Photo-Artist Tim Price Reviewed “Atonement, Tennessee


Peacock Chateau Paris vintageFor once I don’t feel like I’m engaging in shameless self-promotion.  I guess that’s because it’s giving me the chance to share with you the wonderful talent of someone else.

I’m proud as a peacock of the mindful review photo-artist Timothy Price did of Atonement, Tennessee.  But I was absolutely stunned when I saw the photo-art he created for it.  I was also delighted, flattered, honored, humbled…

He shares his work with art, documentary and promotional photography at T&L Photos.  If you like to use only WordPress, Tim has POTDE Archives, with links where you can access his main site.

Tim created his interpretation of the old graveyard, which is the setting for a couple of key scenes in my novel.  Tim’s photography is based in New Mexico.  So that is where he found an old cemetery that gives a southwestern perspective of those scenes.

Atonement TennesseeThat perspective is what made the photography so special to me.  You see, I’ve always enjoyed the fact that a single story can be perceived differently by a dozen people. When people talk to me about “Atonement,” each reader’s perspective brings out a different aspect of the story — and that makes my spirit soar!  (I wonder… do peacocks soar?)

Recently Tim added reviews to his blog.  He’s also doing great memory-story features he calls Tales from My Youth.  I really enjoy those, and I’m sure you will too.

So please, follow the links to Tim’s blog and check out his review and photo-art of Atonement, Tennessee.  

Oh yes… since Tim’s photo captured the spirit of the novel and the graveyard scenes so well, here’s a suitable little snippet from my novel.  Our heroine has been in her new/old home little more than 24 hours. It’s getting dark when she realizes the cat is missing…

“Atonement, Tennessee” Snippet

I thought about the layout of the property and realized I was making my way to the graveyard.  It would be just like Lilith to cause me to wander around in the dark.  Alone.  In a cemetery!

Naturally I had no idea which way the cat went, and I don’t know why I kept going that direction.  However, if something made me feel like going that way, then I knew that was where I should go.  So I did.

In the fading light it was hard to make out the gravestones that told me I had reached the cemetery.  Everything was overgrown.  I thought the street should be over and down the hill from that spot.  I hoped Lilith didn’t venture that far.  Oh great, I thought.  Now I was getting even more worried, because I had thought of the street.  My heart beat faster still.

I raised the kibble box to rattle it again, hopping it would get her attention. Suddenly I stopped.  I was sheltered by a big clump of tall bushes of some sort.  I thought it might be mountain laurel.  I could see the broad side of the mausoleum from there.

black_eagle_with_open_wings_design-t1Shadows lurched violently against the stone crypt.  Big shadows.  Reflexively I drew back into the concealing vegetation.  Then I heard a loud avian-like screech and realized that the shadow shapes might have been wings.  My heart hammered.

The noise escalated.  It definitely sounded like more than one creature was causing that ruckus.  Then I heard the cat hiss.  I dropped the box of food and ran toward the sounds; ready to use the flashlight as a club, and wishing I had something more effective.

“Lilith!” I called.  Oh, let’s face it — I screamed.

As I ran out form the concealing mountain laurel a gust of wind buffeted me.  I tripped and fell on the uneven pavers of the path, just as the wind blew my hair, along with some dirt, into my eyes.  I couldn’t see at all for a moment, but I heard a lot of heavy rustling, scraping, shifting sounds.Black feather

Every time I thought I had half way cleared my eyes, the wind blew something into them again.  I struggled to my feet, desperately wiping my stinging eyes.  I heard soft footsteps coming toward me.

“Are you hurt?” he asked.

With an electric jump I gasped.  The calm kindness of the words did nothing to ease the added fear of knowing there was a person there.  A stranger.  In the dark.  In the graveyard.


Now… Truly shameless self-promotion

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47 thoughts on “Photo-Artist Tim Price Reviewed “Atonement, Tennessee

    1. Hi Trisha! Yes, I felt quite honored by Tim’s review. I’m always interested to get a man’s perspective on the book, because all the main characters are women, and I had wondered if it would appeal to both genders. But I enjoy books about male characters, so why not? Happy weekend my friend. 🙂


  1. You’re an awesome, authentic shameless self-promoting bloghussy, Teagan and keep going…but it is lovely if someone else does the heavy-lifting at times. 😉
    This is an wonderful review, I’m so pleased for you. 🙂
    Hope this day treats you kindly.


    1. Thank you Donna! LOL… bloghussy. 😀 And I can’t help repeating myself — happy blogaversary! I hope everyone checks your birthday post.
      Yes thank you — today is a much better day than yesterday. Mega hugs right back my friend. 🙂


  2. That’s a great review and a beautiful photo. Your shameless self-promotion might be paying off, I think I’m going to snag a copy. I have to put it in line behind some recent book purchases, but at least that means that I will get to it.


        1. I don’t go to extremes in the book, but if you are especially squeamish… But wait a minute. After you post about cutting your finger and the foamy blood… I don’t think I need to worry about you and the naughty mirror. 😉

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Fantastic review, well deserved, and wonderful photographs – capturing the spirit of Atonement:) I will be spreading the word about your wonderful books…meanwhile, have a colourful and creative day…Janet:)xxx


    1. Why thank you so much, Janet! I am having a colorful day — despite the love for drab everyone here displays. I have my orange top & gauze jacket and print maxi skirt. Drab be damned. 😈
      Mega hugs to you and your humming birds. 🙂


  4. Teagan, loved Tim’s review, and the photos put me right there in Atonement! I am reading the book and absolutely love your writing style. Of course you already know that! Calico Lilith and Ralda are taking me on some pretty thrilling adventures! Now I have that graveyard in my mind to make it even more real than fantasy! Christine


    1. Christine, you are a gem! I’m so happy to hear you’re enjoying the book. I also have some Pinterest boards as illustrations for it, if you like that kind of thing. Huge hugs my friend. 🙂


  5. Congratulations on the great review! I love his photo-art too. I will be buying both your Atonement books soon, we’ve been waiting for paychecks to start rolling in from hubby’s new job. I am REALLY looking forward to reading the series. Now, I have a question. I have a bit of a hobby of collecting first edition signed books. Would you be willing to sign both Atonement books for me? I’d pay shipping!


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