New Release — His Revenge by John W. Howell

Hello everyone.

One of my favorite authors is ready with a new book, and it is my pleasure to share this publication launch with you!  Please welcome John W. Howell and His Revenge.  Be sure to drop by John’s blog and wish him the best.

Mega hugs,


Announcing…   His Revenge by John W. Howell is now available in paper and ebook on Amazon.

His Revenge front final

The sequel to My GRL titled His Revenge is available and a new story continues where My GRL left off.

His Revenge is available in the US in Paper and Kindle editions

In Canada in Paper and Kindle editions

In the UK in Paper and Kindle editions

Here is the blurb:

America loves John Cannon, its newest hero, and the President wants to present him with the highest civilian medal for bravery for saving the Annapolis midshipman from a terrorist plot to destroy them. While in Washington for the award ceremony, John unwillingly becomes an accomplice in another plan by the same group to attack the credibility of the US President and the stability of the worldwide oil market. There is no way out as John either becomes a traitor to America or causes thousands of innocent people to die if he refuses.

The second John J Cannon Thriller moves from a barrier Island off the coast of Texas to Washington DC, then to Northern California, and finally to Ecuador. John is on the receiving end of an offer he cannot, refuse. His avowed enemy Matt Jacobs now wants John to help him shake the reputation of the US in the world political arena and disrupt confidence in the government at home. If John refuses, Matt plans to murder innocent Americans including John’s latest relationship. John’s only way out is to pretend to go along with the plan and hope for a miracle.

Excerpt from Chapter One

The water rushes over my head. I’m sinking and don’t know why. With my breath held, I have trouble stopping the air from escaping since the pressure drives the air up and out. I try to keep my mouth closed, but the water pressure pushes the air out more and more. Will I pass out? In the distance, the light is dim. To rise to the surface in time might not be possible─I need to breathe right now. Toward ending the pain in my chest, my rambling mind rationalizes taking a deep breath—even knowing it will end my life. In conflict with the irrational thought of ending it, my body won’t let me suck in the water, as it fights to retain the little bit of oxygen left to fuel my brain.

The despair is nearly overwhelming, and my mind considers other ways to battle the feeling. What more could I have done with my life? The pressure becomes more intense, and I’m about to lose it all, and I decide I’ve lived the way I wanted and have no regrets. I close my eyes and hear only the roar of the sea. I’m so tired. Exhausted. Sleep will fix everything, and I want to give in.

Photo by Tim Burdick

About the Author

John’s main interests are reading and writing. He turned to writing as a full-time occupation after an extensive career in business. John writes fictional short stories and novels as well as a blog at John lives on a barrier island in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of south Texas with his wife and spoiled rescue pets. He can be reached at his e-mail, Facebook or Twitter at @HowellWave

My GRL_johnwhowell

His first novel, My GRL is available on Amazon and wherever e-books are sold.



61 thoughts on “New Release — His Revenge by John W. Howell

    1. Welcome Kally! Thank you so much. John sent this very professional launch article. I’m sure this book is every bit as exciting as “My GRL” which preceded it. I’m delighted that you took time to comment. Huge hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Well if this doesn’t peak our interest…oh, sounds good. Thanks for sharing Johns’ work with us, Teagan!!! Indie rules!!! 🙂 Hope this week is treating you well. 🙂


    1. Hi Donna. Thanks so much for taking time to read and comment. Today… is thankfully over. But the rest of the week I have training that keeps me away from the offices. I’m looking forward to it! 😀 I hope your November is off to a grand start. Mega hugs back!


    1. Hi Suzanne. It’s good to see you. John manages to cause me to have empathy for his characters without me even realizing that it’s happening — until I worry about them… Then I realize I’ve been pulled-in. Have a wonder-filled Wednesday. Huge hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Janet. John certainly has a way of drawing the reader into the story. To be honest they are not the type of stories I usually enjoy. But after only a couple of paragraphs I found myself caring about what happened to the characters. Fine storytelling.
      Thanks very much for taking time to read and comment. Mega hugs!


      1. You are most welcome….I like to read all sorts of different things…and this sounds like something I would enjoy. If you came to my flat and looked at my book case…you would probably be amazed at the variety:) Hummingbirds surrounding you. xxx


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