The Liebster Award Returns

What are you supposed to do if you get the same award more than once?  Hummm… I’d say the answer to that is…

Bend the rules!liebster

Here’s a big “Internet hug” to Joe at “Stepping Out with an Agoraphobic” for mentioning Teagan’s Books on his blog with this award.  Pay Joe a visit at his entertaining blog.

As part of the Liebster, Joe had some questions for me.  (Yep — I’m bending the rules there too.) Here are a few of them:

1. Why did you start a blog?

I started this blog, Teagan’s Books, when I learned that blogging is a big part of indie publishing. It’s part of what I call my “grand experiment” with indie. This experiment also includes my debut novel, “Atonement, Tennessee.”

Unfortunately, working full-time, I can’t give indie all the promotional time it needs in order to be done well.

2. What do you write about the most?

For this blog, I most often write episodes for our “interactive” serials.  I say “our” because everyone contributes things for me to include in the episodes. Everyone is welcome to leave three “ingredients” for a future episode.  Go to the top of this page and click on the button for Three Ingredients Serial Homepage for more information.

3. Have you ever gotten into trouble for something you have written?

Ha! I wrote some short stories when I was a bout twelve. Suffice to say that my parents told me I’d better not write anything else or I’d be in big trouble.  They did not care for the attention my writing got.  Yes, an entire novel could be written about that, but you won’t find it here.

(Sorry to skip the rest of the questions, Joe.)  Now, I am supposed to nominate a bunch of other bloggers and give them questions to answer, and have them basically continue the chain.  However, everyone I know is always so very busy.  I think the most important part of these awards is to provide encouragement and promote other blogs.  So in stead if asking bloggers to do anything, I’m going to list a few of the many, many blogs that I enjoy.  Here goes:

Midnight moon farie

Just Olgais a forensic psychiatrist, novelist, and blogger.  Her background is just as fascinating as any book. I hope you’ll take a look at her intriguing novels.

Sharmishtha Basu beautifully spins thought provoking tales and poems for her blog. You’ll also find lovely artwork.

Love and Feathers, Shannon shares charming words about her pet. Those of you who like Cracker the parrot from our Three Ingredients serial are sure to enjoy Pearl.

Christopher in HR, blogs about leadership and motivation.  Give him a visit — you will be glad you did.  (You may have noticed that once in a while I do a motivational post in addition to the fiction.)

Strange Remains — are you a fan of the TV show, Bones? Dolly Stolze is a forensic anthropologist in the real world.  She has a truly fascinating blog.

Evelyne Holingue  is a novelist with an interesting personal story.  At her blog she shares poems, stories, and inspiration.

The Crazy Crone’s Arty Farty Studio is by Mo Davies. I don’t know how anyone could resist her blog’s title.  You’ll find a number of things including fun digital artwork.

Group hug kitties

So here’s a big Internet hug to all of you.  You’re welcome to spread the Liebster award at your will.

9 thoughts on “The Liebster Award Returns

  1. Thanks so much Teagan, I have decided to leave awards to people who deserve them more but it’s great to know you thought of me. You do deserve the award. Love!


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