Extra-Extra! John W. Howell Book Launch

Hello everyone and happy Hump Day!  You know I don’t often do midweek posts — unless there’s a special occasion.  I’m delighted to announce the finale in the John J. Cannon Trilogy, from fellow blogger and author, John W. Howell.

John Cannon is a character who had more than his share of “humps” to get over, so it’s fitting that I’m doing this post on a Wednesday!  Now I’ll hand things over to my inimitable friend, John W. Howell.  Take it away John…!

Introducing the third book in the John J. Cannon Trilogy – Our Justice

Our Justice

Click to go to Amazon


The terrorist leader and financier Matt Jacobs has figured out a way to eliminate the President. He is relying on John Cannon’s stature as a hero to help him carry it off. John finds himself walking the fine line of pretending to help Matt while trying to figure out a countermeasure to the plan.

The action begins with John fearing for his life. Clearly, whoever is trying to get him has a mission to accomplish and the elimination of John is at the top of the to-do list. The quest to survive takes John and his love, Stephanie from the beaches of Port Aransas to West Virginia and finally to Matt Jacob’s corporate headquarters at the Embarcadero Center in San Francisco. There John finally understands what he needs to do to protect both he and Stephanie from further mayhem.

The third book in the John J. Cannon Trilogy brings together two strong wills for a showdown. The question to be answered is who will feel the satisfaction that the achievement of justice delivers? John, Matt or neither?

Our Justice is available on Amazon and KDP now in e-book format for pre-order at $2.99 with shipments starting on September 23rd. The paper edition will be available on Amazon September 23rd at $14.99. Here is the link for pre-order of the e-book https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LDFM9WM?ref_=pe_2427780_160035660


I see out of the corner of my eye that Ned is on the phone. Hopefully, he’s calling in reinforcements since it looks like the SUV is gaining on us. Just as the rear window of the Focus blows inward, he finishes the call. Hundreds of pieces of glass hit Ned and me. Luckily, it’s shatterproof stuff, so we’re mostly okay cut wise. Ned crouches down and fires three quick shots with his 9MM. In the mirror, the SUV swerves to the left and almost explodes after it rams a parked car. “Stop,” Ned yells.

I slam on the brakes, which nearly tosses Ned through the windshield. “For sh!#’s sake, I don’t have a seatbelt on, junior, so take it easy. Just stop and turn around.”

John Howell

Author BIO

John’s main interests are reading and writing. He turned to writing as a full-time occupation after an extensive career in business. John writes fictional short stories and novels as well as a daily blog. His first novel, My GRL is available on Amazon and wherever e-books are sold. His second, His Revenge is available on Amazon and KDP Select.

John lives on a barrier island in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of South Texas with his wife and spoiled rescue pets.  (That includes Lucy, who was one of the stars in the Get Caught Reading mini-series, The Sign of the Ape, here back in May.)Lucy close up_John

Other Places

Blog Fiction Favorites – http://johnwhowell.com/

Facebook– https://www.facebook.com/john.howell.98229241

Twitter –https://www.twitter.com/HowellWave

Authors db –http://www.authorsdb.com/authors-directory/6604-john-w-howell

LinkedIn –http://www.linkedin.com/pub/john-w-howell/48/b59/462/

Google +https://plus.google.com/+JohnHowellAuthor/

Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7751796.John_W_Howell

Amazon Author’s page –https://www.amazon.com/author/johnwhowell

Martin Sisters Publishing –Http://www.martinsisterspublishing.com



34 thoughts on “Extra-Extra! John W. Howell Book Launch

    1. Happy hump day to you too, Suzanne. John writes in a form that I’d be afraid to even tackle — especially for an entire novel (or trilogy)! And he is quite expert with the dialog and “present” point of view. And yes :0 the books are very exciting. Mega hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly, Pat. As a technical editor (by day), that means a lot to me. But I only did the post title and intro. John did the heavy lifting.
      Welcome to Teagan’s Book! It’s a pleasure to have you visit. Hugs! 🙂


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