Check-in and the Good the Bad & the Ugly

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Teagan via Playground


Because of some comments I’ve made to a few people over the past week or two, that I had an extremely difficult task coming up (which was on Friday) I’ve made this unplanned post.  I’m just checking in, on the outside chance that anyone was concerned.  All’s well. More on that task below.

The Good

Happy Father’s Day to all of you dads and granddads out there.

The Bad

Actually, it’s sort of good, in that the task is done.  “The Bad” is my disabilities causing most of it.  It wouldn’t be hard for someone who does not have my overwhelming combination of C-PTSD, General Anxiety Disorder, and agoraphobia.

Another “Bad” is that I overextended the tendon at my big toe while trying to reach something. When you’re as heavy as I am, tippy-tip-as-far-as-you-can tiptoeing is a really bad idea…  So, I had to do that already overwhelming task with a sprained foot, limping and awkwardly hobbling with a cane.  (My alter ego in her blue dress above looks much better and infinitely more graceful than I really am.)

TRULY GOOD: However, my therapist drove all the way down from the other end of the state to go with me.  I’m beyond grateful to her, because I wouldn’t have been able to cope alone.  I won’t go into further detail about it.  The task is just a technicality/legality/everyday sort of thing, but I haven’t been able to accomplish it — despite trying for four years.  

The Ugly

Long ago, I had a manager who when she had been pushed too far, used to warn the staff, “Don’t make me get ugly.” I think I’m channeling her.  How many times have I posted requests for only friendly comments?  I’ve lost count.  So here comes a rant about bullying.

Bullies are cowards, and passive aggressive bullies are the most cowardly of all.  I don’t care how many smiley emojis you put after an insult, it’s still an insult. If a bully insults a person when the person is featured at someone else’s blog, it’s a whole other level of cowardice. (That’s happened in the past too.) If a person has only commented at my blog a couple of times in a dozen years, then they certainly don’t know me well enough to make “joke” insults.  

The comment from the particular person who pushed too far was deleted and they are blocked.  The comment was made Thursday, on my Rabbit Hole short story post (from a couple of weeks ago).  I’m mentioning it today because a sincerely wonderful blogger has planned a post where I’ll be narrating that story.  Since the commenter in question has commented at her blogs in the past, I have a right to be concerned about snarky and probably insulting comments at posts where I’m featured.  

Cue up that music again.

Someone once did a post saying that all southern women are passive aggressive. Frankly, I’m not passive. I really should start a Hall of Shame blog… so don’t make me get ugly.

Comments are closed today.

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Naturally, the obligatory shameless self-promotion must be included.

Speak Chuckaboo:
Slang of the Victorian and Steam Eras

Speak Chuckaboo, Slang of the Victorian and Steam Eras, by Teagan Riordain Geneviene

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Copyright © 2024 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

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