Judith Barrow’s Review of My Novel — Atonement, Tennessee


My friends, I thought with having an extra day this holiday weekend that I would just write, write, write.  I was so excited about that prospect.  Well, it didn’t work out that way and I’m horribly disappointed with myself for letting life affect me that way.  But I’m trying my best to make up for it the next two days.  So I’m letting my re-blog of this inspiring review from Judith Barrow stand as my post for this weekend.  Mega hugs!


The beguiling words of Judith Barrow took my breath away when she reviewed my novel, Atonement, Tennessee.

Thank you from my heart, Judith.  Oh, and yes, there is a sequel in the making right now.  Here’s a trailer for it.


Mega hugs everyone!

Reblogged on WordPress.com

Source: My Review of Atonement, Tennessee by Teagan Geneviene

44 thoughts on “Judith Barrow’s Review of My Novel — Atonement, Tennessee

    1. I joked with Donna (Yadadarcyyada) that I would wallpaper my office with her review. Then I decided I actually would put it there. So this one will have to go up with it. 😀
      My coworkers look at me like i’m crazy… but I think it’s no less strange than the kind of mementos on their walls/desks. Thanks for sharing on LinkedIn. Mega hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. My pleasure Teag. It’s so uplifting when we know someone has enjoyed reading our words. You have every right to feel elated. Savor your praise my friend! xo


  1. A wonderful review for a wonderful book, Teagan! 🙂
    I know exactly what you mean about life getting in the way, what’s the John Lennon line, life is what happens when you’re busy making plans? But Judith did an amazing job on the review, does this sound weird, it makes me want to reread your book – 3rd times the charm? 😉
    Hope this week treats you kindly, dear friend and get out there and kick life in the…I mean, get out there and live it. 😉
    All the best, always. 🙂


    1. Does working count as kicking life in the “live it?” 😀 It will have to until I find myself with lots and lots (and LOTS) of money.
      Donna, you and Suzanne have both mentioned having read my novel more than once… To me there is no greater compliment! ❤ And I'm awed and amazed that two brilliant women would want to re-read anything I've written. I'm beside myself.
      Thanks for taking time to comment. Your post today is spot-on! Mega hugs


    1. Hi John. Thanks so much! I actually reblogged this on Friday — so I realize that made it harder to find for everyone. Then with the scant progress I’ve made on “Bloom” I decided to let it be my weekend post. So a double thanks to Judith for this!
      I’ll be back mid week to share a book launch for Sally over at the Smorgasbord.
      Have a sublime Sunday my friend. Mega hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi dear Teagan…
    Having read your saga on “Cooper, the alchemist and the woman in trousers” I could not agree more with Barrow when she says that “the author- i.e You.. – has a distinctive style of writing that is compelling… extraordinary fantasy woven around reality”
    congratulations on the great review… sending love and best wishes… also … happy week ahead. Aquileana 💫


    1. Hi Aquileana! I’m happy to see you. Thank you for your kind and supportive words. I meant “Atonement, Tennessee” to be a light, fun read. So I’m happier than I can say that Judith enjoyed it — and that you enjoyed the “Copper” serial.
      I have some thoughts on a new serial, but I’d very much like to finish book-2 of the Atonement series first… Progress however is slow.
      Wishing you a wonderful new week too. Mega hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m sorry life got in the way Teagan. I’d so pleased you’ve bounced back and even if there isn’t a blog post there are the wonderful words of Judith’s to remind me of just how special you are.
    xxx Mammoth Hugs xxx


    1. David… that is such an incredibly kind thing to say. Thank you my friend. I promise I’ll be back with some kind of post next weekend. Wishing you a week filled with wonder — and mega hugs! 🙂 ❤


    1. Olga, you are so kind. Thank you for making the comment rounds.
      It was nice to see your “I Love Your Cupcakes” featured at the Smorgasbord. Come back with a link to the audio for everyone to check it out.
      Have a wonder-filled weekend. Mega hugs!


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