2014 in Review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Happy End of This Year!


I wasn’t going to share this report – partly because it shows how small, how humble my blog and novel are. Plus I figured statistics would bore you.  But everyone else was sharing theirs, so I joined the crowd.  That said, here’s my Annual Report from WordPress for my blog.  It was nice of them to give me the fireworks.

.1916 Toasting

Just one other thing.  Many years ago I made a New Year’s resolution that I’ve never broken – not to make New Year’s resolutions. So to keep me from breaking that decades long string, I will resolve today.  What?  To say I was brought up to be unassuming and humble is a huge understatement. I got into trouble if it so much looked like I was about to say something good about myself.  Imagine how I cringe at all the self-promoting I have to do as an indie writer.


It has always been a simple expression of humility (not a self-abasing thing) that in personal (and blog) communications, I sign my name with a lowercase “t.”  (I never do that in business though.) However, to help me stop cringing every time I advertise my books or myself, I hereby resolve (note it is not a New Years resolution, LOL) to stop signing my name as teagan, and always use “Teagan.”


Want to share a non-New Year’s Resolution? Leave a comment with it.


tea… I mean Teagan

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 10,000 times in 2014. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 4 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

55 thoughts on “2014 in Review

  1. It’s worth taking a look at the statistics and be proud. I’m very glad to have found it and I hope the report will encourage you to continue through the coming years. Happy 2015 and to many more audiences in your own Sydney Opera House 😉
    Hugs! ❤


  2. Holy cow!. That’s alot of interest in you and your work. You should be proud. I understand about not wanting to wave your own banner, but sometimes you just hafta raise it high and wave wildly. Happy New Year and talk to you the next round.


    1. Hey RC! Thank you. LOL also thanks for the image you put into my head of me jumping around wildly waving a banner. LOL. I always need an extra smile. 😀
      I hope your 2015 is off to a great beginning. Happy New Year my dear friend. ❤


  3. I’ve noticed that written teagan or Teagan or even TEAGAN always gets the same result when I see your name in the comment section of my latest effort to wrangle text on a digital page. It brings a SMILE 🙂 Thank you for your support and for hours of fun reading your fascinating and engaging stories. Happy New year!


    1. Thanks for dropping by, Christine. I feel the readers are a greater part of this blog, since I make the serials “interactive.” So I thought it was good to provide this as a progress report.
      Happy New Year hugs!


  4. Great work Teagan! Ah, and you definitely deserve the fireworks from me as you were my top commenter, with Viv, David, Sally and Laurie in hot pursuit! We all love your blog!


  5. Congratulations on your great stats Teagan – and you should definitely keep with that capital – there’s such a thing as being too humble 🙂 Since I start my creative year in November I don’t have to worry about resolutions when New Year’s Eve comes, but I’m one of those people who likes to plan, to make lists and so on, so you never know, I might make a couple of non-new year resolutions!


  6. There’s hardly anything between us Teagan and your best day had much more attention than mine did.Maybe we both need to make a little more effort to get folllowers but we’re not doing badly.
    xxx Massive Hugs xxx


    1. David, your blog is doing very well. More importantly you bring happiness to so many people. I was pleased with my report, but i mostly find the blog statistics fascinating. Odd, since any other statistic leaves me quoting Mark Twain. LOL. 😀 Hugs


  7. Hi Judith! I’m tickled that you stopped to comment. Fun is certainly the key! You’re just getting started, your blog and career will keep growing. 🙂
    As i said, i was sort of jumping on the band wagon when i saw everyone posting their Annual Report. But i was also in business-brain (well, it is a workday even though i took leave…) and i was seeing my readers as if they were my stakeholders, and so i felt they were entitled to see the report.
    Keep on cooking, and have a fabulous 2015! Hugs. ❤


  8. Like you, I never make New Year’s resolutions — too self-defeating! I do make goals, however, and try to achieve them, but don’t get down on myself if I don’t. I call it progress! Good for you Teagan! I suspect that was no small achievement from WordPress. Having even one book published is a huge hurdle to overcome. Congrats!


  9. I resolve to continue my small savings plan to pay off a big chunk of student loan debt and walk my wild beast of a sweet dog 365 days. There is a new page on my blog “365 dog walks” – making it public will help me stick with it 🙂 Happy new year from erin…oops I mean Erin @onehundredtwentythreedays 😉


    1. LOL, thank you Erin and a happy New Year to you too. Those are some serious resolutions, so I know you’ll hold to them. If it makes you feel any better, I’m still paying off my student loan too. I got my bachelors degree late in life…
      You and “the sweet beast” have fun on those walks. Hugs.


      1. They send the reviewq1erwdf every year, but I think they are easy to miss. If you go to the bottom of your Review page, there is a link to the previous year. What I find most interesting on my stats are the top five blogs each year.


  10. You are too funny, Teagan with a T! I just received my WordPress thingy too and found it interesting in several ways. I am happy that you got the fireworks because you deserve cheers. Your blog is a happy place to meet.
    Happy New Year, Teagan, and to everyone reading you!


    1. Thank you so very much Suzanne — I say the same about yours. I can’t imagine living next door — i’d be constantly drooling from all the wonderful aromas of your cooking! Happy New Year to you too. Mega-hugs.


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