New Interactive Serial – Episode-1

Three Things: A culinary mystery with “things and ingredients” sent from readers everywhere.

Welcome one and all!
It is my pleasure to tell you that we have a first-time contributor of ingredients/things to begin this “interactive” serial.  John W. Howell did me the honor of sending things for the kickoff of the new story.  I hope you’ll visit his wonderful blog and take a look at his book too.  You’re sure to enjoy your stay there.My GRL cover

Last weekend I did a poll, asking everyone to vote, choosing from several options for the next serial.  (And I was downright pleased with myself for getting the handy-dandy poll thingamajig to work too!)  Quite a few of you were kind enough to click on your preferred option.  So now I will announce the results.  Drumroll

A solid 44% of you voted to …

Begin an all new serial from scratch, with an all new setting and characters!

You were ready to get behind the wheel! I was happy to get three sets of “things” right away for the kickoff of the new interactive serial. So let me show you how my mind works.


Since I couldn’t avoid looking at all three sets of three, the whole shebang influenced the setting and characters. I’ve already admitted to being a research geek — Stilton cheese, through a twist of fate gave us a character’s name and personality. How?  A sort of happy accident — when I saw the name of the first Englishman to market Blue Stilton cheese was Cooper Thornhill, for a moment I thought I’d read — Copper.  I liked the name too much to let it go.

I also had to know when Wurlitzer organs (that will be in Episode-3) were first made — and suddenly I knew that era had to be the general time-frame for the story.  I opted for the late 1800’s, near the end of the Victorian era.

Many of you particularly liked Maestro Martino, the ghost chef from Three Ingredients, Cookbook 2, so I wanted to add a mystical magical element to the new serial. Don’t ask me to explain my twisting thought process but…

Cornelis Drebbel
Cornelis Drebbel

I had a vague idea about a skull, and somehow that made me research alchemists… and that gave us the supernatural character for this serial, Cornelis Drebbel. I borrowed him from history.

As for the mysterious woman who wears trousers — you’re about to meet her, but I have no idea from where she came other than it was inspired by the late 19th century setting.  She was just there.

Be kind and remember that this story is propelled by the things or ingredients that you send. So it might take a few episodes for it to really begin to flow.

Enough of my stalling. I present to you, our all new interactive serial —
Three Things: Copper, the Alchemist, and the Woman in Trousers

1.  Stilton Cheese, Mare’s Milk, Calamari

I was having second thoughts.  The fishing town was too small for my unconventional presence to go unremarked, plain and simple.  That was apparent as I watched a single carriage pass by on the dirt road and the driver turned to stare.  It was downright obvious from the shopkeeper’s scandalized expression when I stepped inside Best’s General Store.

Yes, I knew I should limit my wanderings to large cities.  However, I was weary of the crowds and odors.  And the noise!  I was desperately tired of the clamor and clang of cities.

Jaime Murray as the woman who wears trousers
Jaime Murray as the woman in trousers

It was a pleasing little town with a salt tang in the breeze and cozy houses.  I liked it the moment I set foot there.  I took a tidy suite in the Belle Inn. 

There was even a store where I unexpectedly found the most marvelous Stilton cheese.  Cornelis would be delighted with that find.  For once, he might not be so grumpy when I wake him, I thought.

However, as I stood in the general store and watched Mrs. Billie Best and her customer from the corner of my eye, I foresaw that my stay in the charming township would be brief.  I blocked any distractions from my mind so I could hear their conversation.  I already knew they were talking about me.  How could they fail to comment on my mannish waistcoat and trousers?

It always raised eyebrows when I dressed that way, but I wanted freedom of movement that I’d never have whilst restricted by the yards and yards of fabric that made a proper skirt and bustle.  Besides, my first thought that morning was “I’ll be damned if I’m going to squeeze myself into a corset today.”

I pushed back my top hat, pretending to read a label while I listened to the two women speculate about me and my strange apparel.  They had the most outlandish conjectures about my foreign accent and from whence I’d come.  A smile quirked my lips and I tried not to laugh out loud.

The proprietor of the Belle Inn stood across the room shaking his head at the foolish conversation.  Ignatius Belle made a good first impression when I checked in at his inn.  He stepped over to me.  I hoped his housekeeping staff had as much respect for guest privacy as he seemed to have.  I’d hate for a curious maid to wake Cronelis.  That would be most unfortunate.  Actually it could get quite ugly.Victorian men hats

“Ma’am, you were right about the mare’s milk,” he said loud enough for the women to hear.  “Doc said there was a fungus in the grass she was eating before she foaled,” the innkeeper said in a respectful voice.  “He said that’s likely what caused the problem.  The Johnsons have a pregnant mare, and they’re going to foster the foal.”

My relief that the little horse would be well was genuine.  I was glad my off-handed comment had been helpful.  Cornelis always complained that I spoke before I thought, and that I drew unnecessary attention to myself.  Yet it ended well that time, and there was the added benefit that now at least the innkeeper accepted me.  Although I still doubted I would remain there for long.

“Your dinner is on the house tonight.  Whatever you want, and as much of it as you care to eat.  Your comment likely saved the foal’s life,” he said then looked suddenly shy.  “Just a humble way of saying thank you.”

The burst of bashfulness was rather endearing on a man of his stature.  Ignatius Belle did not fit my image of a proper innkeeper.  They should be rotund, pink-cheeked men with aprons.  My host however, was tall and well-made and he wore a suit and a Bowler hat.  He barely gave my trousers a glance.  Interesting.Victorian child cape

The bell affixed to the shop door chimed and a wide eyed moppet came cautiously inside.  She might have been seven years old or she may have been nine.  Disgraceful as it may sound, I knew nothing about children.

An unfortunately familiar odor reached my noise when she walked past me.  The bouquet was dreadful, but it gave the girl my full attention.  She hesitated in her walk, just one step, and then she moved toward the counter.  The shopkeeper frowned and her patron became even more disdainful — if that was possible.  However, their scorn was not due to the odor I detected.  They hadn’t noticed it, but I was sensitive to such things.

She had hair the color of a new penny.  There was a smudge of dirt on her little nose.  Her stylish cape was made of peacock blue wool, embroidered in cream silk thread, with a cream colored tassel on the hood.  Her eyes twinkled with intelligence.

And she reeked of death.

I smiled.

At that very moment I knew that little russet haired child was the reason why I’d come to the out of the way little town.  I didn’t know how it would come about, but I was certain — she would be the heart and soul of the next adventure!

What would Cornelis make of the girl?  He despised anyone who was weak, and children by definition were weak.  So the Dutchman detested children.

I smiled again — broadly.

“Your daddy spoils you too much Copper Hixon, letting you wear your Sunday best when you go out to play,” said the storekeeper from behind her counter.  “Flaunting his wealth on clothes for a child, when there’s others as have to put their noses to the grindstone to get along.”

A barely audible remark came from her customer.  “Spare the rod and spoil the child,” the other woman mumbled.  “She’d best be glad her pa recovered from that influenza last spring, else she’d be in the orphanage, and no fine clothes there,” the customer added in a resentful whine.

child labor“Old Hixon should’ve taken another wife,” Billie Best declared.  “There are plenty of women here abouts who’d make him a good wife,” Billie Best replied with a mystified shake of her head.  “But he’d have none of them after that dance hall floozy died birthing this one,” the storekeeper said with an unconcerned wave toward Copper.

“I’d not have that evil child in my house,” said the other woman.  “Any child that kills the mother birthing it is the devil’s own, you mark my words.”

The girl’s eyes widened at the mention of the orphanage and she was clearly afraid.  Copper swallowed hard.  “I need… I mean Daddy sent me to buy food to make dinner,” she stammered.

I noticed that she didn’t specify what food nor did she have a shopping list.  But why would she?  The odor that clung to her was faint.  However, I had no doubt about its origin.  No one told the child what to buy for dinner, but she was hungry enough to think of shopping for it.

The woman behind the counter looked at the girl and her mouth turned down in contempt.  “Did your daddy send you with money to pay his bill?” Mrs. Best asked, emphasizing the payment.  “He’s months behind.  No?” she said when Copper shook her head and looked confused.  “Well, you go back and tell him that hard working folk have to be paid.  Not everybody was born with a silver spoon in their mouth.  He’ll have to pay off the bill he’s run up before he gets another crumb from Best’s General Store!”

“Now was there really any need to speak so harshly to the child?” the innkeeper asked.

The child turned and fled the store.  The tassel on her cape caught on the door and was left behind as she ran.  I excused myself to my new landlord.  Quickly picking up the cream colored tassel, I followed to see which direction little Copper went.  Then I turned and ran back to the Belle Inn.Belle Inn

When I opened the inn’s door, the aroma of fried calamari slowed my stride.  It wafted to me from the kitchen.  It made my mouth water.  I reigned in my haste.  There was no need to run.  The child wasn’t going anywhere.  Not yet.

I popped into the kitchen, profusely complimented the cook, and asked if dinner could be sent up to my room.  Cornelis hated it when I ate in my room, but he didn’t have much choice in the matter.  I couldn’t resist the calamari!

My hatbox was on a high shelf.  I carefully took it down and opened it.  An object that appeared to be a ball covered by a satin scarf was inside.  My top hat would fit around it, as a form to keep the hat’s shape.  But in truth it was no such thing.  I removed the scarf and held up a human skull.

“Cornelis,” I exclaimed.  “Adventure is afoot!  This is no time to be lazy, Cornelis Drebble.  Wake up!” I said and placed the skull back in the hatbox.

My eyes closed against the bitter chill that blew through the room.  A moment later I looked into the eyes of the Dutchman.  Though he stood no taller than me, his presence was forceful.  He was a handsome man.  He had light hair with a mustache and pointed beard, much like a Musketeer.  However, the disgruntled expression on his face belied his gentle manners.  He gave a polite bow, yet managed to make the movement seem sarcastic.

“Why such haste?” he asked drolly, and smoothed back hair that perpetually looked mussed from a nap.

“Don’t be such a grump,” I said, and holding up the parcel of Stilton cheese I watched his nose twitch in anticipation.

To the Dutchman’s consternation, I held back the cheese.  I wouldn’t share that until I got what I wanted.  When I handed him the cream colored tassel from the girl’s cape he was hardly mollified.

“This bauble does not seem so portentous,” he complained.

As one eyebrow climbed toward his hairline, I knew he’d been won over, despite his sullen look and tone.

“Stop sulking and tell me about the girl,” I said, trying to be firm.  One had to be firm with Cornelis. If he saw the slightest weakness…

“Ah, so that’s it is it?  You think it’s her?  Bringing on a child would complicate things enormously,” he asked, finally showing interest.  “It seems awfully — how to describe it?  So unassuming,” he said with a little twist to one side of his mouth as he looked at the tassel.  “Do you really think she is the one?” he asked, his tone softening.

“You tell me,” I prodded.

Cornelis shimmered and blurred before my eyes, as his mind traveled.  Then with a sharp pop he disappeared.


To be continued…

Most of you voted for a completely new serial, so there you have the beginning.  See you next weekend for Episode-2 where we’ll have things / ingredients from Kathryn, aka KR Big Fish at

Wait — don’t leave yet. Each episode of this culinary mystery will feature a recipe.

I scoured the WordPress virtual countryside for recipes.  That led me to One Happy Table, Vegan Food for the Whole Family, and I chose the following recipe to round out Episode-1.  Click the link for this beautifully photographed step by step recipe.  Bon appétit!

Recipe:  Baked Oyster Mushroom Calamari


 Photo and recipe credit: One Happy Table

Copyright © 2015 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or from Pinterest unless stated otherwise.

80 thoughts on “New Interactive Serial – Episode-1

    1. Hi Adele! I’m honored that you followed the link here and especially that you liked it. And huge thanks for reblogging. ❤ Oh it does continue — I did this serial about two years ago. It was huge fun to write. You can use the arrows (forward arrow) at the end of the posts to navigate to the next episodes. Sometimes there might be 2 or 3 other posts in between…
      Have a thriving Thursday! Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Janet. I’m flattered that you backtracked to episode-1. I know you’ve been busy. Yes, i’m enjoying writing the Cornelis character. Hummm… i should give him a hummingbird sometime… 😀 Huge hugs my friend.


  1. Hi Trisha/Sharmishtha… I can’t help it… i still like to call you Trisha, because that’s how we began. But always let me know if you prefer Sharmishtha or something else. It’s nice to see you. I’m delighted you enjoyed the beginning of the new serial. I have a “homepage” for it (button at top of page) where all the episodes are collected for catch up reading. Great big hug! 🙂


  2. Welcome back, Daniel. I’m happy to see you here.
    Now i have a “homepage” for this new story, button also at the top of the page, where i keep the episodes. However, that does not include the introductions and promotions of the folks who contribute the “things/ingredients.”
    >I hope you enjoy it. Hugs! 🙂


  3. I am clearly behind schedule but my distractions have abated and I’m ready for adventure. Wonderful beginning Teagan. I already know this is going to be a great mystery.


  4. Thank you Christy. I’m tickled to hear that. LOL that cheese makes an encore appearance in Episode-2. That happens sometimes. In the second serial, someone sent “Cilantro” and later mentioned that she didn’t like it… Unfortunately (and NOT intentionally — i’m not that mean) the cilantro just kept showing up in future episodes. However, the “things” lead the story… 😀 Hugs.


  5. Hi Andrea. It’s so nice to see you. Maybe it’s just the weather, but i’m beginning to be afraid everyone else knows these characters better than i do! LOL. 😀
    I’m humbled, baffled, and very encouraged by your words. You are one of (if not the best) writers I have met here. So to me that is high praise indeed.
    I love capes and ponchos too. So practical. I usually wear blazers at work, and it’s much more comfortable to top them with a cape than a coat. Though as cold as it has been, I’ve been going with the coat…
    Wishing you sunshine, happiness, and beautiful ponchos. Hugs.


    1. I love your writing Teagan – you’ve got great ideas and characterisation – your story comes alive in a very short space of time! Oh and I’ve got 4 ponchos, but yes, they’re too drafty for this time of year – nothing in the league of the blue cape here though 🙂


  6. Ooh Teagan, this is going to be good! Loving the characters already. Already can’t wait to see what happens next. I’m in awe that you can do this so well. Oh and I love that blue cape, I do love a poncho 🙂


    1. Hi Chitra. I’m so sorry for the delay in my reply. Silly WordPress had left your comment in my “Spam” folder and I’ve only just now found it. I’m so glad you are enjoying the serial. Looking forward to seeing you this weekend with the next episode. Huge hugs! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m looking forward to your next post Christine. You’re always welcome to leave “things” or recipes whenever the mood strikes you. I’m glad you enjoyed the beginning. Have a great weekend. Hugs. 🙂


  8. Teagan, what an exciting beginning to the Episode. Now I get it about the 3 ingredients. I love your characters and the story you weave around them. I’ll think up some ingredients as soon as I finish the Tour Through Blogland writing and post it on Monday. I’m a slow thinker about ideas like this and need to do some 1800s research. Usually get sparked with something I read or see. Christine


  9. Thanks so much for commenting, David. I’m happy that you are pleased with the beginning. 🙂 It’s taking me a moment to get used to the 1890’s after so long in the 1920’s. 😀 Mega-hugs my friend. ❤


  10. Reblogged this on anotherfoodieblogger and commented:
    Three Things: Copper, the Alchemist, and the Woman in Trousers: I am incredibly excited to reblog the first part of this culinary mystery interactive serial by Teagan’s Books. You, the readers, get to provide input each week on what three culinary things/ingredients will be included in each episode. I’m delighted that Teagan has chosen my three suggestions for Episode 2, but you might as well get a head start and read the first of what I’m sure will be a fantastic reading experience for all. She also will include a recipe with each episode, so please, sit back and enjoy the ride!


  11. TEAGAN! I am sooo excited to be a part of this new serial! It has started out fabulous, I love the characters, and oooh Copper? The harbinger of death…or perhaps something more mysterious and fantastical? I’ll be eagerly awaiting each new episode. ❤


  12. Teagan, wonderful story. I must say I thought I would have thrown you a curve (if it wasn’t you) but this turned out beautifully. Thank you for the recognition as well. See you next week.


  13. I thought I would miss Pip and Andy (I do a little) but I am already loving the new story and the intriguing characters. The woman in trousers, I love her already, I imagine her to be like Katherine Hepburn, strong, not afraid to shirk tradition. Oh Teagan, great start and I can’t wait for more.


    1. Yay!!! ❤ Thank you so, so, so very much Suzanne. I had not thought of Katherine Hepburn, but i agree that it's a beautiful fit. You may have guessed by my commentary that i'm still feeling my way. My initial intention was to let "the woman" narrate a story that would really be about someone else — sort of like "Dr Watson." But I'm not feeling "Copper" yet… so we'll just have to see what the things/ingredients say.
      Oh, and i sorely miss Pip. If only i didn't have to spend 40 hours a week to put a roof over my head! LOL. Then i could write separately about Pip's adventures… probably for 10 years without tiring of it.
      Huge hugs my friend. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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