Wednesday Writing & Who’s at the #ThursdayDoor? (4) A Doors Safari

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Image collage by Teagan
Yes, that’s a vehicle door. Image collage by Teagan

Welcome, all.  Vehicle doors are certainly “doors.”  My guest today chose Land Rover doors.  When my angel-bots from Hullaba Lulu heard, they insisted on coming along for the ride.

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Who’s at the door?

Some of my readers are familiar with my guest through his mom, with whom he has collaborated and coauthored several books.  However, this post is only about the young man, who happens to be quite good with poetry. That writing aspect is why this post is doing double duty for Wednesday and Thursday. 

Please welcome Michael Cheadle.

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Land Rover seen through lodge door.

Teagan:  Hi, Michael.  I appreciate you coming to the door here at my blog.  Since I know you through your poetry, let’s start with that.  How do you feel poetry opens doors?

Michael:  I like to write poetry as it opens the door of my imagination. I can say things in poems that I wouldn’t feel comfortable saying in a discussion. My poetry is dark, but these are the issues I am exposed to through my choice of music. I also hear about them at school and at home. Ideas for poems come to me and then the words flow in my head. It is not always easy to write the poems down though, as I have to catch them before they disappear. I never force poetry.

Here’s one from the book that was recently released.

Devil's Thoughts
Panic and pain
Consume everything
I attempt to speak up
Trying again and again
To call for help
The only response
Is the devil's reply
Shouting loudly
"Come to me, I can stop it all.
I can make you smile."
The temptation
I endeavour to resist
The world may be crumbling
It is an endless pit
But it is a road
I must traverse

Teagan:  Michael, that is a beautiful, haunting poem.  Yes, I can see how poetry is a great way to express those types of thoughts.  It’s also a useful tool for the present.  How do you think you might use poetry in the future? Or do you expect to move from it to another type of creativity?

Michael:  Music is another creative outlet I enjoy very much. I enjoy playing guitar and music in general. My poetry writing may evolve into song writing in the future. I am not sure if I’ll use poetry itself in the future, but it is currently a good release for my thoughts.

Teagan:  What a cool coincidence.  Another of my guests, Tim Price is a terrific guitarist and songwriter.  (See Tim’s Who’s at the Door post here.)  Tim has gotten me to sing several of his songs, at his blog Off Center and Not Even.

Image collage by Teagan
Image collage by Teagan

Michael:  I like music because I can connect with the music I listen to as well as the lyrics. I have a fender electric guitar and an amplifier. My mom made me a life size fender electric guitar cake for my 18th birthday.

Teagan:  Belated wishes for a happy birthday, Michael.  I remember that blog post.  The guitar cake is fabulous.  (Here’s a link to Robbie Cheadle’s post of how she made that extraordinary guitar cake.)

Teagan:  Michael, I gather that your creative efforts go beyond poetry and music.

Michael:  Yes, I also enjoy drawing with charcoal.  One of my charcoal drawings is included in my mom’s new poetry book, Square Peg in a Round Hole. I also have nine poems in that book.

Grace, by Michael Cheadle

Teagan:  Well done!  Since this interview is for Thursday Doors, could you tell us about a door photo that you like?

Michael:  In September 2019, my family visited Scotland. My favourite city was Edinburgh. We went to the see the Royal Yacht Britannia. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip’s Land Rover was on display. It interested me because we often drive in a Land Rover when we go to bush lodges. The Land Rover has doors so this picture is my choice for a doors picture.

Queen Elizabeth & Prince Philip’s Land Rover, by Michael Cheadle

Teagan:  I’m definitely a “car girl” so some of my favorite doors are on vehicles too.  Those visits to the South African bush sound exciting.

Lion duet in the Pilanesberg National Park, video below.

Teagan: Michael, thanks very much for being at the door here, and for meeting everyone.

Square Peg in a Round Hole is the latest book collaboration from Robbie Cheadle and Michael Cheadle.  It’s available as an e-book at Amazon.

Universal Purchase Link:

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  Thanks for opening this door.  Friendly comments are encouraged.  Michael and I would love to have your support.  Hugs!

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Obligatory Shameless Self-Promotion

Hullaba Lulu cover by Teagan R. Geneviene

Universal Purchase Links



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Thursday Doors is a weekly feature allowing door lovers to come together to admire and share their favorite door photos from around the world. It’s hosted by Dan Antion.  Feel free to join in on the fun by creating your own Thursday Doors post each week and then sharing your link in the comments below, anytime between 12:01 am Thursday morning and Saturday noon (North American eastern time).

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Except for those owned by Teagan Geneviene, any photos, videos, and drawings are the property of Michael and Robbie Cheadle.  Do not use without their direct and express permission.

Copyright © 2024 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved.

143 thoughts on “Wednesday Writing & Who’s at the #ThursdayDoor? (4) A Doors Safari

  1. I’d venture to say Michael has a bright future ahead. What a fun interview. I love the poem and the charcoal. So talented! Thank you, Teagan for featuring Michael. Congratulations to Michael and Robbie on the new book release!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. A great interview with Michael. I too was taken by the exquisite poem and charcoal drawing. A very talented family. How cool to see the Land Rover the late Queen and Prince Phillip owned.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Teagan, what a fabulous interview with Michael. He is very talented just like his mom, and his poem is powerful. Not to mention, his amazing charcoal drawing. I’ve read several of their books and love them, so I wish them all the best with Square Peg in a Round Hole. I look forward to reading it soon! I also love the Land Rover doors, and I remember Robbie’s incredible guitar cake. Congrats to Michael and Robbie! Thanks for hosting! 💖

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Hi Michael! I’m a pleb and not really into poetry, but I love graphics and your charcoal drawing is superb. Congratulations on the book and on this interview. Cheers, Meeks. 🙂

    p.s. was also fascinated by the Lion duet. They looked like two young? males. Is it usual for them to wander around together?

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I do indeed. I remember looking at it and seeing only the light. Then suddenly, as I started to look away, I saw the /whole/. I can’t remember what the Japanese word is for it, but they see and value the ‘absence’. I’ve always loved that concept. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  5. Teagan, a lovely interview with Michael and it’s great to hear about his creative processes and interests. I’m touched about his description of his poetic writing, about trying to capture the words before they disappear. A feeling I am sure many can relate to! What a terrific photo of the land rover in Edinburgh and an excellent choice the doors theme! Wishing Michael the best of luck in life of poetry, music, lyric writing and arts! It’s wonderful to be gifted in so many areas!

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Marvelous! Michael has done and is doing things that many people only dream of. Thank you for presenting this interview Teagan. And to Michael… WOW, simply wow. if this is your starting point, I look forward to watching your star skyrocket!!

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Talented like his mother, Michael is going places.

    The book trailer is very well done, and I admire the poems, even some ones in darker tones. I also liked the video clip of lions roaming about, a sight I’d never see here in Florida.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Wonderful post, Teagan.

    I liked hearing what Michael has to say. He is obviously a creative soul, like Robbie.

    I have read many of the “Sir Chocolate” books, and enjoyed them all.

    The poem is fab, but that charcoal drawing is stupendous. I love it!

    Thank you for being here today, Michael!

    Thank you for having him, Teagan! Big hugs to both!

    Liked by 3 people

  9. What a fun interview, Teagan and Michael. I just finished “Square Peg in a Round Hole” and was so impressed with the emotional depth of Michael’s poetry, and his artwork is stunning. What a talented family! Yeesh. And it was great to hear how music is a big part of his life too. (I also remember the guitar cake.) Congrats to Michael on the latest collaboration.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi Diana, thank you. I am delighted you enjoyed Michael’s poem and drawing as well as his contributions to Square Peg in a Roubd Hole. We are at a game lodge until tomorrow. Michael had to stay home with my parents as he’s chest has been bad so he can’t be in the dust. He will read all the comments when I get home.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank you so much for introducing us to Michael, Teagan. As you said, I feel like I know him through Robbie’s posts, but it was fun to get to know his creative side from him in person.

    I recently bought Square Peg in a Round Hole, but I haven’t started reading it yet. Now I am even more motivated to crack that open. Michael’s poem that you included it very good, and I love vehicle doors, so that’s a great addition to the challenge.

    Liked by 3 people

        1. I’m sorry to read that Michael isn’t doing well. I can vouch for the fact that staying out of the dust is a good idea. I still feel the effects of the dust from the crazy winds of the weekend, and I didn’t even go outside. Enjoy your getaway. Best wishes to Michael.

          Liked by 1 person

  11. Wonderful poem, and beautiful charcoal drawing. Nice to meet Michael. The Land Rover choice for the door is brilliant. Land Rovers are necessary for the bush in Africa, out here they are status symbols. The guitar his mother made for his was amazing. A talented family.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Michael’s artistic talent is fantastic, Teagan. I’m afraid I don’t know enough about poetry to comment on that, but I respect your opinion. Congratulations to Michael for having his work published too!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. We all know Michael through his collaboration with his mother, but it was lovely to hear from him directly. What a talented artist! And great doors. I also have a soft spot for Land Rovers, and it was lovely to seethe angel-bots again. Congratulations to Michael and Robbie on the new book!

    Liked by 3 people

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