A Bucket-full of Leftovers

Recently when we talked about “Using Leftovers,” I had no idea that I’d basically be using leftovers for then next few posts.  This round of leftovers started with the “My First Blog Post” challenge.  I first saw this challenge over at Geoff’s blog.  Then Tess dared me to do it.  If you want to play by the rules (which I never do) visit Tess — she has all the details at her post, which by the way, is superb even if it had been the 500th post rather than her first.   Crystal Reading Atonement

The first time I did a post, I knew nothing about blogging.  All I knew was that having one was the chief advice for independently published novelists, and I was getting my nerve up to self-publish Atonement Tennessee.

Mine is not much of a post, but here’s my humble blast from the past, published December 28, 2012.  Even as I write this, that inaugural post has all of four likes and zero comments. (Thank you Christoph Fischer — I don’t know how you found it, but I appreciate you.)

Here’s My First Blog Post

My First Blog Post: Atonement, Tennessee:  Draft Complete

This year I participated in my first National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).  The challenge was to write a draft novel, of at least 50,000 words, just during the month of November.

I didn’t think I could do it — but I did!  Now I’m a NaNoWriMo winner with Atonement, Tennessee.  It was quite a journey.  I’ll tell you more about NaNoWriMo and Atonement, Tennessee later.


There you have it.  Short, huh?  That is because I knew I was mostly talking to myself.  Looking at that post has spoken loud and clear to me of all the wonderful friends I have today at this blog.  I cherish each of you!

So, what’s happened since December 28, 2012?  As you know, Atonement, Tennessee is available.  I’ve been working on book two, Atonement in Bloom, ever since…


More Leftovers 

Leftovers seems to be a recurring theme.  In November 2016, I “book-ized” the first of the serial stories that built this blog — The Three Things Serial, a Little 1920s Story.  

Still using leftovers, this spring I expect to book-ize the second serial.  That one is a culinary mystery, still in the 1920s and starring Pip.  What’s it called?  Murder at the Bijou, Three Ingredients-I.  Or maybe I’ll say it the other way around, not sure yet…

I could put all my leftovers in a bucket, I guess.  Recently on Netflix I watched the Bones TV show.  It was called “The Lady on the List” and there was a lot of talk about bucket lists. (I apologize for the low video quality.)

It made me wonder why I never had a bucket list.  I guess, before I left the southwest, I had all I cared about.  Aspen and Crystal were healthy and happy.  I had a small house built in a safe and quiet neighborhood. I had a small circle of great friends. At work I was respected and considered an expert in my field.  But the job wasn’t all that secure, so I left all that for one that was.

Wow, how completely things can change with just a few greedy and/or jealous people putting their evil little hands into things.  But I don’t talk about that here.

Then I realized that I do have a bucket list.  My bucket list is full of my leftovers, all the un-finalized and unfinished novels.  That’s basically all I want now… to be able to be free of the creativity-drain (all its components) that prevents me finishing them.  

Edit and redo a few things that I’m unhappy with in three years and 700 pages of writing the epic fantasy, The Dead of Winter.  (I did that before I started this blog.) And if I’m honest, to see it as an anime series too.

Visualize fully the story of the three Harlequin races, a trilogy I envisioned to begin with Tatterdemallian:  The Electric Zucchini.  That’s the least finished of all my works. I hate to even call it a draft.

Finish up and polish the ending of  The Guitar Mancer.  

And thanks to NaNoWriMo 2016, to flesh-out the middle of The Delta Pearl.

Those are my impossible dreams, my bucket list.  Do you have a bucket list?  If so, then what’s on it?

May all of your happy, impossible dreams come true.  Have a wonder-filled, hug-fulled weekend.

My Bucket List — My Impossible Dream

Atonement in Bloom Atonement_in_Bloom_1_03-24-2014

The Dead of Winter


Tatterdemallian:  The Electric Zucchini


The Guitar Mancer

Guitar Mancer Cover final 05-04-2016

The Delta Pearl



Copyright © 2017 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved.

No part of this work may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or from Pinterest unless stated otherwise.



73 thoughts on “A Bucket-full of Leftovers

  1. Wow.. and you are still fulfilling your bucket list Teagan.. And what are your leftovers are other peoples main courses.. LOL.. You know how much I admire you and your writing and story telling skills.. I so enjoyed the Guitar Mancer..given that I know I missed a few chapters.. But your skill at filling in from previous posts always helped me get back into the story.

    Wishing you well with all of your writing Teagan.. Today has been another productive day in the Dreamwalker garden.. more rows of potatoes planted.. 🙂 Granddaughter and Son came to give Granddad a hand.. 🙂

    Have a wonderful week.. Love and Hugs to you Teagan.. ❤ xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw Sue… between you and Christy today — I am truly lifted up by your kindness. Who would have thought a Wednesday lunch break could bring such happiness.
      Thank you for the lovely image of the family in your garden. (I do love potatoes!) Your visit has helped me over that midweek hump. Mega hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Brilliant.. My Son coming to help his Dad lifted my week too lol.. Out of the blue too.. Which made my morning session with acupuncture less painful lol . As I had them for lunch and went to see their results today They had really all worked well.. So much so I had to bath our granddaughter before she went home.. 🙂 .. I will be back in the garden tomorrow after resting.. ❤
        Much love and I am so pleased to have brought a smile xx

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I remember my first post Teagan, it was definitely a scary one and I still remember the thrill of my first like and will always remember who it was that ‘liked’ it. I don’t have a traditional bucket list either, but yes, I suppose all those unfinished things are my bucket list too. Sometimes it seems there is a whole host of unfinished worlds in my head, but one day we’ll get there ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh, those first posts. I don’t think any of us know what we’re doing when we start a blog. Always good for a chuckle. I like your “literary” bucket list, Teagan. Sounds like you have some adventures ahead getting those books ready. All fun. Happy Writing. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My bucket list is pretty much like yours, Teagan. Obviously with my works in progress. One major thing on the list is to finally build our own house, eco friendly, close to the sea and completely dog friendly. When we are millionaires from our writing these things will happen. Also to see lots and lots of places in the world oh and to meet all the friends I’ve made since blogging. Okay, I’ll stop now, my list is turning into a novel. lol massive hugs my friend. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wonderful bucket list, Teagan. I am waiting for the Guitar Mancer to be completed. Please keep me updated. Lately, I’ve read a lot of bucket lists but I’ve never started one. Maybe I should. (By the way, have you read Lori Spielman’s The Life List – a different take on the bucket list?) The way the years are tickin’ by, I’d better get started on it or I’ll be out of time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Michelle. No, I haven’t read that one. Thanks for taking this meandering walk with me. I don’t think anyone needs a bucket list. When I wrote this, it seemed like everybody had them. However, based on the comments, people here do not. I think that’s a cool, laid-back way to be.
      I’m glad you are interested in the Guitar Mancer.
      Ugh… I just did my taxes — my brain is fried. o_O Now on with the week! Mega hugs!

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  6. Oh sweetheart! How brave you are to list the creative projects you have started and explain you want to finish them ~ You’re giving me the courage to go back to my fantasy manuscript that I had put to the side and try my hand at it again, with the goal to finish it once and for all. Thank you for the Sunday motivation and I’ll be cheering you on as you take bites of the “leftovers” 🙂 xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Christy you’ve lifted my heart. Thank you for this delightfully worded comment. Nothing encourages me more than knowing that I’ve encouraged another.
      Sometimes a prolonged absence from working on a story does breathe new life into it. I felt that when after a couple of years I went back to Guitar Mancer. (Unfortunately I still didn’t finish it, but…)
      Wishing you a week filled with wonder — and hugs! 🙂

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  7. I like your list, Teagan – you’ve got a plan and looks like you’ll be busy. I work better with lists and need to make one – besides the mental one in my head that keeps misplacing items. Hugs!

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  8. Once upon a time…there was, Teagan, so glad you continued with blogging, writing, and just being you.
    Love the blogging breadcrumb trail you sent us on, love and are following all those bloggers – aren’t we lucky to be part of such a wonderful blogging family?
    Your leftovers are a delight, dear friend, and as for a bucket list, I just go with the flow, but I go have dreams so I think it’s kind of the same thing.
    I’m going around playing catch-up, apparently WordPress decided it would be fun to switch some bloggers to blocking emails to we didn’t get emails about posts and many others as well. Nice. Hopefully they fix it. I switched my back manually once I realized. Gee, I was so pleased with myself for keeping my inbox so tidy. lol 😉
    Hope the week ahead treats you kindly.
    Mega keep dreaming those impossible dreams hugs xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Heartfelt thanks for your words, Donna, and for the way you said them. A recent “issue” with a very popular blogger who has many times left rude comments (which I delete) has brought back to mind (though I try to make it go away)… Early on he and his fan-girls were like a bunch of turkeys, pecking to death the bird they’d injured. All because they wanted a blood-thirsty (yet they preach for peace) ending to my third serial. They nearly caused me to stop blogging. I told myself I was taking it all wrong, and let it go. Then I let it go a few more times. But enough is enough. Regardless of the facade he shows the world.
      So thank you even more for your unfailing encouragement.

      I’m glad you let me know about the WordPress (latest) problem. I wondered if something was going on. Not the best thing to happen when I seem to have the episode when I so very nearly quit blogging playing in my head on a loop… That’s why I’m glad you let me know. I’m off to check on my besties, and make sure I’m still set for their email. Starting with you ❤ Mega hugs! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m so sorry you have to go through that, dear Teagan, it’s your blog, your writing, your words – you don’t owe anyone anything. You need to do what makes you happy, makes you feel comfortable – and delete, delete, delete away!!! Why do people think they have any right to leave rude comments on your blog, I guess this is why we moderate comments. Aargh, you don’t deserve that, I really can’t imagine anyone wanting to comment anything but wonderful here.
        Yes, WordPress, the joys.
        Hope you have a great week (as much as possible with work) and dream of the weekend.
        Mega don’t let the mean bloggers grind you down hugs xoxoxo

        Liked by 1 person

  9. The only things that have been on my bucket list since I was five years old are –

    1. Write and publish a book.
    2. Have a number one hit single.

    I don’t think my bucket list is ever going to be empty, Teagan, unless you can maybe come and sing with me? 😀

    Have a super Sunday.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. John, in your case, I think that likely means you have already achieved the things you really wanted. I think I’ve been going through a grief process the past couple of years. (What sane person can keep trying to do something for 5 years and still expect a different result?) So now I just hope to find a way to finish my books. Have I given up on the other thing? I’m still looking for rings into which I can throw my hat, but there are fewer than ever, and they’re much smaller.
      I’ll be over for the Sunday stroll in your neighborhood… but Crystal demands more attention first. 🐱 Mega hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank you for sharing this exercise of revisiting the contents of your bucket and your very first post. I don’t have a bucket list – perhaps I should, I don’t know. However, revisiting our past ideas and attempts seems to make sense – if for no other reason than to put all of that past effort into perspective. Well done, Teagan! Hugs!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much for taking time to visit today, John. Ha! And here I thought I was the odd ball for not really having a bucket list. But from the responses today, I’m far from alone, and in great company taboot! Mega hugs!

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  11. So interesting to read this post and learn about your unfinished and/or unpublished books. I also have a few that I don’t seem to be able to get to the end of. I hope that you will realise your dream at least partially, if not in entirety.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Robbie! Although I’m sorry you are in the same boat – err bucket with me. o_O I have found that taking an extensive amount of time away, and then going back with reading through from the beginning can be helpful. But I have no solution for my main issues — time and energy. Wishing you all the best with your current book (and the others too). Mega hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    Teagan takes some time to reflect on her first blogging post as part of a recent challenge to revisit our first efforts. It is actually an intersting exercise and it does throw up the fact that your expectations and plans have likely been changed along the way. However, revisiting them does offer an opportunity to add them to a bucket list and get them done. Teagan asks if we have a bucket list and what might be on it. I will have to think about that… please answer on Teagan’s original post…

    Liked by 1 person

  13. You have done WAY more in these past few years that you give yourself credit for! I too am looking forward to the rest of the Guitar Mancer. That one certainly has me enamored! You are such a lovely and talented writer, among other things. Cheers to chipping away at that bucket list! At least you have one, right?? xoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Teagan, keep plugging along at your bucket list. The fact that you work full time and write is simply amazing! I love your take on the world. Get it up! ❤ Yea, you! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Teagan, you are an excellent story teller. I enjoy your writing. I sent your book on Thursday in between storms. We missed a big one today – only rain and snow mixed. That works. Big hugs! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thanks so much Colleen! I’ll be watching for it and let you know when it gets here.
          Wishing you continued success with it. ❤
          Good golly re the snow… Sounds bad enough even without missing a "big one." Ugh… Come on spring! Hugs back!

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Judith, it’s lovely to see you. I always enjoy Jim on that song. Gives me goose bumps. I’m not sure what I’ve achieved (yet). All those novels waiting to be finished. And my career accomplishments have mostly been undone. But heartfelt thanks for your kind and encouraging words. Sunshine super hugs my friend.

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  15. I don’t have a bucket list. I’ve never wanted to define my future by what I know today. (I just added that and the URL of this post to my notebook of leftovers). I have some things I want to write, but I don’t know how. That’s why I try different kinds of writing and that’s why I follow good writers. I do consume my leftovers. I love eating leftovers, and I like putting the little bits of stories that fall to the editor, back to use.

    I look forward to having a section of my bookshelf dedicated to Teagan’s leftovers.

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    1. I’m with you about eating leftovers, Dan. I’ve had many neighbors and coworkers who threw out very expensive leftovers — not because they didn’t like the food, but simply because “we don’t like leftovers.” I never could understand their way of thinking.

      It’s good that you try different styles and genres of writing. Keep experimenting and you’ll find the ones that resonate with you. Note that I said oneS. I write fantasy — that’s my thing. I used to read a lot of mysteries, and the 3 things exercises become mysteries with me. Even so, the first serial felt a little odd, without a strong fantasy element.
      So I felt like I was going out on a huge limb when a friend encouraged me to write a culinary mystery with the second blog serial. Naturally the fantasy elements sneaked in anyway…
      Keep your sense of writing adventure, and keep experimenting with it. That’s the fun part. Hugs!

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      1. Thanks Teagan. I can usually tell when something feels good to me, because it’s easy to write. I do try to push myself in some areas, even if it’s hard to do. But, I enjoy all of it.

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  16. Thanks, Teagan. Things have moved on so much since that post! I started blogging about the same time for the same reasons (I published my book first then somebody advised me to blog…). Good luck with your bucket list. At the moment I don’t know about mine. It’s all in flux. Have a great weekend and looking forward to your stories.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I feel you re the “in flux” Olga. I think you are handling it the right way.
      Yes, things moved on from that first post. Although I often feel it’s been thrown into reverse. Add WordPress so often doing things that cause followers and views to vanish. I ask myself the same questions.Ultimately I keep writing and blogging because it brings me satisfaction that I can’t get at work.
      Wishing you a beautiful, happy, relaxing, satisfying weekend too. Huge hugs.

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  17. You’ve come a long way, Teagan, so well done! Nice to go back to the first few posts and see how things have developed. I love snooping through blogger’s first pieces and am also recycling some of my earlier blog posts occasionally.
    Happy weekend and huge hugs, as always ❤

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