Copper, the Alchemist, & the Woman in Trousers: Episode 14

What’s in a name?

Last time I promised that this episode would reveal the name of the mysterious Woman in Trousers.  Her name shifted and altered in my mind throughout the week.  But yes, the “things” finally led to the naming of the Woman.  I thought to pay homage to a character from an all but forgotten novella I wrote in my teens. I was quite taken with the name I gave the heroine at the time, although now it seems silly. However, her surname was appropriate to the setting of this serial, so I kept her last name.  No, I’m not going to tell you right now.  (Winks.)

Guy Fabdon? See the Gwydion fab Don myth
Guy Fabdon? See the Gwydion fab Don myth

I’m fascinated with names and their meanings. It’s difficult to reign myself in when I start researching names for characters in my novels. I can spend hours happily digging up a suitable name if I’ve been inspired by mythology (as in Atonement, Tennessee) or pouring over ancient meanings and word origins because I like the meaning of a name to fit the story (as in The Dead of Winter — unpublished, but maybe one day an anime series — yes, I’m dreaming).

Appropriately enough, the “things” for this episode came from Randstein, known to some as Dan, and to a select few as Damnit Dan — I see him laughing now at that unexpected introduction.  The “Damnit Dan” part is a joke. And I, for some reason, feel the need to call him Daniel.  However, some of you might remember seeing him here for my previous serials commenting from Willy Nilly To and Fro, the Philosophy of Inanity.

Dan changed his moniker to Randstein and created a new blog Hyperion Sturm, to explore a different side of his writing than he gave us with “Willy Nilly.”  While I’ve been giving you episodes of my “interactive” steampunk serial, Randstein has shared chapter by chapter a compelling work, In Search of the Garden of Darkness and Light.Randstein

He gives literary voice to stories from his heart and soul.  I once told him that while I write entertainment, he writes literature.  I hope you’ll spend some quality time at Dan’s beautifully, mindfully written blog.

I wish I had been able to find the rich historic background he shared with me about “silk brocade of a white lion,” (one of his things) but it eluded me…  Before that steam locomotive elusively leaves the station, let’s get on track with this episode.  All aboard!

14.  Pen Knife, Indian Head Penny, Brocade of a White Lion

I wondered if my insides might fall out, so jarred was I from the rough ride of the road locomotive.  The green countryside went by in a prolonged blur, so fast did the alchemist propel the road locomotive.  Cornelis’ knuckles were white as he tightly held the controls.  From time to time he cast a worried glance at Copper or at me.  That meant he felt he was doing something that put us in danger.

The unnatural speed at which we traveled had to be risky.  I could tell by his grim face and the faraway look in his eyes that he gave his full attention to every aspect of our journey.  He used his tricks to scan the path ahead for dips and holes that could prove deadly at the speed we traveled.  Meanwhile he cast his senses out in every direction to check for signs of any of our adversaries.

Girl with CherriesI reminded myself that there were three sets of foes, not just the group with the hydrofoil.  We seemed to have left the woman commander, her crew, and their tracking chimpanzee behind.  However, the other two groups might be anywhere.  I scanned the landscape anxiously, but everything ran together because we were moving so quickly.

When my eyes moved again to the alchemist’s face, I had another fear.  His complexion was gray.  Even the alchemist must have his limits, I told myself.  What would happen if he severely overtaxed his energy?  Cornelis had used a great deal of vitality, being in two places at once, to gather information about our adversaries.  I decided we had traveled far enough to safely take a break.  Else Cornelis might break.

We stopped amid several sweet cherry trees, heavily laden with fruit.  I climbed onto one of the tall back wheels of the little steam engine so I could reach into the branches.  Taking a pearl handled pen knife from my trousers pocket I gathered the bountiful cherries.Pen knife

Shamelessly, I leapt to the ground.  I wouldn’t have been able to do that if I wore a voluminous skirt, bustle, and corset!  Why women put up with wearing such things all day every day, was beyond me.  Yes, I did have a weakness for pretty things, including gowns.  However, who would wear such things (especially corsets) all the time, when practical, comfortable trousers were to be found?

A smile spread across my face when I saw Copper had climbed a nearby tree.  The sun shone warmly on the bright hair that resulted in her name.  Arms and legs wrapped haphazardly around branches, she ate cherries right there in the tree.  She was lucky to be too young to have to contend with the culturally required fashions of the day.  I wondered if as she grew into womanhood she would rebel against foolish social norms as I did.

Cornelis was unexpectedly at my elbow.  His sudden appearance startled me, as it often did.  That never failed to amuse the alchemist.  His bushy blonde eyebrows bobbed and a smile played on his lips.

“You were supposed to be resting,” I chided.  “You still don’t look well.  Where did you get to so quickly?” I asked the Dutchman.

“I was just doing a bit of reconnaissance; checking the area for signs of anyone we might not want to see,” he answered.  “Call it intuition if you will, but something tickles at the edge of my awareness.”

1924 Little Dipper Champagne adHe leaned against the locomotive and stared absently at the treetops.  Suddenly he became rigid.  Without moving a muscle he whispered, “Quick.  Give me that knife!”

An emerald aura suddenly engulfed the alchemist.  Cornelis took the folded pen knife and its white mother of pearl handle reflected the green glow.  He drew back his arm and threw the knife.  It sailed end over end high into the trees with a whirring sound.  As it disappeared from view I heard a soft thud followed by the rustling sound of something falling.

The Dutchman and I ran toward the trees.  Copper was still playing in the tree she climbed and didn’t appear to notice what we were doing.

We stopped at the fallen body of a raven.  It reeked with the odor of carrion it had eaten.

“Is it dead?” I asked.

“No, it shouldn’t be.  Although it is stunned,” the Dutchman replied.

There was blood on the bird’s beak, but I didn’t think it was from its most recent meal.  It held a bit of fabric from a white crinoline.

The alchemist and I exchanged wondering looks.  “So,” I began in a speculative tone.  “This raven attacked the woman who led the group on the hydrofoil.  That should mean at least two of the three groups are actively working against each other,” I said and Cornelis nodded with raised eyebrows and a pursed mouth as he pondered the idea.

Basil Gill (1877-1955) as Ignatius Belle
Basil Gill (1877-1955) as Ignatius Belle

“Coincidentally, the raven protected Ignatius when it attacked the vessel following him,” I continued.

“Or perhaps not so coincidentally,” the Dutchman answered to my annoyance.  “The raven might well belong to Belle.”

Have I said Cornelis Drebbel could be insufferable?  If I took one step forward as far as his attitude about Ignatius Belle, then I took two steps backward.  My lips tightened as I paced, trying to control my temper.  Normally I’m not so irritable, but I was exhausted, and the events of the past days had been utterly distressing.

“And look at this,” Cornelis said quietly as he removed a tiny brass cylinder attached to the bird’s leg.

He extracted a small strip of rolled parchment from the cylinder and read it silently.  I asked what the message was.  Cornelis said it was some sort of code.

“It seems to mention us being at the abandoned church and the direction in which we left.  The way this is written, I can’t be certain if we were actually spotted there or if someone tracked us there.  Either way, they were not far behind us when we left the riverside.  However, given the speed at which we traveled, no one could have kept up with us,” the alchemist said and his expression became pinched.

Lovers Eye BroochIt wasn’t helpful, but once again I spoke before I thought.  “But the bird kept up with us,” I murmured, not intending to be in any way critical of Cornelis — his unique abilities had saved us.

One side of the alchemist’s mouth turned down in a wry expression.  “Yes, it just might have kept pace with us at that.  Perhaps,” he said deep in thought.  “But I took us on a backtracking, convoluted route.  Ravens fly ‘as the crow flies,’ that being directly from one spot to the next.  They have a broad wingspan so they’re fast, but they don’t have the magically enhanced speed that we used.  So it seems more likely that the raven was flying due north from the riverbank, and intersected our path here,” Cornelis suggested.  “It will resume its flight north while we will turn to the west.”

“I neither like nor trust coincidences, but I suppose that is the most likely answer,” I muttered.

The raven began to stir as we turned and walked away.

“I think we can relax for a while now.  This message won’t be delivered,” Cornelis said and the tiny parchment became a flame that burned and was instantly gone.

We walked back to the steam engine.  Copper was still where we’d left her.  “She’s truly a delightful girl,” he commented, following my gaze.  “And such a gorgeous head of hair,” he added with a sidelong glance at me.


I nodded my agreement and smiled, mildly surprised at his words.  Cornelis was more likely to compliment someone’s intellect than their appearance.  Copper looked at us, cherry goo decorating one corner of her mouth.  I chuckled and shook my head.

“The group with the hydrofoil seems to have taken Ignatius Belle’s bait.  I suppose he did a good job of leading them away from us,” the Dutchman added, looking rather surprised to hear himself speak those words.

He stepped up into the road locomotive and sat on its floor, feet dangling boyishly.

“Do you really think he might be working against us, Cornelis?  After all he’s done?” I asked of the tall handsome innkeeper.

My question was only half rhetorical.  Cornelis Drebbel could be churlish, obstinate, and infuriating.  However, I knew full well what a quick mind he possessed.  I would be foolish to completely dismiss his opinion, no matter how unjust I felt it was.

Steampunk Woman pants“Something has been bothering you ever since you shimmered off to the Hixon estate and wherever else you went prowling.  You looked as though you’d had an epiphany,” I said with a perplexed expression on my face.  “Why do you refuse to discuss it?”

“You actually do have a good mind,” he gave me unexpected praise.  “But you really must learn to use it more efficiently.”

Of course he would give a compliment with one hand and take it away with the other.  I sighed in exasperation.

I often thought that after I obtained the skull of Cornelis Drebbel, he felt an odd sense of responsibility for me.  Likewise I felt responsible for him.  I supposed things could be utterly miserable for Cornelis if the wrong person possessed his skull.  I had never used it to coerce him — well, not often anyway.  I had certainly never misused it or caused him discomfort.  I mused that each of us recognized our responsibility to the other.

A faint green glow surrounded Cornelis.  That meant he was ever so lightly touching power.  Perhaps he needed to replenish himself after scouting the area and bringing down the raven, I thought.

Cornelis hopped down from the locomotive.  I heard a tiny metallic ping.  Something seemed to have fallen from his pocket.  However, I knew that the alchemist didn’t tend to carry anything on his person.  He could just reach into that magical void and bring out most anything he needed.  He turned to pick up the small thing from the engine’s floor.  Then he tossed it to me.1864 Indian Head penny

“For luck,” he said as I caught the bright new Indian Head penny.

The sunlight glinted radiantly off the penny.  For a moment I was reminded of the coppery highlights in Ignatius Belle’s hair during that moment when the sun shined down on him in the abandoned church.  It transformed him from a handsome man to one who looked angelic.

When I looked up I saw that Cornelis was watching me intently.  I turned and walked away before he could make another comment about me being “smitten.”


The road locomotive roared up to an iron fence with a large ornate gate.  I felt we were in the middle of nowhere, so I wondered what sort of property lay beyond the gate.  If the iron work was any indication, it was an impressive estate.

Perhaps, I abruptly realized, it was not as remote as all that.  There was a light salt tang in the air.  We were near the Pacific coast.

Iron GateI gazed at the iron, artfully crafted into twists and swirls.  At the center top was the letter W.  As I looked from the massive gate to the alchemist the question must have been plain on my face.

“When I told your dashing innkeeper that I had old family friends in the area, it was no lie,” Cornelis explained.  “Although it wasn’t exactly true to say they were on the way to rescue us.”

During my acquaintance with Corenlis Drebbel I had met few people that he admitted knowing well.  I was quite surprised that he had a friend there, in a place that was so foreign to him.

“Don’t worry.  I sent word that we were coming.  We are expected,” Cornelis reassured Copper and me.

I looked down doubtfully at my travel stained long coat and trousers.  Copper had tiny bits of mud splattered on her face from a large puddle the steam engine crossed.  I took out a handkerchief and wiped her face.  The girl drew back, annoyed.  However, she relented when I reminded her that she was about to meet friends of Cornelis, and should look her best.

The alchemist reached into the large carpet bag Copper packed when we left her home.  It was black with a floral design done in shades of mauve and red.  He produced what looked like a fancy silver dinner bell.  However, I knew it was actually an alchemically amazing device — a harmonic tuner.  He gave it a single ring, and it produced the harmonic tones that inspired its name.  I was sure the Dutchman’s tricks combined with the properties of the tuner to let it be heard much farther away than was natural.Tiffany Arabesque bell

In the distance beyond the iron gate, a large deep gong sounded in answer.  A green aura flickered around Cornelis and the heavy gate swung open.  The green glow intensified when he started the road locomotive.  I felt the steam engine shift and lift slightly.

“Are we levitating?” I asked in surprise.

“Not completely,” the Dutchman replied.  “It wouldn’t do to ruin a fine lawn with tracks from this heavy machine, now would it?”

These people must be special friends indeed, if Cornelis is showing so much concern for the grounds, I thought.

Soon we reached an amazing structure built in the style of a Buddhist temple.  The noonday sun made it seem golden where it sat on the edge of a clear blue lake.  The beauty of the structure and the serenity of the setting left me speechless.

“What a funny house,” Copper said.  “But it’s pretty.  I wonder what it looks like inside.”

Kinkaku-ji, The Golden Pavilion, Kyoto City, Japan
Kinkaku-ji, The Golden Pavilion, Kyoto City, Japan

“You shall soon see,” Cornelis promised with a smile.  “It’s a replica of Kinkaku-ji, the Temple of the Golden Pavilion.

“Kenny-coco-jeez?” Copper attempted the foreign name.

“That’s actually better than my first attempt at saying the name,” Cornelis chuckled.

An attractive Asian man of indeterminable age stepped out of the house to greet us.  His traditionally styled silk robes bore a brocade of a white lion.  He smiled broadly at Cornelis then bowed hastily before hurrying forward.  The two men shook hands and bowed to one another again.

“All my life I heard stories of you, Cornelis Drebbel,” the man gushed.  “It is such a great honor to meet you.  I think a small part of me doubted that my grandfather once possessed your skull.  No dishonor intended to my ancestors, of course.  To finally meet you!  It is an honor indeed.”

Cornelis waved his hand modestly, denying any honor was due him.

“I’ve looked in on your welfare many a time Alastair.  Unfortunately, up until now I have not been able to pay a proper visit,” the alchemist told the man.  “Ladies, I present to you the descendant of the revered Koxinga of the Seas, descendant of Po Tsai — one of my peers in life, and grandson of Sung Wong, this is the illustrious Alastair Wong,” Cornelis announced grandly, causing the other man to blush and protest humbly.Koxinga ship

I murmured what I hoped was something appropriate.  I confess that there was something regal about Mr. Wong’s bearing that brought out my awkward side.  I curtsied in response to his bow.  Copper tried to imitate the bow, causing him to smile and wink.

Cornelis continued the introductions.  “And now I present,” he said with a flourish that caused Copper to giggle.  “The inimitable Miss Copper Hixon, and the irreplaceable Miss Felicity Deringer, who makes my existence bearable,” the alchemist added to my astonishment.

Alastair Wong bowed over my hand and kissed it in a most courtly way.  “Miss Felicity Deringer, it is my great pleasure to meet you.”


Be sure to be at the station next time.  The steam locomotive is on schedule and the route is planned — Next time something is finally revealed about the dashing innkeeper, Ignatius Belle.

We didn’t have a food “thing” this time, so I took “cherry” (on which the pen knife was used) from the beginning of this episode as my recipe item.  I didn’t have to search far for a recipe, because I wanted to feature one of the chefs from a new blog group, The Dinner Party Collective (TDPC).  I heard about this from Suzanne Debrango at A Pug in the Kitchen who is also one of the chefs.  So through TDPC I found Sandra and her cherry trifle at Please Pass the Recipe.

Bon appétit!

Recipe:  Cheat’s Choc Cherry Trifle

Cheats Choc Cherry Trifle

Photo and recipe credit:  Please Pass the



Copyright © 2015 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or from Pinterest unless stated otherwise.








Copyright © 2015 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or from Pinterest unless stated otherwise.

91 thoughts on “Copper, the Alchemist, & the Woman in Trousers: Episode 14

  1. I am really impressed with your writing skills and also with the layout on your blog. Is this a paid theme or did you customize it yourself? Either way keep up the excellent quality writing, it is rare to see a nice blog like this one nowadays.|

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Shelley. It’s great to see you. I’m flattered that you’d re-read. There is a button at the top of the screen for the serial’s homepage. All the episodes are stored there in order, if that’s easier for you.
      Wishing you a wonder-filled new week. Mega hugs.


    1. To be mentioned in the same paragraph as a toilet and not get flushed is an honor! 😀
      Welcome back Shelley. I promise the fun is only just getting started! There’s even a farting green fairy in the future. Don’t work too hard. Hugs!


    1. You’re so kind, Chitra. Thank you.
      Say… you don’t happen to have (an already existing post on your blog) a recipe featuring “porcini mushrooms” do you? (I plan to feature one coming up in a week or two.) Hugs either way. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Most excellently contrived as per usual. I’m rather enjoying this series and the title puts me into the same kind of mood I would feel if watching a turn of the century movie or something. 😀


    1. Why thank you, Kev. That is my intention. 😀
      For my serials, this one is a departure. The others are set in the 1920’s (find buttons for their “homepages” (where all episodes are in one place) at the top of the screen.
      While this one doesn’t get as many “views” it gets a lot more comments (which i love). Thanks for dropping by! Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh Teagan, I am so happy I read this. What a fantastic episode, I just LOVE the name, Felicty Deringer, perfect perfect perfect. Your wonderful story does my heart good, transports me to a happy place. I am loving the Asian pavilion and can’t wait to see where this goes.


  4. Another wonderful episode, Teagan! I don’t know how you do it, but the words seem to flow so beautifully onto the page. And I’m glad to hear you like coming up with names — so do I! Half the fun of writing, I sometimes think. And btw, I’ve been meaning to tell you that I really like your new avatar — very nice, great photo of you! Finally, that recipe? Yum! 🙂


    1. Hi Deb. What a lovely comment to start my day! Thank you so much. 🙂
      Thanks re the picture, you’re too kind. I was using the other one at LinkedIn too, and several months ago changed to this one for the “professional” site. I decided the other one wasn’t a good idea here either. It looks too “sweet” to give me any credibility. Besides… I’m closer to sour than sweet anyway — might as well let the picture be honest!!! 😀
      > Okay my friend — here’s you a little mental challenge about the “Name” thing. Let’s see… What would you name a character who was: a little girl, in a small town, but she is not from that town; she has a pet dog with a curly tail, her eyes are 2 different colors, and she has dirty toes. LOL, okay… give this strange moppet i just pulled together a name. 😀


      1. Okay, my first, “gut” instinct (which isn’t necessarily very good) is … Elizabeth, and I can’t tell you why, but it jus popped into my head. But … Wanda, Sylvie, Ivy and Fanny also come to me in my crystal ball. LOL Okay, now, what name did you give her? 🙂


        1. Hey wait a minute! You’re tossing that back to me??? LOL. Okay, anything to procrastinate going to the office! Bwahahahaha! I do like Elizabeth for her. Ummm what would i call her…??? She’s not from the place where she’s living so something unusual… but the dirty toes call for a certain something too… In one of my “Manuscripts Lost” i had a quirky character named Mavis. So if i have to give her a name other than what you sent…This little girl feels like a Mavis. Mega Hugs Deb — thanks for the morning game!


  5. Well done on the word challenge – brockade of a white lion seemed a tough one. Great pictures as always. My holiday of a lifetime has to be a trip to Kyoto, so the mentioning and picture of the Golden Temple was just the perfect choice.
    I couldn’t resist reading the post – despite the moving and everything going on – your blog should come with a health-warning: It is highly addictive. Happy Monday 🙂


    1. Christoph — you made my day. I think you may have just made my week — to say that amid moving house! (And believe me i know the effort of that, having moved too many times. Though i desperately want to move again…) I’m happy to give you an entertainment break.
      > The difficult “things” are usually the best, and the most fun for me. Especially the “brocade of a white lion” since it let me bring back a younger version of an existing character. Daniel will be happy to know his “three things” were enjoyed so much.
      Mega hugs my friend. 😀


  6. Awesome name and introduced perfectly. I must confess to being watchful for the name of the Woman in Trousers. What a natural way you have of slipping it into the story in such a seamless fashion. The story gets better and better. I always check the three things again after reading for assurance I hadn’t missed them somehow. So much mystery yet. I wonder how the story will progress. I catch up on all my other blogging stuff so I can get a coffee and just enjoy the story here. ❤ ❤ ❤


    1. Oh, thanks so much Tess. I’ll pretend i’m having coffee with you.
      Sometimes the bigger challenge is spreading out the things across enough area to make a decent episode. Other times (if you see a big gap between one thing and the next) it doesn’t exactly mean that “thing” was harder to use, but i might have to work my way to it. If that makes sense.
      LOL, I’m glad i didn’t use The Woman’s name until the end — so many people have confessed to skimming ahead! 😀 i’m delighted and honored that you (and others) were that interested. Mega hugs my friend. ❤ 🙂


  7. Okay you totally know I was wildly scanning through it to find the name, right?!! Love the choice too (as well as your explanation in the post intro about how the name came to be). What’s in a name, indeed! Well done with another captivating installment that cleverly worked in the 3 things. So tell me, as a fan of your writing, do you ever get stuck on any of the ‘3 things’ readers give you? ❤ Love to you, ('s' word,,,, maybe!!), from smiling Christy 🙂


    1. Christy, you are too funny. If only you knew how wrong people are with the “S” word… Unless you mean Sour. 😉 I can be pretty sour…
      > Actually i don’t really get stuck with the “things.” I know sometimes someone will actually try to stump me with the “things” — but those usually end up being easier. Now and then something makes me pause, but only momentarily.
      Sometimes i’m slowed down by research to see if a “thing” fits the era of the story. I try to use any “thing” but i might have to revise one if it doesn’t fit the time. (Although i did find a way to work “microwave” into the 1920’s Three Ingredients serial. I’m rather proud of that.) 😀
      > I sure wish i could say the same for novel writing. Novels and the “three things” seem to come from different compartments in my brain. I’m always getting stuck with the novels… but i think a lot of that comes from stress. If things aren’t going well (work particularly) i just can’t write the novels.
      I’ve even tried to convert a “three things” to whatever novel, but it doesn’t work out so well, trying to combine the pantser with the structured novel…
      Thanks for asking.
      I hope you’ve had a superb Sunday. Mega hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wonderful response here Teagan and I appreciate your taking the time to tell me more about your writing process. I could see why you are proud of the ‘microwave’ being included well in the story! Bravo!
        Aha, now I see why the ‘s’ word is less than your favorite. You have a lovely way about you though in your writing. I hereby take the ‘s’ word off the table and replace it with, well, mega hugs! Thanks too for taking time at my blogs and for all of the friendly support. It’s very nice.


  8. WOW~! I really enjoyed this week’s episode. I just love all the new names introduced, including Dammit Dan Randstein in your intro, Alistair Wong (new to me!) and of course the heroine Felicity Derringer! What fun! My sister is leaving in the morning back to Austin, Texas after a 9-day visit. I just loved visiting with her but it has left me behind on reading my favorite blogs! Mega Hugs and all that to you! ❤


    1. Hi KR. I’m glad to know you had a good visit with your sister. (A lot of people have told me that Austin would be a good place for me BTW, but a job has to come before a move. Maybe. At this point that might change.)
      I’m delighted you enjoyed this episode.
      [Alastair Wong the elder was a minor character (sort of a back story) in both of the Three Ingredients serials. I always felt that the back story for him and the one for Granny Fanny deserved more attention, but where’s the time…?]
      Looking forward to your next delicious and do-able recipe. Mega hugs back! 🙂


  9. David you are too kind. I always look forward to your comments. Early on i realized the time frame would fit for younger versions of Alastair Wong the elder and Granny Fanny (Phanny), and i worked mentioning them into the open crates at the church… and i thought that would be the end of that opportunity. Then the “brocade of a white lion” happily brought me back to Alastair.
    > I think i saw your diary post in my inbox just now — looking forward to catching up with your week. Mega-hugs. ❤ 🙂


  10. Teagan, so happy to be back reading the serial. I’ll catch up to last week’s soon. I’ve been editing a screenplay and the writer has a tight deadline. Such fun though! I have to admit while ready I kept looking ahead for the “name.” And Felicity, what a perfect one you chose. This episode’s 3 things were woven in perfectly. Your creative mind just knows how to do it! And I do love cherries. I’d be in the tree eating away, with Copper. Another incredible episode, Teagan. Thank you! Hugs. Christine


    1. Hi Christine. It’s great to see you. It sounds like you have your hands full.’
      It made me chuckle… I can imagine you hanging out with Copper, eating cherries. 🙂 ❤
      Thank you — your words mean a lot to me. Mega hugs. And don't work too hard.


      1. Teagan, I’m working overtime on this script because it’s fascinating & fun. Of course, I’m studying the how to right along with editing. A whole new world where the story, beginning to end, is only 120 pages!


    1. Thank you so much, Sally. It’s nice to picture you curled up with your cocoa and reading the serial. It’s been a good day for cocoa here too. I’m delighted you enjoyed this episode. Mega-hugs! 🙂 ⭐


    1. Why thank you John. I’m glad “brocade of a white lion” finally prompted a situation where I’d have to say her name! LOL 😀 (Who would have thought that “thing” would go that way, huh? But my mind is… well, let’s face it… my mind is strange!) Huge hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Thank you so much for the kind words, Teagan! :-)! I did have a moment of undignified guffaw when I saw my mother’s favorite “Damnit Dan” cognate of my mischievous and often in trouble self. My mother always dreaded it when I handed her my sippy cup and told her to “watch this!” Her response was always, “Damnit Dan!” The suspense and action builds with every chapter! I think Felicity Deringer could become an immortal heroine like Lara Croft. The picture of her with the pistol on her hip and her exquisite pen knife tell stories yet unwritten. Hugz-N-Thanx! 🙂


    1. Ha! Ah yes… words any parent would dread — “Watch this!”
      😀 Thank you Daniel, and thanks for 3 fabulous “things.”
      As for stories yet unwritten, i’m beginning to wonder what kinds of things Alastair Wong got into before he eventually went back to Savannah. But i think the trio of the title will provide enough adventures for a while. 😉
      Laura Croft? I’m flattered. Huge hugs my friend.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Olga — on both counts. Not sure where you are right now, so thanks for taking a moment to visit here. I finished Midnight Crossing — enjoyed through and through. Thanks for recommending it. Wishing you sunshine. Hugs.


  12. “You don’t have to call me darling, darling! You never even call me by my name!” David Allen Coe. How a person’s name is used has significance and even consequences. Names are important. Another wonderful installment. I especially like the pictures you found for this one.


        1. Oh (light bulb comes on) — now i know why that name was familiar. I think Mary mentioned him to me. I like a lot of country, but I’m kind of “spotty” with what i like of it. Thanks for the link. Cool song. I can imagine it in the background of an argument between “Felicity” and Cornelis. 🙂

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  13. What a great name and cleverly revealed. I’m with Donna, I was fighting the entire time my urge to scan ahead. I am impressed at how fully you are bringing these characters to life over the course of this story.


    1. Thank you Dan. That’s great feedback — because i always wonder (no matter which story or novel) if i’m developing the characters well. Thank you — and thanks for taking a moment to comment. 😀


      1. You have a very good way of revealing information through dialog and observation so that we (at least me) don’t notice that we’re learning something until that ah-ha moment when it clicks. I really enjoy that.


  14. You gave the woman in trousers the perfect name. I can’t see it as anything else now. Great job in using the *Three Things* this week. Love the way you brought in pen knife. Now I want cherries. The recipe looks yummy. Hope the sun is shining where you are.


    1. Do you really think so Mary? Well, thank you. That means a lot to me, especially from you. The cherry recipe seems pretty easy too. I think “The Dinner Party Collective” is going to be an interesting blog group. They have wine people too. Pretty comprehensive. Sunshine super hugs my friend. ❤ 🙂

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    1. Thanks so much Victo — and it’s always so nice to see you. I imagine you as the busiest person out there, so I really appreciate the comment.
      LOL, the long ago character’s name was “Autumn Deringer” — I can’t even remember the story now; a manuscript (fortunately) lost. 😀

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  15. I confess it took everything I had not to scan down to the name, instead I forced myself to read thoroughly and with extreme joy until I naturally came upon the name – and what a name! Perfect choice, Teagan!

    As always, this was wonderful and should do me for another week; I usually pop back and reread it on Wednesday or Thursday to hold me over and keep it fresh in my mind. 🙂

    Thank you, sweetie, hope your weekend is good to you (and Crystal). 🙂

    All the best, always.
    Megahugs. 🙂


    1. Thank you so much Donna!
      Maybe i’ve made too much over the name thing, but it was in good fun — just trying to capture the feeling of old time serials. I’m glad to see you took it in the spirit intended.
      I am sincerely honored that you would read an episode twice.
      >Yes, Crystal is still improving on her grief. She’s started eating again, and today she’s nagged me the entire time i worked at posting this episode — nagged me to play! That’s pretty good for an 8 year old kitty with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. (She always used to be very playful.) Thank you my friend. Mega-hugs. ❤ 😀


      1. I always read them twice, they’re so good and I find new things on the next read. I think we need more waiting, it’s wonderful, all that anticipation! 🙂
        Aww, that’s so sweet that Crystal wanted to play, good for her and glad she’s doing better. They love us most when we’re busy doing something else. 🙂 Hope she keeps getting better. 🙂
        Hope this weekend is good to you both.
        Megahugs! 🙂


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