Teagan Geneviene – author interview and review of “Atonement, Tennessee”

Dear readers… I hope you aren’t bored with me reblogging interviews. But I’m told that’s what I’m supposed to do for “indie” publishing. More importantly, I hope you’ll take this opportunity to take a look at wonderful Christoph Fischer’s blog and brilliant books. My thanks again to Christoph for being such a great interviewer.
I also wanted to use this for an announcement. This weekend will give you the penultimate episode of “Three Ingredients: Cookbook-2.”
So stay tuned! Hugs, teagan


I met Teagan via her amazing blog and decided to check out her writing and I must tell you that
“Atonement, Tennessee”  is a beautiful novel.  51Y6VSVtEuL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-v3-big,TopRight,0,-55_SX278_SY278_PIkin4,BottomRight,1,22_AA300_SH20_OU02_

It’s a new start for Ralda, who just moved to Antonement from DC: a new city with her rescue cat Lilith and a world of possibilities, especially when she first meets handsome and charismatic florist Guy. Since her last disappointment relationshipwise she felt drawn to Atonement and settled in an old estate, which seems to house some odd mystery.
I don’t want to give away more of the plot, but I can tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed the book with its excellent characters – human and others. For an animal lover the book has extra interest, but the mystery and the supernatural magic elements alone make for a wonderful read.I hope Ralda will have more adventures in further books. The concept of…

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10 thoughts on “Teagan Geneviene – author interview and review of “Atonement, Tennessee”

  1. Thank you so much Debra. And yes… i know… but i’m still working on that “attitude adjustment” about self-promotion. So i re-blog each one — and feel all wrong for doing it. LOL. Wishing you and your four-footed crew a superb Sunday. Hugs!


  2. What a nice, thoughtful interview, Teagan. I enjoyed reading and learning more about you and your writing. You must reblog interviews! 🙂


  3. David you never fail to make me smile. I don’t know what i did without you. 🙂
    I will try to get it posted tonight, but i’m still writing it right now, and haven’t gotten all the illustrations yet. Now a break for lunch.
    Thank you so very much for commenting. You really are the best, you know? Hugs!


  4. Great interview Teagan! Christoph is a great reviewer and loves to share the work of other writers. I can see you both had a great time! Looking forward to tomorrow’s episode!


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