the spam monster and had to get help from the WordPress Happiness Engineers to get me out. They never been able to tell me the reason why I’ve ended up in there so often. However, it certainly got me to check my spam folder at least twice a day now. Amazing what I find in there, and what doesn’t end up in there!
    Have an amazing week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Hugh. And don’t get me started on their “happiness engineers”… They always give me elaborate instructions on how I should be able to fix the problem myself. (Which never apply, by the way.) Telling the customer to do it themselves is NOT customer service…
      Thanks for visiting. Mega hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This had me giggling and made me rewatch Monty Python, spam stuff.
    The other day I had most of my comments go into my spam folder, another WordPress quirk one supposes.
    Hope this weekend is treating you well, dear Teagan.
    Mega spam hugs xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Andrea, I’m glad I could introduce you to Phyllis Diller. 😀 She was famous in “stand up” comedy (USA) when it was very much a man’s world. I don’t think she was in all that many movies though. Thanks so much for visiting today. Mega hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    After a busy weekend I am only just getting around to my usual haunts over the weekend.. If you find your spam folder makes quite interesting reading… then you will enjoy Teagan Geneviene’s take on the matter with some superb videos that back her up. I check my spam too every day because perfectly innocent bystanders are sometimes sent there by WordPress having been wrongfully arrested. It is not fair to leave them locked up with some of these miscreants.. Enjoy Teagan’s post.. I did.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’ll never look at Spam the same way again. 🙂 Cute Videos with Bob and Phyllis. Some of my spam comments are as long as a novellete. Okay, that’s a little exaggeration, but darn close. WordPress is good about catching this the garbage. I have to remember to check mine every now and then. Hang in there, Teagan. Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Mary. Yes, I get those encyclopedia volume length ones too. I decided to have some fun with it. Glad you enjoyed Phyllis and Bob.
      I’m hanging in there… I remind myself of my father with this relentless cough and hacking… I had hoped a week would see the end of it, but I have a ways to go. I guess with all the pollen, it’s a step back for every step forward. I’ll get there.
      Great big hug, my friend.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. What a fun post . I always enjoyed watching Phillis and Dean Martin. I am in Germany and I just watched a hilarious you tube video I wish I could share with you. I am going to have to look at my spam folder and see if I find any missing friends.
    Happy Easter!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Gerlinde, it isn’t just the spam issue with WordPress. The “gremlins” have also been un-following people. So if you have missing friends… could be either thing.
      Have a wonderful time in Germany. Enjoy your family, friends and everything for your Easter. Heartfelt thanks for taking time away to visit me here! ❤ Mega hugs.


  8. Giggling! Like you, I’ve found a few friends hanging out in the spam folder instead of the approved comments. Maybe some mustard to go with the bread? I had a great giggle as I read this post 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Fun post, Teagan! Will need to search for my Spam file. It disappeared a while back. Remember Phyllis Diller ! So funny! Loved her laugh & hair! Hope you have a peaceful Easter weekend! Huge hugs, 💜🙋🏻💜 Christine

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Christine. I’m happy you enjoyed this.
      About the spam file…
      From your blog, to to “My Sites” then down to “WP Admin” (click) then “Comments” then see (top of page) Comments, Pending, Approved, Spam…
      Enjoy your Easter. Mega hugs right back. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Thanks for the great chuckles today, Teagan! I loved the Dino and Foster Brooks sketches! Diller is great too! They don’t make comics like they used to. I haven’t heard any who can do their routine without using hundreds of F-Bombs throughout. Sad. Happy Easter! Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m delighted you enjoyed this John. I think you’ve just given me the answer to a thought I’ve had frequently in recent years. Sometimes I think I’ve lost my sense of humor, because comedy is just not funny to me any more. All the things that are supposed to make me (and everyone on the laugh track) laugh seem to be a bunch of yelling and/or just plain mean spirited. But those old things really do make me laugh. (Granted there are some mean remarks even back then, even with Phyllis and Bob, particularly about women being unattractive… But it wasn’t nearly as saturated with meanness then.) Enjoy your Easter. Mega hugs right back.


  11. I remember seeing Phillis on Dean’s and other shows and not understanding half the humor and my parents not wanting to explain. Kind f like if you were trying to explain spam to a child. You did remind me to check in that folder, I have been seeing some good people trapped in there lately.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Dan. You know… now that I think about it, I’m not sure kid-me actually understood all her jokes, but Phyllis herself was so funny I never cared.
      Yep, lots of friends in spam lately. Have a great holiday weekend. Hugs!

      Liked by 2 people

  12. How funny, Teagan. I had my funny tickled for sure. This was a terrific post. I enjoyed seeing Phillis and Dean together. I found Don in my spam folder as well. I usually keep a loaf of bread there for such an occasion. Thanks for the laughs.

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    1. Hey John. I’m always glad to give a giggle. 😀 Yepper… At this rate I think I need to set up a snack bar in my spam folder. Ha! Phyllis and Dean… after being sick (sinus) for a week, i HOPE my kitchen does not look as much like hers as I’m afraid it does… From hilarity to horror. o_O Time for another cough drop. Cheers! Great big hug.

      Liked by 2 people

        1. Oh, I go beyond that. I use a neti pot with salt water every day. 😀 Saline spray is great, especially for people who can’t deal with the idea of pouring water through their nose. But the irrigation does even better.
          This is the worst pollen reaction I’ve ever had… especially since most “modern” medicines give me migraines. Something about the inert ingredients, or maybe even the process used in meds that last 12 or 24 hours. I can only take the 4 hour stuff. Try finding that with any of the new meds. I thought i had gotten some decent cough medicine… Promised myself that since it was liquid in stead of a pill, that the 12 or 24 hour problem wouldn’t happen… but after a couple doses, I ended up with a migraine before the night was over.
          I’ll get there eventually, John. More hugs.

          Liked by 1 person

            1. No, I’m glad you mentioned it. If I’m this sensitive this year, I should have the saline bottle handy to use every time I go outside. Plus most people don’t know how helpful it is (and they’re not about to pour water through their nose!). I’ll visit your “neighborhood” soon. Hugs.

              Liked by 1 person

  13. I’ve been getting some weird spam in my word press folder, but luckily I’ve learned my lesson of old and now delete them. Weird how these things get through. Mega hugs my friend, have a great Easter weekend. xx

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  14. Sometimes the company in the spam folder can be interesting, sometimes I see long lost friends and sometimes nefarious😱This post had me in stitches Teagan, what fun love it. Phylis Diller and Bob Hope are a hoot. Thanks for brightening my day, massive hugs!!!❤️❤️❤️🌷

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Suzanne, I’m always glad to give a giggle! 😀 I had fun seeing myself as Phyllis in those clips. I’ve been so sick with this over-blown allergy-sinus thing all week, that my hair looks about like hers too! As she would say, “HA!!!” Now if I just had a motor scooter and a bottle of mustard… 😉 Mega hugs right back, my friend.

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  15. Your spam folder is very interesting, well, or you make it so. Mine these days seems to be mostly Chinese although there’s the odd person I know getting stuck there. WordPress is a bit special. Yesterday it wouldn’t let me post pictures… Thanks very much for Phyllis. She’s superb. And I’ll keep the link to the movie. I watch one of Bob Hope and Bing Crosby’s Road movies not so long ago and realised they are really funny even now (and very sharp). I only remembered them from when I was a child for the songs and the big fruity hats, but boy, they had great screenwriters. Keep smiling! (And I think perhaps we need a motorcycle!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for this delightful comment, Olga. You’ve given me a huge smile. Last Saturday’s knock-down-drag-out allergy attack turned into a sinus infection. Maybe the brain-fog from that helped me identify with Phyllis as I was working that post. But I had a good time putting myself in her place — even on the motorcycle!
      Yes, Hope and Crosby did have some great screenwriters. I loved the reruns as a kid too. Although I haven’t watched an entire movie in a long time, I remember one I saw more recently with Bob at a haunted castle. Hilarious. I hope you have a lovely holiday weekend. Huge hugs, my friend.


    1. Hi Dyanna. I used to never check mine. Then I read bloggers saying they had followers who ended up in spam, so I started checking. I shouldn’t read the others, because they tend to annoy me. For some reason, I was able to laugh about it for a change. Many thanks for reblogging! Huge hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. They’re definitely doozies! I love that Python sketch. It’s what I first meant to use… then I remembered I had used it before. But I get a kick out of the Spam song too. Wishing you and Laurie a great weekend. Hugs.

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